Showing posts with label Skyrim. Show all posts

Skyrim - The feeling when you don't have the Block Runner perk yet.

The feeling when you don't have the Block Runner perk yet.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:25 AM PST

Do you know the Security level in Skyrim?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:01 AM PST

The suffering of a Dwemer automaton.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:22 AM PST

if this was a mod...

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:06 AM PST

A different view of Solitude

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:22 AM PST

Wait, I know you!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:07 AM PST

I just bought Skyrim again and this time I decided to make my character someone special to me.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:36 PM PST


Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:50 AM PST

Got a nice shot. Skyrim is beautiful!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:30 PM PST

My protectors

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:32 AM PST

Every second of this game is wallpaper material

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:10 PM PST

Inigo, you CAN’T keep bringing your horse inside!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:37 PM PST

The only reason I do the Mage's College anymore

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:26 PM PST

This sub is the leading cause of character abandonment

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:48 PM PST

It's true, at least for me. I could have dumped a ton of hours into my current character but all of a sudden I'm browsing this sub. "Hey not a big deal . I'll just take a quick peek." Next thing I know it's 2 hours later, I've archived off my character and I'm busy obsessing over every detail of my new "spell and board skooma addict with pink tutu mod" that I just rolled.

submitted by /u/NorjackNC
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Anyone else love to take a race that is “good” or “known” for one thing and do the opposite, like altmer warriors and orc mages?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:03 AM PST

Umm you ok bud?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:57 PM PST

Found the ghost horse without his headless rider. Able to keep it, but should I?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:50 AM PST

So as the title says I found the headless horseman's steed running without him. I looked up if there was a known bug and the wiki says the horseman can sometimes not spawn on the horse and instead be chasing it. However I looked around and couldn't find him at all.

When I caught up to the horse his label said "Steal: Black Fell Pony" and I hopped on. I was near a town and didn't get any kind of bounty so that's odd but I'm happy about it.

So I have a question. I have Immersive Horses, which allows me to adopt basically any horse. And if it's an abandoned/stolen horse, I can adopt it so it becomes officially mine. And of course I immediately was like, hell yes I'm adopting this beautiful rare beast! But the thing is I've had this character for a long time now, honestly it's my favorite save and I don't want to screw it up.

Basically I'm concerned that, by adopting the horseman's steed, that if/when he randomly spawns, he will never spawn on his horse again (well, a clone of his horse now). Would the game just spawn him in on a new ghost horse? I was thinking if I should post this on the Skyrim mods sub but this doesn't really have much to do with Immersive Horses, more about the game screwing up or at the very least the headsman spawning by himself.

Thank you for any sort of info! I know this might be a silly thing to be concerned about but just want to be totally sure.

submitted by /u/JesseTheBlowfish
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Just got the remastered version and I'm excited to play again!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:56 PM PST

I just wanted to get my excitement out about this because I really want to play skyrim right now, but I only get time to play on the weekend. I had it on the ps3, but I stopped playing since I got a ps4. I made a ton of characters with different themes like necromancer, paladin, woodsman/werewolf, druid, sword and board fighter, stealth archer (duh), pacifist and I even had a mage who I got all the blue skills to 100 on. I played briefly last weekend and I'm not much of a graphics expert but it looks really good! I also never played any of the dlc so I'm excited to build a house and do the adventures of the other two dlcs. It's been a few years and I'm finally getting back into it :)

submitted by /u/fourteenbears
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Champion of Boethiah Goes Crazy?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:21 AM PST

So here I am sneaking around knifepoint mine sealthily killing people. I am on the wooden bridge and someone hears/sees me and I'm like "shit I'm made." She starts to run up and attack me and other NPCs are taking notice. Ugh this is gonna be hard now. THEN out of nowhere the Champion of Boethiah runs in and starts killing left and right and I'm hanging back laughing my ass off. By the time he's done, he still hasnt noticed me, I just need one hit with an arrow to finish him off.

Is this normal?

submitted by /u/cart00nvi0lence
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[Story] pt.50 Rain

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:33 AM PST

Part one is here Part 49 is here


Vilja appears and asks if I would like something to eat? Outside of the window the sky is pale grey. We could go out, but we've got to be on the other side of the throat of the world, and with impassible mountains between us, we may as well wait for morning to make the trip. I tell Vilja I'd love some food.

Nerida wanders in and sits down, "was I asleep long?" She says, "not long, it's still daylight, but I figure we'll stay the night, move out in the morning. Vilja is making food." She nods, starts reading.


Food is served and eaten, then we sit around the fire and drink. It's a good place to sit back and relax. The evening grows dark and the bird song stops. I rise to start the fire in the bedroom then return. Vilja is in an animated conversation with fluffy about the wonders of ABC for barbarians. "Such a vital source of knowledge"

I decide to take a bath, even if the water is cooler up here, I ask Claire how she gets the water so hot downstairs, and she shows me. She raises her hand, it's enveloped in a purple haze and then she plunges it into the water, which hisses and sizzles, then begins to steam. Perfect. I strip off and climb in, it's the kind of heat that does indeed make you sleepy.


Ygraine wakes me up and tells me it's time for bed, I stumble upstairs climb into bed and pass out.

I'm awoken by bird song, when I move to look out of the window I can see Ygraine looking at me, she smiles, and then closes her eyes and sleeps.

Vilja calls out that food is ready, and so the day begins. The sky outside is pale blue with light cloud cover, but it seems like a bright and cold day. Time to get people up, eat, and get out on the road.


When we reach the road proper it looks like the fort is active again, the big fire is lit and we can see people moving behind the trees. We keep moving.

Going over the bridge we notice a vigilant going the opposite direction. If he notices Claire he doesn't say anything.


As we're going up the mountain road, I notice that Vilja has her sword drawn. I'm about to ask her why when we go around the bend and up the second rise to find a redguard in prison rags and in a pair of shoulder stocks dead on the road ahead. No sign of who killed him.

The birds are singing as Valthiem comes into view, I nod at a guard on the way past.


We ride up the road, with the silhouette of Dragonsreach in the distance and it begins to rain. Lightly at first, then torrentially. So we stop at the inn to dry off. We're not the only one's it appears, as there are a few other people in, sitting around the fire gently steaming.

We buy some food and drink and wait for the worst to pass, we emerge to light rain, which follows us as we make our way to Riverwood.

Closing in on the falls bridge we pass two bedraggled figures, who turn out to be necromancers, they don't take kindly to being nudged by one of our horses, and attempt to attack, but acting aggressive amongst a group of horses is a good way to get trampled, which is what happens to one, while fluffy deals with another. We pass over the bridge and take the Riverwood road. Which winds and climbs past the waterfall.


There is a loud rumble of thunder as we ride across the boxed bridge into Riverwood and lightning bolts cascade across the sky. It's sometime in the afternoon, and we are thoroughly sodden and in need of a warm fire. Which the Sleeping Giant Inn is only too happy to provide. There are a few people in, but the bar is empty so we take all the seats, order drinks and a room to change in. One by one we get out of our wet clothes which we place by the fire to dry.

The innkeeper, is an older woman with some interesting facial scars that I never noticed before she takes our money with a shrewd look on her face. We order food from the barman and go to sit at a table by the fire. I get talking to a man called Gorr, who says he used to be a champion gladiator, he tells us the slow but interesting story of his life. The food arrives, then it's time to pick up our gear and get back out into the road. I poke my head outside, but if anything the rain is heavier. So we decide to stay put for the night, I figure we don't have much daylight left anyway.

We drag the horse bags inside, rent another room and bed in for the evening. Vilja wanders off to listen to the bard.

The rest of us sit around and drink, as thunder grumbles overhead. Later Fluffy comes sniffing for some sugar, so I give her a rock and another to give to Vilja. So now the bard has two silly females looking at him. Lucky him.

Later in the evening, a pretty dark haired girl walks in, she's wearing a fairly short dress and high boots, she sits down at a table near the oven with an elf. The bard takes notice, and thus so do the girls. Vilja gets up to dance, directly in the bard's line of sight. At this point the bard's ability to keep the tune going breaks down, as he's trying to look at Vilja and also look past her at the same time. The innkeeper begins to complain about the lack of music.

Vilja goes in for the kill, hands in the air and on her body, but the bard has had enough at this point, he pushes past her and approaches the table. He says something to the elf and the dark haired girl stands up and slaps him. He's about to raise his hand when the elf steps up and stops the bard with a kick to the stomach, the bard big as he is, crumples. The girl restrains the elf and they move down the inn to a table closer to us. Vilja moves in to help the bard back onto his feet. By now most people in the Inn have gone silent, and are watching events unfold.

Vilja picks up the bard's flute and begins to play, she sounds a little rusty, but she can still bang out a tune. The bard looks faintly surprised, he just stands there with his fists on his hips, looking between Vilja and the table with the elf. He regains his composure enough to take his flute back from Vilja who then grabs hold of the bard and kisses him full on the lips, the bard staggers back into one of the support pillars.

Seeing this the dark haired girl gets up and leaves, followed closely by the elf. The show over people go back to their drinking and the bard gets back to playing music, Vilja and fluffy start dancing. We order more beer.


The innkeeper calls time, and Vilja wastes no time, propositions the bard and drags him back to one of our rooms. As she passes I ask the innkeeper if she knows what the earlier display was all about? "A local love triangle gone sour" she says. "Clearly the best man, or elf, won." She laughs a resigned kind of laugh, and moves to clean up the tables.

We finish our drinks and then make for the remaining room, with a single bed and a chair it's going to be a tight fit for five of us. We toss for it, Nerida and I get the bed, Claire takes the chair, and that leaves Ygraine and fluffy on the floor. Fluffy says she'd rather sleep by the fire, than be cramped in the room, and goes out. Vilja makes a fair bit of noise this time.


submitted by /u/praxis22
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I'd shit bricks if I ran into one of these irl

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:52 AM PST

Just bought Skyrim for Switch

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:44 AM PST

Well, I already have the original and the special edition on Steam, but I'm quite excited to get it on the Switch (still waiting for the mail thought).
It's just like those songs you love and you have to have the remastered, the revisited and vinyl edition.

submitted by /u/jonaskid
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Are looking to Protec? Or Atac?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:21 PM PST

At which level do the unique weapons do not get stronger?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:55 AM PST

I started a new game yesterday,but I am scared that I do I quest with lvl 10 and my reward item has bad stats cause its also lvl 10 and I can not get it with better stats or spell effects

submitted by /u/diemauss
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Skyrim - Bought a new guitar, felt the need to name it Jarl Balgruuf.

Bought a new guitar, felt the need to name it Jarl Balgruuf.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:35 AM PST

Those mighty ruins are formidable @zsoriel

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:34 AM PST


Posted: 27 Feb 2018 04:06 PM PST

I know that this game can only have so many NPCs but this is a little much...

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:03 PM PST

in the next TES there NEEDS to be "neutral" enemies AKA I HATE SLAUGHTER FISH!!

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:21 AM PST

not that they won't attack but more some they can be ignored like example I'm freezing to death in modded survival outside marcharth I can't take shelter in my tent because some stupid slaughter fish got triggered... ITS A FISH!! it can't come on land Bethesda I wish shock spells killed them... or stabbing it with my blade

OR put in spear fishing like bring back short medium size spears let us upgrade & kill stuff & fish...

submitted by /u/H311LORD
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Your Sneak skill increased

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:45 AM PST

Province of Skyrim. Custom framed for my sister's birthday!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:52 PM PST

I can still see you, Anise.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:55 PM PST

Ready to fly

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:41 AM PST

Crack Panther (2018)

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:31 PM PST

My hubby just dug this out of storage. He just got me into the game recently. I think we're going to frame this.

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:14 PM PST

Gave my Xbox 360 copy of Skyrim to my nephew. I asked him how he ways enjoying it. His response was hilarious

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 12:40 PM PST

"I got to the first village."


"Yeah, I killed a chicken. Now they're after me."

submitted by /u/jazz835
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Skyrim... or Norway?

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:43 PM PST

J'zargo might seem strong, wise, and ridiculously better then most mages, but he still needs love..

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 09:44 AM PST

An often overlooked mechanic.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:27 AM PST

You know how you can favourite weapons? Well you can favourite armour too.

So favourite your helmet and give it a hotkey, now you can quickly switch between combat and passive mode.

Not game changing but it always bugged me how you spent half an hour making a face you never saw again, now you won't let that hard work go to waste. Also, from an immersion point of view it makes a lot of sense to have your face visible to the friendly people of Skyrim, rather than walking into every town and shop in full battle gear.

Hope this helps!

submitted by /u/ScottishSnow
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Aventus Aretino having a little to much fun after getting his contract finished.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:42 AM PST

Using Staff of Magnus vs dragons

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:06 AM PST

I'm playing a conjuration/illusion mage who doesn't use weapons and has no perks in destruction. Help me figure out a good strategy against dragons that will work in vanilla Skyrim LE on Xbox 360.

My best luck so far has come from using the Staff of Magnus and Sparks. The staff drains magicka to prevent breath attacks and has a nice long range. Sparks also helps to damage magicka a little, but it just doesn't generate much damage to health.

I end up preventing the dragon from doing ranged attacks and waiting for my flame atronach and follower to kill the dragon.

The two weakneses with this method (other than being slow) are that the staff uses up loads of soul gems and destruction spells drain my magicka very quickly.

I'm thinking about making a circlet/necklace/ring set enchanted with fortify alteration to make the staff's charge last longer and fortify destruction to reduce the casting cost of thunderbolt or some other destruction spell.

Anyone have a better idea? I'm open to any idea that doesn't require weapons or new perks. This character uses conjuration, alteration, illusion, heavy armor, and block. Her only crafting is in enchanting with a bit of alchemy.

submitted by /u/Bentonkb
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I gotta lay off the Skooma...

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 03:58 PM PST

Cannot outfly death...or the cleanup process...

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 06:10 PM PST

A question about Serana (Spoilers inside)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:10 AM PST

So this is my first run in the game, enjoying it a lot. A second spoiler warning...

I just went through the Dawnguard thing. Idris Elba gave me instructions, I rescued this Serana chick, she followed me around, I helped her stick it to daddy (chose dawnguard).

And no, it's not that I miss her and want her back. I noticed pops had a wicked book collection, but I was stocked up on vampire armor to sell back home. I loaded up Serana like the good follower she is so I could take all that weight.

B!tch took off with my Chillrend, daddy's sword, a shock staff, fire staff, some other staff, I can't remember, and all the vampire armor I looted in the castle. She said she had something to take care of and she'd be back. This was right after I stocked her up and walked out the castle.

I just accepted it and decided to work on my enchanting and smithing to kill some time, but she hasn't turned up yet after some weeks. Does she actually come back, or should I consider my gear and loot gone? I googled the issue and it seems people misplace her a lot while traveling.

submitted by /u/GarretTheGrey
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Finally 100% after 171 hours!!

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 05:38 PM PST

The ol' razzle dazzle

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 11:48 PM PST

The Dawnguard Aftermath

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:23 AM PST

new playthrough

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 10:02 PM PST

I'm going to start a new play through. I'm pretty excited about it because I think it's a character that can hold my attention. I have bad ADD and have trouble sticking with characters. I'm going to do a Nordic frost warrior, who specializes in destruction (just frost), one handed (with frost enchantments), probably light armour but I'm not quite sure, smithing and enchanting, conjuring for frost atronachs, alchemy and maybe have a bit of sneak and archery in him as well. Anyway, any suggestions on how to make this play through more immersive and enjoyable. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/codemansingles
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