Firstly there are many different ways to play
Nature's Prophet, including different item progressions and lane choices, for now ill explain to you jungle
Nature's Prophet.
Before anything, at the start of a game it is best to summon a pair of
Treants, preferably before the 44 second to game start mark. This pair of
Treants can be used to scout rune spawns and lane setups before the game starts (useful for picking lanes, knowing enemy stategies/item choices and maybe even setting up early kills or harass).
Starting items
The way I see it there are a number of different ways to start with
Nature's Prophet, you can either start with some early mana/hp regen and a
Sage's Mask/
Ring of Basilius, if your team needs a
Animal Courier you can also by that, and lastly if you feel greedy you can grab a
Gloves of Haste and 2
Clarities. Personally I go with the last option alot of the time, because if played correctly, wont slow down your jungling too much, but will increase the speed of your
Hand of Midas(be careful if you are versing an aggressive team that will gank you early though).
After you have bought your starting items and have scouted with your first pair of
Treants, you want to wait until the 7 seconds to game start to spawn a second set of
Treants (in well). Once your mana is fully regenerated you should move to the big camp along with your first set of
Treants, then wait outside the camp spawn-box for the 30 sec mark, when the camp will spawn. One it spawns create another 2
Treants, use all 4 of them to kill the camp, remember to micro your
Treants so the ones that expire first take the most damage (further micro them so that they each last as long as possible). After this you rotate to the medium camp, spawning new
Treants and using a
Clarity along the way, grabbing your teleport and lvl2 and sprout at lvl 4 (while getting
Treants every other level to lvl6)
Continue rotating between the 2 medium/1 large camps on dire and the 2 hard 1 medium camps on radiant using all the clarities and spawning/microing
Treants along the way. Once you have no more mana, leave your
Treants (you just spawned) at the camp you are at and walk to pool, once there spawn a second set of
Treants and send them back to jungle, meet them there using you teleport
Remember that you can actually fight most camps without
Treants, by kiting the enemies while waiting for your mana to regen, and also keep a look out for easy ganks/kill secures or courier snipes while you are jungling. Repeat this process until you have your midas, which, without interruption i can generally get it within 6-8 mins (depending on spawns/luck/play)
From here you farm up until you get your basic items, like
Boots of Speed,
Magic Wand,
Ring of Basilius,
Town Portal Scroll (always keep one on you) etc. This is how i Usually start my games with
Nature's Prophet, it may not be the best or most efficient, but it generally turns out quite well. After you get your ult at level 6 I generally go looking for ganks and towers to push, maxing my teleport before putting the last point into your
Treants. Past here your jungling becomes easier, and you fall into the standard roll of
Nature's Prophet, if you want any futher info about items/playstyle then ill be happy to answer you.
Some general tips for early game
- Skillbuild is
Nature's Call -
Teleportation -
Nature's Call -
Sprout -
Nature's Call -
Wrath of Nature
- Clear the trees between camps with summon
Treants. It's usually the camps between the medium and hard camps. This will allow you to farm faster because you walk less from one camp to the other.
- Phase for chasing, and
Power Treads for survival (keep on STR, switch to INT while TPing to maximize mana utility). Decide on your own. Both are good, both are acceptable.
- At level 4, you are the most potent counterganker. If they try to gank you, sprout and run. If they try to dive your teammates, sprouting the opponents under the tower would ensure a kill. It also means that a 2v2 situation turns into a 3v2 almost immediately into your favour.
- Try to save your ult for teamfights. A good 700-800 damage to their team almost wrecks a
Mekansm's worth of damage.
- Upon level 7, you should max out teleport first because then you can have more map presence.
Midgame tips
- Teleport is your most potent power. During a gank, always use it to turn the tide of the battle, along with your
Wrath of Nature. If they want to play passively, you can use the opportunity to split push super effectively, as they can't afford to leave any lanes unattended.
- At this point, you need to specialize for either ganking or pushing. Ganking builds should focus on building either
Scythe of Vyse or
Orchid Malevolence. Pushing builds can focus on
Necronomicon, and
Assault Cuirass.
Lategame tricks
- Stay safe. You're the most dangerous hero in the game at this point. They can't push without killing you.
- If desperate, get a
Helm of the Dominator, then TP at xx:27 or xx:57 to one of the lanes while they are pushing. Dominate an enemy creep, and start wailing on their poor undefended barracks/towers.
- Farm up your buybacks. You alone have the potential to bring 6 heroes into the fight. Also remember that you lose some money on death, so don't cut it too close.
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