RimWorld So I had a headless refugee try to join my colony, and instantly die because... they were headless. Only in rimworld.

So I had a headless refugee try to join my colony, and instantly die because... they were headless. Only in rimworld.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:59 PM PST

Every time I enable development mode...

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:22 PM PST

Conduitless Doughnut Base Design

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:00 PM PST

Strolling Scyther

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 08:19 PM PST

Capable of Caring ��❤︎

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:15 PM PST

Raiders opened ancient danger, and one of the crypto casket inhabitants single handedly defeated both centipedes .. with a shoddy machine pistol and her fists.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:53 AM PST

You ok, buddy?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:50 AM PST

I'm beginning to suspect that Randy is a pyromaniac, among other things...

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 08:11 AM PST

My nomination for the most useful pawn. Try to beat this.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 08:52 PM PST

Forever prisoner (one of the first raiders to hit my colony, 5 years later, still haven't recruited)

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:37 PM PST


Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:32 AM PST

Hey I'm kind of new to rimworld... But I have already sold 3 dogs who have taken the death sentence by using Luciferium. Another problem, all of my dogs are constantly either 'tipsy' or passed out in the corn rows, from drinking all of the beer. I also have several puppys with liver issues. How do I fix this?

submitted by /u/Ulinskyy
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[Timelapse] Thiour, a little rock of slavers in the ocean

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 09:04 AM PST

My colonists prefer the 'shoot them poorly, bleed them out in the corner' approach

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 01:11 PM PST


Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:43 AM PST

Randy Rough knew exactly what had to be done to finish me off

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:33 AM PST

I've got 80 hours in this game, but don't quite seem to have perfected surviving in Rough difficulty levels just yet.

In my most recent endeavour I played with large hills and managed to enclose myself in double thickness marble walls between the mountains with a 3 tile wide tunnel that was clear of debris and made out of stone floor to create a killbox for invaders. It felt like things were going well and I made it to winter with 6 colonists and a prisoner.

An early cold snap had ruined my last harvest of crops, so I knew I was in trouble. So I was hunting for food regularly, but optimistic.

Then came the horde of maneater ibis. Free food! I thought, but during the encounter two of my colonists got infections and one died.

Then it turned out my most recent recruit had a luciferum addiction I hadn't noticed. We were contacted by a chased refugee and fought off the raiders to go back up to 6, but that fight injured 4 of the colonists and the drug addict went unto a murderous rage and killed one who needed rescuing.

He entered a second murderous rage and needed to be killed himself too.

So now I'm back down to four colonists and thanks to the recovery time we end up critically low on food. But there's some deer who've appeared on the map!

I gather my three ranged units and start killing them when doe revenge happens and all three of them get knocked out. I tried sending my melee colonist to rescue them. But they too were beat down.

It turned out those deer were filthy, because all three of my ranged colonists got infections and died on the ground outside the safety of the walls.

My last melee colonist gets up and starts running back to base when a mad animal event occurs. A single insane squirrel bites her and she collapses back to the ground. My last colonist then died of an infection to the little finger.

Technically, she died in the 2nd of Aprimay, so this was my first colony to survive a year with Randy Rough. In kinda gutted, because I think that of I'd checked and noticed the luciferum addiction I would have not lost that one colonist and still had enough food to survive the winter... But that's life in the rim for you, I guess.

Time to learn from my mistakes and move on.

EDIT: oh and technically I was defeated a lone squirrel in year 2. Can anybody top that?

submitted by /u/coffeeismyestus
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Do raiders not have families anymore?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:42 PM PST

After 2 in-game years in B18 and several dozen raids and visitors later, I had just noticed I never once got that pop-up where I'm warned of family in raids that I used to get in previous versions all the time.

So, after a quick new test in a new game with minimal mods(stuff like new hair or whatever ...) I dev-moded in some 10 different 3000 point raids and with All Relationships in the social tab checked, I couldn't find a single family member in any of the 100 or so enemy tabs.

I swear in previous versions when I recruited enemies they would then often have family members come try and save them or something. But now, everyone is simply an acquaintance.

If that's the case, does anyone know of any B18 mods that aim to add this in?

submitted by /u/DontLookUnderMe
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What mods are must-haves?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:17 AM PST

Hey I am getting slightly 'tired' with my current 50 hour run through ( my first ), and my second one I want to be modded, what mods do you think I should try out?

submitted by /u/Ulinskyy
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Do you think a multi. coop Rimworld would be fun?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:56 AM PST

I would love to play Rimworld with a friend, but I don't know if it would work out to be fun.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/OogieFrenchieBoogie
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Thanks for the meal Cass

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 10:50 PM PST

A question regarding the music

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:14 PM PST

Is there any way I could get the song "Waiting for the sun" into piano chords? I really like the song but I can't play it because I am shit with a guitar. Maybe I should ask r/pianocovers instead but if anyone could help it would be amazing.

submitted by /u/Mr9million
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Looking for a Streamer/YTer

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:17 AM PST

Every now and then I get on a viewing kick, and I need something to watch till AGDQ starts on the 5th. So I'm back here again asking for any recommendations for people to watch. Last time I made a thread like this I provided some preferences so I'll do that again since it worked out pretty well.

♦ Non gimmicky players. No pause buffering(see below) no killboxes. No reloads aka permadeath.
♦ As close to Vanilla if not vanilla as possible (modders = abusers = Boo)
♦ No pause glitching through tough times (Pause take 10000 actions, unpause for 2 clips, pause again). Fluid action, good and bad.
♦ A series that makes it to late game or does intresting things that havn't seen done over and over. Would be kool to see a base fueled with boomalopes, or a campaign where there is no permanent settlement. Something that makes it stick out.
♦Harder the difficulty the better, not asking for extreme since most extreme runs would eliminate all the above hoped for criteria.

So far Quill18 has been the closest, but he mods the shit out of her newer series and I'm losing interest.

Thanks in advance, you've all been great in the past, looking forward to the new wave of suggestions. o7

submitted by /u/Amnesty_SayGen
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Caravan Animal won't leave refugee map

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:02 AM PST

As the title already suggests, I encountered a problem where I sent 2 people accompanied by a husky to look after a refugee incident nearby. Once I got there and fought off the enemies I did not manage to save the refugee or any of the attackers in time.

When I now wanted to leave and moved the pawns to the edge of the map (in draft mode) the dog was never part of the caravan thus leaving him behind no matter what. I have also tried switching the dogs master, but with no success.

  • Is this a common problem? And if so what would you suggest doing to avoid it? Avoid taking animals on caravans at all?
  • If not, how do I get the husky to come back to my colony (or rather to join the caravan going back)?
submitted by /u/DerFred3
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Steam workshop mod disappeared?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:25 AM PST

I opened Rimworld and try to load my game as usual, but my subscribed mod just disappeared. It's 'Idle Pawn Fix', 'Tick MultiThread', both are performance mods. Do they just deleted from workshop? I couldn't find these mod anymore.

PS : At least the saved game loaded without any problem.

submitted by /u/Morrneyo
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