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This Guide will show you where the treasures are and how to get to them.
Treasure Map Guide (14 Complete) By TyBrent

Ancient Treasure Map I

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Map Guide

This treasure is located South East of Neuhof. Once at the camp follow the path up hill to get to the burned down site. Head deeper into the woods and you will find a grave with the loot inside.

Ancient Treasure Map II

This treasure is located South of Sasau. When the river stops head south and you will see a giant rock like the one on the map. Countinue south until you run into the cave there. There is a loot bag inside the cave and a grave to be dug up that contains some herbs.

Ancient Treausre Map III

This Treasure is located just North of Uzhitz. Head North of Uzhitz untill you see the mill, head west from there until you see the tree like the one on the map. There will be a grave to dig up.

Ancient Treasure Map IV

Located East of Sasu, this treasure is also right next the a camp. Circle the ruin and you should see a spot you can walk on in order to get into the building. There will be a locked chest with the easy difficulty.

Ancient Treasure Map V

Located North West of Skalitz, this treasure is located at a deer hunting post. Head up stream from Skalitz then West to get to the deer hunting ground. The chest here is very difficult.

Treasure Map III

Located West of Monastery. Cross the river West of Monastery and continue up stream until you run into two abandoned log cabins. There is one chest near each cabin, one being an Easy and the other being a Very Hard.

Treasure Map V

Located South East of Merchojed. Head to the end of the river near Merchojed and continue up stream until you find a fallen tree on the river. Take a few step past the fallen tree and head North West into the forest where you will find a well and a sack inside.

Treasure Map VI

Treasure Map XI

Located between Ledtchlco and Sasu. This treasure is inside a cave but bare in mind that there are two caves around this location and only one has the treasure.

Treausre Map XII

Located South East of Rattay. Follow the river South of Rattay untill you see a path that heads into the forest. Along the path you will see some abandoned gardens and some ruins. Head directly South from the ruins up the hill and you will find an abandoned log cabin with a Hard chest inside.

Treasure Map XVII

Treasure Map XVIII

Treasure Map XIX

Located in Sasau, the treasure here is in a grave on the river.

Treasure Map XXIV

Located North East of Skalitz. Follow the road North East from Skalitz until you find a hut with a shrine near by. Continue along the road and you will see a farm to the East. Head West from the farm into the open field and you will see a grave

 Kingdom Come: Deliverance Clinch mechanics   Posting as Dota Soul

Short guide to help you understand clinch mechanics. Clinch mechanics By BuyOk


Sorted out how clinch works and want to share this info with beginners. As it is not described in in-game help notes, might be useful for those who just started the game.

To get in a clinch you need to close the distance with your opponent which triggers clinch automatically.

To win the clinch you HAVE to press one of the attack buttons as soon as possible after getting in a clinch (main attack- LMB, peircing/alternative attack - RMB or special attack - F).

Chances of winning the clinch depend on the difference between yours and your opponent strength and perks (maybe from the type of an armor and general combat skill).

So don't think you do something wrong when you lose all clinches at the beginning. I've started to get an upper hand in some clinches when i hit 10-12 strenght and got the "Clinch Master" perk in the strength tree.

Here is the description of the possible attacks in a clinch:


Main - push in head with left hand
Piercing - knee kick to the head
Special - twist the elbow

Weapon with no shield

Main - kick and push
Piercing- hit with the fist/handle of a weapon
Special - push with hand

1h + Shield

Main - kick and push
Piercing- hit with the handle of a weapon
Special - hit with the fron edge of a shield


By now you have probably seen the secret characters in the COD WW2 zombies menu but how exactly do you unlock them? In this guide I'm providing exact unlock requirements for each of the characters that include the Mountaineer, Survivalist, BAT Elite, Assassin and a few others.

Players will be pleased to know that unlocking new characters takes a fair amount of skill. Challenges range from simple things such as defeating the Panzermorder boss or building the Tesla Wonder Weapon by round 6, to harder challenges such as surviving until round 30 without going down and even completing the main hardcore Easter Egg SOLO (saving Klaus). The hardest character to unlock is going to be the Assassin whilst the easiest is the BAT Agent.

In total there are 6 secret characters to unlock in The Final Reich and more will be added with DLC maps in the future. These characters provide a cosmetic appearance boost only, but in doing so, they're a great way to show off your skills in public matches when other players may not have been fortunate enough to unlock them.

How To Unlock All Secret Characters in WWII Zombies

How to change/find your character

Changing your character is a simple process. In the zombies "Lobby" menu select the button at the bottom of the screen which reads "Select Character". A little side screen appears to the left with a list of selectable characters.

Any characters with a ??? have NOT been unlocked yet and you will have to complete their unlock requirements before they can be selected, even in local play.

How To Unlock All Secret Characters in WWII ZombiesHow To Unlock All Secret Characters in WWII Zombies

What are those Sets?

Before we go any further let's take a moment to discuss Character "Sets". Every unlockable character is comprised of a character set and players have to complete each "Part" of the set to fully unlock a secret character.

For example, you would have to unlock parts A, B, C, D, E of the Mountaineer Set to fully unlock this secret character. If you had only found parts A, B, D, then you would still need to complete the objectives for C and E which would include surviving 25 rounds in Prologue and surviving 25 waves without unlocking the secret room in Prologue.

As you complete each objective (shown below) an on screen message appears saying "Hidden Objective Complete".


Unlock Requirements


  • Part A, B, C, D, E - Random reward for killing the Treasure zombie.

This character can be unlocked by collecting Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, and Part E of the Zombie Hunter set. This set is obtained by killing the Treasure Zombie that appears randomly throughout Nazi Zombies. Different pieces will randomly drop and can be picked up to be added to your collection.


Unlock Requirements

  • Part A - Survived 30 waves without going down in Final Reich.
  • Part B - Survived 30 waves without using Blitz in Final Reich.
  • Part C - Survived 30 waves without turning on the power in Final Reich.
  • Part D - Survived 30 waves with only starting weapons in Final Reich.
  • Part E - Survived 30 waves with only two Mystery Box purchases in Final Reich.


Unlock Requirements

  • Part A - Survived 20 waves without opening doors in Final Reich..
  • Part B - Survived 20 waves without opening doors and without going down in Final Reich.
  • Part C - Survived 25 waves in Prologue.
  • Part D - Survived 25 waves without going down in Prologue..
  • Part E - Survived 25 waves without unlocking the secret room in Prologue.

Slayer (Assassin)

Unlock Requirements
Slayer (Assassin)
  • Part A - Defeated the Panzermorder by wave 12.
  • Part B - Defeated the Panzermorder without upgrading weapons.
  • Part C - Defeated the Panzermorder with no Blitz.
  • Part D - Defeated the Panzermorder without going down.
  • Part E - Defeated the Panzermorder without Specials, Mods or Consumables.

B.A.T Agent

Unlock Requirements
B.A.T Agent
  • Part A - Killed a Treasure Zombie for the first time.
  • Part B - Defeated the Panzermorder for the first time.
  • Part C - Survived 25 waves in Final Reich.
  • Part D - Unlocked the weapon upgrade station for the first time.
  • Part E - Assembled the Tesla Gun by wave 6.

Seasonal Ranked Update

How does Dota 2 Seasonal Ranking work?The new Seasonal MMR system took effect Nov. 22, 2017. The first season will last from November 2017 to May 2018.

Before you make another thread in ALLCAPS about how Dota 2 is ruined, dead, dying, etc. first...take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Your MMR has not been deleted and it has not disappeared.

This update is an overhaul of the ranked matchmaking system in Dota 2. It will simply be displayed differently.

Before moving on to the next section, it is highly imperative that you locate your towel. Once your towel is in your possession, you can use it to wipe away any saline liquids that may have accumulated around your ocular cavities if you have just now heard about the new MMR update. Remember, if you're gonna survive out there, you've really got to know where your towel* is.

Dota 2 dragon knight DK Dota 2 basic guides gloss over

Basic shortcuts you probably don't know:

  • [Alt+click] pings the map with a "!".
  • [Ctrl+Alt+click] does a warning ping with an "X".
  • [Ctrl+bottle hotkey] uses a charge on an allied hero when you click on them, cannot transfer runes.
  • [Ctrl+ward hotkey] transfers 1 ward to the allied hero when you click on them.
  • Clicking tango on a hero transfers 1 tango to that hero.
  • [Alt+click] enemy hero on top bar sends a hero missing message.
  • [Alt+Ctrl+click] enemy hero on top bar messages that hero has returned.
  • [Alt+click] a spell sends a message whether it is currently "on cooldown", "not enough mana" to cast, or "ready" to use.
  • [Alt+click] an item in your inventory also sends "on cooldown"/"not enough mana"/"ready" message, in addition to a "gather here" message for aoe items that are ready to use.
  • [Alt+click] an item in the shop menu sends a message that you will buy that item.
  • [Alt+enter] after picking a hero pre loads it into the game to lessen start game lag.
  • [Alt+ability hotkey] toggles auto-castable skills on and off.
  • [Ctrl+ability hotkey] to level up the ability.
Attack clicking on an ally resets tower targeting, so if you are being hit by tower shots, spam the attack command (not just right clicking, actually using the A key and clicking) on any ally and the tower will switch to attack the nearest target instead of you. This works on units anywhere on the map. Also if an ally has aggro and you want to take it off him, you can direct it to yourself by attack clicking any enemy hero on the map, potentially saving your team mate.

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