Showing posts with label Guild Wars 2. Show all posts

Guild Wars 2 - I feel you sis. When I am tired of everything irl the place to relax is Guild Wars 2.

I feel you sis. When I am tired of everything irl the place to relax is Guild Wars 2.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 11:32 AM PST

It's time for Infiltration. (Episode 2 Hype)

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 11:40 AM PST

Anet with their trailer foreshadowing...

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:54 AM PST

Operation: Get New NA Players a Mount

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 11:00 AM PST

On Saturday, March 3rd, 9PM EST(2 hours after daily reset), Zhaitan's Embrace [ZE] will be running an event to get new Path of Fire owners their mounts, without them needing to use their level 80 boosts.


I've seen it come up on this subreddit a couple times whether or not using a level 80 boost to get yourself a mount is worth it, but it's completely unnecessary because if you have somebody to run the Path of Fire prologue for you while you tag along, you still get your raptor by the end.


So if you have Path of Fire but no level 80 to get a mount with yet, log on at the mentioned time and contact Omior.2385 or HipolasCage.1257 and we'll get you your raptor, all that it will take is a little bit of your time. (If you know of more users that fit this description, feel free to send them our way as well!)


EDIT: We will also try to divide people into two categories, those who just want the raptor with as little in the way of plot spoilers as possible and those who would like the raptor and also some context for what is going on in the story so far. We'll do our best to oblige both groups by giving a plot summary but only to those that want it.


EDIT 2: And if you have friends that you think you could use this as a selling point for them to get the expansion and try GW2, remember that the GW2FRIENDSHIPS code will still be valid until past this event, so if they're willing to try GW2 out for 25% off and a mount almost immediately after purchase for leveling, we can help make that happen!

submitted by /u/MoonNeophyte
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New Forum Avatars

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:47 PM PST

[Art] Revenant Selena

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:10 AM PST

Wait, which MMO am I playing, again? (PRAISE JOKO)

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:57 AM PST

[Spoiler] Upcoming Map Name ? (German)

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:16 PM PST

So the Website used for their Episode 2 Trailer an image which shows the upcoming? Map name in the achivmentsection.

Spoiler - click me

The name is (in German) "Sandgepeitschte Inseln"! In english it could be something like: "sand-swept islands" or maybe "sand-scourged-islands".

If this information is already Leaked, please let me know. :)

submitted by /u/Daskan
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"Fear Not This Night" from the Trailer (FanMade extract)

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:10 PM PST

The Commander And The Marshal

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:04 AM PST

Saturday Tour Of HoT

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:45 AM PST

Tour of HoT; Saturday 3 March starting 5pm Server Time (that's 11am CST in the US); North American Server. It's a full day run but easily a month's worth of solo struggle in that day ;)

The only WP you need is Shipwreck Peak in Verdant Brink, I won't call another we've not run under. Basic Glide is the only required Mastery and will get you 95% of everything. It's moderately pace, helpful and laid back and we try very hard not to leave any peeps behind. It will open all of Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths and the non-Meta portion of Dragons Stand. And I provide helpful food and utility buffs along the way plus Hero Banners.

360 Hero Points - basic glide gets you 350

50+ Mastery Ponts -Basic Glide gets you 45+

All Waypoints opened

Some AP Achievements like Disco Cave & Golden Chicken

Some hard to find Vistas & PoI

Good Loot and XP farm along the way

I'll post it on LFG/Open World/Verdant Brink at around 4:30pm Server Time (10:30am CST). I'll Repost on LFG/Open World as we enter each area. *****When the squad fills it will come off LFG so get there early if your heart's set on it! Please don't spam my mail/chat.

The whole run is 8'ish hours but that includes regular scheduled breaks.

If you can't make this one I'll be doing this first Saturday of every month for at least the next couple months.

And it's free, tips are absolutely not required!

submitted by /u/Trixi_Morrigna
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Did we spoil the dps classes?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:21 AM PST

Yesterday I was at some dhuum runs with KP ranging from 10 to 30.

I main mesmer, every build, so naturally I am always forced to chrono.

What I noticed is that no DPS wanted to do green in almost any of the pugs.

This made me ask myself: Did we spoil the DPS classes to sit on the boss and let the rest of the party handle the mechanics of every encounter? (Besides the random ones and sabetha's cannons of course).

There is no conclusion more natural than chronogreen please.

Edit: for context reasons, single druid + druid or aura kiter, only PUG runs yesterday.

submitted by /u/GarrettheGreen
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[eS] Updated Base Banner Warrior

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:08 AM PST

Hey warrior mains,

after the most recent 'Spellbreaker' post, I want to complete the part around 'Base Banner Warrior' and share some numbers with you.


Weapons DPS Link
Gs + Axe / Axe + Throw Bolas 28.844 Link
Gs + Axe / Axe + Kick 28.308 Link
Axe / Axe + Mace / Shield 27.490 Link


Gs + Axe / Axe:

Axe / Axe + Mace / Shield:


  • Gs + Axe / Axe is perfect for power encounters with burst phases like KC, where you don't need to bring any additional CC (Chronomancer Moa's should be sufficient). 'Throw Bolas' pulls slightly ahead over 'Kick' as the better choice for all 'Base Banner Warrior' setups due to you having only 1 physical slot skill and then 2 Banners in the other utility slots. The result is a small increase of the 'Peak Performance' uptime over the fight. If you are able to share Banners with another warrior though, take Bull's Charge, Kick and an additonal Banner instead. ('Throw Bolas', '1 Banner' and 'Signet of Fury' + Assassin Boots + Backpack if you dont have 'Spotter')

  • Axe / Axe + Mace / Shield is the perfect choice for hard CC encounters like Sloth and Samarog. You are always able to predictably swap to Mace/Shield to do your cc and be right back on Axe / Axe to continue your DPS. Same as before with Throw Bolas over Kick, with Throw Bolas being the better option if you don't need the additional CC. This is probably the only build where 'Superior Sigil Of Severance' on Mace / Shield gives a small advantage compared to other sigils.


  • Take 'Healing Signet' over "To the Limit!" for a better 'scholar' uptime, if you don't need to start with full adrenaline, or don't need extra adrenaline at the current boss.

  • Replace 'Signet Of Rage' with "Rampage" for a bunch of extra cc.

Check us out:

If you have any specific questions leave them in the comments.

See you ingame!

submitted by /u/Moorbazan
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Just sharing my friendship story

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:20 PM PST

I created a tumblr to join the friendship posting and giveaway, but didn't figure out that my tags wouldn't be shown when searched because it's too new of an account in time to post it anywhere else.

But I did want people to see it because I'm really happy with our story and my post~

-yes I realize this isn't a contest entry, but I'm a little sad no one will see it so I wanted to share it here-

submitted by /u/leanhoa
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[POOF] Map exploration Train (NA): Wayfarer Foothills 3/2/18 @ 8:30PM PST New players encouraged to join!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 11:49 AM PST

Hey all!

We had a lot of fun learning last week about what does and does not work for a map completion event, and we're changing gears ever so slightly! We're moving forward with map exploration events where we'll unlock all Waypoints, most POIs, Vistas and HPs, along with any mini dungeon or jumping puzzle achievements in that map!

Unfortunately due to the massive time commitment, we won't be able to focus on getting hearts, and probably wont focus on small local events, so it's something you can work on between the weekly train! :D

Like always, we encourage fresh, brand new players to not be afraid to join us and would love to have people join our event discord at for updates on future community events! (Along with hanging out in VOIP during said events)

Vets are welcome too if you're trying to find an excuse to work on mapping, along with ideas of map achievements that I forget about!

See you tomorrow! :D

submitted by /u/Alennia
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Power Scourge PvP One Shot Compilation [vid]

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:54 AM PST

Moment of Appreciation

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:32 AM PST


So I'm a lurker on this sub Reddit and rarely comment or post. I've been playing gw2 pve since POF now. I don't touch PvP or WvW so can't speak for that.

For the developers

Before a bug in the system comes out, just wanted to thank the people there at arenanet for their hard work.

Game development is a tough job and appreciation from the community would make the developers day!!

I honestly get the impression that the devs care about the community (and can't say that of other mmos).

I know there will be some people in the community who feel there are issues with the game or the devs could do things differently but please keep in mind that the game has no subscription yet is amazing in comparison to other mmos (in my mind anyway). And despite low staff numbers (I think?), we have devs who try their best and are so passionate!

For the community

The community in game (t4 fractals and pve) has been so helpful to me. Always a kind soul in LA to answer my noobish questions and help with POF story (eater of souls, looking at you!!)

Real life is stressful and it's soooo relieving being able to chill in AB or DS metas and have nice conversations.

Shout-out to the gw2 redditors!

Been amazed with the long insightful responses to my noob posts asking for help with fractals or pve. Some people have even personal messaged me guides!!!

Cheers kind souls

submitted by /u/jpredd
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ArenaNet Forum Chats starting on 15th of March

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:14 AM PST

Here is some more info on the planned AFC series on the official forums:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said: Here's an update for you on the ArenaNet Forum Chats. As you can see ~glances at calendar~ it's now the end of February, but don't worry -- we have not forgotten this concept, and we intend to start the series very soon! In fact, I think the reason for the adjustment in the inaugural chat will be apparent when you read on...

What's in store? I'm glad you asked. :D

We've been talking internally, and reading your thoughts specifically about the AFCs coupled with your general feedback, as well. This has led us to a few ideas:

  • It would be great if the first ArenaNet Forum Chat focuses on Living World Season 4, Episode 2. This would fulfill a pretty broadly expressed request, that in addition to the wonderful Dev Celebrations on the day of an episode's release, we also have another conversation opportunity a bit later, after you've had a chance to play the episode and come up with feedback, questions, ideas, and such. I'll reach out to the Ep 2 Team tomorrow and see who's on board, then fill you in later on who will be participating.

  • The series will take place about monthly, as opposed to bi-weekly, because we agree with what some of you shared: A monthly cadence will fit better in the developer schedule and will be more productive and meaningful. (I already have a nice idea for the topic of April's chat. :) )

  • We'll kick off the AFC series on Thursday, March 15. We're thinking that it may be good to have a focused hour or two of conversation -- that is, responding to forum posts -- over a couple of days, rather than one chat on a single day. This will depend on the developers' schedules, of course, but it sounds as if this is a solid option that may even offer the ability to get back to a question the second day, if a dev wants to check into something in order to respond or if someone is available only on one of the two days.

  • We'll have a way to gather questions, so that if you cannot attend during the AFC, you still may be able to post your comment or question. The chat will have a solid end time, of course, but we'll be sure to preserve all questions and answers afterwards.

The logistics -- where, who, when, that sort of thing -- will come later, but for now, I hope you find this information of interest, and I look forward to seeing a whole bunch of you during the chat.

submitted by /u/rude_asura
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[Art] I draw my GF Mesmer, what do you think?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:04 AM PST

It'still needs background, and I don't have working scanner sadly wright now but feedback is welcome.

What sort of background would fit? Add Mesmer butterflies around ?

submitted by /u/bigwhiteshogun
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I thought GW2 didn't have healers?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:43 PM PST

Just coming back to GW2, but it seems like Ranger Druid is a healing class? Is there a trinity in GW2 now? At launch I thought the philosophy was no trinity - everyone can heal. Just curious what changes/additions were made and how they apply to PvE/PvP

submitted by /u/Tiktoor
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Food recipes are in desperate need of a rebalance

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:50 PM PST

These two are particularly bad, but there are plenty of others (see: most HoT foods, many older living world foods).

submitted by /u/throwmeawayokokokok
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Deadeye Rifle pvp/roaming compilation

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:38 PM PST

What do you love most about your class/spec?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:51 PM PST

I don't know shit about what any of the ones that I don't play actually do, but all of them look cool as hell. So I want to know what you guys think the best parts about playing them are.

submitted by /u/RegretDesi
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Guild Wars 2 - Probably the best-timed screenshot I have ever taken

Probably the best-timed screenshot I have ever taken

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:37 PM PST

The LS4: Episode 2 Banner Looks Awesome (And Joko Got A Staff Upgrade)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:23 AM PST

The coolest splash screens GW2

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:02 AM PST

Living World Ep. 2 "Bug" in The System, Highlands "Termite"

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:24 PM PST

The Place of Scourge in PvP

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:39 AM PST

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Scourge. The DPS is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical Guild Wars 2 most of the DPS will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also the Scourges nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal gameplay draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The Scourge Mains understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plays, to realise that they're not just requiring large amounts of skill, they say something deep about GW2. As a consequence people who dislike Scourges truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the DPS in the Scourges existential catchphrase "i spam aoe's and shit dies all over the place" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Scourge tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 ELO points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

submitted by /u/BlueCrowNN
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Told my husband friendship submitting was untill 7am tomorrow (Europe) based on USA rules -.-

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:32 PM PST

But it's not! Apparently USA and Europe have a different timestamp for the contest to end. And we here had untill this morning. He has been working 14 hours a day for the past 6 weeks and had 0 time to post before. And he wanted my comments. So since we're not eligable to submit am going to post it here. Because he wrote an awesome story about how we met and it's worthy of sharing. (And I'm kinda pissed off about this time submitting bs.)

Here is what he wrote:

Well...Once upon a time, almost 10 years ago, our little u/Efrima got a game as a gift from his cousin. On the cover of this magical onyx box, golden letters spelled "Guild Wars", accompanied by pictures and scrolls about epic quests and deeds.

The first time he stepped into this "world of Guild Wars", seeking adventure, u/Efrima stepped out of the outpost of Ascalon, traveling all around, looking for other heroes to team up with. "Where is everyone?" he asked, not sure when he got into.

Noticing the confusion, his cousin took him under his care and introduced him to an amazing group of heroes and taught him everything he needed to know.

While Mister Cousin's service was valued and appreciated, his soul yearned for other destinations and he belonged elsewhere.

And so it has come to the solitary existance of young Efri in Tyria - many life long friendships were forged during those ancient times and have lead us to many many wonderful years post searing ;)

Sophia, Lucan, Gaia, Arutha, Kenneth, Jerry, Amber, Linda and many other wonderful brave souls have stood their ground in our mighty alliance of old. Songs were sung around campfires. Lands were protected and princess consumed by magical forces. What's more, trye friends were made, a family and destinies were undoubtedly forged.

Countless adventures have been experienced, and mighty guilds fought each other in the mists in search of glory. We saved 3 different continents from certain doom, and have acquired a temporary peace in the north. 250 years into the future, and the descendants of our heroes take on the call to arms while starting to form unlikely alliances in order to fight the looming threat of the elder dragons.

The guild of Black Dragon has bore many names in the past. Yet matter did it not. Its brave members have gathered once more from all across the globe and started actively contributing to the cause.

On the golem-powered-communications-server, heard u/Efrima countless voices. Some familiar, some new.

Efryr, our hero (by now not so little anymore) befriended the group of newcomers & veterans and together they formed a mighty war-krewe.

In charge of this communications-server, was the enchanting voice of the Asura-Queen Suzi.

Old players and new forged great friendships together. The two Asuras - Efryr and Suzi, grew very fond of each other and did almost everything in Tyria together. Some role-playing ensued, communications magically went beyond the borders of Tyria and leaped onto bizarre forms such as Sky-pe and Wha-tsa-p. Soon enough travel plans were set and the enrolled in yet a bigger adventure :P

Hundreds of hours of Skype video chatting, thousands of whatsapp conversations, 7 visits, 2.6 years and countless adventures later, and here we are ;)

We've had, and keep having tons of fun together :P

What's funny is, that even all these years ago, in GW1, she was still around! She came into the guild a bit later, but we never really got to talk for some reason...We got around to talking and spending time together only as GW2 came out! :D

Furthermore, the leaders of the guild, plus some of the other guildies were some of her best friends...and I knew them even before the both of us met! haha

Kirsten, the game, Lucan and our guild, have got me through some rough times and always gave the feeling of family and a shoulder to lean on. These are the kinds of connections you dare not and can not trifle with :)

Even two years further, things are moving fast! Never a dull moment and our adventures never cease!

I fully moved to The Netherlands "realm" and am currently under royal evaluation... I hope they recognize my past experience in the royal Tyrian guard! Our family grew a bit fluffier with the help of Moxxi ( Our flaming shiny Toller doggo guardian) and last summer we've constructed Castle Sweetfyre up to it's full glory :) (well, under construction, but still...Koptev will be proud! There's even an Armory! :P).

And more importantly, a journey that begun with simple curiousity and thirst for adventure, had left us immensely richer in wonderful shared experiences, friendships and love. - 2018 begun with the official creation of the 'House of Sweetfyre' ;)

Guild Wars and Arenanet have shaped our lives in more ways we can possibly count. We can never thank you enough.

Thank you for reading and now quit it! It's time to go save Elona from bugs! ;)

submitted by /u/Kuess
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Guild Wars 2 soundtrack appreciation.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:31 PM PST

After Fear Not This Night cover, I think I had to make this post.

I was sad when Jeremy Soule left the franchise after so many years, but it didn't take much time to realise that we have a legendary musician as a gift.

Thank you Maclaine Diemer, thank you for the amazing music you've created so far. I've downloaded Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire soundtracks on Spotify and they're my favourites on my daily commute.

submitted by /u/Yubermis
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why do i get more gold AFKing at Akili then t4 fractals or champion bounties?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:53 PM PST

in 5 minutes, you get about 10 exotic bags, each containing rare gear and lots of masterwork, and chances at exotic weapons selling for 5-15g each, and the general drops ofc, vs 30 mins at working hard at fractals, which gives you like 10 gold if you're lucky and 60g of ascended armor every week, or bounties that give like 2 gold in that same time but you actually have to put effort to survive and traverse the entire map? huh?

Nevermind you then can afk at sunspear greathall and palawdwan inbetween Akilis

All of my friends now find all the content in gw2 to be unrewarding vs afking Istan, and as someone who enjoys doing a variety of content i feel sad now that my friends have to be dragged along as they lose precious Istan time

the effort:reward ratio is very messed up atm, Istan really needs a nerf

submitted by /u/DankGnomeChild420
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Things to do after fractals?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST

I'm full ascended and after I have done my daily t4 fractals i feel like ive done all the content for the day. What are some things people do for fun to spice the game up a bit?

submitted by /u/Aclypsia
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I see mesmers that are vrry deceptive, any guide online for emulating this myself?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:19 PM PST

Im looking to up my mesmer game and i see mesmers fighting and sometimes i dont even know which is the player. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.

submitted by /u/Sativian
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Dungeon etiquette? Level 40 keep getting kicked from level 30 dungeon by groups.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:35 AM PST

So the first dungeon opens at level 30 but it seems only lvl 80's run it and kick anyone that isn't level 80. Whats up with that?

submitted by /u/sp3kter
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Arcane outfit : advice?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:13 PM PST

Hello! I would like to purchase an outfit which could work (hopefully) on all my characters. I've got a female sylvari mesmer, a male norn ele, a female asura necro and a charr male guardian. What I like about the Arcane outfit, is the "not over the top" look of it and it's pretty much one of the only way (as I know of!) to have a clothed look on a heavy class like the guardian. What I would like to know is for the people who own it, does it look weird on a charr? It can be hard to judge only from images and the preview window :). Or maybe would have better recommandations?

submitted by /u/GoneAtSea
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An interesting parallel I noticed

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:58 PM PST

Anet pls redesign AI to concentrate on character with max toughness during 5 man content also, come on we have healer now. pls

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:56 PM PST

So this mechanics I know happens in raids, and I love tanking as a warrior as my group allows me to do. I really feel even 5 man instances can get benefit from this a lot with defensive cools, and dedicate healers available now it is such a blast to play as a tank in this game.

please have this mechanic at least in next expac Anet, it give so much organization and team management with groups especially if in T3-T4. with a dedicated healer it is such a breeze and feels so rewarding.

warrior is a real blast to play with mace shield and full PTV gear and trinkets and runes. I recommend anyone who feels to try it out and have fun do a warrior tanking and see you wont go back, same with Guardian but you will need a dedicated healer though.

This trinity shouldn't be mandatory but, don't restrict people. the amount of customization interms of gameplay is just very good in this game and other behemoth MMOs of the market feels so restrictive. why restrict on this aspect. we have freedom of movement now lets have freedom in play experience.

submitted by /u/cyanaintblue
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Full Counter inconsistency on Siax? (Nightmare CM)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:54 AM PST

Have any other spellbreakers noticed that their Full Counter inconsistently blocks Siax's hallucination-spawning orange circle?

Every other block, evade, aegis, etc. works fine for me, but since I started playing spellbreaker, I want to say Full Counter nullifies the add summon maybe 70% of the time.

e: Viddy-oh

submitted by /u/Shiiyouagain
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Legendary PVP armor and upgrades

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:59 PM PST

I am about to craft a couple pieces of the legendary pvp armor. Do I need to extract the runes and infusions on my Ardent Glorious armor or will they stay on there when I mystic forge them?

submitted by /u/Dimatizer
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Just returned to the game and haven't found the answer for my question

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:46 PM PST

I just got to lvl 50 with a Guardian, I've played 5 years ago when the game was released, but it wasn't all fun for me because there was a lack of cool endgame content. But my question is(because i've heard someone saying that), can I get full ascended gear without any kind of "season" content? I bought both expansions, but I really don't want to expend even more money to get some trinkets and stuff. I want to be abble to raid and get full ascended without expending even more =(

submitted by /u/r4m0m777
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Pvp build

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:14 PM PST

Any one have a good thief pvp build? just came back to the game could use some help.

submitted by /u/bobyoy
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Why do you sell your items instantly on TP instead of put on the list? (If you do this)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:11 PM PST

I was trying to play some TP (and eating :D) and wandering what is the reasons that some people sell their items this way... so why not ask directly to you.

Most of the items i need to craft continuously i always place the buy order and always list the items to sell. Most of the times i can buy and sell this way but of course sometimes i replace buy orders and relist items (paying the listing fee more than once).

Since i rarely sell to buy orders i can only imagine why you sell this way. Maybe for fast gold..? To not bother to list the item more than once (fees)..?


What is the reasons you sell instantly?

submitted by /u/2ofclubs2
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