Hearthstone - I think Blizzard is really pushing their in-game self-promotion these days...

I think Blizzard is really pushing their in-game self-promotion these days...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:26 AM PST

Hunter Epics: A History

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:37 PM PST

People are forgetting that according to vS data, Midrange Hunter currently outperforms Jade Druid at all levels of play with a near 50% winrate.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:58 AM PST

Taking a look at the latest vS data reaper report reveals that both at "All ranks" and at Legend Midrange Hunter currently has a higher power rank than Jade Druid. That winrate was 49.4% and 49.7% at all ranks/legend at the time of the latest data reaper report.

Comparing MR Hunter to Priest, it massively outperforms Dragon Priest (3-3.5 percentage points) and only barely is behind Razakus (1-2 percentage points depending on the ranks) and Big Priest (1-2 percentage points depending on the ranks).

Priest is no doubt getting good cards in the new expansion, but it is wrong to assume that Priest is already god-tier (it is not) and that Hunter is currently useless (it is not). Especially when cards like Duskbreaker only support an archetype that is currently pretty much in the dumpster and in a far worse state than Midrange Hunter.

I personally am excited that some time in the future I might get to play my King Krush which I never disenchanted. Big Hunter might not see play this expansion, but if Blizz keeps pushing the archetype and gives Hunter more anti-aggro tools going forward, it might become viable at some point. The new Hunter Legendary seems to indicate that direction. Also, the Hunter spellstone is pretty damn good.

If you watched the latest Kibler/Zalae/Frodan/Firebat card review you also could have heard Firebat claiming that Face Hunter is actually really good right now. He apparently had a pretty insane climb with a Putricide Face Hunter on the last day of the season.

TL;DR Hunter is rocking a near 50% winrate across the ranks despite the perception being that they are unplayable. Priest is good but some of the insane cards revealed only support Dragon Priest, an archetype far weaker than Midrange Hunter right now according to data.

submitted by /u/protissniper0
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Can we make a realistic request to Team5? Do not make "To My Side" a possible pick for Hunters in arena.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

Hi there, I'm the bitter creator of "To My Side" is the worst Hearthstone card ever created! I have a tangible plea that Team5 might honor.

Please remove this card from Arena. This is literally the most unusable card in Arena, and I'm hoping that they will at least give Arena Hunters (all 4 of you) the courtesy of removing it from draft options.

submitted by /u/WarnerHS
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To My Side what we deserve.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:58 AM PST

Aesthetically pleasing win/loss record

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:53 PM PST

The number of the beast

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 02:36 PM PST

Unreleased early development version of "To My Side!"

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:41 AM PST

Can't wait to see the "first neutral demon" come to Hearthstone

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:28 PM PST

Warrior Legendary Weapon

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:03 PM PST



8mana 3/3 After your hero attacks, Recruit a minion

no English version yet,but it should be Woecleaver

the reason why we have this additional card is that ahq eSports club's new card got robbed by Hearthstone Latin America https://youtu.be/vqd6ezd9liE (Priest epic card:Twilight Acolyte)

it's pretty disappointing that ahq's card reveal get ruined, but we do appreciate blizzard give Taiwan community another new card.

submitted by /u/Muting46
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I don't feel so good

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:02 AM PST

New Priest Epic Card: Twilight Acolyte*

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:37 PM PST

Card Name: Twilight Acolyte

Class: Priest

Card type: Minion


Rarity: Epic

Mana cost: 3

Attack: 2

Health: 4

Card text: Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, swap this minion's Attack with another minion's.


submitted by /u/Dialgak77
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[0:41] An Old God's Legacy

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:58 AM PST

Hearthstone secret code to win any game. EZ

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:20 PM PST

Kripparian Reacts To ‘To My Side’

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:21 PM PST

I've made a custom taunt minion

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:29 AM PST

so what do you guys think? Is it good or just a useless card?

submitted by /u/Eshpetica
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I hope that whatever Hunter deck, Team 5 has store for tomorrow's stream, they included "To my Side" in it.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:42 PM PST

So that we can see that 5* card in action and how amazing it's effect is. Most likely it will not be included, but I hope that it is at least mentioned.

submitted by /u/Lfoboros
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When this post is 18 hours old, Day9 and Ben Brode will be live on Twitch to reveal the remaining cards of the K&C Set!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:00 PM PST

They'll be live here on Twitch.

Click here for a countdown timer to the event.

I can't wait to see everyone there to finish off the reveal season! I'll update the thread once they go live.

submitted by /u/quacak
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Literally Unplayable

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:41 PM PST

I know it may suck but, ive played only spell hunter for a while in wild.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:39 AM PST

Yes the hardest part is 22-20 but after that, I've hit rank 13 last month. Note I've never hit legend and have never net decked. I can post current deck when I get home if there's enough interest, but I doubt it.

submitted by /u/thesummond
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A Semi-serious talk about Shadowreaper Anduin and his long-term existence.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:32 AM PST

Shadowreaper Anduin, in a vacuum is probably not an OP card. Raza, in a vacuum, is not an OP card. I believe the combination of the two results in a style of play that is essentially impossible to interact with, and extremely hard to survive against.

Unless your deck contains a massive amount of armor/life gain, there is very little that a player can do to survive against the never-ending onslaught of 6-10 damage a turn. Even though Raza will be out of standard in 4 months, the combo will live on eternally in Wild.

For the sake of the format, I think the HS dev team needs to take a real hard look at whether or not this combo is on an acceptable power level with the rest of the game. As Priest continues to gain board clear/removal tools, rushing the Priest down before they can assemble the combo becomes less and less of a viable strategy. I think that, eventually, something will need to be done to help deal with the growing power of this deck.

Some ideas for nerfs:

  • Make Shadowreaper Anduin cost 10 mana. At a minimum, this gives the opposing player a few more "safe" turns to play some minions with 5+ Attack. It could slow the deck down enough to give players more of a fighting chance before the Anduin onslaught begins.
  • Make it so that Raza only makes you current Hero Power cost zero. If the priest wants to have a zero-cost Anduin power, they need to play Raza after playing the DK.

What do you guys think? AM I way off-base here? I know that, in standard, Anduin does not have the best win-rate. That being said, I believe that the card will only get more oppressive as time goes on and it will result in a strategy that is extremely difficult to do anything against.

submitted by /u/FlintStriker
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'Hemet, Jungle Hunter' and the 'Recruit' Mechanic synergy is insane.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:01 AM PST

>Build a control warrior deck with decent early-game minions that cost 3 or less, and other minions being "big" threats.

>Add Hemet in the deck.

>Shoot the small minions to the orbit on turn 6 with Hemet, Jungle Hunter.

>Begin recruiting with the Warrior weapon/ Gather the party, having guaranteed value on each pull. (Grom, Yip, Rotface, Lich king etc.)

>Possible new tier-1 deck?

submitted by /u/Vanhiz
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Unrevealed card on the Hearthstone App Gallery

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:10 PM PST

[Guide]My 100% winrate to legend guide for beating ropers.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

One of the hardest possible matches you can face in your climb to legend is ropers. Time efficiency is exceptionally important in a climb to legend, typically average game length matters as much as win rate. Last season on my climb to legend I beat every single roper I faced, here is how I did it in three easy steps...

My strategy rests on the following assumptions about people who intentionally rope you each turn.

  • They are angry people, who get enjoyment from diminishing others fun

  • They don't have self-control. This is true of most people who lash out.

  • They have issues with some sort of conflict in real life, and are looking for a venue where they have power over other people.

  • They hope you quit and give them a free win.

Here is what most fail to grasp about the roper. You have the advantage. If they are someone who deals with frustration by roping you are mentally stronger than them. This means if you play their game you are very likely to win.

Here is my strategy (and this actually has worked 100% of the time for me last season).

1) Let them rope for two turns. Assume the first turn was an accident or a bathroom trip.

2) Here is the key element of the strategy: rope back, every turn. This seems self-destructive, but it isn't. I guarantee they will stop roping you pretty quick - remember they aren't patient they are just angry and without self control. So it cost you nothing, one person is still roping each turn. Here is what it gains you: Most of the time they just quit after 5 turns or so if they aren't way ahead. They also misplay a lot. My final boss to rank 5 game last season was a roper. He lost over a misplay. He had guaranteed lethal next turn, and forgot my corpse taker had lifesteal and windfury. Also Emote, a lot. Now I'm not normally one for BM, but remember those psychological assumptions I started this thread with? This seems to infuriate them. Emotes are the key to getting them to concede or miss play.

3) Turn on Netflix or your favorite streamer, avoid anime. The problem with anime is you need to actively pay attention, which might lead to mistakes. Aim for chill shows or streamers, these will help you be patient in this game of attrition.

submitted by /u/Jon011684
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What STREAMERS Talked about Prince Keleseth before the release? (Cripparian, Trump, Kibler, Kolento, Amaz, Thijs, Reynad, RegisKillbin, Day9TV)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:23 AM PST

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