Destiny - Hotfix going live in 20 minutes @ Noon Central, 10am Pacific

Hotfix going live in 20 minutes @ Noon Central, 10am Pacific

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:43 AM PST

Hello Everyone,

Per last weeks This Week At Bungie the hotfix for will be going live in 20 minutes. This means you will be returned to the start screen and will have to login again after applying the patch.

Full patch notes will be released by Bungie as soon as the patch is live, which we will post there as well. You can watch this Bungie page for those patch notes as well.

Please save your enthusiasm for this post and the patch notes post. Any feedback regarding the patch will be regulated to the patch notes thread as soon as it's live. Any post made outside of that thread WILL be removed per Rule 2 - Megathread clause.

Thanks, and happy hunting.

May the Light be ever in your favor

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Destiny Hotfix - 2/14/17

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:08 AM PST

Source: The one about Sandbox tuning.


Special Ammo

  • Adjusted Special ammo economy in all gametypes

    • Players start Crucible matches with Special ammo
    • Special ammo is now lost upon death
    • Sidearms are not affected by this change
    • Special ammo crates now appear every 60 seconds (initial spawn and respawn)
    • Special ammo crates are shared with allies within 75m (down from 100m)
    • Special ammo timing in Mayhem is unchanged

Elimination Gametypes

  • Round time limit has been reduced to 90 seconds (down from 2 minutes)
  • Players only start with Special ammo for Round 1 in Elimination gametypes
    • Special ammo timing is 30s initial, then 45s respawns
    • Special ammo is wiped at the beginning of subsequent rounds


Hand Cannons

  • Significantly increased initial accuracy (returns to Launch / Year 1)
  • Reduced base range to 35m from 40m
  • Reduced Aim Assist and Magnetism at longer ranges
  • Reduced minimum damage after falloff from 50% to 33%

Auto Rifles

  • Increased Precision Damage modifier to 1.3x (up from 1.25x)
  • Increased base damage of low rate of fire Auto Rifles by 2.5%
  • Increased in air accuracy

Pulse Rifles

  • Reduced rate of fire for very high rate of fire Pulse Rifles by 7.7%
  • Increased rate of fire for low rate of fire Pulse Rifles by 5.3%
  • Reduced Magazine Size of Clever Dragon and Grasp of Malok by 6
  • Reduced the effect of High Caliber Rounds for Pulse Rifles
  • Increased in air accuracy

Scout Rifles

  • Increased in air accuracy


  • Shotguns no longer deal precision damage
    • The Chaperone and Universal Remote are unaffected by this change
    • Note: Universal Remote only deals precision damage when ADS
  • Shotguns now have significantly less magnetism when fired from the hip
  • Shotguns now have significantly less in air accuracy
  • Shotguns no longer have a movement penalty
  • Shotguns now deal 20% more damage to combatants
  • Rangefinder on Shotguns now increases ADS time by 25%
  • Reduced Universal Remote's Magazine Size to 3 from 5
  • Universal Remote now takes longer to reload


Young Wolf's Howl

  • Reduced "Howling Flames" ammo cost from 10 to 5


  • Reduced Magazine size from 3 to 1



  • Reduced Health of Guardians with Armor values above 10
  • Increased damage of Flux Grenade, Magnetic Grenade and Shoulder Charge to ensure effectiveness across all Armor values
  • Blink now disables your Radar and HUD for a short time after activation


  • Throwing Knife now deals Solar Damage on impact
  • Hungering Blade*
    • Immediately starts Health regen
    • Restores more Health per kill
    • Gives a flat amount of Health/Shield per activation
    • Does not immediately start regenerating Shields
  • Bladedancer's Quick Draw Perk no longer readies your weapons instantly, but now grants a large increase to weapon handling speed


  • Viper Totemic on Ophidian Aspect no longer readies your weapon instantly, but now grants a large increase to weapon handling speed
  • Stormcaller's Thunderstrike melee range reduced to be consistent with other Warlock Subclasses
    • Amplitude will continue to grant small range boost to new base range
  • Landfall now reduces the total time in Stormtrance


  • Juggernaut is now disabled after being in the air for a short time and cannot be activated while in mid air


  • Outbreak Prime no longer triggers The Corruption Spreads by shooting at Ward of Dawn
  • Shinobu's Vow no longer adds an additional seeker to Skip Grenades
  • Removed intrinsic Perks Kneepads and Icarus on some Talent grids
  • Fixed an issue where High Caliber Rounds were not functioning properly on Hand Cannons, Scout Rifles, Machine Guns and Sniper Rifles
  • *Hungering Blade changes were also inadvertently applied to the following Perks, for more information check this post
    • Transfusion (Striker Titan)
    • Cauterize (Sunbreaker Titan)
    • Lifesteal (Voidwalker Warlock)
    • Red Death Perk
    • Suros Legacy Perk (Suros Regime)
    • No Backup Plans
    • Ward of Dawn cast
    • The Ram
    • Apotheosis Veil
    • Embrace the Void (Voidwalker Warlock)
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Trying to explain to my wife she had to put my kid to bed because I won a streamer raffle might have made me feel like the biggest dork ever.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:29 AM PST

Me: I need you to put the kid to bed!

Her: Why?

Me: Because I just won a raffle in a stream!

Her: The video game guys you watch on your phone?

Me: Yeah

Her: Okay I guess.

Next Morning

Her: I still don't understand what you got to do last night.

Me: Well it's hard to explain but there is this PVP thing that requires a 3 man team and I won a raffle in one of the streamers streams and since he's is one of the best players in Destiny he is going to help carry me to 9 victories and zero losses at which point I get to go to this place called the Lighthouse and get extra special gear. I haven't been there in Year 3 so I need some extra help to get this cool glowy cap thing for my hunter.

Her: OMG! You are such a nerd.

Oh well, got to the Lighthouse Y3 LEEEEETTTSSS GOOOOO!

Edit: Since lots of people are asking Streamer who helped me was: Chadlantis on twitch, super nice dude.

submitted by /u/Rando9
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The new PvP meta: a choose your own adventure game!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:57 PM PST

Excerpt from the Patch Notes Grimoire Card (the one about the Saltbox tuning):

Chapter 1: picking your weapons.

  • Step 1: select a primary weapon. Auto Rifle (Go to step 2), Hand Cannon (go to step 3), Pulse Rifle (go to step 2), or Scout Rifle (go to step 3).

  • Step 2: Here's your vendor Zero-Day Dilemma! Go to step 4.

  • Step 3: Here's your vendor Palindrome! Go to step 4.

  • Step 4: Select a special weapon: Sniper Rifle (go to step 5), Shotgun (go to step 6), Sidearm (go to step 7), or Fusion Rifle (go to step 8).

  • Step 5: Here's your Ice Breaker! Go to step 9.

  • Step 6: Here's your Invective! Go to step 9.

  • Step 7: Here's your FWC Vendor Wormwood! Go back to step 2, and equip SUROS Regime. Then, go to step 9.

  • Step 8: Here's your FWC Vendor Wormwood! Go back to step 2, and equip SUROS Regime. Then, go to step 9.

  • Step 9: Time for a heavy weapon. Rocket Launcher (go to step 10) or Machine Gun (go to step 10).

  • Step 10: If you think you're getting heavy ammo this match, guess again - the ammo-starved hordes opened the box already.

Chapter 2: picking your subclass.

  • Step 1: which class are you? Titan (go to step 2), Hunter (go to step 3), or Warlock (go to step 4).

  • Step 2: You're a Striker. Forget about what you read in Chapter 1. You know only three words: Jolder's Shoulder Charge.

  • Step 3: You're a Nightstalker. Grab yourself that Felwinter artifact and forget about using your bow - roaming supers are dead! You don't have to counter a damn thing!

  • Step 4: You're a Sunsinger. Never expected this one to come back, did ya'? Pile on those Fusion Grenades and get ready to drown in Postmortem medals, because literally no other Warlock abilities will work as intended.

Chapter 3: picking your perks.

  • Step 1: which subclass are you? Striker (go to step 2), Nightstalker (go to step 3), or Sunsinger (go to step 4).

  • Step 2: Since you can't enjoy max Armor any more, spec for Recovery, then add: Shoulder Charge. Nothing else matters.

  • Step 3: Spec stats for Recovery, then add: Spike Grenade, Triple Jump Increased Control, Black Hole, Envenomed, Lockdown, and Shadestep. Not much new here, chief.

  • Step 4: A moment of silence for Ramlocks, please. Now spec for Recovery, then add: Fusion Grenade, Balanced Glide Focused Burst, Radiant Skin, Flame Shield, Radiant Will, and Gift of the Sun. Hello again, it's me, your best pal late 2014. How have you been?

Chapter 4: picking your exotic armor.

  • Step 1: which subclass are you? Striker (go to step 2), Nightstalker (go to step 3), or Sunsinger (go to step 4).

  • Step 2: Since Strikers won't need guns any more, slap on a pair of those Dunemarchers.

  • Step 3: Polish off those Fr0st-EE5. Repeat after me: Wombo Combo. Wombo Combo. Wombo... Combo.

  • Step 4: Claws of Ahamkara for you. Since every other Warlock melee is broken now, might as well double down on the one that works!

Chapter 5: picking your playlist.

  • Step 1: how much do you hate yourself? A little (go to step 2), a lot (go to step 3), not at all (go to step 4).

  • Step 2: Select Clash, Control or Rumble.

  • Step 3: Select Supremacy, Rift, Skirmish, Elimination, Trials of Osiris, or Iron Banner.

  • Step 4: Log out of Destiny.

Edit: took some feedback from the community. How novel!

submitted by /u/baronobeefdips
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Well played Orbiks Prime. Well played.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:35 AM PST

So, I asked Malok if he would be my Valentine...

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:08 AM PST

But he said no. He was already Taken.

submitted by /u/Gentlekrit
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Why the "wait-and-see" commentary is more dangerous than first glance.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:58 AM PST

I'll keep this short. I work in them vidja games and seeing a patch note addendum like that scares me. For 3 reasons:

1: The list of inadvertently adjusted perks is most likely not complete. 2: QA was overruled on a "stop ship" or didn't find the bug until after they approved the build. 3: Root level functionality is being changed to adjust specific functionality.

Now I've never worked on a large scale team like Bungie's and this is mainly conjecture but here's why I think this:

1: Life support isn't listed there and it works nearly the same as the Suros Perk. Unless the post writer missed it, which can always happen, that could potentially mean not every variation of triggerable health regen was tested to see if the added bug affected it.

2: They say it right in the post that it was considered that they should delay the build. This is a core design functionality change that was not approved for this build and with many QA managers I've known, that's a fucking stop ship. You get all hands on deck and you solve this problem or ROLL BACK THE CHANGE before ship. In this case a different department was very opinionated about the change and overruled a stop ship. That's BAD, QA is the final arbiter before the community. Ignoring them only breeds headaches. Or more bugs.

3: Like I said, I've never been in their codebase, or worked with that large of a team or known their production pipeline so this is just fanboy frothing right here but: who the hell does that guy/girl think he is that made the change?! The way the list reads signifies that TRIGGERABLE HEALTH REGEN was removed in lieu of just added a base chunk of health. That's a major change and one that is done in a root class for that modifier/perk/whatever jargon they use. They wanted to change ONE perk of ONE subclass of ONE Class and this person goes into a base function and just straight removes a bunch of shit when there are CLEAR precedents (Cauterize) that you can make health changes that only affect the targeted ability.

Be on the lookout for more random issues, people. I really hope I'm just an overreacting idiot that has no idea how video games are built at Bungie but I smell poor oversight on this build. I will gladly eat one of my hats if I'm wrong.

EDIT: Formatting

submitted by /u/Gallinicidic
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How funny would it be if the Guardians treated the Traveller like we treat Bungie?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:01 AM PST

The Traveller gives us 3 subclasses and the ability to shoot lightning from our hands and we're like "STORMCALLER OP TRAVELLER PLEASE NERF"

EDIT: Thanks for the upvotes! Front page!

submitted by /u/davewhiffen
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Happy Crimson Days, Guardians!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:30 AM PST

It was allegedly wildly unpopular (or something) from what I'm told.

But Crimson Doubles was, by far, my favorite holiday event in Y2. I only played with my wife and it was fun on a bun. The matchmaking would average us out so that we'd meet an evenly skilled team and man did we have some fun times. My wife was terrible at the game but she had so much fun playing with just me and (what she perceived as, bless her heart) other couples.

She'd get killed and say, "oh no, honey! I'm down! Come save meeee!" and she loved watching me go "beast mode" to try and save the round. And when I died first and she had the heartbroken buff it was the most adorable thing ever watching her panic and start shrieking into the microphone. Some of my favorite moments in this entire game are when she pulled it together and 1v2'd them and saved the game; that's when I would be the one shrieking into the microphone.

It was the only time in Destiny where every single post-game message I received was in good jest or sport.

I loved the odd bounties and quest steps forcing me to use tactics and weapon types I wasn't strong with. I loved how it was normalized light level so I could break out my Year 1 Grim Citizen III or Plug.One for some vintage fun.

Wife and I haven't bothered to play destiny in the last month or two. On the way to work this morning she breaks the silence with a sudden "oh wait! Isn't Crimson Doubles back today!?" only to slump down and be sad when I broke it to her.

Womp womp. Happy (no more) Crimson Days Guardian

submitted by /u/su1ac0
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Bungie Tweet - Hotfix coming at 10am PST

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:25 AM PST

The one about the Balance Patch

Tweet from Bungie confirming Hotfix

Looks like this could be our Balance Patch Guardians

No details on when the Patch Notes will be released as of yet. Usually happens just on or just after the release of the Patch

Link to - DTG Patch Stream Megathread for links to the previous Stream & details

Time Convertor for those in need


  • 6pm GMT

  • 10am PST

  • 1pm EST

  • 7pm CET

  • 2am HKT

  • 5am AEDT

Balance Patch - What we know so far

Disclaimer - These are NOT definitive and more changes / more information could be coming but more than likley won't be revealed until we get the Patch Notes post Patch

Weapon Changes


  • No changes


  • Significantly decreased magnetism, and turned off aim assistance when firing from the hip.

  • Decreased mid air accuracy.

  • Removed all precision damage from shotguns.

  • 20% buff to shotgun damage in PVE to make up for lack of critical damage.

  • Chaperone and Universal Remote still does precision damage.

  • Aim down sight time takes 25% longer for shotguns that have the Rangefinder perk.

  • Removed agility decrease when wielding a shotgun.

Pulse Rifles

  • Reduced rate of fire for low impact pulse rifles (Clevor Dragon, Grasp of Malok) by 7.7% or 1 frame.

  • Base Flinch from pulse rifles and High Caliber Rounds on pulse rifles both nerfed.

  • Pulse Rifles across the board have had their base flinch reduced.

  • Grasp of Malok and Clever Dragon have had their magazine size reduced by 6 shots. Clever Dragon magazine size reduced from 30 to 24 and 24 to 18 with Braced Frame.

  • Increased rate of fire for high impact pulse rifles by 5.3%. (The Messenger, Spare Change)

  • Pulse Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.

Auto Rifles

  • Increased base damage of low rate of fire auto rifles (Suros Regime, Shadow Price)

  • Increased critical multiplier from 1.25 to 1.3

  • Auto Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.

Hand Cannons

  • Significantly increased initial first shot accuracy. (Year 1 values)

  • Reduced base range by 5 meters. (Affects aim assistance and damage drop off)

  • Currently at maximum damage falloff, hand cannon damage gets reduced by up to 50%. It will now reach down further, to 33% of the base damage, at maximum falloff distances.

  • No changes were made for bloom on spamming shots. (You still have to pace your shots)

  • High Caliber Rounds now affects Hand Cannons.

Scout Rifles

  • Scout Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.

  • High Caliber Rounds now affects Scout Rifles.


Special Ammo Changes

  • Players start matches with special ammo, but you now lose ALL ammo upon death.

  • Special crates spawn every 60 seconds.

  • Reduced radius for special ammo drops for teammates when you pick up ammo from 100m to 75m. Players only start with special on the 1st round in Elimination.

  • Invective and Icebreaker are affected, and will also lose their ammo upon death, but still regenerate as normal.

  • Sidearms still spawn with ammo upon death.

Class Changes

Hunter Changes

  • Hungering Blade for Bladedancer now immediately grants health instead of regenerating health. Shields no longer regenerate on kill.

  • Throwing knife now does solar damage.

  • Blink will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.


  • Reduced Stormcaller melee range.

  • Landfall now reduces total time in Stormtrance.

  • Blink will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.


  • Juggernaut disables quicker in mid air.

  • Juggernaut can not be activated in mid air.

Exotic changes

  • Universal Remote: Precision damage only active when aiming down sights. No other changes mentioned.

  • Truth: Will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.

  • Shinobus Vow: Will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.

  • Young Wolf's Howl: Will be cheaper to use.

Miscellaneous fixes and mentions.

  • Fixed certain weapons getting a free kneepads perk. (Increased slide distance)

  • No changes were made to the Skorri artifact.

  • More adjustments will be made, and mentioned in the patch notes next Tuesday.

Credit to u/Nikosaur who made the above notes previous (Full thread linked at the top)


submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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How to abuse the Rescue Mag perk after the special ammo change

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:13 PM PST

Do you guys think this could be an issue in trials with the new special ammo change? Start a round, throw a lightning nade, garrison into a wall and get a full special ammo mag.

submitted by /u/qc_methical
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In a strange way, my Ice Breaker is very similar to my girlfriend.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:17 AM PST


submitted by /u/FlapjacksIsBack
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Feeling bored? Drop down to 320 and help newbies level up!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:20 AM PST

Building on this post by /u/Yndiy, I decided to equip my LL 3 Ghost, LL 0 Skeleton Mask and LL 170 Fatebringer and enter the Siva Strikes 320 and help out people in that playlist.

I have heard so many stories about people being bored of the game

"I am at 400 LL there is nothing to do now"

"I have all the exotics, what now?"

"Nothing left to do because I have crushed through all the content"

I understand the burn out but lets look to helping the kinder-guardians and the lower LL guardians. Jump in to the lower level playlists, mess around with different combinations of weapons and armor, raise the overall LIGHT of the community (see what I did there? He he he)

Positivity is our light, let us help others and spread the positivity, pay it forward and let that be paid forward until all of us are rolling around in 400LL bliss

Heavens knows that I would not be here talking at 400LL with all exotics if it wasn't for the help of so many countless guardians willing to do my scrub lord @$$ many many solid favors!

I just starting doing this last night and I can tell you, we are so spoilt with the SIVA heroic strikes with burns and modifiers....doing the normal strikes with no burns and modifiers seems to take so long! but I Just Can't Stop The Feeling when that sweet sweet loot drops #ChooseTheBlues

TLDR; Bored? drop your LL and help the lower light levels

EDIT this post by /u/LucentBeam8MP is amazing and demonstrates what happens when we guardians are open to helping lower levels out. This game welcomes all and in the spirit of that, so should we!!

submitted by /u/thegr8testone
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The furthest fusion rifle kill I've ever seen.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:47 AM PST


-Before anyone asks, YES the target is full health, neither of my teammates had landed a shot-

I've had this clip for ages now, with bungie trying to promote counter play to shotguns I think it's about time people see this.

This clip is from the first week of trials on Last Exit after Rise of Iron's release. Saladin's Vigil dropped for me in the Archon's Forge that day and my, my have I had fun with it since.

I'd love to see your biggest voops (that came out weird but go with it).

submitted by /u/dapzorolive
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Solpecial this week? Get that Tank before it shoots anything

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

Black Spindle yo

Edit: it's an old video, and I might have used Black Hammer at that time. Sorry for the confusion. Still, with the new MOW WotM raid sniper, you can kill it with 8 shots (burn + special)

submitted by /u/ggamdori
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For anyone that wants to grind a Parthian shot.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:48 AM PST

I recommend grinding for one WITHOUT counterbalance. (Counter intuitive, I know.)

However, Parthian shot has a recoil pattern that is very nearly vertical with only a slight slide to the left.

With a stability perk like HLS or BF, any spread will be about the size of a guardian's head. Making it easy to land all 6 shots.

Counterbalance makes the recoil entirely vertical but it spreads those rounds way too far apart, making it easy to miss one of your bullets.

submitted by /u/Nexii801
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Razelighter, by Driftwood Props

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:42 AM PST

Razelighter was the first of the exotic swords I got, and it's my favourite visually, so for Christmas, my friend (Driftwood Props) made me this awesome Razelighter =D
I've got a dozen and a half Destiny cosplays I want to do, and he's enabling me terribly.
Now, I'm a bit rubbish at redditting, so hopefully I've done this right...

submitted by /u/KomplexDelyrium
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Input Lag: Your gaming monitor might not have the desired effect on Destiny

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

I want to talk input lag. You know, that delay between pushing the trigger and your gun actually firing in Destiny.

I will warn you, this conversation is about to get technical and may go over your head, so I'll put a TL;DR at the end.

I wanted to check the optimum input lag for Destiny. Destiny plays at 30fps, which is 1 frame to every 0.0333... seconds. Destiny has its own input lag aside from your monitor. On Xbox One, it's 96ms. On PS4, it's 107ms (source: So if you had absolutely no input lag in your hardware, you still have an overall input lag, courtesy of Bungie. So let's say you had 0 hardware input lag, it would still take 3 frames (100ms) to render an action on a lag-less monitor on Xbox One, and 4 frames (133ms) on PS4. Remember, it doesn't matter if you render an action in 107ms, you won't see it until the next frame (133ms).

What this tells me is, on Xbox One, your monitor needs under 4ms input lag to render an action within the 3rd frame. To render an action on the Xbox One within the 4th frame, you need under 37.333ms.

On PS4, you only need under 26.333ms to be able to render within the 4th frame since it's unable to render within 3 frames anyways. To render an action on PS4 within the 5th frame, your monitor needs under 59.666ms.

In short:

Monitor input lag (XB1): Under 4ms = advantaged. 4ms - 37.333ms = normal. Over 37.333ms = disadvantaged.

Monitor input lag (PS4): Under 26.333ms = normal, over 26.333ms = disadvantaged.

On my Xbox One, when recording both my controller and display at 30fps, I could see my controller input and the resultant action about 3 frames afterwards (30 fps video recording). I've got a display with a 30ms input lag, so perhaps the lag within Destiny isn't as severe as the website tests seemed to indicate. I did this repeatedly, 3 frames like clockwork. My point is, with "game lag" coupled with 30fps, it can diminish the advantage of your high speed gaming monitor.

Anyhow, wanted to share my findings. Of course things change with 60fps games, but I'm here to talk about Destiny :)


According to the numbers:

Monitor for Xbox One - If you can get a monitor under 4ms input lag, that's ideal and will shave off a frame of reaction time compared to most. Otherwise, just want to stay under 37.3ms. Anything more and you're losing a frame of reaction time.

Monitor for PS4 - Try to stick under 26.3ms. Otherwise, you're losing a frame of reaction time.


submitted by /u/AJ9x
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A Monument of gratitude dedicated to those Guardians who make this Subreddit a better place.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:46 AM PST

After seeing the post from /u/Ashenlarry dedicated to thank our .gifv robot, most commonly known as /u/Mblim771_Kyle I thought I put together a list of redditors who I think do their best to make this Subreddit THE place to be for Destiny related content, be it spreadsheets of time to kill on weapons, real time information service, friendly reminders on what's to come or just on point comments straight out of Destiny's lore.

Disclaimer: With all the salt about the coming changes I thought some nice words of gratitude and encouragement would be a nice chance. I don't want to exclude anyone on purpose.

So without further ado let's get to it!

This misterious redditor is known for commenting with phrases or quotes out of the rich Destiny lore with almost surgical accuracy. You know you are appreciated by the community here when a big part of your comments are top notch on their respective threads.

Personally I really enjoy his comments on this subreddit and I highly hope he will continue to leave us stunned on how fitting his comments are. Independant on thread topic.

Mercules is considered the best source on, yeah, almost every possible topic. From massive Vendor Breakdown of what weapon is worth your marks, highly detailed lists on time to kill on the firearms within the Destiny Universe or personal recommendations on what perks you should want on your beloved gun.

Whenever I am asked on where I have my knowledge on I mostly respond by saying "One of Mercules's threads".

Please keep up the incredible community work. I highly appreciate your dedication.

Of course I have to mention him. He saves everybody, who wants to enjoy posted videos on this subreddit, with the most mobile friendly format out there. You, Sir - or do I have to call you robot? -, save my day at work, when I want to check out the front page of what the community has to offer.

Thank you very much for what you do and please continue to do so at your own pace.

I mean, who doesn't love Bacon? You see him everywhere around here, helping Guradians out in the question section or just discussing the latest in game change. When I talked about friendly reminders I already had him in mind.

He is a very well informed guy who want's to share his wisdom with the community. I highly respect that and this was one of my motivations to start my weekly Xur breakdown on Tier 12 capability. Please keep it up my friend!

You put together everything we need to know about the "new week" short and on point and very nicely formatted we are served with a To do list. I really like those posts as they contain information for long time players and new guardians alike.

Aka the Prophet. There is only one Megamanexe and he is known for very interesting dataming back in the days. I remember hearing first about the new social space in the Reef from him. Year one Guardians will remember...

That's it with my personal list of those who I think deserve a special thank you for everything they did so far.

Important edit: If you think I forgot someone who should be mentioned for his or her amazing community work, feel free and add them in the comments, expressing your gratitude towards them in your own way.

Ch40s out.

submitted by /u/Ch40ssp4rt4n
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Amazing Sniper Breaker - Switch Every Kill!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:04 AM PST

XBOX One Connectivity Issues

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:29 PM PST

EDIT 2: As of 4:48pm EST - I'm able to select a character and load into the Tower successfully. Original issue started at 4:28pm EST - looks like everything is back to normal now. Try force quitting Destiny (xbox home, start, quit on the Destiny window) or restarting your Xbox to restore service. Thanks everyone for the replies!

Was just in a clash match, received a beetle outta nowhere then a vulture when trying to get back in on the character select screen. Additional attempt also failed but with an achievement unlocked for collecting all the iron lords artifacts.

I then get you may have been signed in elsewhere errors.

EDIT 1: XBOX Live Service Status page shows all is well (at least so far) so this may be a Bungie / Destiny specific issue... check here for updates:

I'm in Michigan on Comcast, do not typically get connection errors.


submitted by /u/l1qu1ddr3ams
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Become Legend - Weekly Tips for Nightfall/Heroics/Shaxx/Tier 12 [2017-02-14]

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:12 AM PST


This is a revised edition of the Weekly Guides I used to do. I think most players get the gist of what to do from week to week so this is a toned down version with only worthwhile information or uncommon but useful strategies.

Happy Valentines Day!

Nightfall - The Shield Brothers


  • Epic
  • Small Arms
  • Fresh Troops
  • Match Game
  • Airborne

This is generally a pretty fast strike, most of the shielded enemies will be easy to shred through with Explosive Rounds. Use Burning Eye if you have it to get some great damage in and use Exotics/Perks that let you stay airborn to really get going. Sunsingers with Angel of Light, Titans with Empyrean Bellicose, and Hunters with Bones of Eao (Hunters might want a Hand Cannon here for the in-air accuracy) will do just fine.

SIVA Crisis Heroic


  • Heroic
  • Solar Burn
  • Specialist
  • Exposure

Sounds like a great week for a lot of guns. Black Spindle and Ice Breaker will top the use list for great damage. Gjallarhorn/Sleeper Simulant/Dragon's Breath will have their uses but with Specialist the sniper rifles will reign supreme. Break out your Solar subclasses, Gunslinger with Celestial Nighthawk will be a great boss killer and Hammer of Sol will get it's fair amount of use clearing adds.

Shaxx Bounty - A Game of Rift


  • Complete 7 Matches
  • 50 Primary Kills
  • 25 Assisted Kills
  • Runner Stopped

The hardest thing this week is Runner Stopped because you'll want to be capturing the Spark, not letting the other team get it. If you can't intentionally give the Spark to the enemy then Super the Spark Runner you'll need to cut him off. Special Weapons do best here, a Shotgun to the chest or Sniper to the head should be enough to down him.

Weekly Elite Bounties

With The Dawning comes some new bounties for strikes to accompany their recent changes. These bounties may be picked up from Zavala.

  • Strike Elite: Earn 9 Medals in Strikes (Bronze/Silver/Gold Tier)
    • Rewards: 10000 EXP, Vanguard Rep +200, Legendary Armor, Legendary Marks +10
  • Sunrise: Earn a Gold Tier Achieve Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
    • Rewards: 10000 EXP, Vanguard Rep +200, Legendary Weapon, Legendary Marks +10
  • Clean Up: Get 150 enemy kills with your fireteam during a SIVA Crisis Strike to earn "Brutal Efficiency" Medals.
    • Rewards: 10000 EXP, Vanguard Rep +200, Legendary Armor, Legendary Marks +10

All of these are pretty simple, most strikes make it fairly easy to get 150 combined kills. If you're struggling to meet that mark then go into patrol areas for a few minutes and get a bunch of kills before moving on.

Challenge of Elders

Round Boss Enemy Type
1 Noru'usk Taken (Cabal)
2 Pilot Servitor Fallen
3 Sylok, the Defiled Taken (Hive)


  • Chaff: Player radar is disabled.
  • Trickle: Recharge of abilities is significantly reduced.
  • Precision Kill Bonus: Precision kills are worth more points.

Point System

Method Points
Kill +25
Melee Kill +35
Grenade Kill +40
Precision Kill +90
Super Kill +50
Assist +25
Orb Generation +20
Ultra Kill +500

* Precision kills are normally worth +45 but this week they are doubled.

Any high single damage weapon will do well, Scouts/Hand Cannons should be great for getting the Precision Kill bonus. Chaff and Trickle... it's not a fun one but if points should be easy with Precision Kill Bonus.

Prison of Elders

Level 32 The Forever Eater (Qodron) Level 34 Machine Wrath (Kaliks Reborn) Level 35 Skolas's Revenge (Skolas)
1 Catapult Specialist Exposure/Brawler
2 Void Burn Lightswitch Grounded/Airborne
3 Brawler Airborne Catapult/Arc Burn
4 Small Arms Exposure Specialist/Juggler
5 Trickle Grounded Trickle/Small Arms

Vendor Items

This section is only going to include gear that is capable of Tier 12.

Vendor Item Name Class Armor Slot INT DISC STR % of Max
The Speaker Cloud Walker Tribute Hunter Class Item 24 24 96%
The Speaker Defender's Mark Titan Class Item 25 25 100%
The Speaker Voidwalker's Bond Warlock Class Item 24 24 96%
The Speaker Nightstalker's Cloak Hunter Class Item 25 23 96%
Tyra Karn Memory of Skorri N/A Artifact 35 50 112%
Faction NPC Material
Future War Cult Lakshmi-2 Relic Iron
Dead Orbit Arach Jalal Relic Iron
New Monarchy Executor Hideo Spinmetal
Crota's Bane Eris Morn Hadium Flakes


In addition to these snipits I've been putting out some detailed Crucible videos and Trials of Osiris guides:

submitted by /u/noz3r0
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Glitch: Throw Infinite Hammers / Bladedance Forever

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:50 PM PST

Still works after today's patch!

Hey guys, bringing you another new glitch that will proooobably get patched really soon. They may even patch it tomorrow, who knows.

Anywho, I found a way that you can throw infinite hammers in PvE as well as PvP. All you need is a Sparrow.


  • Spawn Sparrow
  • Get off Sparrow
  • Get on Sparrow while popping Hammers
  • If done correctly, you'll see hammer icon in bottom left
  • Go to menu
  • Swap Primary Weapon
  • Get off Sparrow
  • Profit.

--The same works for Bladedancers as well.

Don't do this in the Crucible. It's an exploitation of a game mechanic and is likely to get you reported. Probably shouldn't even do this in PvE either...but hey...infinite hammers/ can you say no to that?

Enjoy responsibly:


Tips for people having trouble:

  • For Hammers, start getting on Sparrow before popping super.
  • For Blade, pop super before getting on Sparrow.
  • Make sure your Primary is equipped before popping your super.

(it's all about timing)

  • It helps if your Sparrow is on a flat surface.
  • If you're still not getting it to work, spawn a new Sparrow and try again.

(for the people asking)

  • It does work for Golden Gun, but you only get 3-4 shots. Not unlimited.
  • It may work for Stormcaller, but I'm unable to figure out the timing to get on the Sparrow.
submitted by /u/JewBoy300
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Happy Valentines Day!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:40 AM PST

Whether you're a single Guardian venturing out there in the wild or enjoying a warming embrace from your significant other after a thrilling journey, remember to be excellent to those you hold dear.

And with all that said, enjoy these pictures!

submitted by /u/Wal2Hazard
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No More Map of the Apes

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:31 PM PST

I found this piece of gold the other day and I had a good laugh because I completely agree in that being what comes to mind when people use 'ape' in Crucible. If it is popular and well known then forgive me.

Enjoy guardians

Full credit goes to the super talented /u/Matt_Oishi, Tumblr, Twitter

Edit: Corrected /u/MattOishi to /u/Matt_Oishi

submitted by /u/Silverspeare
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Weekly Reset Thread [2017-02-14]

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:01 AM PST

Nightfall: Shield Brothers

Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn Travel deep into the heart of the Dreadnaught in pursuit of a Cabal assault team. Stop it from detonating the Hive ship's core.


  • Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
  • Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favored.
  • Fresh Troops - Some enemy squads have been fortified with additional reinforcements.
  • Match Game - Enemy shields are resistant to all unmatched Elemental Damage.
  • Airborne - Players deal more damage while in the air.

Heroic Strike Playlist


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Specialist - Special Weapon damage is favored.
  • Exposure - Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.

Vendor Planetary Material Exchange

Raid Challenge Mode: Aksis

Crucible Playlists:

  • Combined Arms
  • Pending Data from Tower...

Iron Lord Artifacts

Name Primary Talent
Memory of Silimar In the Crucible, resistance to damage-over-time attacks is greatly increased.
Memory of Skorri When your super is full, nearby allies' supers recharge faster.
Memory of Jolder Removes sprint cooldown penalty.

Shiro-4 Vanguard Scout Bounties

Name Description
Shock It to Me Use Arc damage to kill Fallen.
Archon's Forge: Shanks Complete Shank encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Anti‑Splicer Complete Patrols in the Plaguelands.
Pull the Plug Kill Fallen Majors and Ultras.

Titan Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Strike Elite Earn "Gold Tier Achieved", "Silver Tier Achieved", or "Bronze Tier Achieved" Medals.
Sunrise Earn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
Clean Up Get 150 enemy kills with your fireteam during a SIVA Crisis Strike to earn "Brutal Efficiency" Medals.

Lord Shaxx Bounties

Name Description
A Game of Rift Exercise your skills in the Rift match type.


Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Arms Day Foundry Orders

Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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