Triple Stack Batrider Trick
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:11 PM PST

Can anyone explain how shadow blade is not the best item in the game?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:12 AM PST

Call me a 2k srub but I think shadow blade/silver edge is the best item in the game. Gives decent stats, extra damage when attacking out of shadow walk, forces supports to waste tons of money on sentries because one player has a shadow blade, can be upgraded to reduce enemy damage and passives, completely changes the way you play, you can no longer feel safe anywhere, in your own jungle, even right next to your own tower , if you're a support your life becomes hell, you spend all your money on sentries and you can't do anything because you never know when a legion or slark or viper could be right behind you . It's kinda like playing against monkey king, you really never feel safe
submitted by /u/Imhereforgames
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I was told that I have the map awareness of a turtle. How do I improve?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:32 AM PST

Is there more to it than just looking at the map more often?
submitted by /u/TremendousTiger
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What's a good carry hero against a team that sticks together/never goes alone?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:18 AM PST

I can kill enemies 1v1 with slark/luna though i have no chance when they are not alone, even in teamfights i struggle to get kills
submitted by /u/MandrakeOfPeace
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A Jakiro Guide for 7.00 (x-post from r/Dota2)

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:42 AM PST

A guide to Jakiro in 7.00
I've been having a lot of fun as well as some success playing Jakiro in this patch. I think his kit has been boosted by the new talent system, and in pubs he's able to farm some items even as a 5. Macropyre is also pretty nice against Monkey King, which is always a plus. So I wanted to share my thoughts on how to play him.
Dual Breath: 28%/32%/36%/40% MS Slow, 28/32/36/40 AS Slow, 20/40/60/80 DPS for 5 seconds. Hits units up to 1000 range away.
This spell is super underrated early. The slow is good enough early to set up a kill in a defensive trilane, and if not, it's solid harass. It scales decently with spell amp since it's on a low cooldown. Also, the Slows aren't purged by BKB if you apply the debuff before they use it, which is super nice. (Same deal with Liquid Fire, so if you're quick you can get a 100 AS slow on a big BKB carry!)
Ice Path: 1/1.5/2/2.5 sec Stun over 1200 range that deals 50 damage. Level 25 talent can get it up to 3.75 seconds.
I love Ice Path with Jakiro's new talents. Aether Lens + The level 15 cast range talent gets the distance up to right around 1700, which is absurd and gives you so much room to position yourself. The short cooldown (9 seconds at level 4) means you're going to get it off multiple times per teamfight. It's even pretty solid at starting ganks from long range, or being used in conjunction with setup skills like Astral and Disruption. Anyone who walks into the path will get stunned for the remainder too, so you can always get fancy with force staff if you miss, or throw the path behind someone like a Dark Seer Wall to force them to take the disable or walk a different path. It also gives flying vision over the path itself, which is a super big deal against heroes like Monkey King.
Liquid Fire: Orb effect giving a 30/40/50/60 AS Slow with 12/16/20/24 DPS over 5 seconds. 20/15/10/4 sec CD
Liquid Fire is Jakiro's tool to melt down towers and mess with physical damage carries. The AS slow is very nice for sieging towers, as it buys much more time for your creep waves to stay alive. The DPS, which is 120 at max level, fully affects towers as well. Dual Breath and Liquid Fire is 520 damage on a single target before reductions over the 5 seconds when maxed. Since it's an orb effect, you can use it to harass out the offlaner in lane without messing with creep aggro too much. If you opt for a Hurricane Pike and/or the +400 attack range talent later on in the game, you can siege towers from super far away.
Macropyre: 100/140/180 (125/175/225) DPS over 1640 units(2040) with a 10 (30) second duration (Aghs in parentheses) 60 sec CD
Macropyre destroys trees in it's radius when placed. Combine that with Ice path, and you have yourself a pretty reliable tool to deal with Monkey King out of the 5 position role. That was my first reason for looking into Jakiro, but it's an awesome spell for it's damage in it's own right. Sticking with the cast range talents, you can get close to 2000 units without Aghs, and 2400 with, which is absolutely huge. That puts you far enough to Macropyre the entire Rosh pit from the Dire Shrine or Radiant Ancients. It's such a nice spell at counter initiating combined with Ice Path, as you can usually catch 2 or 3 heroes in it. Items like Veil and Aether Lens further boost the damage, as does the 8% spell amp talent available at level 10. Don't be afraid to use it to push out big waves too, as it's got a pretty short cooldown. Aghs is a luxury item for the hero, but the 30 second Macropyre renders makes it near impossible to engage.
Skill Build:
Maxing Liquid Fire at 7 is pretty nice for sieging, and you'll be getting your 7 later as a support. If you do get a fast Level 7, then you could grab an extra point in Ice Path. I'll switch the level 1 spell based on the offlaner and our team's kill potential (do we need a stun, or would a slow work better?) So something usually like 1-1-4 at 7, then I will max out Ice Path at 11 and finish DB at 16. I think his skill build is pretty open though, I've seen Jakiros go different directions with max DB (great with Veil+Aether) and just a couple points in LF, and stuff like 2-2-4 at 11 can work too. His talents are super good, so I wouldn't skill at level 10 and 15 unless it's to secure a kill in the middle of a fight.
Talent Tree
Level 10: 8% Spell Amp or 15% XP Gain
Level 15: +250 Health or +125 Cast Range
Level 20: +150 Gold/Min or +400 Attack Range
Level 25: +1.25s Ice Path Duration or -50s respawn time reduction
Probably some room for debate here. I like Spell Amp at 10 as it ramps up your damage and ensures you don't fall behind, but if you're really behind on farm the XP gain could be okay. The cast range boost gives you so much more room to work, and the extra +125 is super nice on Ice Path. But 250 Health could potentially make some sense against heavy damage or heavy gap closing lineups. I go for the +400 Attack Range at 20 over Gold, since you should be able to farm camps with LF/Dual Breath anyways, but gold is never a bad thing. The Ice Path bonus gives you great uptime but -50s is pretty huge, so it could be more useful in late game base defenses. FWIW, here's the Dotabuff stats on his Talents, which seem to support the ones that give him more range/kiting ability.
To start, I'll go with courier, Tangos, then 2 Obs and Wind Lace to make up for his slow speed early game, or skip the wind lace for a set of Sentries if the situation calls for it/I'm solo supporting. Boots are your first priority after that. From there, it depends on your team comp. If you're 4 position, you can probably find enough farm to get quick Tranquils then rush a Veil. As 5 though, you will probably be hurting, especially if the tower snowball doesn't get going. It's okay to just stock up on wards, and I like to work towards a Force Staff or Aether Lens, but like any 5 position support, judge what you need based on the game. An enemy PA/Ursa/Lycan Tricore will probably require a Ghost Scepter.
Mek into Guardian Greaves is an option too, but I like it more on 4 position Jakiro if you can help it. Sometimes you're the most optimal Mek carrier though, so it's not a bad option to help with base pushes. I really do love Aether Lens though (and FWIW, it's got a 62% WR right now), +345 cast range on your spells with the talent is massive, and it should be affordable by the time you're level 15. Barring some exceptions (NS Aghs, Batrider, Kotl at Day, Beastmaster, etc.), a lot of times enemies just won't see your Ice Path/Macropyre until it's too late, and it'll buy more than enough time for your team to burst down a target pre-BKB or for them to make an escape from a fight gone wrong. In general you probably want a defensive and offensive item in either order depending on your game, though the specific item will change based on the game. For reference, I'd consider Mek/GG/Force/Ghost Defensive and Aether/Veil Offensive, Euls could go either way.
If you are getting rich from kills and/or towers, and have your one defensive item and offensive item, you can either upgrade your defensive item (Mek to GG, Force to Pike) or go for a second item from that category. Aether+Veil is pretty disgusting, as is the survivablity of Ghost+Force. If you are really rolling in gold, or took the +150 gold talent at level 20, Aghs is an awesome item to buff your Macropyre, and items like Shivas add to the AOE Magic. There's also things like Linkens and Lotus to help your cores out, so judge the game as needed.
As a 4 or 5 position, you're basically going to lane as normal until the push is ready, then start liquid firing towers. Jakiro has some pretty solid TP reactions (Ice Path out of TP is really nice to stop aggression) so make sure you keep your eyes open in the laning stage. Jakiro is also a strong candidate to run an aggressive offlane (dual or tri) with as Liquid Fire will really mess up the enemy carry's last hitting. Just be careful, especially pre-boots, as Jakiro is super slow and his cast times are so long they'll put you in danger especially when learning the hero.
In Fights I either use Ice Path to initiate or counter, but either way, follow it up with DB or Macropyre in most cases. You should never be in the center of the fight, as your shortest range pre range boosting things is still 600, and LF isn't vital to getting kills. So play as far back as you possible can. Over a 20 second fight, you get three Ice Paths and three Dual Breaths if you stay alive, which is enough for 7.5 seconds of AOE stun and 1500 magical DPS, and that isn't including Macropyre damage. If you do get bursted or disabled, just try and get Macropyre off before dying so you can contribute from the grave.
As I said, Ice Path is also really nice for ganking with it's long range. Aggressive warding is Jakiro's friend, as are heroes like NS, BH, and Riki who you can set up kills with (Ice Path's range is longer than most heroes' Night Vision!). When you aren't ganking or fighting, just group with your team and force towers.
Jakiro is pretty decent at dealing with some of the annoying pub heroes. Monkey King is the clear one, with Macropyre and Ice Path able to lock him down for up to 7 seconds if you catch him in the trees. You can also drop that combo in his ult from long range to discourage his team from joining in. Ice Path's long range stun is also nice against Pudge, and with Aether+Talent, you'd be surprised how often you're able to catch a Sniper out who thinks his 1000 range is enough. Of course, all of these heroes that Jakiro is strong against can burst him pretty easily, so it's not a one sided advantage.
BKB'd heroes, including Lifestealer and Juggernaut, are basically impossible for you to deal with, so try and get away until it starts to wear off. If you're quick you can even prep an Ice Path for the BKB expiring. But sometimes as a support you just have to take a BKB'd Sven jumping you and move on. When BKB's start running out, you are really a nuisance, so just think of the bright side!
Besides the vision providing allies, Jakiro loves big setup heroes (Disruptor, Void, Dark Seer, etc.) and Pushing heroes (Anyone from Lycan to DK to Shadow Shaman). I wouldn't say there's too many heroes that don't pair well with him in terms of synergy, though. You will want to make sure your team has some direct/instant stuns to maximize Macropyre and to make sure you can catch slippery heroes like AM/Ember/Storm/Weaver with ally stun+Ice Path.
Final Thoughts
Jakiro is a pretty easy hero to pick up, so if you're newer I'd recommend giving him a look. He does have slow cast times and it can take some practice to time Ice Path/Macro Pyre. Knowing your Dual Breath range is pretty important too. Once you get the positioning down on him though, you can really do some cool stuff and constantly frustrate your enemies with Ice Paths that seem to appear from the other side of the map. I was hoping to find a professional replay to show you but so far I haven't seen any for the patch. Anyways, I'm sure I forgot some things so let me know if you have any thoughts or questions, and thanks for reading!
submitted by /u/yankeeDota
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SF aghs ult bug?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:48 AM PST

Is this an aghs bug at 38.20?
No regen with aghs ult on void (and bh) Timbersaw got his Q off before my ulti and i'm certain that wd's ult didnt do that much instant burst
edit: I cant find combat log in the new replayer hud
submitted by /u/BeastM8
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Quick question about level 25 talent Outworld Devourer

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:35 PM PST

so, his level 25 talent is +8%Spell amplification or +60s Arcane Orb steal duration.
So my question is:
  1. Does Spell amplification increases Arcane Orb damages? Or it just amplifies Astral Imprisonment, Ult, and damage items?
  2. How significant is 8% Spell amplification damages on affected skills on level 25?
  3. What are the judgement to choose the +60s arcane orb steal over Spell Amplification? At level 25, clashes will be over very fast, the extra +60s arcane orb is barely doing anything with large mana pool of level 25 heroes (of course it's amplifies the ult's+Arcane Orb's damage, but the duration of the steal itself isn't really relevant at level 25 than extra spell damage). He is not Slark who can engage and disengange while stealing stats, so the duration of the steal kinda a bit weak in my opinion (Correct me if I'm wrong)
  4. How is he doing in this meta so far?
thanks before!
submitted by /u/ao_aduy
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Questions about shrines

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:13 AM PST

So I've never read the notes about shrines, pardon. Anyways, here are my questions about them.
  1. Is the cooldown of shrine static? I mean is there a standard time that it will replenish, like runes for example. Or it depends on when you used them?
  2. If one of your shrines got destroyed, does the shrine of your enemy remains invulrenable?
submitted by /u/r33tard3d
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How viable is a roaming Monkey King?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:15 PM PST

I don't really see anyone do this, but when you think about it, couldn't he function a bit like Riki/Treant in that he's a mobile ward? What would be his item/skill build as a roaming support?
submitted by /u/-methane-
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Question about Arc Warden's skill.

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:44 AM PST

I feel like trying him out. (Never really tried him) Is he okay in this current meta?
Main Question: Can enemy heroes see ARC WARDENS SPIRIT WRAITH ring range? Like wont they just avoid it?
submitted by /u/shishkebabs232
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Jugg After 7.00

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:04 AM PST

Guys, After 7.00 patch, i was struggling as a jugg user, the map seems so huge and to compensate my lack of int i tried going drums to boost manapool , but i think that delay the dps item, can you guys share some tips? item progresion, talent, and build?
thx in advance
submitted by /u/iRaxief
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Is it possible to use uu accelerator in Korea to play on Perfectworld?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:46 PM PST

Well... the title. With good ping of course and minimal PL
submitted by /u/HelenXandria
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Where did I go wrong?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:31 PM PST

This was my first time playing mirana mid, so my last hitting was horrible. That said, I think I did pretty well this game. We took all the outer towers and then attempted high ground. I blink in for an eblade star storm combo and boom techies remote mines me to hell (At the time I thought remote mines became visible like the proximity mines). When I die, my team runs away and goes to farm. When I respawned I call for us to push again. For some reason I didn't realise how long I was dead for and techies had already replaced all the mines mid. I see a juicy AA on the high ground and I go in and once again get blown up. OK, I've learnt my lesson, but I'm slightly tilted because my team runs away again. I'm begging them to take the tower since all the mines were used on me, but they're just happy to farm jungle (not even pushing out waves. I buy some wards and ask my 'support' to place them in the enemy Base, even pinging where to place them, but he still placed them low ground.
Here's the game:
How do you go high ground against techies? Did I build the right items? Looking back I know I should've farmed a lot more, but other than that what could I have done differently?
submitted by /u/Captain_Cartman
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How did I die here?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:53 PM PST

Match ID 2859217705
Time: 19:35
I (Treant Protector) died to a Luna glaive but I was invisible and Dust had worn off so I shouldn't have been visible at all. Why did the glaive bounce off me?
submitted by /u/Ohelig
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Need help. I've dropped from 2.5k to 1.3k in a month. I'm down to nearly a 25 percent win rate.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 12:42 PM PST

Please give me some constructive criticism. Here is my dotabuff info.
submitted by /u/gallemore
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Best lane partner for Monkey King?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:54 PM PST

obviously he's getting picked a lot, so what would pair best with this volatile hero?
submitted by /u/MelodicFacade
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What heroes can you see being playing in more of a core role?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:46 PM PST

Lich is the one I've seen a lot, but not much gossip about others. Thoughts?
submitted by /u/scoriaceous
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OK, can someone explain to me what the fuck Drow's ult does?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:34 PM PST

I've played this game for a year and tbh I'm still confused about the purpose of her ult. To my understanding, it's disabled around enemy heroes. So she's got an ult specifically designed around split pushing and avoiding the enemy? Then how does she do so much damage to heroes, is it the Precision Aura alone? '
edit: And while I'm on the subject of Drow, when is the best time to use the active ability of Precision Aura?
submitted by /u/-methane-
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I just want to be a good Batrider

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:29 PM PST

I feel like I do well in the lane. Ring of Protection, tango, clarity, salve are my starting items. I get CS, I kill a hero or two, I get a drum around minute 9, I level my ult around level 10 and try to kill people with it and my team. But I lose so many of my Batrider games, my winrate's 30% its not even funny. There has to be some fundamental mistake I'm commiting to lose as much as I do. I feel like I could just keep picking Batrider forever, but my low winrate renders me unable to do so, and that makes me sad.
submitted by /u/ButchyBanana
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Oracle 7.00 Analysis

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:19 PM PST

I'm a proud Oracle spammer, and he used to be one of the best supports in the meta. But then he (rightfully) received his nerfs. He was still okay, but there's a lot to be left desired. He has a really swingy first few levels, but after that it's mostly the same as before.
However, with 7.00, all that has changed and I think he's the top support again. Here's why.
Urn and you
Alright, I'll put the biggest one here: Urn now applies through damage in false promise. Previously, Urn was dispelled if you would take damage from a player, even if that damage would be effectively 0 from reduction effects. However, in 7.00 Urn and consumables were changed to only be dispelled if you actually took a non-zero amount of damage after any reductions. Thus, this means that Urn is basically undispellable via damage during False Promise. Only actual dispels will remove it, such as Doom, Demonic Purge, Tornado, etc.
Frankly, this is huge. A level 1 False promise only lasts 7 seconds, but you'll still get at least 300 healing out of the urn if you use it immediately, which is doubled to 600. To put that in comparison, a flames combo will heal about 570 during promise. This means that you can save allies that were previously dead no matter what, and in some cases you can even toss the promise and urn onto somebody, and use your flames elsewhere. Oracle's weak point is that his healing combo only really works when he also has edict available, which means he has to be very careful who he uses it on, as enemies can switch targets. Before, you had to have mek to have this amount of burst heal without the combo.
A salve in the pocket goes a long way
You might have already guessed this, but consumables react the same way. If you have empty item slots early, try keeping a salve in one. If you get in danger, you can ult, salve and run or tp away for a similar heal to urn without using a charge.
Potentially also useful on bottle, but I'm not sure if that's too expensive or not yet. You can get about 500 hp out of all three charges.
Zoo Oracle
The new helm is actually pretty good on Oracle. Nearly every creep with an ability is useful in some way. Additionally, Oracle works great with creeps that either need a set up, or that can set up him. Centaur, Ursa, and Troll are the best. It's great for keeping tabs on an ally that you're not with. The stats are also great for Oracle. Additionally, it also incidentally helps with farming: you can split push with the creeps and even have an impact when you're dead. I'm not quite sure if it's an every game item or what order is best, but I've had great success getting it after urn if another member of my team is getting mekansm.
Shrines are a great change for the hero. Due to the nerfs to flames, you're going to use a lot of mana early game to secure kills. Previously I was consuming 4-6 clarities every game to get my mana up. Now you can go to a shrine instead once or twice. Additionally, clarities are much better for him now because you can pull and farm jungle camps without worry of losing the buff.
Honestly, Oracle didn't mind losing the attribute bonus. There was no reason to ever get it early, and it didn't make much of a difference late game since you generally had enough mana and the health usually didn't make much of a difference since at that point you're dead if caught anyway. With the talents, this is overall a decent buff to Oracle.
Now, I'll list them out.
Respawn time vs XP Gain
Generally, I think the respawn time is more useful. By level 10, you're pretty set as Oracle. You've got your edict maxed, you've got your heal maxed, and you have promise. Yeah, level 2/3 Promise is pretty great, but I honestly don't think it's worth using a talent to maybe get it a minute or two earlier. His other talents are pretty good, but nothing necessarily game changing like other heroes. I would maybe consider it if I was heavily snowballing and I didn't expect to die more than once before finishing.
Health vs GPM
This is a pretty interesting choice, and is going to vary game by game. Now, keep in mind: if you get jumped on by some heroes, then 200 health may not save you. However, against certain aoe heavy lineups, it can be very useful since it lets you play a bit more freely. I think the extra GPM is generally going to be better because Oracle has issues farming. But the extra health definitely has a place and I'll surely be taking it some games.
Movement Speed vs Intelligence
In most situations, the extra movement speed is going to be more useful. By level 20, mana shouldn't be a concern. Most items you get will increase your mana anyways. Maybe if mid Oracle somehow becomes viable then the extra intelligence will be situational.
False Promise Duration vs Cast Range
I think that this choice is a little too flexible for me to really say one is generally better than the other. Both of these are great: false promise duration guarantees your ally will live longer. But on the other hand, aether lens has always been a fantastic item on the hero and potentially getting that without using an item slot is extremely useful, either allowing you to get more expensive items or have a ridiculous 470 extra range should you decide to get aether. I think this choice is heavily dependent on the game and it could go either way in a lot of situations.
Frankly, Oracle is going to be insanely strong this patch. The normal changes would have been enough, but the urn exploit is what makes him absurd. In fact, I fully expect it to be patched out at some point. But even if that does happen, he's still in a great spot.
submitted by /u/ajdeemo
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How can I convince a friend to stop getting so stressed about feeders/losses?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 01:11 PM PST

used to LOVE playing Dota with her. Lately, she's got so salty. Basically every time we lose, she sounds on the verge of tears. "(insert hero name) is so broken. I give up Dota, man. This game is bullshit. Cancer heroes." You know, just dumb shit like that. Occasionally there will even be tilting in the pick phase, "fuck.. I'm so squishy and they have both a Clinkz and an Ursa. We lose."
And then after the venting I'll always say, you've played hundreds of matches, you'll win some and you'll lose some. Yet every time, she'll do the same thing. Is there any way to get through to someone like this or should I just stop queueing with them?
submitted by /u/-methane-
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Lineups that run over the enemies at 20 minutes
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:59 PM PST

I would like to get some ideas for really aggressive lineups that can end the game early!
submitted by /u/Culentriel
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Any tips for a new visage player?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:47 AM PST

Visage seems like he will be a very strong support this patch, and I also like micro heroes. It's not my first micro hero, and I have played him a bit in overthrow where he seems extremely strong, but are there any tips you could give a new visage player like me before I jump into games?
submitted by /u/That_Martin_Guy
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Tanky teamfight items on Treant, good or bad idea?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:30 AM PST

I feel like in this patch with the 2+ mana regen at level 10 and the fact that Nature's Guise no longer costs mana, that it's actually not necessary to build arcane boots on him. I've been staying at brown boots and building things like Vlads or Crimson or Pipe - I mean, not all of them, just whichever one seems most crucial to that particular game.
Is this a decent idea on Treant?
submitted by /u/-methane-
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