Showing posts with label Ursa. Show all posts

Vladmir's Offering vs Helm of the Dominator on Ursa Dota 2

There's no good reason to skip orbs on Ursa - probably a lot of people are still just using their old builds, since the buff is still relatively new. I might be tempted to stick to a Morbid Mask for a long while early and get up Phase BootsPhase Boots and Blink Dagger Blink Dagger before upgrading it and delay my choice of orb for as long as possible. Else I would be tempted to go Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering + Orb of VenomOrb of Venom early.

How do you deal with Ursa?

A few things can make Ursa's life very difficult.

First is to shut him down early with good disables

Ursa is pretty squishy early, and he can't contribute anything in a fight unless he can auto attack. Ursa needs Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering, Blink Dagger Blink Dagger/Shadow Blade Shadow Blade and Black King BarBlack King Bar before he can really contribute to fights other than running up to people his team chain stuns. If you can delay those items for a while, you can get items of your own to deal with him.

 When it is safe to go for early Roshan as Ursa?

I tried to solo Roshan at level 4 several times and it seems like it's all down to luck.

I start with Healing Salve, Tango Tangos and Stout Shield Stout Shield, then at level 4 I pick Morbid Mask and according to the guides I should be able to solo Roshan, yet I end up having almost no HP while Roshan still has a half of his. When is it safe to attempt to kill Roshan early? What am I missing?

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