If you hate playing against Monkey King, consider batrider

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:03 AM PST

How does Batrider counter Monkey King you ask? Let me list the ridiculous number of ways
  • With lasso and force staff, you can cancel his ulti
  • Firefly lets you see him on trees
  • Firefly destroys trees, and therefore stuns him for 4 seconds
  • He can't abuse his long range as much when he can't turn
  • Flamebreak also can affect his ulti by pushing him out
  • MK likes to go mid or safelane; Batrider prefers mid or offlane. Batrider's Q can dominate MK in lane, and naturally being against him in lane helps
  • With lasso and destroying his tree, Batrider can disable Sun Wukong for a grand total of 8 SECONDS.
  • Even if he gets linken's and you can't easily pop it, flamebreak can still cancel his ulti, and firefly still obliterates his tree hopping
  • Sticky napalm number also lets you see him through disguise, credit to /u/Narwhalbaconguy
Seriously. I'm a decent batrider, but both games against MK I was 10+/<2 K/D. Ridiculous. Even my friend who has played bat like once ever stomped the lane.
submitted by /u/RaigorDota
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Batrider Double Stack Trick

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:45 PM PST

What can i do against Treant?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:50 PM PST

He seems extremly broken atm.
he messes up lanes, he is a permanent threat and you can't do anything about it. sentrys are expensive and you cant ward all spots!
he is worse than brood. he can initate out of nowhere, and during laning phase he is such a waste of money and time.
he eats your bountys, he goes for your courier, blocks your camps, he harasses and...
as soon as he hits level 2, you are fuckin done
even with all the sentrys in the world, u dont have enough burst or clicks to kill him
submitted by /u/derBlonde
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This Week I Learned:
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:03 AM PST

Dota v7.00 - The New Journey - Patch Notes

We have a HUGE new patch so I'm sure everyone is learning a lot about the new map, game, hero reworks, meta, etc. Please welcome all the new players who are coming to the game to check it out. Post your tips/tricks and upvote something if you've learned from it.

This thread will not be used to bitch, moan, or complain about Monkey King or other new changes to the game. If you post a sarcastic remark, it will be removed and you will receive a 24 hour ban. This also goes for flaming other users because they have a different level of knowledge than you. I have seen many posts removed because users stopped discussing the topic and started attacking each other. Report the instigator and move on.
1.- Be friendly. Civil discussion is encouraged. Toxic attitudes or flaming aren't welcome here. Try to remain respectful.

Last week's most helpful tip - /u/ZuneNebula - 35 Points
Bloodseeker can run through fissure if you torture enough axes.
submitted by /u/Pressthepig
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What's the build for CK support?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:55 PM PST

that new aghs looks STRONG. Would he work as a pos 4. roamer?
submitted by /u/grapeintensity
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As a Rule of Thumb: Who buys Radiance?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:58 AM PST

I'm having a hard time spotting a pattern in the heroes who tend to buy Radiance. I've seen it recommended for Alchemist, a hard carry right clicker, as well as Phoenix, a support nuker. When do you buy it?
submitted by /u/JarJarBinks590
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How do we view our own hero guides ingame?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:12 PM PST

I have a bunch of hero builds that I made myself on the dota2.com hero build maker, but none of them show up ingame anymore. Went back and edited one and resaved it to see if that would fix, but it didn't. Even uploaded it to steam community to subscribe to it from there and see if it would appear ingame, but still no luck. Are the builds bugged again or am I just an idiot?
submitted by /u/Mushroom_Surprise
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Courier Strats: Legit or not?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:53 PM PST

Now that courier can use items, are courier cheese starts legit? Maybe something involving soul ring and dagon?
submitted by /u/grapeintensity
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What is the point behind Snith's Chen build in 7.00?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:16 PM PST

Since 7.00 he seems to build Dagon5 + E-Blade every game. Is that a troll build or legit?
submitted by /u/Telefonmast
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7.00 settings - seeing opponent items in extra window.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:33 PM PST

When 7.00 came out there was this extra window that would pop up when you click an enemy - you could still control your hero while looking at their items which was awesome.
Looks like this has been disabled recently - is there an option to reenable? been looking everywhere and can't find it.
submitted by /u/Kamikaze_Milkman
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Carrying as Antimage once farmed
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:01 AM PST

I can get farmed as Antimage pretty well, but I'm not sure what to do after that. 15 min Battlefury, 25 min Vlad's + Manta, 32 min Butterfly. But it seems like during teamfights I always get permastunned or bashed, then killed, rendering all my gold worthless.
I've tried pushing side lanes alone, but they'd always send at least 2 back for me while my team was defending our base.
My primary question is how to carry teamfights. It seems like I can't ever get a ton of right clicks off. I've tried BKB before Butterfly, but I usually get bashed and killed anyway. 2.7k MMR.
submitted by /u/TrocheeCity
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Does Silver Edge break Flesh Heap or Duel Damage?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 06:01 PM PST

So it's commonly known that Silver Edge breaks most passives, but I'm curious about which ones. Pudge and LC are some serious snowball heroes who can reach absurd levels of health or damage if they kill enough.
Would buying a Silver Edge be an effective counter?
submitted by /u/JarJarBinks590
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After 3 years of being stuck at 2.5k, I've gained ~1k MMR over the past month and I'm still climbing. AMA.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:05 PM PST
The enemy/allied unit side interface thing (where did it go?)
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:51 PM PST

Does anyone know how to get that side interface thing that let you see the enemy hero and your hero at the same time? (It's really useful to be able to see enemy mana even while controlling your hero, especially with antimage.)
submitted by /u/DehNutCase
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This new lycan is pretty legit

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:19 AM PST

With the extra healing on the base hero, you can easily get an armlet on him. With vlads and feral impulse, the strength from armlet yields insane damage (edit: a whole 15 damage more than the average strength hero). Follow that up with echo sabre, and you have a cleanup machine 20 minutes in. He also scales very well, with a potential 64% uptime on shapeshift.
I always felt like lycan had a problem of getting blocked by his own minions, so being able to forgo necrobook lessens this effect. By making wolves stronger, vlads and AC still keep him relevant as a pusher, but his build can be more focused on his hero now.
submitted by /u/FleetingCold
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Question how to counter Venomancer ?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:17 AM PST

I want an advise on how to deal with Venomancer during laning phase. I tried to harass a solo offlane Venomancer but it was a disaster. He can outrun my Ogre magi with wind lace. we keep placing plague wards so i can't flank him. Thanks in advance :)
submitted by /u/MoonZZZ123
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Obligatory 7.00 "why not this crazy build for X hero because talent tree?" thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:13 AM PST

I've been playing some Tidehunter. I like Tidehunter.
For the record, I think that Refresher Orb is basically a "get at least 3 heroes in Ravage, Refresh, Ravage again, win the game" kind of item: well it is at that stage of the game in my opinion. But because we're doing counter-intuitive builds here, I'd like to posit the following: Tidehunter in the pre-7.00 Sven vein.
  • Power Treads
  • Helm of the Dominator
  • Echo Sabre
  • Blink
From there, there's a variety of choices:
  • Assault Cuirass
  • Heaven's Halberd
  • Medallion/Solar Crest
  • Heart of Tarrasque
Or, your more traditional Tidehunter items:
  • Shiva's Guard
  • Refresher Orb
You can obviously ditch the HotD eventually in favour of more beneficial stat/damage items. Talent tree?
  • +50 damage
  • +7 armour
  • +15 STR
  • + 20% cooldown reduction [too good to pass up?]
Pros? He's hard to bully out of lane. He can pitch a tent in the off-lane secret shop haven, grab bounty runes and farm those camps even if he is bullied out of lane. His ability to farm items via Anchor Smash makes him decent. Ancient-stacking is now better for off-laners in that it's technically not taking farm from the other ancient camp on your side of the map. He's also now a dual-purpose hero: Blink initiator and follow-up damage dealer.
Cons? Probably lacks inherent tankiness without more chunks of HP, armour. Mana is another issue [somewhat offset by Echo Sabre though]. Relies on good initiation to be able to deal follow-up damage. Anyways, food for thought.
Any thoughts on builds that were completely out of left-field in 6.88 that are now on the verge of being almost not-nuts? I looked at Bounty Hunter's Jinada on a 1-second cooldown and thought "that's gotta be OP if he ever gets to level 25... right?" You know, that sort of thing.
No idea is too bizarre: this is safe space for bonkers ideas.
submitted by /u/AndyKlymacks
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How to stop feeding like a monster?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:53 PM PST

Here is my dotabuff http://www.dotabuff.com/players/363137755
I keep dying amd I don't see the way out... any help?
submitted by /u/HelenXandria
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How do i play against meepo when no real counter?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:57 AM PST

What do i do when i dont have any real hard counter to meepo?
submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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What is the reason to level up Underlord's Dark Rift past the first one?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 12:34 PM PST

Sure, there is a shorter cooldown... but I'm not sure how that's incredibly useful compared to his other three skills and/or talents. Care to explain?
submitted by /u/-methane-
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Building Enchantress as a tanky aura support?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:13 AM PST

Is this a decent idea? She's susceptible to magic nukes so she could buid Hood or Pipe, and if the enemy doesn't have many nukes, she could go with Crimson Guard.
Like, how tanky does Untouchable make her really?
submitted by /u/-methane-
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7.0 Necro builds?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:21 AM PST
How do I itemize/skill a support Zeus?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 05:29 PM PST

I saw Torte de Lini is possibly going to publish a support Zeus guide for 7.00, but since guides are currently broken, I thought I'd ask this sub.
Basically I'm desperate to find some good counters to Monkey King and I main support. I can't think of a lot of support counters and Zeus seems like the best one because of Lightning Bolt giving true sight over him.
submitted by /u/-methane-
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7.00 Meta Heros
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 05:22 PM PST

Hello guys! We all knows that monkey king is OP! xD My question is: do you experiment with some hero's ? Wich Heros are back in meta. I try storm spirit after a lot of years. he looks good now i think. Invoker with rod of atos (fata invoker) work nice too. I try lina mid but not working :) pls tell what u try . Thanks. (sry for bad english)
submitted by /u/Spexter
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Can anyone look over this storm game?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 04:55 PM PST

Basically what happens if the enemy bloodseeker starts going around ganking lanes, and my team starts fighting. My team is bitching at me, telling the other team to report me, because I'm chilling mid against Invoker trying to get my bloodstone. Eventually I go and try to help me team but die twice because I have no fucking items which is what I told my team earlier. I get a late bloodstone and our pa falls off and we lose. Was my team justified for telling me"pick a different hero" "uninstall" , "you're useless". They seemed to think mid was for ganking only while I see mid as a carry that can gank but doesn't have too
submitted by /u/Imhereforgames
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