Showing posts with label Beginner's Guide. Show all posts

Tiny Dota 2 How to play safely from behind?

It depends on the situation.

The main thing that you almost always want to do when the enemy team has the lead is avoid giving up any more easy kills

Be very conscious of where you have vision and where the enemy team are (or could be, if you can't see them on the map) and don't put yourself in vulnerable situations. If you're pushing a lane or farming a jungle camp without vision of the routes that the enemy could approach from and you don't see them on the map, that would be a good time to back off!

Blink on Sniper solo mid lane - gank other lanes with efficiency! Dota 2 Build Guide

The thing about laning is Sniper can do well pretty much anywhere, although I wouldn't go with this build in a safelane position, you can though cause I really don't care. However if you are offlane you definitely want the Take Aim maxed out asap, mid you can go either way, and safelane is probably where Headshot will be most effective maxed first. This build focuses on Blink Dagger Blink Dagger so mid will probably be best so you can gank other lanes with efficiency, but then again, other lanes can gank which a lot of people seem to forget. Especially offlaners, see also, Bounty Hunter and Clockwerk . Just remember, you are a delicate midget man and need to play safe, and also flame you teammates until you have wards.

Coming from other MOBA, what do you need to know to enjoy DOTA? Golden Baby Roshan Dota 2

A lot of other MOBAs (well, just really talking about LoL here) have creativity of spells and skills, IMO. Coming into the game, you slowly start learning all of the heroes and what they do. It's what keeps a lot of new people around, just how unique each hero can be.

In DoTA, you have a guy who stops time in a huge dome and he begets free reign there; you have a guy with 3 basic spells which he uses to form other, more powerful spells; a guy who damages all enemy heroes on the map; a guy who disables the enemy for 7 seconds! etc.

 About Items for Lol Players going to play Dota 2 Witch dotor, sniper, phantom assassin, invoker and shadow shaman on radiant team

1) How do you build a character? I know a carry most likely has to duild damage and attack speed but what about the other kinds of heroes? Do intelligence heroes only have to build intelligence or doesn't it work that way? If it helps I come from LoL and I'm probably trying to connect both concepts.

2) How do you usually handle your inventory? You keep buying and keeping things on the stash until you have th full item? What do you do then, call the courier to deliver? Can you get what's on the stash by going to a side shop? I usually buy items when I have money and call the courier right away, leading to a full inventory almost everytime, which doesn't seem very good to me.

My favourite heroes so far are Vengeful Spirit, Death Prophet andRazor . If possible could you explain on how to itemize these champions?

 Is there a difference between Off-lane and Jungling?

Offlane is the long lane, jungling is killing neutral creeps

Offlaners are usually a 3 role meaning they're below a 1 and 2 position player in farm priority. junglers are almost always a support (4 position). however when it gets too rough in the offlane oftentimes they'll go into the jungle to catch up.

Farming in Lane Dota 2 Creep Learn to Farm Guides

So I started to play today and after some bot games decided to go for a normal with limited mode, only good champions for begginers. I picked Tidehunter and since no one called roles, I tried to go mid, but other person went there so I ended up bot with a Witch Doctor. Since he was ranged and he could farm safely, I let him farm and tried to harass the enmies.

Should I have farmed? I come from LoL and usually as a support I don't try to take the farm, but he didn't seem like a carry either...

What are the best anti-rat heroes? Windranger and Juggernaut Dota 2 Heroes Ingame

Seriously though, any hero with a 'split shot' (Medusa, Gyrocopter), any with a target point nuke (Windranger, Keeper of the Light, Pugna) and any creep control/summoner (Chen, Enchantress, Enigma). Laternatively you can pick a hero to shut these heroes down before ether even begin - Bounty Hunter is a great choice if you make it your sole job to bully Nature's Prophet in the jungle, or harass Tinker mid. Any hero that can get the jump on them and shut them down.

 Tips on playing from behind Huskar, Alchemist, Earthshaker Dota 2

Ask yourself what advantages your team has that you can use

If you have a good teamfight lineup, just go fully defensive and try to find the best fight possible - wait for the enemy to push to you and always fight as 5. Don't try to defend every tower if you don't think you'll win the fight - sometimes it's better to let a T2 fall and defend on the high ground instead.

Playing a support in a losing game? Undying Dota 2

Playing a support is pretty difficult because you're expected to pull your own weight while not getting much gold for the effort. If you're in a losing game, your budget is stretched further and it can be an increasingly difficult experience when Phantom Assassin 2 shots you repeatedly.

What's advice for playing a losing support?

 Supporting in noob games

Im trying to learn support, a lot of which includes buying things like Observer WardObserver Ward or Dust of AppearanceDust of Appearance, but I find in noob games my allies dont use or appreciate them. My teamates behave exactly the same whether the jungles are warded or not because they dont use their mini maps. Is there a better way I can contribute more to these games, or find a better environment to improve my supporting skills?

 What is exactly the Dota 2 meta here? Mirana Queen of Pain Dual Lane

I know mid usually has a ganker, but what about other lanes? What are the most common sets for them?

General this is the meta

Solo lane

Hero that needs level 6 fast. This is usually a good ganker. The solo lane can be mid or the hard lane (the one without jungle creeps next to it). The hard laner will hardly make any gold though. Mid is played by a hero that needs both a lot of gold and levels. A strong mid can contest runes.
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