Offlane is the long lane, jungling is killing
neutral creeps
Offlaners are usually a 3 role meaning they're below a 1
and 2 position player in farm priority. junglers are almost always a
support (4 position). however when it gets too rough in the offlane
oftentimes they'll go into the jungle to catch up.
The differences have already been explained to you, but there's a reason
you may have been confused. If a lane is really rough on an offlaner,
many of them have a way to easily farm the jungle instead:
Nature's Prophet,
Lone Druid,
Enigma (when he isn't in the
jungle to start off with), and so on. This is especially prevalent in
pro games. In pubs offlaners don't usually get shut down so badly, and
after a change a few patches ago offlaning became a lot easier. But
still, often enough an offlaner will start farming the jungle early on.
Some picks for the offlane are less common now partly because they can't
move to the jungle easily:
Bounty Hunter,
Elder Titan,
It depends on the hero
Clockwerk is a hero that wants to be around the
map and get kills, but someone like
Elder Titan has no ganking potential
so he just wants to soak up XP and get as much gold as possible and be
ready for team fights when the time comes. heroes are not defined by
their best role, but rather their own qualities.
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