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Morphling HotD build for 7.01 | Learn Dota 2

Concept of Defending a Ward

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:01 PM PST

This question would only probably be helpful for thoe 4k and 5k above who are intending to get better to play as a team.
While watching TrueSight ep 3, in one of their analysis of their games, they said "We could have defended this ward". I have never heard of anything like this before. I don't watch a lot of full professional matches so I might have missed a moment where analysts pointed this out.
But the phrase caught me off guard because I spend a lot of time researching and thinking about the strategic aspect of Dota and not once have I heard "Defending a ward" until True Sight. I do not know much about how one can defend a ward, and would like to hear someone elaborate the phrase. Obviously, with defending also means "attacking" a ward, which some might interpret as simply dewarding, but in higher caliber games I am sure it means a bigger movement than that, especially in competitive/team scenario.
Please, 6k dieties of r/learndota2, giff me knowledge.
submitted by /u/TheTenth10
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All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.00/.01 [Part 1] | Learn Dota 2

All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.00/.01 [Part 1]

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:04 AM PST

Full changelog can be seen here

  • Total Subscriptions, pre-7.00/.01: 182,203,920 - [Full Data Sheet]
  • A total of 831 changes changes applied across 150 guides out of 152 guides
  • This a preliminary update. I will monitor and adjust the builds across two weeks as the meta irons out.

Special Notes:

  • Since the Hero Builds Cloud Server is currently de-synced, I cannot implement these changes in-game yet

  • Talent Perks have not been implemented in the hero builds system. I will have to redo the hero builds if/when they are implemented.

How easy it to return to Dota?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:53 PM PST

I played quite a bit from 2011 - 2015, I have 2200 matchmaking wins - but my last game was October, 2015. With the amount of changes I'm sure happened in the last 2 years, what's the best way to go about relearning the game? Even the main menu and armory are confusing as hell.
submitted by /u/coastline
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Finally got to 4k playing 1 game a day as support only!

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:20 PM PST

Today I met my goal of getting to 4k by the end of the year. I started the year around 3k and made a goal of hitting 4k by playing supports (position 4 or 5) only. I calibrated at around 2.8k when ranked came out. Here's my DotaBuff.
Some notes for the curious:
  • This is my first MOBA-like game (it took me 3-4 tries to get into DOTA2 because there was just so much to learn). I started playing seriously in mid-2013, but didn't start playing ranked seriously until late 2015.
  • I watch a lot of streams/VODs. Purge, Merlini, and BSJ are probably my most watched, but I will put anyone on if they are chill and don't rage.
  • I play 1 game a day Monday through Thursday on US West only between 5pm and 8pm PST. I felt that this netted me the best teammates in the best mindset. I try not to play on weekends. If I have the urge to play outside of that window, I will queue unranked or 10v10.
  • After each game, I will download the replay and make note of what I could improve on for my next game. I also used the private notes feature in DotaBuff to keep a semi-diary of my games.
  • I was able to spam Omni to get up to 3.5k, but after that he felt like a crutch and I wasn't improving myself as a player so I stopped picking him even after he got popular in the pro scene
  • I typically write "I'll be supporting" and pick first so I just pick a support I'm comfortable with that can be of general use to the team. I rarely get to counter pick.
  • My map awareness and time management improved a lot since starting
  • When I first started playing, I blindly followed the builds that were available in game. It wasn't until I started my climb that I began to analyze what I really needed in the game and bought and skilled accordingly.
  • I never rage in chat to my team or at the other team. I will immediately mute and report anyone who rages or tries to tilt my team. I prided myself on this and thanks to only playing 1 ranked game a day, I basically never tilted. I have a 10k behavior score.
Things that I plan on improving on:
  • Last hitting (especially under tower)
  • Expanding my support hero pool
  • Further improving my map awareness and time management
  • Understanding power spikes and optimizing my rotations
  • Predicting where enemies will be and what builds they will go
I think 7.00 is a really fun patch, especially for supports (just like 6.88) since there is so much fighting and activity even early on in the game. Now with talents, you are able to scale in ways you weren't before so even the late game can be enjoyable for a position 5.
I will be taking a small break from DOTA now that I've met my goal to play some of the other games I've neglected in my backlog. See you guys on the road to 5k.
submitted by /u/keikun13
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Triple Stack Batrider Trick
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:11 PM PST

Can anyone explain how shadow blade is not the best item in the game?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:12 AM PST

Call me a 2k srub but I think shadow blade/silver edge is the best item in the game. Gives decent stats, extra damage when attacking out of shadow walk, forces supports to waste tons of money on sentries because one player has a shadow blade, can be upgraded to reduce enemy damage and passives, completely changes the way you play, you can no longer feel safe anywhere, in your own jungle, even right next to your own tower , if you're a support your life becomes hell, you spend all your money on sentries and you can't do anything because you never know when a legion or slark or viper could be right behind you . It's kinda like playing against monkey king, you really never feel safe
submitted by /u/Imhereforgames
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Juggernaut now sports a 45% winrate against Spectre, PA and Slerk and a 42% winrate against Luna, Lycan and WK. This chart shows one of the reasons why he is losing steam

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:23 PM PST

New player to DOTA 2, need help

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:59 PM PST

Hi, I'm an old League of Legends player deciding to get into DOTA, could someone help me out by explaining the game to me?
When I ask for explanation, I don't mean like what is a jungle or lane, but things like:
Is there an equivalent to a LoL bot lane duo?
What champions should I play in each lane? (Ex. Tanks top, Carries bot, etc).
How does the jungle work?(is there a main jungler or does the role swap around, is it viable for a laner to go and take a camp from your jungle, etc).
I used to play intermediate bots only a couple years ago(and have racked up around 80 hrs. there), so I have some grasp about how to play the game, but no idea of champion meta or p/b strats.
Any direct help or resources would be much appreciated!
submitted by /u/VonMrSnuffles
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If you hate playing against Monkey King, consider batrider

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:03 AM PST

How does Batrider counter Monkey King you ask? Let me list the ridiculous number of ways
  • With lasso and force staff, you can cancel his ulti
  • Firefly lets you see him on trees
  • Firefly destroys trees, and therefore stuns him for 4 seconds
  • He can't abuse his long range as much when he can't turn
  • Flamebreak also can affect his ulti by pushing him out
  • MK likes to go mid or safelane; Batrider prefers mid or offlane. Batrider's Q can dominate MK in lane, and naturally being against him in lane helps
  • With lasso and destroying his tree, Batrider can disable Sun Wukong for a grand total of 8 SECONDS.
  • Even if he gets linken's and you can't easily pop it, flamebreak can still cancel his ulti, and firefly still obliterates his tree hopping
  • Sticky napalm number also lets you see him through disguise, credit to /u/Narwhalbaconguy
Seriously. I'm a decent batrider, but both games against MK I was 10+/<2 K/D. Ridiculous. Even my friend who has played bat like once ever stomped the lane.
submitted by /u/RaigorDota
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List of Spells Interactions with Roshan

Article by d2ch3c - Reddit

Some of spells behave in a special way with Roshan:

  • Anti-Mage: Mana Void - can be casted on Roshan but deals no damage
  • Batrider: Flamebreak - deals damage but Roshan stands still
  • Batrider: Flaming Lasso - can be used on Roshan but won't stun him so you won't be able to drag Roshan
  • Bloodseeker: Bloodrage - doesn't heal BS if he kills Roshan but it heals Roshan if Roshan kills any unit under Bloodrage
  • Brewmaster: Primal Split: Storm: Cyclone - can be casted on Roshan but have no effect
  • Chaos Knight: Reality Rift - upon cast teleports only the hero to Roshan's exact position, not both to random point
  • Invoker: Ice Wall - deals damage but doesn't slow
  • Keeper of the Light: Mana Leak - upon cast instanty stuns Roshan
  • Magnus: Reverse Polarity - stuns and deals damage but don't move Roshan
  • Oracle: Fortune's End - can be casted on Roshan but don't deal damage and don't affect Roshan's movespeed
  • Puck: Waning Rift - deals damage but doesn't silence
  • Rubick: Telekinesis - upon cast stuns Roshan for lift duration but Roshan can't be moved
  • Tiny: Toss - Tiny can toss units to Roshan but can't toss Roshan itself

How to beat Shadow Demon in lane?

In a side lane the rules change a bit since most support Shadow Demon's seem to not grab Shadow Poison in favour of more Soul Catcher  and Disruption for easier kill potential for their carry. If he is paired with a Slardar, you are in a butt load of trouble if he can disrupt you before you can go on him. I personally have trouble against those that are aggressive before I can initiate or those with a good escape, also, landing Soul Catcher is a real bitch if you are near creeps, so keep that in mind.

What are the early laning expectations for a support?

Support is all about controlling the game.

In Lane

Create an XP Gap


  • Most of the time, the early levels of spells (e.g. you're 2, they're 1) can give you enough of an edge to get a kill
  • When you gain enough of a level advantage, you can either (a) go do other things that are more important because your carry is now set, (b) the opponent will zone themself because they are worried about getting killed

Shadow Fiend Dota 2 Counter Picking Learn Dota 2 Try to improve counter picking skills

Counterpicking is one of the most overrated tactics in Dota 2.

Many "Counterpicks" Aren't Counterpicks

  • Myth: They have Riki, therefore I should pick Bounty Hunter or Slardar so we have vision of him.
  • Reality: A smart player isn't going to auto attack some creeps, then initiate on you so you have time to (a) see him, (b) cast your true sight ult. Reactionary/Premeditated ults like Amplify Damage and Track won't prevent a Riki from initiating onto you, using cloud to silence, and ripping you apart. Only good team play, map awareness, and use of Sentry WardSentry Wards/ Gem of True Sight Gem will help.
And because I know Dota community is nit-picky:  Amplify Damage/Track/Dust of AppearanceDust/Etc. can help if you are on the offensive, and ganking a braindead Riki with no map awareness that's farming the lane.

Sniper Dota 2 Is randoming a good way to venture out and learn new heroes

You definitely don't need to play every hero in the pool before you start randoming. A firm grasp of the basic mechanics and the items in the shop will let you play any hero, and you will learn the important skills by playing against them. There are of course quirks to just about every hero in the pool, but that's mastery-level stuff, you just need to have some idea what the hero does, especially in games casual enough to random.

Vladmir's Offering vs Helm of the Dominator on Ursa Dota 2

There's no good reason to skip orbs on Ursa - probably a lot of people are still just using their old builds, since the buff is still relatively new. I might be tempted to stick to a Morbid Mask for a long while early and get up Phase BootsPhase Boots and Blink Dagger Blink Dagger before upgrading it and delay my choice of orb for as long as possible. Else I would be tempted to go Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering + Orb of VenomOrb of Venom early.

Which heroes can Jungle?


You could jungle with any hero, but there are a lot of considerations:
  • How quickly/efficiently you can jungle
  • Strength of the lane vs. your opponent while you have a jungler
  • What you're putting your jungler there to do (just farm? Gank? To free up lane XP?)
Having a jungler is kind of greedy in some ways. Now you have 4 effectively farming lanes. However, you can also hurt your team if no one keeps the opposing offlane in check.
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