China Top 2016 - Grand Finals - Newbee vs Evil Geniuses

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:23 PM PST

China Top 2016

Sponsored by General Administration of Sport of China

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Game 1

Evil Geniuses Victory!

Dire: Evil Geniuses
  • just kidding man - Arteezy
  • Clint Eastwood - Sumail
  • happy holidays - UNiVeRsE
  • rtz fans - Zai
  • what de fck+_+ - Cr1t
Radiant: Newbee
  • Moogy - uuu9
  • Sccc` - Sccc
  • kpii - kpii
  • wwwwwwww - Faith
  • 最后的战役 - Kaka

Game 2

Dire: Evil Geniuses
  • just kidding man - Arteezy
  • Clint Eastwood - Sumail
  • happy holidays - UNiVeRsE
  • rtz fans - Zai
  • what de fck+_+ - Cr1t
Radiant: Newbee
  • Moogy - uuu9
  • Sccc` - Sccc
  • kpii - kpii
  • wwwwwwww - Faith
  • 最后的战役 - Kaka

7.00 is killing my custom game and I can't do anything about it

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 06:34 PM PST

I've put a lot of work into my game:
Over more than a year I've developed a unique ranked system, rewards system, custom game pass system and now it's all going to the trash bin because after 7.00 90% of players experience a crash after the game ends. Which means they will never see their rank progression or their custom game pass level progression.
I know only a week has passed, but I'm losing players every day, and you know what happens to games with no players: they die.
Players also report frequent crashes on selecting units (which I have never messed with) or even simply going to dashboard and back. And since the game is so short players never come back to play another one after a crash.
It's disheartening to see my creation die while being absolutely helpless.
submitted by /u/DoctorGester
[link] [comments]

Performance issue mega thread

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 05:58 PM PST


Hey let's give Valve a hand and crowdsource some information for them so maybe we give them an idea where to look for the performance issues. I'm sure I'm not alone with hoping to get this issue fixed rather sooner than later.
Post structure:
  1. Possible fixes
  2. Instructions how to perform a benchmark
  3. Rows upon rows of benchmarks
Please also note that posting your performance is very helpful even if you've felt like you gained a lot of fps in this patch!
Edit1: And as another disclaimer, this isn't meant for in depth testing, simply a broad overview to possibly get an idea of odd outliers.
Edit2: Loads of results already, thanks guys! Off to sleep, going to update later.

Possible fixes

Section with fixes, working on that right now. Please post if you have an idea/suggestion that could help.


Try to run the game with a different render engine. Possible options include:
  • -nod9d3ex = The vanilla DirectX9. Might have some effects missing
  • -opengl = Needs the OpenGL DLC, likely good performance on Nvidia cards (from my testing)
  • -dx11 = Successor of DX9, likely good performance on AMD cards (from my testing)
  • -vulkan = Needs the Vulkan DLC, was very good for AMD GPUs and low end CPUs before 7.00, now seems to have bugs
  • none of the above = standard dx9ex setting, from my testing currently the best choice

Other launch commands

Please remove -high, -threads N or similar launch commands briefly to benchmark. Or if you want to test different ones, feel free to add these options in the details section of the table

Corrupted files of the File System and/or Dota 2

  • Start -> cmd -> CTRL SHIFT ENTER, then type:
  • "sfc /scannow" without ". This tests for corrupted files on the Windows System
  • "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" without ". Similar to sfc /scannow, but repairs the Image Windows has
  • Steam -> Dota 2 -> Right click -> Properties -> Verify Integrity of Game Cache, this verifies Dota 2 files

Shader cache

  • For AMD users, turn off shader cache in Crimson via Gaming -> Global Settings -> Shader Cache
  • For Nvidia users, disable Shader Cache in Nvidia Control Panel, then take a look into "C:\Windows\Temp\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_Cache" and delete the files, restart and re-enable shader cache
  • Go into "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota" and delete the "shaders_xx.vpk" files, then verify the integrity of the game cache afterwards or your dota will be visually buggy as hell.
  • Please note that I don't recommend doing this.

General stuff

  • Never run vsync on in Dota2 (or any game which isn't DX12) if you run windowed/borderless. Windows' compositor acts as triple-buffered Vsync so you don't need to tick it ingame, you'll have massive input lag else.
  • Double check that if running an iGPU (Laptops, most Desktops even nowadays) that Dota runs on your dedicated GPU, this can be done in your drivers control panel

New Settings in 7.0

  • Disabling Grass and moving Trees in Video options yields around a 5% performance boost each, sometimes more
  • If you still like grass but don't want to disable it, you can use "r_grass_quality 1", from default of 2. This means there's less grass total. It goes up all the way to 5 if you're crazy for it.

How to perform a benchmark

  1. Download the demo file I've made a while ago (because recording a demo doesn't work right now [please fix!]) here, link is valid for 14 days.
  2. Paste the .dem file into your "Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota" folder
  3. go in-game and run "timedemo benchvulkan2.dem"
  4. Now the demo should run. It will look like low fps stuttery mess, this is normal. I can't make a new demo and I think something still is wrong with demos but at least we can benchmark reliably this way.
  5. After you're done, take a look into the "Source2Bench.csv" file in the same directory. The last line is the last run of the benchmark.
  6. Extract the "FPS" and "FPS Variability" numbers from the last line, these ones.
  7. Copy the schema below to fill in your CPU (note if not stock clocks), GPU (note if not stock clocks), GPU DRIVER, WINDOWS VERSION (WINDOWS KEY + R, type in "winver"), Renderer, Resolution, Details.
  8. Post the information in this thread.
copy paste this: FPS | FPS Variance | CPU | GPU | GPU DRIVER | Windows Version | Renderer | Resolution | Details ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- 
so for example a standard run for me would look like:
Standard run: 108.7 | 15.4 | 5820k 4.2ghz | GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem | 376.33 | Windows 10 1607 | default (dx9ex) | 2560x1440 | All max except shadows on high, no vsync ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- 
and that looks like:
108.7 15.4 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 2560x1440 All max except shadows on high, no vsync
Also please note that if you really have more time on your hands check out /u/aveyo's post here to generate a vprof log, this will give a better idea which sub routines are responsible for which cpu/gpu times among other things.
Like /u/moartuba pointed out this won't help with specific deep analysis at all, but is meant as a crowd-sourced test to see possible outlier configurations which Valve themselves could then take a closer look at.


FPS FPS Variance CPU GPU GPU DRIVER Windows Version Renderer Resolution Details
108.7 15.4 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
94.6 9.2 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -gl 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
108.6 16.7 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -vulkan 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
106.2 16.0 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
108.6 16.1 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -nod3d9ex 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
107.2 16.5 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed -threads 4
112.2 16.7 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed -threads 6
111.4 14.5 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed -threads 8
106.3 12.3 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed -threads 10
112.0 14,6 5820k 4.2ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed -threads 12
71.9 14.8 5820k 4.0ghz Sapphire Fury Tri-X Stock 16.12.1 Windows 10 1511 -vulkan 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
49.3 3.0 5820k 4.0ghz Sapphire Fury Tri-X Stock 16.12.1 Windows 10 1511 -gl 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
92.6 12.5 5820k 4.0ghz Sapphire Fury Tri-X Stock 16.12.1 Windows 10 1511 -dx11 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
71.9 14.8 5820k 4.0ghz Sapphire Fury Tri-X Stock 16.12.1 Windows 10 1511 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
89.0 9.5 5820k 4.0ghz Sapphire Fury Tri-X Stock 16.12.1 Windows 10 1511 -nod3d9ex 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
61.8 9.4 FX-4300 Radeon R7 200 Series 16.11.5 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All off except tree wind, render 100%, vsync on @monitor 70hz, texture medium, windowed
61.8 12.1 FX-4300 Radeon R7 200 Series 16.11.5 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All off except tree wind, render 100%, vsync off, texture medium, windowed
99.1 12.8 i7 4790k GTX 980TI 376.33 Windows 8.1 version 6.3 Build 9600 Default 2560x1440 Borderless Window, vsync off, max frames set to 144
100.6 12.8 i7 4790k GTX 980TI 376.33 Windows 8.1 version 6.3 Build 9600 -nod9d3ex 2560x1440 Borderless Window, vsync off, max frames set to 144
97.9 12.2 i7 4790k GTX 980TI 376.33 Windows 8.1 version 6.3 Build 9600 -opengl 2560x1440 Borderless Window, vsync off, max frames set to 144
100.7 14 i7 4790k GTX 980TI 376.33 Windows 8.1 version 6.3 Build 9600 -dx11 2560x1440 Borderless Window, vsync off, max frames set to 144
100.1 12.8 i7 4790k GTX 980TI 376.33 Windows 8.1 version 6.3 Build 9600 -vulkan 2560x1440 Borderless Window, vsync off, max frames set to 144
85.3 15.4 4690k gtx970 376.33 Windows 10 pro 64b default 1900x1080 Max Vsync off
91.5 12.5 i5 4570/3.2ghz gtx 960 368.81 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 fullscreen advanced settings all on except tree/grass/vsync,text and shadow on high .Render quality 100%
57.3 10.1 AMD FX-6300 3.5 ghz GTX 960 4GB 372.90 Windows 10 1607 default(?) 1920x1080 Textures and shadows on high. These are on: Animate Portrait, Additive Light Pass, World Lighting, Specular, High Quality Water
91.5 12.5 i5 4570/3.2ghz gtx 960 368.81 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 fullscreen advanced settings all on except tree/grass/vsync,text and shadow on high .Render quality 100%
83.3 13.7 i5-6400 GTX 1060 - 6gb 376.33 Windows 10 1607 Default 1920x1080 Everything but VSync turned on, Texture and Shadow Quality on high
84.5 9.9 i5 3550 3.9ghz GTX 970 376.33 Windows 7 7601 Default 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync,borderless window,frames set to 144(had constant 144),dual monitors
56.1 8.4 AMD FX8350 MSI GTX 970 375.86 Win 7 v6.1 -dx9 1600x900 borderless windowed, Everything ON / MAX except VSync
55.8 8.7 AMD FX8350 MSI GTX 970 375.86 Win 7 v6.1 -dx11 1600x900 borderless windowed, Everything ON / MAX except VSync
48.6 10.8 AMD FX8350 MSI GTX 970 375.86 Win 7 v6.1 -vulkan 1600x900 borderless windowed, Everything ON / MAX except VSync
107.3 13.8 i7 490k GTX 1070 372.54 Windows 10 1607 def 1920x1080 max V-sync OFF
103.4 14.8 i7 490k GTX 1070 372.54 Windows 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 max V-sync OFF
74.6 10.0 i7-4770 3.4 GHz GTX 1070 376.33 Windows 10 1607 Default 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, borderless window, frames set to 240, dual monitors
81.9 16.9 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 -vulkan 1920x1080 Game rendering quality at max, everything turned off except animate portrait, additive light pass, world lighting, specular/light blooms, HQ water and dashboard, texture quality high, borderless windowed, no vsync, fps limited to 144
73.1 12.3 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 -dx11 1920x1080 same as above
76.8 12.2 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 -dx11 1920x1080 same as above, 2nd benchmark
72.9 14.6 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 same as above
73.9 13.2 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 same as above, 2nd benchmark
47.1 8.3 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 -gl 1920x1080 same as above
51.6 6.2 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 -gl 1920x1080 same as above, 2nd benchmark
71.8 19.1 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 -nod3d9ex 1920x1080 same as above
82.6 19.8 i5 4570 Radeon R9 270x Windows 7 7601 15.11.1 -nod3d9ex 1920x1080 same as above, 2nd benchmark
98.5 17.4 i7 490k GTX 1070 372.54 Windows 10 1607 -gl 1920x1080 max V-sync OFF
108.9 15.9 i7 490k GTX 1070 372.54 Windows 10 1607 -vulkan 1920x1080 max V-sync OFF
47 6.3 i7-4710HQ 2.50 ghz GTX 860M 372.90 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 all max except shadows: high no vsync
115.4 13.7 i7-6700k 4.00 GHz GTX 1070 N/A Windows 10 64b default 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, windowed
79.2 15.4 i5-4570 R9 380 4GB 16.12.1 Windows 10 1607 Default (dx9ex) 1920 x 1080 The following are on: Additive Light pass, World Lighting, Ambient Occlusion, Normal Maps, Ground Parallax, Anti-Aliasing, Specular and Light Blooms, High quality dashboard. High Textures, medium shadows and 100% Render quality.
80.1 15.4 i5-4570 R9 380 4GB 16.12.1 Windows 10 1607 nod9d3ex 1920 x 1080 see above
77.9 15.3 i5-4570 R9 380 4GB 16.12.1 Windows 10 1607 opengl 1920 x 1080 see above
74.3 17.8 i5-4570 R9 380 4GB 16.12.1 Windows 10 1607 vulkan 1920 x 1080 see above
125.2 14.4 i7 6700k GTX 1080 1683mhz 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 All max, no vsync, fullscreen
78 12.8 i7-5700HQ 2.70Ghz GTX 960M 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 Additive Light Pass, Ambient Cloth Simulation, Grass, High Quality Water, Atmospheric Fog, Vsync, Tree Wind are all off. Rest are on. Texture quality High. Shadow quality Med. Game screen Render Quality 100%, Max frames allowed - 120. Display Mode - Exclusive Fullscreen
92.3 12.7 i5 2500K 4.5 GHz GTX 960 4GB 1463C 3524M 368.22 10 1607 default 1920x1080 V-Sync OFF, High Quality Dash OFF, Max, Borderless
90.7 12.4 i5 2500K 4.5 GHz GTX 960 4GB 1463C 3524M 368.22 10 1607 default 1920x1080 V-Sync OFF, High Quality Dash OFF, Max, Exclusive Full Screen
103.1 13.8 4670k stock up to 3.8GHz GTX 1070 FTW stock 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 All max, no vsync
43.9 5.8 i7 5930k Radeon R9 290X Win 10 1607 -vulkan 3840 x 2160 max, shadow quality High
96.7 16.4 i5-2500k(4.2 Ghz) EVGA GTX 780SC Stock 376.33 Win 10 Pro v.1511 VULKAN 1920x1080 only checked box is normal maps, TQ Med, SQ Med, 100% Render, 120 Max Frames
105.6 14.4 i7-5820k GTX 980ti 372.70 Windows 10 1607 DX9 1920x1080 Borderless Window Custom Config Ultra except No Vsync
103.9 14.7 i7-5820k GTX 980ti 372.70 Windows 10 1607 DX11 1920x1080 Borderless Window Custom Config Ultra except No Vsync
44.2 6.3 i3 4160 GTX 1050 376.33 Windows 7 default 1366x768 max V-sync OFF
37.8 4.4 i3-3240 GTX 960 2GB 376.33 advanced settings all on except tree/grass/vsync,text and shadow on high .Render quality 100%
46.1 2.8 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx11 1920x1200 Max, No Vsync, Borderless
48.1 2.1 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx9ex 1920x1200 Max, No Vsync, Borderless
48.0 2.0 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -nodx9ex 1920x1200 Max, No Vsync, Borderless
50.4 2.1 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx9ex 1920x1200 Max, No Vsync, Borderless, Dedicated fullscreen
163.7 21.1 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx9ex 1920x1200 All off, 100% scaling, Borderless
171.2 21.7 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx9ex 1920x1200 All off, 100% scaling, Dedicated fullscreen
55.1 2.2 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx9ex 1920x1200 All max except shadows off, No Vsync, Borderless
51.0 1.9 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx9ex 1920x1200 All max except grass off, No Vsync, Borderless
52.8 7.7 5820k 4.4Ghz AMD 5870 Gpu875MHz Ram1250Mhz Crimson 16.2.1 Win 7 ult 64 7601 SP1 -dx9ex 1920x1200 All max except textures medium, No Vsync, Borderless
75.6 12.4 AMD 8320 @ 4.6 GHz 2x GTX 970 (SLi) 375.95 Win 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 All max, no AA, no V-sync, no launch options
74.7 12.2 AMD 8320 @ 4.6 GHz 2x GTX 970 (SLi) 375.95 Win 10 1607 -dx11 2560x1440 All max, no AA, no V-sync, no launch options
39.0 9.8 AMD 8320 @ 4.6 GHz 2x GTX 970 (SLi) 375.95 Win 10 1607 -default 3840x2160 All max, no AA, no V-sync, no launch options
72.6 12.4 AMD 8320 @ 4.6 GHz 2x GTX 970 (SLi) 375.95 Win 10 1607 -dx11 3840x2160 All max, no AA, no V-sync, -no launch options
71.7 12.2 AMD 8320 @ 4.6 GHz 2x GTX 970 (SLi) 375.95 Win 10 1607 -dx11 3840x2160 All max, no AA, no V-sync, -high -threads 8
105.6 14.4 i7-5820k GTX 980ti 372.70 Windows 10 1607 DX9 1920x1080 Borderless Window Custom Config Ultra except No Vsync
103.9 14.7 i7-5820k GTX 980ti 372.70 Windows 10 1607 DX11 1920x1080 Borderless Window Custom Config Ultra except No Vsync
96.7 16.4 i5-2500k(4.2 Ghz) EVGA GTX 780SC Stock 376.33 Win 10 Pro v.1511 VULKAN 1920x1080
103.1 13.8 4670k stock up to 3.8GHz GTX 1070 FTW stock 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 All max, no vsync
139.4 20.2 Intel i5-3570k Radeon 280x 16.3.2 Win 8 64-bit default 1920x1280 Exclusive Fullscreen, Normal Maps, Texture High, Shadow Off, Render Quality 100%, Max FPS 300
69.2 9.4 i5 2500k @4.32Ghz GTX 1070 375.95 Windows 7 Default 1920x1080 Borderless Window, vsync off
51.1 8.4 i5 2500k @4.32Ghz GTX 1070 375.95 Windows 7 Default 1920x1080 Borderless Window, vsync off, watching Twitch on Source
71.6 14.4 fx 6300 r9 380 2gb amd relive 16.12.1 windows 10 1607 default 1366x768 lowest settings possible
97.4 12.1 i7-6700 3.40GHz GTX 970 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 Max v-sync off borderless window
86.7 13.9 i7 4790k R9 390 Radeon Software Version 16.11.5 Windows 10 Home (Build 14393.576) DX11 1920x1080 All settings max, borderless fullscreen
117.4 13.6 i5 6600K 4.6GHz GTX 1060 6GB 376.09 Windows 10 1607 -gl 1920x1080 All max, Ultra shadow, no vsync, fullscreen
131.7 15.0 i5 6600K 4.6GHz GTX 1060 6GB 376.09 Windows 10 1607 -nod3d9ex 1920x1080 All max, Ultra shadow, no vsync, fullscreen
126.6 14.1 i5 6600K 4.6GHz GTX 1060 6GB 376.09 Windows 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 All max, Ultra shadow, no vsync, fullscreen
126.3 18.7 i5 6600K 4.6GHz GTX 1060 6GB 376.09 Windows 10 1607 -vulkan 1920x1080 All max, Ultra shadow, no vsync, fullscreen
57.1 8.0 i5 3570 3.4 GHz GTX 750Ti Windows 10 1607 -dx9 1920x1080 Max V-sync OFF
59.1 8.1 i5 3570 3.4 GHz GTX 750Ti Windows 10 1607 -gl 1920x1080 Max V-sync OFF
58.1 8.3 i5 3570 3.4 GHz GTX 750Ti Windows 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 Max V-sync OFF
59.2 8.2 i5 3570 3.4 GHz GTX 750Ti Windows 10 1607 -vulkan 1920x1080 Max V-sync OFF
88.2 10.4 i5 6600 GTX 960 375.86 Window 10 1607 -dx11 1920 x 1080 Display mode : Borderless Window Disabled list : World lighting, Specular, Specular and Light Blooms, Vsync Texture Quality : Med Shadow Quality : Hight Game Screen Render Quality : 90% Maximum FPS allowed : 120
51.8 9.1 FX-8350 4.4Ghz RX 480 1303Mhz / 1750mem 16.12.1 Windows 10 1607 DX11 1920x1080 All max except Tree Wind/Grass
100.3 13.6 i7 2600k 4.4ghz GTX 960 1473mhz/3764mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 Default 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, fullscreen
47.6 2.4 i7 4790k GTX 470 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, exclusive fullscreen
47.6 2.5 i7 4790k GTX 470 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -nod9d3ex 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, exclusive fullscreen
45.4 4.5 i7 4790k GTX 470 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -gl 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, exclusive fullscreen
50.8 2.1 i7 4790k GTX 470 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, exclusive fullscreen
130.2 17.5 6700k 4.6ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 2560x1440 All max, no vsync
135.1 16.5 6700k 4.6ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -gl 2560x1440 All max, no vsync
125.6 17.0 6700k 4.6ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -dx11 2560x1440 All max, no vsync
121.6 23.1 6700k 4.6ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -vulkan 2560x1440 All max, no vsync
135.2 16.4 6700k 4.6ghz GTX 1080 2050mhz/5400mem 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -nod3d9ex 2560x1440 All max, no vsync
98.1 13.3 i5 6600k GTX 1060 6gb 376.09 Windows 10 1607 default 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, tree wind off, grass quality 1, vsync off
90.1 12.3 i5 6600k GTX 1060 6gb 376.09 Windows 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, tree wind off, grass quality 1, vsync off
98.7 13.5 i5 6600k GTX 1060 6gb 376.09 Windows 10 1607 -opengl 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, tree wind off, grass quality 1, vsync off
58.4 10.3 AMD FX 8320 AMD HD 6670 15.301.1901 Windows 10 1511 DX9 1366X768 Fullscreen(AA, Vsync off), Tex medium and shadows high
128 14.2 6700k @ 4.4 GTX 1060 6GB 376.33 Win 10 1607 Default 1920 x 1080 All MAX, No Vsync, Borderless Window
125.8 14.2 6700k @ 4.4 GTX 1060 6GB 376.33 Win 10 1607 -no3d39ex 1920 x 1080 All MAX, No Vsync, Borderless Window
116.9 15.8 6700k @ 4.4 GTX 1060 6GB 376.33 Win 10 1607 -dx11 1920 x 1080 All MAX, No Vsync, Borderless Window
124.1 17.6 6700k @ 4.4 GTX 1060 6GB 376.33 Win 10 1607 -gl 1920 x 1080 All MAX, No Vsync, Borderless Window
130.3 16 6700k @ 4.4 GTX 1060 6GB 376.33 Win 10 1607 -vulkan 1920 x 1080 All MAX, No Vsync, Borderless Window
30.9 6.4 Core 2 duo E8200 3.2Ghz GTX 660 1032Mhz, 2GB VRAM 376.33 Windows 10 64bit Vulkan 1360x768 Everything max/toggled except for animated portrait and high quality water, frame cap to 120, no vsync.
60 9.4 i5-3450 GTX 760 1020/mem 6008MHZ 376.33 Windows 10 1607 No launch option 1920x1080 All max, shadow high & borderless
68.1 10.7 i5-3450 GTX 760 1020/mem 6008MHZ 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -vulkan 1920x1080 All max, shadow high & borderless
53 5.4 i5-3450 GTX 760 1020/mem 6008MHZ 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -gl 1920x1080 All max, shadow high & borderless
64.4 8.4 i5-3450 GTX 760 1020/mem 6008MHZ 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -dx9 1920x1080 All max, shadow high & borderless
62.3 8.1 i5-3450 GTX 760 1020/mem 6008MHZ 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -nod3d9ex 1920x1080 All max, shadow high & borderless
65.1 9.5 i5-3450 GTX 760 1020/mem 6008MHZ 376.33 Windows 10 1607 -dx11 1920x1080 All max, shadow high & borderless
74.5 11.0 i3 4170 3.7ghz GTX 960 2gb 365.1 Windows 10 1607 default 1360x768 Exclusive fullscreen, texture quality high, shadow quality med, animate portraits on, normal maps on, anti aliasing on, game screen render 100%, maxframes allowed 240
108.8 13.5 i5 4670K @4.4Ghz GTX 970 376.19 Windows 10 1607 Default 1920x1080 All video settings max, Fullscreen, no vSync, 144fps cap
115.3 17.4 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 GPU DRIVER Windows 7 x64 DX11 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 6.88
117.3 17.8 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 GPU DRIVER Windows 7 x64 DX11 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 6.88
103.9 14.9 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 16.10.1 Windows 7 x64 DX11 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 7.00
102.0 14.7 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 16.10.1 Windows 7 x64 DX11 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 7.00
106.8 17.4 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 GPU DRIVER Windows 7 x64 VULKAN 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 6.88
109.2 15.7 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 GPU DRIVER Windows 7 x64 VULKAN 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 6.88
86.9 16.0 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 16.10.1 Windows 7 x64 VULKAN 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 7.00
88.7 13.7 i5 2500k (oc) R9 380 16.10.1 Windows 7 x64 VULKAN 1920x1080 All Off, No Vsync, Med shadows, Borderless windowed 7.00
108.8 13.5 i5 4670K @4.4Ghz GTX 970 376.19 Windows 10 1607 Default 1920x1080 All video settings max, Fullscreen, no vSync, 144fps cap
86.8 12.1 3770k (oc'ed to 4.0) GTX 1070 375.95 Windows 10 64bit 1607 Default 1920x1080 All maxed no vsync borderless window
47.5 8.0 Pentium G3240 GTX 750 1058MHz, 2GB VRAM 369.09 Windows 10 1607 default (dx9ex) 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, exclusive
43.6 8.4 Pentium G3240 GTX 750 1058MHz, 2GB VRAM 369.09 Windows 10 1607 dx11 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, exclusive
37.8 15.9 Pentium G3240 GTX 750 1058MHz, 2GB VRAM 369.09 Windows 10 1607 vulkan 1920x1080 All max except shadows on high, no vsync, exclusive
120.0 13.5 6700k 4.0ghz EVGA GTX 1080 FTW 2126mhz/5005mem 375.76 Windows 10 1607 default 2560x1400 All max except no vsync, fullscreen
submitted by /u/Pimpmuckl

Please fix the god damn minimap because its bugging out and i cant click on it anymore during games.

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:18 PM PST

Title. Valve please. A lot of the people i play with also complained about this.
submitted by /u/BirdSetFree
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Refresher Mana Cost being 375 is not justified with every hero having 20 Intelligence at Level 25

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:20 AM PST

It's all in the Title, here are some stats for Heroes with no Inteligence or Manapool increasing items attempting refresh combos at 25.
Faceless Void = 602 mana 300 for chrono, 302 remaining. 63 mana required for Refresh
Magnus = 746 mana 300RP +375 Refresh = 81 remaining, not enough for second RP. (1 Mana left if we include skewer) 219 Mana needed for second Reverse Polarity
Tidehunter - 722 Mana (325 Ravage + 375 Refresh) 22 mana Remaining 303 mana required for second Ravage
Zeus = 1058 Mana 450 TGW +375 Refresh = 233 mana remaining 217 Mana required for second Thundergod's Wrath
I hope you are seeing a pattern here; sure this is only calculations involving Level 25 heroes with nothing but a refresher and is completely ignoring the fact that you can buy Int items, but in actual games, there are still regular abilities and item costs to account for. You aren't going to be sitting on high ground waiting for the enemy to allow you to pull off your combo, you are going to be throwing out spells to stop the enemy advance before even thinking about your double ult combo that you may or may not have the mana to pull off.
It seems that the only heroes that reasonably buy Refresher and not ditch it in their inventory after use are Intelligence based heroes who WANT to be buying items to increase their mana pool such as Invoker, Enigma, and Outworld Devourer.
Every single hero in the game has lost 200 mana coming from 6.88 to 7.00 and most of them can no longer do refresher combos without significant Manapool investment
Refresher needs to have its Manacost lowered, or have extra mana or Intelligence as part of it's components.
submitted by /u/Bob_Smithee
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Damn kratos is lookin good

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:56 PM PST
Harry is Anti-Mage
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:47 PM PST
Storm Spirit's remnants no longer have quirky poses
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:07 AM PST

Valve, We need a BIG BOT/BOOSTER Cleanup! It's also simple to implement!

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:55 PM PST

The Issue

Dota is being ruined! The game is being destroyed by botters and account boosters. Anyone who plays in ranked match making has surely come across an account buyer. Today I was "lucky" enough to come across another.
After checking the account on Dotabuff I was able to find a very simple pattern that these bots all share and I believe Valve could be doing more to either punish or prevent these accounts from ever reaching your games.
For the sake of proof i'll be using the following account to show you evidence of easy to find bots and boosted accounts.

Easily Identifiable Proof of Botting

The following is easily identifiable, I believe

At the time of writing this post the account and the new owner have ruined 71 ranked games and any wins on the account show that the owner was severely carried.
I'm sure Valve can easily input these above variables and flag multiple accounts that are this obvious. We might not be able to stop every account but Valve should be making it as hard as possible for this to take place.

edit: With a quick google you can even find the ad that the booster used to sell the account. See here The account was 4.8k when sold and has already fallen to ~ 4.2k.
edit 2: If you take a look at the website where this account was sold - See Here - You can see 5000+ accounts sold in the first stickied thread. You can also see 250,000 views on the front page alone. All of these posts were commented on in the last day. Why is this so easy to do? Why can one person sell 5,000 accounts?

Hate Reading? - Video Here!

Here's a video by ChiLongQua that he released just 2 weeks ago about the exact same issue. See Here
We need other Dota personalities to speak out about this issue!

How can Valve ignore such a huge issue that directly impacts Dota 2 and the player-base? If we don't fix this it'll only get worse!


Valve need to make it as hard as possible for the botter. The awesome thing about Valve developing Dota is that they also develop Steam and have access to the players library (or lack there of in this case). If we had an algorithm that looked for the following on an account and if it met every point then it was banned or even flagged as a possible bought account. Valve could then implement a fourth report item "Suspected purchased account" and if the account was already flagged by Valves automatic system and received 'X' reports from players then it lost the ability to play in ranked.
  • New steam account, with only Dota 2 (Free games) on it.
  • Friends on the account? Steam community set up on the account?
  • No communication during games from Dota level 1 to 20.
  • All games played in order to reach Dota level 1 to 20 are played in a party that dies 20+ times every game by constantly feeding.
  • Level 1 - 20 games are played on server 'X'
  • MMR Calibration are played on server 'Y'
  • Games after 10 MMR calibration games are played on server 'Z'
The above won't catch every account but every time Valve make it harder and more time consuming for a user to profit off of this then they're closer to making the effort required higher than the reward received in which case people will cease to do it.
Even if they looked at the data like the account received a hat for a hero whilst they were in their level 1 - 20 games and they didn't equip it or they didn't even view the notification then it gets flagged to complete a simple captcha (Think Dota2 recipe game type Captcha)

Machine learning? - Would it be difficult for Valve to teach a computer system what's a player and what's a dumb bot used to level an account?

  • Players communicate with one another
  • Players buy real items and follow a 'relative' build per hero
  • Players interact with the map and ward/ping
  • Players report and commend one another
  • Players have 'X' APM
  • Bots don't watch live games in the client
  • Bots feed multiple kills all game and have 0/50+ K/D/A
  • Bots don't communicate
  • Bots don't report or commend
  • Current bots used to level don't act human in the slightest
You'd only have to check this on accounts who sit at level 1-20 or who have gone from 1-20 in a short period of time. Even if someone eventually was able to make the bots pass all the above then they've at least had to work for it. They've spent time making the bot bypass the system whereas they would have just been producing and selling accounts in that same time period.

So How Does Google Do It??

If Google can tell the difference between a human and a bot that's only purpose is to solve captcha based purely off of mouse movement on a website then why can't Valve tell the difference between a human and a dumb bot in something as intricate and complex as a 30+ minute game of Dota?
The whole reason we have reCAPTCHA is because Google observes a users interactions and determines if it is a computer or a human and if it's unsure it just asks you.
​ One advantage that Google has over other companies is huge amount of data. That data also includes the way you move your mouse on the screen. The way a human moves the mouse before checking the checkbox can be distinct from how a program (a bot) checks a checkbox. It's a game of prediction. Somehow, Google needs to predict whether you are human or a bot from what you do on their site. So first a system needs to be trained to predict whether the user is human or not. For this you need training data (which Google has plenty). That data includes sample movements of mouse made by humans as well as robots (programs). Using this training data, a predictive model is made. So when you move your mouse to check the checkbox. That movement is an input to the model and based on that it's predicted whether you are human or not. If you are then fine, otherwise the same old method of filtering humans through a distorted image is used.
Based purely on that you could look at how bots accept a match and probably get rid of half of them right away. Valve could implement this into the main client. How many times does a bot visit the Heroes page or the Store? Probably never! Why doesn't Valve look at mouse movement in the client whilst the game is taking place?. There is so much that could be done, just need to start somewhere!
I'm also positive Valve could design and implement a much better system than what I've listed above with what they have at their disposal.
submitted by /u/SubNoize
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Typing "AC" into the shop search no longer brings up Assault Cuirass
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:59 PM PST

coldtoad pls
submitted by /u/DONGPOCALYPSE
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Can we take a moment to appreciate how fast and instant reconnects are now due to 7.00?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 02:40 PM PST

Seriously, no need for a loading screen you more or less jsut instantly reconnect.
Thank you for the hard work valve
submitted by /u/TheCancerousDrake
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The true meaning behind team OG's name
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:03 PM PST
What does magnus even fucking do
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:20 PM PST

Like srs wihat in thef cuk is up iht him ahe just ahce alve ittle hron AND HE ATTACK
submitted by /u/Gibusmann
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Congratulations to the the winner of China Top 2016
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:33 AM PST

EG takes it 2-0 against Newbee to win China Top 2016
submitted by /u/veilodeath
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Animator practicing fight choreography w/ DOTA2 heroes
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 05:26 PM PST
Monkey King is actually the most well balanced hero in the game
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:59 AM PST

I mean what other hero can balance themselves on the end of a stick that's sitting on the tip of a tree?
submitted by /u/MattSilverwolf
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Hey Lina, it's me, ya sistah.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 12:33 PM PST
Peter Dager ‏on Twitter wonder if @ggbetofficial is paying @EternaLEnVy1991 to defend them on reddit
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:30 PM PST
The UI change we really need
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:48 AM PST
Skill tooltips should say 'Pierces spell immunity:'. New players aren't going to understand what it means otherwise.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:06 PM PST

It's still too early to say MK is broken

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:30 AM PST

Axe, Ursa, Batrider, Brood, Juggernaut, Pudge, Spirit Breaker, Huskar, etc can basically do the same thing on early game. All you need to do to avoid it is play around their weaknesses.
Axe? Avoid staying close to the creeps. Brood? I don't even fucking know, use AoE skills or pray. Batrider? Don't let that shit stack on you, etc. For MK, here's a few things to keep in mind:
  • Don't 1v1 him early game without disables.
  • Don't 1v1 him mid game without disables.
  • MK hates armor.
  • MK's mobility is limited for when he is not in combat, initiate on him and not get initiated on and your chances increase a lot. He's always on trees? Good, he's not farming.
  • His peak potential is in mid game, avoid fighting inside his ult at all costs.
  • Avoid staying alone after laning phase. Basic stuff.
  • Counterpicking is important, please don't complain about MK being broken if you 1v1 him mid with Ember or some shit, it's basically confirming you will get your ass handed to you. Pick a fucking Viper and make him regret his life choices. If it's not a 1v1 mid situation, having a Lich or Lion as a support helps a lot, MK gets crippled by silences too, Techies, DP, Skywrath, Drow are good choices, as long as you are not alone, MK gets way easier to be dealt with.
  • His stun hitbox is quite narrow, with good positioning you can make sure he won't hit more than 1 person.
  • His attack range is ridiculous for a melee hero, but it's an interesting mechanic. Anyway, he's still a melee hero, and just like that, slows and roots annoy him more than ranged heroes.
  • CUT HIS FUCKING TREE! Seriously, 4 seconds stunned, I trashed this MK as Magnus this one game, saw this piece of shit jumping around and skewered the trees, would you look at that, this stupid monkey just gave a free RP on him. Happened multiple times, even if he jumps out first, you just made him waste mana and his skill to get off and he will think twice after doing it again.
I haven't been playing him a lot, and I'm sure there's more stuff to add here, but I like him. The hero has strenghts and weaknesses like every other hero, people just need more time to figure it out effectivelly. Also, his winrate is pretty balanced according to Dotabuff. I'd be more worried with the new Necro lol.
Just my 2 cents, don't jump into conclusions about a hero in the first week, feel free to discuss if you agree or disagree.
submitted by /u/7uff1
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But seriously, why the fuck does Monkey King have 50% lifesteal?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:13 AM PST

Combined with the 200%, this shit is broken as fuck.
submitted by /u/-methane-
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Suggestion: Void's lvl 25 talent that gives him 20% evasion should also give him 20% spell evasion
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:58 AM PST

For the old days
submitted by /u/Bubblemonster_jisttv
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dota 7.00 looks like a very beautiful RPG in showcase mode
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:14 PM PST
Alliance just lost in round 1 battle cup
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:23 AM PST

This because limmp got the bug where he couldn't join the game after pick and ban phase. When is this going to get fixed? Volvo pls? Edit: Wrong player :D
submitted by /u/BetterNerfTeemo
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