True Dota 2 - Techies Demolitions : Mining Manual

Techies Demolitions : Mining Manual

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:48 AM PST

In this guide, Proximity Mines are called Proxy (singular) or Proxies (plural), Stasis Traps are called Root (singular) or Roots (plural), and Remote Mines are called Remote (singular) or Remotes (plural). This just makes things shorter and less redundant. I also make up my own terminology (Pairs, Traps, Snapping, and Infinity Pairs), but that should not be too confusing; hopefully the opposite, since naming certain mine configurations and techniques for future reference was supposed to make discussing them easier.


The simplest (and cheapest) configuration of mines that a Techies can set up consists of merely a Proxy with a Root placed directly on top of it. Since the duo is a pair of mines, I have taken to calling these 'Pairs'. Although Pairs do not deal any more damage than a lone Proxy would, a Pair is more likely to explode on foes since the Root will catch any passerby and hold them within the area of the Proxy. This also allows Pairs to be placed at locations that would be suboptimal for lone Proxies. For example, this Pair is placed such that foes would likely only spend a brief moment passing through a sliver of its AoE if not for the Root ensuring that they stay in range long enough for the Proxy to explode. This would be a horrible location for a lone Proxy, but Pairs can be placed where lone Proxies should not be.

For most of the game (however long Proxies stay dangerous to foes, which is usually 30-45 minutes) a Pair functions as an 'upgraded' Proxy, simply being a Proxy that holds foes in place. However, as Proxies fall off, Roots begin to become more powerful (comparatively speaking, in the late game Roots are more important than Proxies). Thus, later in the game Pairs are instead basically 'upgraded' Roots, simply being a Root that deals some damage as a side effect to its disable. Regardless, Pairs remain useful all game long, despite their simplicity.

See the Gallery for examples of Pairs placed where Proxies would normally not be.


Although Proxies cannot be placed directly on top of each other, they can be placed near enough that their AoEs overlap to form a Venn-Diagram-like shape. A Root can then be strategically placed such that enemies will likely be rooted within the overlap area, similar to how a Pair works. With the enemy rooted within the AoE of 2 or 3 Proxies, they are likely dead pre-30 minutes. I have taken to calling this configuration (2-3 Proxies and a Root) a 'Trap'.

Here is an example of a triple-Proxy Trap intended to catch enemies coming up the stairs. Most Traps will use three Proxies, since unless the terrain does not allow for it, there is little disadvantage in using three instead of two. At some locations this can admittedly be difficult, however. One example of this is the Side Shop, where one must move the 'mouth' of the Trap back to accommodate three Proxies: Here is a pair of double-Proxy Traps sharing one Root, while here is the more ambitious pair of three-Proxy Traps (one Root per Trap is necessary here, unlike the two Traps sharing a Root in the previous example). The former is much cheaper and faster to set up, while the latter will deal 750 more damage.

Traps are crucial for being an early-to-mid-game menace, since Traps (along with the change to Techies' E) allow Remotes to be skipped until level 11. Instead of spending huge amounts of mana and time to set up a stack of Remotes that will expire in ten minutes, one can instead set up a permanent Trap that costs half the time and mana (per damage output compared to an equivalent damage stack of level 1 Remotes).

See the Gallery for more Trap examples.


If one attempts to place a Proxy at an invalid location, it will 'snap' to the closest valid location instead. This location can even be within the area of other Proxies, something that is not supposed to happen. I call this 'Snapping', and it can be very useful in two niche cases:

Optimal Trap Placement

Firstly, the rightmost staircase at the Radiant Shrine closest to the middle lane (there is a picture below) is one of the most difficult chokepoints upon which to set up a three-Proxy Trap due to the Shrine occupying the location the 'middle' Proxy would be. The 'middle' Proximity Mine can be Snapped such that it ends up in an acceptable formation for the three-Proxy Trap. Here is how the first two Proxies should be placed. The third Proxy would normally be placed almost exactly where the Shrine is. If angled correctly, the third Proxy can be targeted to where the areas of the two already placed Proxies meet, and it will Snap into place like this (note that the middle Proxy is within the AoE of the leftmost side Proxy). If done incorrectly the third Proxy may Snap to a different location (somewhere else along the circumference of the Shrine), so test it once or twice before trying it in a game.

This use of Snapping should not solely be confined to this specific location on the map, since I distinctly recall using it near other cliffs and trees; however, at the time of this writing I cannot recreate the experience, so for now this is the sole example I'll present.

Infinity Pairs

Secondly, Snapping can be used along the edges of the map to make stacks of Proxies. Both the +200 Cast Range Talent and an Aether Lens are needed for this trick, however. Once these are obtained, target the Proxies far enough off the map such that the targeted location is not within the AoE of the already Snapped mines. For example, here is a stack of Proxies in the making; note how the cursor (screenshots don't show it, but it is the center of the blue AoE) is targeting off the map and outside the AoE of the already placed Proxies. Targeting where the cursor is shown hovering over causes the Proxies to Snap to the location the Proxies in the picture were. Placing a Root on top of this stack of Proxies makes a Pair-like trap that is simply death for any enemy that comes near it; I like to call these Infinity Pairs, since you can put a theoretically infinite number of Proxies in them but they are otherwise the same as a Pair. Infinity Pairs are permanent and much harder to see (since True Sight does not reveal Proxies, although it does reveal Roots), but their locations are very limited (this trick only works at certain spots), so they often need foes to be baited into them.

See the Gallery for more example locations of Infinity Pairs.

Mines and Buildings

There are two interesting interactions with Techies' mines and enemy buildings that many players may not be aware of.

The first should be obvious if one knows how Proxies work, but still seems odd. Since Proxies are only revealed if a unit is in range of them, they can be placed within an enemy Tower's True Sight vision radius without being revealed. For example, these Proxies will not trigger on the Tower nor on passing creeps, and the Tower cannot see it. Placing Proxies this way is obviously extremely difficult to do unnoticed and is thus gimmicky, but they can catch someone completely off guard if Techies can get away with planting them. Common times to place these kinds of mines include during a push (where some may assume that the mine was placed to damage the Tower and not notice that it never went 'boom') or when the enemy is preoccupied elsewhere (a fight, for example). See the Gallery for more under-Tower Proxies.

The second interaction may be a bug: Although Towers and the Fountain can reveal Techies' other mines, they will not shoot them. Gimmicky plays can be made around this fact, the most relevant being blowing people up when they respawn. Techies can even safely place Remotes in the center of the Fountain without being shot at if he has the range Talent, an Aether Lens, and an Aghanim's Scepter (three things he usually gets anyway). Although this is obviously potent for Fountain camping, a 'legitimate' use for this may simply be to teamwipe the opposing team, get behind enemy lines, set up mines, and kill them again with little to no chance of retaliation (which is different from pointless Fountain farming, albeit subtly).

Miscellaneous Tips

  • You don't want level 1 Proxies to blow up if you can help it.

Level 1 mines deal decent damage, but they are twice as effective when they get their second level. Additionally, already planted mines upgrade their damage but the cost to have planted them stays the same (since Techies already spent it), making older mines retroactively cheaper for the same damage as the newer mines. Thus one's initial mines should be placed off to the side of the lanes where the enemy is not likely to go before Techies reaches level 3, but is likely to be afterwards. Shrines, Rune Spots, and the Side Shop are some obvious examples, but simply placing mines behind random trees on the peripherals of the lane is also usually effective.

  • Every time you teleport from the Fountain, place a Proxy. I don't care where, just do it immediately on arrival.

The Fountain aura basically gives you a free mine per TP Scroll, so use it. Proxies are generally the best bang for your buck. By the time midgame comes around, you should have a ton of free Proxies placed all around your Shrine and T1 towers (since if you are playing Techies right, you will probably Blast Off to your death a lot and thus need to TP back on respawn). Try to diversify the places you teleport to, so as to have good places to put your Proxies.

  • Kill the Camp or Camp the Shrine

As soon as the game begins, every Techies should do one of two things:

A) Teleport to your shrine (placing a Proxy as the last tip said), run to their Shrine, place a single Proxy right next to said enemy Shrine, pop a Clarity, and run away. Then proceed to place 2 more Proxies wherever else you see fit (place one at the River Rune spot, for instance, to grant vision). If left undisturbed, the midlaner, offlaner, or jungler is in for a nasty surprise come 4-6 minutes (usually around the time someone will need to go heal), by which time that initial mine will be leveled up to at least level 2.

B) Waddle over to a hard camp, place two Proxies inside it (popping a Clarity), then place two more just outside of it. Wait about 30 seconds for Neutrals to spawn, then bait the newly spawned creeps into your second two mines (the first two blew up 1.6 seconds after the creeps spawned). If not unlucky with the camp spawn, this gets Techies level 2 and quite a bit of gold right off the bat.

Pros of A : 1. You probably won't need Blast Off until you would get to level two normally anyway. 2. The four mines spent for option B are instead placed elsewhere on the map. Will they kill a hero? I don't know, but they have more of a chance than the mines used on creeps did. 3. It's hilarious when someone dies to something you planned 5 minutes ago.

Pros of B : 1. It is probably the 'correct' play efficiency-wise. 2. It lets you get that Blast Off gank earlier. 3. It gets you a faster Soul Ring.

So, use B for ranked, but A for unranked? It's up to you, but either way, these two options are the best use of your time before the horn.

  • Plant mines directly on top of one another when possible.

This can be done by click-dragging your cursor such that you select both Techies and the mine you wish to place another mine on top of. You should see the icon of this mine show up beside your hero portrait. Now, just cast the new mine onto the icon of the mine you wish to place it on.

  • Use the Minefield Sign for highground pushes, not just highground defense.

Placing the Minefield Sign (Aghs-upgraded, of course) directly below an enemy T3 tower can make pushes incredibly easy. After you get the Minefield Sign down, you can use your 1000 range Remotes (assuming you have the range Talent and an Aether Lens in addition to the Aghs) to safely set up a huge stack of Remotes right on their Tower that they can do nothing about. Additionally, the Sign allows Proxies to be placed - and blow up on - their Tower without them being able to attack them to prevent the damage to said Tower.

  • Plant Remotes everywhere.

They have less than half the AoE of Observer Wards, but you get an infinite number of them and they last nearly twice as long. Spam that shit for vision.

I hope this was helpful, both for aspiring Techies players, experienced Techies players, and those that hate the hero's guts and thus want to know what they are up against. Thank you for your time and feedback!


(this does not include the pictures already shown in the above guide)

Pair Examples : 1 2 3 4 5

A generic Trap

A pair of generic Traps

The dreaded 4-Proxy Shrine Trap

Rune Traps can be hard to arrange due to camps and obstacles, and thus often look different than the standard

'Infinity Pair' Examples : 1 2 3 4 5

This Infinity Pair location had weirdly inconsistent Snapping.

Anti- Fountain Farming Infinity Pairs

Under-Tower Proxies

I did not bother changing factions to place these, so just trust that they would work even if it were an enemy Tower.

submitted by /u/TheGreatGimmick
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How do you build Lycan in 7.02?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:36 PM PST

What is your skill build now? And itemisation?

I know the 4-0-4 build is most popular now but I personally prefer 4-4-2. Since howl has static mana cost and feral impulse dmg scales better later on.

Itemisation I like rushing vladmir then treads and hotd before going necro 3. But pros seem to just buy brown boots and don't buy HoTD. I always thought Lycan is the hero who benefits most from HoTD.

submitted by /u/DreamingItLoud
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If I'm a pos 4/5 Slardar, is it okay for me to buy force staff before blink?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:50 AM PST

I just play with friends, that's why they're okay with not running with a "real" support.

submitted by /u/Calaminh
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How crazy would it be to replace mouse clicks with keyboard buttons?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:07 PM PST

I was thinking about maximum hotkey efficiency, such as using quickcast, and it reminded me of OSU! where you don't use your mouse clicks at all because it's less efficient and it hurts your mouse-accuracy.

Thoughts? is there anyone out there who has done this?

submitted by /u/the_PC_account
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How do i learn to micro Lone Druid?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:13 AM PST

I play mid and the idea of being good at LD seems sick since he is such a strong 1v1 hero.

Do i just spam LD mid on unranked or is there anything else to it?

The thing about micro that kills me is queueing an order on a unit and moving to the next unit, i feel i'll never have the same reaction time as i would if i always have the unit selected and things like kiting become super difficult.

submitted by /u/the_PC_account
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7.02 heroes with major talent buffs?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:39 PM PST

The patch has been out for a week or so now and I'm wondering what you guys think of the talent buffs.

The level 10 talent buff of 20% to 25% XP gain on brood was huge and I've seen her stomp in mid lane a few times with it. Seemsgoodman.

I saw a few 6k+ experimenting with deso tusk mid and looks like there is some real potential there. In your opinion, what heroes got the most gains from the talent buffs?

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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Rubick's Null Field rework discussion

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:34 PM PST

Even though Rubick is a strong hero, I always get the feeling that Null Field is a bad ability, so I came up with a few suggestions of rework:

  • Make it an active that nullifies enemy auras around Rubick for a short time.


  • The same as above, but passive. I think it would be broken, but it could work if it had a small radius forcing him to stay closer to the battle.


  • Keep the current passive with my suggested active.


  • Keep the current passive. But make it work like CM's aura. Rubick provides Magic Resistance, but he gets more than he provides.


  • Keep current passive. Add a single target active that increases the target(ally) Magic Resistance. The active would be like a Glimmer Cape without the invisibility.

I really like these ideas. Do you guys have any comments/suggestions? And if you think Null Field is already in a good place, please try to change my mind.

submitted by /u/Dudu_sousas
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Harrassing, denying, or last hitting, which one should you prioritize?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:36 PM PST

Say you are playing midlane, you can deny a creep that your enemy is trying to lasthit but you'll miss a lasthit, you can lasthit a creep but the enemy will also lasthit theirs, or you can get a couple of hits on your enemy, which one is most important?

submitted by /u/the_PC_account
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Early game as a support with a jungler

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:54 PM PST

Basically the laning phase would be 2-1-1 due to having someone going jungle.

Now the thing is, i was playing a roaming support, so i would go to mid while leaving my carry alone at safelane. This led to the enemy team gettings kills on our carry. On the other hand, we were able to get atleast 2 kills in mid due to me roaming.

So the questions is, was it better for me to stay in top babysitting with my carry to get farm, or roam and help mid win his lane?


note: this post isn't focused about this match, this post is focus on whether it is better to stay in the safelane or to roam when your team's laning phase is 2-1-1

submitted by /u/DumbElephant
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What's a good way of following the pro-scene?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:51 PM PST

I see ppl talking about all of these "meta builds" or "meta heroes" coughlonedruidcough, but whenever im on pubs none of it is actually any good

So i basically want to follow the pro-scene to be aware of these things, i was thinking going on , but!

  1. highlighted tournaments only show 2 upcoming tourneys, one is in 10 days and the other in over a month

  2. Major Tournaments section is empty for 2017

  3. Minor Tournaments has WAY too many

how do i know which tournaments are going to be a good watch and where do i follow them?

submitted by /u/the_PC_account
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How should I draft in ranked all pick if i can't communicate with my team?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:46 AM PST

Having difficulties getting a good draft in ranked as of recently. I play 3K US East Ranked All Pick and getting a balanced draft happens very rarely. I'm a core main but I will play support if ever needed but i don't know what's necessary since no one communicates. I'm often stuck being the guy that doesn't want to lose gold so i pick a core first thinking 1-2 of the 4 other people can play support but then we end with 5 cores. For example I had a game yesterday where I picked AM to counter an enemy Storm, Necro, and Lion as the first few picks but instead of getting a support or even a pos4 roaming or something we got 2 Junglers who stole each other's farm and flamed each other. We won that game (no thanks to them) but i had to play my heart out just to have sub par farm and not get run over. I just don't know what more i can do as a core main who is forced to first pick with no knowledge of what any other player is going to do. If this happened like 1/3 games or even every other game i wouldn't mind playing support but it seems to be nearly every game this happens. What's the best way to draft in this scenario?

submitted by /u/UnderlordJungler
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How do you itemize Bounty Hunter

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:02 AM PST

I've been playing him for a while, but haven't been to dota for a little while. My build goes something like orb-> manaboots->greaves-> blink/vlads/bkb ->aghs/dagon/bkb. Has this changed in the recent meta. How viable would you rate Gondar nowadays. Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Opolino
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How is Earth Spirit now?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:50 AM PST

I've heard from many people that the hero's still viable, he's still seen picks at the highest levels, etc.

I used to main the hero up until a year ago, so I think I stopped playing right before he got his Rolling Boulder nerfed at level 1. I feel the hero nowadays is way too reliant on his early game, if he doesn't do anything early game he's worthless for the rest of the game. It's crazy how much this hero depends on a good lead, because he falls off ridiculously hard with all those nerfs and the fact that he's too reliant on stones to actually cast his spells.

Of course, I've seen Jerax play him in his pubs and still do fine. But am I correct in saying this hero is literally "get shit done in the first 15 minutes or end up worthless?" Because he's definitely turning out that way.

submitted by /u/srslybr0
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Is there currently a bug where inputs are dropped (clicks not being recognised)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:56 AM PST

Not sure if this actually exists, but about a month ago, it started feeling like some clicks just weren't registering. I thought it was a mouse issue, but never noticed it outside of game. Then I noticed zai mention it during one of his streams, so that almost confirmed it.

So does this still (or did it ever) exist?

submitted by /u/ViologY
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What is meant by position 1,2,etc?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:39 AM PST

I assume this has to do with drafting order. But does it matter at all for all pick?

submitted by /u/ataraxic89
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Thoughts on Troll Warlord in 7.02

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:33 PM PST

Recently, I've begun playing a fair amount of Troll Warlord. I figure that his skillset fits the meta pretty decently (low cooldowns, pushing, fighting, etc.) and that his laning is solid enough to warrant trying him out. I've had pretty good success with him so far (won 8 out of 10 unranked games at around 4.5k MMR).

I feel like mid is his preferred position; he can handle himself against most mids, and with some rotations he can dominate the lane. Fast levels means fast pushing and good item timings and talent selections (particularly +7 strength and +6 armor) makes him very hard to kill in the midgame. I don't really care for him safelane; I feel that his strength lies in his versatility in a 1v1 matchup.

Item-wise, I've been rather indecisive on what the best build is. Common items that I've tried are Vlad's, Echo, Dominator, S&Y, Helm, Blink, Shadow/Silver, Mjollnir. I can't really decide on what the best build is, though I suppose that his item choices are quite flexible.

What do you guys think on Troll? Any idea what his best position and item choices are?

submitted by /u/MyRares30
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What do you do to beat a booster?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:28 PM PST

So I queued up for a ranked game (about 2.4k average) and on the enemy team there was a guy named "Boost 2k-4k". I checked his stats and whaddya' know he stomped his last 20 games averaging 800 GPM. The game starts and he kills our mid 4 times and proceeds to stomp us in like 20 minutes. How do you beat a booster?

submitted by /u/ah542
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Slardar deso

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:06 PM PST

Is this over kill? I see a lot people build it as a 2nd or 3rd item. But I would think an AC is way better. Maybe if you're going up a very high armor team, but I would assume deso on top of his ult would have diminishing returns.

submitted by /u/RikiRude
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