Juggernaut now sports a 45% winrate against Spectre, PA and Slerk and a 42% winrate against Luna, Lycan and WK. This chart shows one of the reasons why he is losing steam

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:23 PM PST

New player to DOTA 2, need help

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:59 PM PST

Hi, I'm an old League of Legends player deciding to get into DOTA, could someone help me out by explaining the game to me?
When I ask for explanation, I don't mean like what is a jungle or lane, but things like:
Is there an equivalent to a LoL bot lane duo?
What champions should I play in each lane? (Ex. Tanks top, Carries bot, etc).
How does the jungle work?(is there a main jungler or does the role swap around, is it viable for a laner to go and take a camp from your jungle, etc).
I used to play intermediate bots only a couple years ago(and have racked up around 80 hrs. there), so I have some grasp about how to play the game, but no idea of champion meta or p/b strats.
Any direct help or resources would be much appreciated!
submitted by /u/VonMrSnuffles
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Rubick can pull Radiant Ancients to mid.

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 12:32 AM PST

In the currently on-going DPL CDEC vs VG game, CDEC's Rubick on Radiant just pulled their ancients to mid by using Telekinesis to throw an ancient down the cliff. Mid pulls are extremely powerful, and easy ways to do so have been repeatedly removed (Tusk, Earthshaker). I suspect that this will also be removed.
submitted by /u/Animastryfe
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Website which searches for high MMR games with certain heroes?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 01:47 AM PST

Her r/learndota2, I have a vague memory of a resource that let you search for a specific hero, and would return a list of recent high MMR matches. Was hoping to see how 7.00 affected how people play some heroes, and was hoping someone could link it.
submitted by /u/Maniamax
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How about the new Helm of the Dominator on Slark?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 01:35 AM PST

Maybe after Shadow Blade, or before (depending on how well the lane is going).

Helm of the Dominator: 1800

  • +6 Strength
  • +6 Agility
  • +6 Intelligence
  • +10 (+10 Aura) Attack speed
  • +8 Aura HP Regen
This is pretty much 1/4th of a Skadi by flat stats (at 1/3rd the cost); regen, attack speed and dominated creep is a bonus (and none of it is particularly bad on Slark). This also builds from smaller parts, instead of having to save up for something big (ult orbs, for example, to complete Silver Edge).
I'm actually considering rushing HoD instead of Treads. By mid game, have something like: Treads, Aquila, HoD, Echo Sabre, Shadow Blade (have a raindrop/OoV/dust or something).
submitted by /u/Debloper
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Jungle and patch 7.00 is still worth it?

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 12:32 AM PST

With all the new changes, respawn time, position, etc... is still worth be a jungler?
I used to play NP an Legion.
submitted by /u/Lus_
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Mjolnir/Maelstrom on AntiMage - 7.00

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:39 PM PST

How is the item now on AM, instead of going battle fury which has a slower buildup ? I have been trying it out a bit. Any comments ? I do know that illusions don't get the "Chain lightning" proc Edit : yeah they don't get cleave either. now discuss
submitted by /u/Ancestral_Spirit
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Can anyone explain how to be more effective with rotations as a support?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 11:03 PM PST

When I play support I normally play Rubick, Shadow Demon, or Distuptor which are all good ganking heroes. The problem is(clq voice) that I really don't know how often to gank, which lane, how to approach a gank. I also don't know when the enemy's can see me during day so sometimes I walk into vision and screw it up(espically with the new map). Another problem I have when playing supports is constantly going to base. For example, I go gank the offlane, and get a kill. It's close so I right click the enemy necrophos to make sure we get the kill. We get the kill but I'm at 200 hp and low mana. I then have to walk all the way back to base. When I finally get mid from base a skirmish breaks out, and I disrupt tinker and we get the kill. He laser and rockets me in the process so I'm really low health. I then have to go back to base once again. It feels like I'm wasting so much time. I understand supports shouldn't be in the middle of fights but I still take some damage, enough to make me go back to base.
submitted by /u/Imhereforgames
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Can we discuss about mask of madness please?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST

What's your opinion on the recent changes? Are they buffs or nerfs? Who should get it? I've been theory crafting for some time can't seem to think of a really good hero. I mean, for melee heroes, attack speed problem is pretty much solved by echo sabre, probably a bit of movement speed bonus only, so it seems only logical on range heroes. So far, I think it is only really good on Medusa. Tell me what you guys think! Thanks.
submitted by /u/wormta
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struggling as AM in new patch.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:52 PM PST

Hi guys, played am for a few games yesterday but have been struggling so hard even with decent laning stage => 13-14 minutes bfury. While the aghs buff seems good, 7.00 made late game comes too early for item/lvl advantage. Even supports are similar lvl to me. Is there any new way/ new build I should play am?
submitted by /u/jacky11215
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Is there some method for pre-selecting a hero I don't know about?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:42 PM PST

I see Monkey King get picked seemingly within a fraction of a second of the selection screen loading almost every game, is this some bot thing?
submitted by /u/m84m
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Been stuck around 2k forever

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:34 PM PST

As title states I've been stuck around 2k forever, and most recently in the last few months Ive been losing more than winning and at 1.9k. I only have time to play 1 or 2 games a day due to having a baby you take care of. I like playing most positions but my best hero is wraith king. I'm also not new to DotA at all, been playing for years but haven't seen much improvement. Here is my dotabuff:
Any advice would be great, tell me how shit I am I don't care as long as i can improve.
submitted by /u/Evil_Boaster
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What makes a good lane support?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:52 PM PST

What is it that differentiates a good from a bad lane support hero?
Why for example, is Visage considered a bad lane support?
submitted by /u/AwesomeArab
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I think I've found one of the better MK counters

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:34 PM PST

IMO windranger is one of the hardest counters. Powershot destroys trees, shackleshot will lock MK down for a long ass time, windrun enables her to quite easily escape and her ult in combo with her shackleshot will basically guarantee a dead monkey
submitted by /u/iSachman
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Farm Related Creep Infographics - (x-post /r/Dota2)

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:31 PM PST

Who's the best allies and worst enemy for visage?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:13 PM PST

This hero got buffed in this patch so I wanna try it on pubs before I play it ranked so if anyone plays this hero a lot I need your help. Thanks in advance! :)
submitted by /u/LorenZ901
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How good is Kunkka support?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:09 PM PST

He was popular during ti6, then valve threw some nerfs on his torrent--haven't seen much of him after that. Now, in 7.00, with extra bounty runes and whatnot, is support/roam Kunkka still viable?
submitted by /u/Weastie37
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Help on using batrider?
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:32 PM PST

He is one of the most used by pros and players alike, but I dont have a clur what I am doing, what lane should i go? Jungle? What items/build? Any help would be appreciated
submitted by /u/Littlertea
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Any good streamers spamming Monkey King?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:33 AM PST

I appreciate people are playing against it and losing their shit but I'm curious if anyone 5.5k+ has got 20-30 games already and actually good at the hero?
I'm more curious to see a 5k guy with 30 games than a 8k guy with 3 games.
submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Can't play Lina well anymore. What am I doing wrong now?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:06 AM PST

I liked Lina since allstar. And liked her when I first started to play Dota 2 (about 1 year ago?). But now, I have basically only lost every game on her since summer or soo.
Lane phase is allright. I use her long range attack for harassing enemy hero or LH creeps (depends if I support carry or not). I usually build Arcane boots. Have a protection item like basilius. Build Cyclone/Force or even Orchid.
But around this point. The enemy carry/roamer get more dmg and kill me like I'm nothing. In and outside teamfights.
Maby I play her very wrong, how to play her? I thought 7.00 would change her enough soo I would start losing less but it's quite the opposite.
submitted by /u/TheOneWithALongName
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Help. Hotkeys for Micro

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:29 PM PST

I want to learn lone druid, and I think my hotkeys for micro intensive heroes may be sub optimal. I don't play many micro heroes - enough meepo to not play him anymore, some arc warden, and illusion runes and manta style heroes. Currently I use these keys for micro: space bar (hero), mouse key (all non hero units), TAB (cycle between units), CAPS (all units). I have never used control groups and can't imagine using them since my whole keyboard is being used. Are there any commonly accepted hotkeys for lone druid? I set up my hotkeys like this for meepo since all I needed to do was blink poof. Obviously conrtol groups are probably needed for him. But what about Lone Druid's hotkeys? Should I have a specific key for the bear. Because if I got an illusion rune, HoTD, or something, I wouldn't be able to press a key and control only me bear. I had this problem with arc warden. I could cycle through units, but when I got necronomicons, my micro seriously broke down. I don't want to play WK and PA forever because the harder heroes look too difficult to play, but I DO NOT wan to learn a hero on sub optimal hotkeys and have to relearn dota later. Thanks for the help!
submitted by /u/J0HNCENA
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Chapter 3: The Safe Lane by Dem!goD
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:31 AM PST

Underlord item build.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:15 AM PST

Been playing and really enjoying offlane Underlord, only played a few games but I've struggled with what items I should buy, I settled on getting arcanes + Mek every game since it makes me really tanky, and gives me more presence in teamfights. After this though, I'm not sure what items are choices other than veil, thought about vanguard, into crimson guard to be extra tanky and extra helpful for teamfights, thought about AC too, Blink seems very meh to me on the hero but I could be wrong.
What are some other items I should considering when playing Underlord?
submitted by /u/MimC_06
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What to Build?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:42 PM PST

Me and my friends just started playing because 7.00 was all new and exciting. This is our first times playing for the most part and I'm having trouble finding good item build/level guides. The in-game ones aren't super specific and most I can find seem outdated. Does anyone have any info on what to build on CM/Earthshaker/QOP/Windranger? Even just a little helps.
submitted by /u/Sig333
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Core Vengeful Spirit Early-game Item - Vladimir's or Aquila?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:37 AM PST

Aquila helps a lot for cost-efficient damage and is cheaper, but Vladimir's offering helps you shove with your team faster, but is 1k~ more expensive and gives you some neat regen and 10% lifesteal.
Thoughts which one is better for early-game, first item?
submitted by /u/kfijatass
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