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Which heroes can Jungle?


You could jungle with any hero, but there are a lot of considerations:
  • How quickly/efficiently you can jungle
  • Strength of the lane vs. your opponent while you have a jungler
  • What you're putting your jungler there to do (just farm? Gank? To free up lane XP?)
Having a jungler is kind of greedy in some ways. Now you have 4 effectively farming lanes. However, you can also hurt your team if no one keeps the opposing offlane in check.

Best way to play Enchantress jungle

Grab the biggest, baddest creeps typically. Try to gank whenever anyone is overextended and you think it will work. Get a Smoke of DeceitSmoke of Deceit or two to use to gank mid early - go around behind them and try to gank if they leave their side of high grounds.

Creeps that are best for ganking are the net trolls, the stun centaurs

The slow tomato and the kamehameha satyr aren't as good but can still be useful, especially in the presence of other disables than what you bring to the table. Typically you want to net then stun then slow with your hero as they try to run, but if you have to slow at the start to get them in net range it's not a huge loss. Remember when coming in to ping and tell your allies to go as well etc. Alpha wolves seem sort of nice but early on you don't deal enough damage to make their aura strong compared to other stuff, and later on they just die to AOE and don't live very long on a single charm, so they're really trap options most of the time. Remember that if you drive enemy heros off without killing them it can be an excellent time to push and take an early tower to get some gold flowing.

Try to max Enchant and Untouchable first with only a single point in heal, then get the heal maxed last (ult at 6/11/16, of course). Max Untouchable is hilarious early on. You can use it in a scheme to do rosh earlyish (but not level 1) as well - you can tank it really well.

Cute tricks - if you can stack a camp a few times, you can farm it with a tornado channeled by a wildwing. This is more efficient than normal jungling but requires setup.

You can lane control (espeically mid) lane by sending the harpy with chain lightning to spam it on a relevant hero while microing it a bit. It is brutally effective in early levels. Tornado harass is also quite strong but pushes the lane more and is harder to micro now that tornado vision is smaller than it once was.

Consider Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter strongly, it is quite good on Enchantress

If no-one else is getting it get the MekansmMekansm - but ideally someone else will - and consider ranged int semicarry standards - Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence and Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse. I like Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence best. It depends what your team needs - if you need the silence and additional DPS of the Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence, the max-dps and slight general tankiness of the Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter, or the hard disable of the Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse. Later on in the game you'll probably get all three if it goes late.

Later on, when pushing down towers dominate a lane creep and use it to pull enemy creeps away from the tower when you're trying to take it.

For starting items, having a Smoke of DeceitSmoke of Deceit is important for ganking undetected. A mana potion or two will make sure you can sustain yourself without going back to base early. Get sentries if you think the enemy will be smart enough to block your camps. Make sure your team has Observer WardObserver Ward and Animal Courier Animal Courier (hopefully there will be another support to help).

You're going to be enchanting the big creeps, but you can maximize your farm by leaving one big camp alone and stacking it two or three times (at ~x:53-55, practice with bots), and then using a Wildwing tornado creep to farm it for a huge boost in gold and exp in the first few minutes.

You're the strongest level 1 hero in the game, basically, so make your early game count. Try to have someone else get MekansmMekansm so you can get a fast Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter and keep snowballing. Urn of Shadows Urn of Shadows is a cheaper substitute as well. Mask of Madness is a viable item AFTER Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter if you're wrecking people, but you've probably already won if you can afford it.

Only get Hand of Midas Hand of Midas if your team is extremely short hard carry and extremely heavy on good early game stuff already.

In the midgame, you basically stop dominating creeps except to do things like stack camps for a carry or pull creeps when pushing. The fact that the creeps have a duration mean in the mid and lategame it's not worth Enchantresses time to always be disappearing into jungle when she could be participating instead.
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