How easy it to return to Dota?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:53 PM PST

I played quite a bit from 2011 - 2015, I have 2200 matchmaking wins - but my last game was October, 2015. With the amount of changes I'm sure happened in the last 2 years, what's the best way to go about relearning the game? Even the main menu and armory are confusing as hell.
submitted by /u/coastline
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SUPPORT : Arcane or Tranquil?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:44 PM PST

I've seen many supports on Dotabuff who really needs mana, such as Vengeful Spirit and Jakiro, bought Tranquil instead Arcane. What do they do to solve their mana problem mid game?
submitted by /u/IkhlasNG
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Treant help (New Player)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:54 PM PST

So I downloaded this game 2 days ago and was quite happy my 9 year old potatoe of a computer can run it well. I'm about 20 games in so far and REALLY enjoy it. First few games online were pretty shaky as I got the hang of things. Best choice I made had to be switching to the treant.
He doesn't kill much but at the same time doesn't die much if played right. Early game I always go the safe lane, ward up the middle choke point overlooking the river and then one checking the jungle paths behind the first tower.
Then I start my stealth harassment, bash stuns and leaches. As a support, I generally leave whoever is in lane with me (a carry usually) to get the kills. A lot of games I can land a bash or two on an enemy hero that doesn't expect me there, making or helping get that first kill.
Needless to say I'm not making much gold, much of which is spent on wards and mana potions to keep my heals and leaches going. I feel like by the time I get to mid game I'm a bit late on items. I generally have one of my cores, the one that gives me and the team mana when used. But the strongest item is that aghanim scepter.
Once I get that I can just drop wards all together and start laying eyes everywhere. After I get this I can spend just a couple minutes farming the jungle with my ult and the eyes and get the next item on my list, Heart of Tarrasque. With the heart my health and damage jump up exponentially and I can brawl and tank late game.
So I have a few questions here:
  • What do you think of my early gameplay?
  • I try to go for last hits when possible but it's always a slow crawl to that scepter. The Eyes I get from the scepter are crucial mid and late game. What should I be doing early game that I'm not now?
The faster I get that the better off me and the team are. But often times I'm stuck in lane until the enemy stops pushing the tower and move off to support other lanes. Maybe farm the jungle a bit?
  • What are some other items folks could suggest? Being new, the heart was something I just started going for in my matches today. As well as the mass farming with the eyes.
If I could get my scepter earlier and get my farm on I could easily make another item before end game and match. Additionally, what do you think of my choice in the heart? Is there maybe something else I should consider.
Thanks for any help and I'm sorry for the long read here. I'm reaaaally getting into this game.
submitted by /u/TheJemiles
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Why is Battle Fury not instant meta for monkey king?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:41 PM PST

So, I was thinking. I've been playing about every game of unranked at the high skill rating according to Dota buff. And, since all of monkeys units when he ults apply weapons, why is Battle fury not picked up? The reason I stated my skill rating is because the people I play with, I would assume, would consider buying it. Then again, I could be retarded.
Thanks again
submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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Can you set a hotkey for Visage's familiars stun?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:07 PM PST

Title says it all... I have been trying to set a hotkey for their stun, but I can't figure out where it's possible to do that. Anyone have some insight as to how this might be done?
submitted by /u/lebronformvp
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How to learn itemization as a noob (specifically Luna)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:14 PM PST

The main hero I play is Luna, sometimes also Troll, and Jakiro, Warlock, Witch Doctor if we need a support instead although I prefer playing carry as I find it more fun. I love the game even though I am shit at it still, and have some questions-- even though it's a very volatile time and much is still up in the air i'm sure those of you more knowledgable than me have some good tips about some of these issues. I'd say all of my questions basically revolve around game knowledge. I came from LoL and played that game since 2011. I do remember the process of gaining game knowledge was quite gradual and painful, so I know the basic answer is just: keep playing, but still, I have some questions.
In league it's very simple to know how to itemize. Build MR against AP, build armor against AD. The builds are also in general more cookie cutter than Dota. I look at guides for the heroes I play, so I know the items they suggest, but my problem is I still have no idea about in what context what is good. I'm pretty sure I end up going pretty inefficient builds most games. On Luna basically every game I go Aquilla -> brown boots -> dragon lance -> manta -> bkb if i really need it (I'm often more resistant than I should be to pick it up probably) -> butterfly ->skadi/satanic. I know this isn't that optimal but I'm not sure how to go about increasing my knowledge of when to build what items.
submitted by /u/DussstBunnny
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Lategame support itemization (bounty hunter)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:04 PM PST

So, BH is one of my favourite heroes to play. He benefits a lot from the additional jungle routes and bounties this patch.
However, I have trouble itemizing him late game. When I already have greaves, pipe, drums etc. If the game goes really late I feel kinda useless because if I reveal myself I just get blown up.
I have tried building Deso, but he's so squishy I can barely get more than a hit or two off. It seems like a waste, because most of the time I am just spamming track, shuriken and using team actives.
What should I be buying late game to be more useful as BH. Dagon? Eblade? I've never used these before.
I just need some help to stop falling off so hard late game.
submitted by /u/teachanywhere
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Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:36 AM PST

Underlords lvl 15 talent 10% spell amp, how much does it acctually effect?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:08 PM PST

Becaus Pit has been changed, as to not deal any damage now. Firestorm is the only ability Underlord has that benefit this talent.
Firestorm has 6 waves, that deal 25-70 magic damage. soo 10% of that is obv +2.5 to +7 more damage.
However, Firestorm also have max Hp burn % damage. Dealing from 0.75% to 3% of opponents remaining(?) Hp. And this is the part where my brain that hasn't been near a school table for over a year can't figgure out.
How much more damage difference does this talent do to Firestorm?
submitted by /u/TheOneWithALongName
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Monkey King (5.6k MMR) Replay and Analysis - 7.01

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:39 PM PST

Tempest Double can feed Moonshard to the main Warden (+4000 gold exploit)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:21 PM PST

Invoker in 7.00?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:11 AM PST

Since Quas-Exort is now almost dumpstered due to a lack of double forge spirits until level 15, how is he played now? I imagine urn of shadows being core in early game invoker due to the urn charge being a viable substitute to the lacking forge spirit?
With that being said, how is Quas-Wex invoker doing? I imagine this build being the dominant build now as Quas-Exort got nerfed that much. In that case, what is the build and is Invoker still as strong as before? I personally like the Quas-Wex build and my go-to killing combo is Tornado > EMP > Cold Snap > Urn charge if there is any > Right click enemy to death. Is this still viable and still kills people efficiently?
What are his item builds now then? Does he still rush midas and euls/orchid and blink and aghs?
submitted by /u/TheLonelyCapricorn
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Is lycan still a meta hero after the nerf?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:25 PM PST

what are some good early push comps? (and how to lycan?)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:33 PM PST

As the title says, what are some good early push comps? would ShadowDemon + drow/luna safelane and lycan + venge offlane be good? My friends and i are all pretty low MMR (>2k i believe) and i feel like people at this level wont really respond properly to early pushes. Are here any tips on how to execute these kind of strats or is it just push as soon as you get the right levels/items?
As for lycan i tried him out in a bot game and he seems like a lot of fun, however i found myself getting zoned a lot even after maxing his regen aura. I also had no clue how to utilize his wolves early game or what his item/skill build is. He feels like he should go offlane but idk where to lane him honestly.
1: What are good early push comps and how to execute them?
While playing Lycan, how do I:
 2: avoid getting zoned 3: use his wolves early in lane 4: skill him and what items do i buy (HotD?????) 4: know where to lane 
Many Thank
submitted by /u/Unit1238640
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How do you have hot keys setup?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:47 PM PST

I tried to reconfig my hot keys away from default, placing item keys as asdzxc because B and N are hard to reach.
But this takes away A and S which I liked as attack and stop. Now those are V and H respectivevly but that's a pain. I enabled the setting to make right clicking my creeps deny, but when I want to send something like an illusion down a lane, I need an attack click so I can not have to manually attack each wave.
F and G are taken by 4th and 5th abilities, but that's replaceable because I don't play many heros that use those.
Anyways, I thought seeing other people's keybinds would give me some ideas.
submitted by /u/austinll
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Comparison of Support Utility Items in 7.01 and later: Mek, Drums, Helm (HotD), and Vlads

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:26 PM PST

I've done a little (Purge-inspired) table for self reference. (TY to Bilson00 for formatting magic.)
TL;DR: Mek is now a second-tier Util item for pos 4 or 5 (excepts for the Greaves buildup value...), compared to HotD or Drums which are now core for many supports.
We are comparing 7.01+ Mek, Drums, Helm (HotD), and Vlads as a core item for supports. (Most of the time a Vlad's will come from the pos 1-3, but it's here for comparison, anyway. EDIT: see comments for why Veil and Pipe are not included.)
E.g., pretend you are playing WL, VS, Lich or CM, and get a bit of farm for more than just a Staff and/or Glimmer. Maybe you want to get a team Util item before mobility escape (like I do on Lich or WL). Findings are interesting. Unless I go Greaves, I may switch out Mek for HotD on such heroes as the default core item.
All the values take the raw number (e.g. +5 Armor) and divide it by the item cost (e.g. 2275 gold) to get the benefit/gold (e.g. 0.002). So the numbers look silly, but they give a good baseline. More deciphering after the table:
per gold: Helm (HotD) Mek Drums Vlads
HP 0.07 0.04-> 0.21 EHP 0.07 0.02 (aura)-> 0.18 EHP
HP reg/60s 0.273 0.212 n/a 0.08 (aura)
Mana 0.04 0.026-> -207 0.04 0.01 (aura)
INT 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.001 (aura)
AGI 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 (aura)
MS n/a n/a 0.01 (aura) n/a
IAS 0.0056 n/a n/a n/a
Armor n/a 0.002 n/a 0.0018
IAS 0.0056 n/a n/a n/a
Actual Cost 1800 2275 1780 2275
ABILITIES Dominate Restore Endurance Lifesteal (aura)
(+2 Armor charges (x6) and +15% r-click
for 25s) (MS and IAS Damage (aura)
bonus for 6s)
and +3 Damage
Things I was too lazy to factor:
  • the negative mana number by Mek is the cost/60s assuming you activate Mek EVERY time it is off CD -- which you would not, of course; so that value is artificial, but it is the only way to get the in-table number for HP regen/60s per gold value (the only way to make it competitive with Helm)
  • any AGI bonus gives some armor, EHP, and IAS; that is left out and just the raw numbers were factored in
  • the numbers are rounded, and one item may be a fraction better or worse than another to more decimal points
  • activation cost for Dominate is left out
  • for Mek and Vlads, the added Armor also gives a value for EHP per gold (in the added HP row)
What are we seeing here?
  • In per-gold value, Helm (HotD) is now superior to Mek in every way except for EHP. Helm's buildup is easier, cost is lower, and the only downsides are the lack of burst heal and buildup to Greaves (and a synergy with Mana Boots). That needs to be balanced against the opportunity of getting a MS creep, a purge satyr, an ice ogre, or an alpha wolf.
  • Drums and Helm are both now support items. Period. (Except Drums sometimes.)
  • Vlads, of course, is still Vlads and is great for team for the aura, but usually never gotten by a 4 or 5 pos.
  • The Abilities, of course, need to be factored in.
All told, except maybe for a nearly certain guarantee that you'll get all the way to Greaves (for those supports who get Greaves), Helm now replaces Mek as a core Util item. Helm should also be added as core to several heroes that formerly had no Util item (Mana Boots-Helm-Staff-Aether VS or Dazzle, anyone?). And we should start considering Drums as Core when playing 5 pos on certain heroes like CM or WD.
submitted by /u/hiramarchibald
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Does void deals double timelock damage in chrono still?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:48 PM PST

I heard from some comment at r/dota2 its not there anymore. Isnt this a huge nerf for him? When did this happen if so?
submitted by /u/shishkebabs232
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Are there really important ward spots in 7.00 map?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:37 AM PST

As the title says, I'd really like to know, if there are some must-know wards on the new map.
submitted by /u/levzz
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What heroes should I play if I want to climb ladder?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:28 PM PST

I am in 2k mmr, and recently i've been playing pudge and support heroes, but they rely too much on their team. There is nothing worse than having 15 assists and pudge in from your carries lane, giving your carry tons of free farm and experience, only for him to throw the game because he doesn't know what he is doing. What heroes should I learn if I want to raise my mmr without relying on my team? I know it is EXTREMELY stereotypical to "blame" your team, and i'm trying my hardest not to do that, but it's just the truth. A supports job is to protect the team and get their carry farmed, but when your carry has no clue what he is doing while the enemy carry does, you are going to lose no matter how good of a start you give him. I'd prefer a mid laner as well so I can focus only on my lane and my opponent. Thanks in advance.
submitted by /u/FlazzleDazzle
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Tusk still terrible?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:27 PM PST

Hey guys, I've always wanted to be good at playing Tusk. I think he's super cool and a neat hero, however I know he's been at 40% winrate for ages and just keeps getting nerfed into oblivion for whatever reason. According to dotabuff he's still at the 40% mark, one of the lowest in the game.
In your opinion has he benefited from all the 7.0 changes or is he still very out of the meta?
I've tried a few games, some with the carry build (shadow blade/phase boots/deso), some with the support build (guardian greaves, force staff, etc.), and I just get obliterated no matter what I do.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by /u/shingy89
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Which heroes should and should not buy a wind lace at pre-game?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:33 PM PST

I used to buy it on EVERY support, but since eeeverything in this game is so situational... I thought I'd ask /r/learndota 2 about it. For example, I'm not sure Venge NEEDS one, though it's quite nice. I've tried a couple games now without one and it seemed manageable.
But for example, Ogre, especially with the recent movespeed nerf, shouldn't he be getting a wind lace every game?
Is that the general rule, "low base movespeed > buy a wind lace", or is it more nuanced than that?
submitted by /u/-methane-
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what mistakes did i make in this match as am? and any tips?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:44 PM PST

we almost lost, i dont play am that much and i am having trouble with what items i should have gotten, i was switching items in and out of the backpack after 45 minutes in the game, i also didn't know what to do, i tried to farm but idk the new respawn time for neutrals
submitted by /u/MandrakeOfPeace
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Jakiro seems very good this patch

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:38 PM PST

I played a few jakiro games with huge success in the last few days. All the early team fights and the chokepoints in the map seems to be helping him a lot. There are very few open areas in the map, the small areas makes it much easier to land icepath and macropyre. I find it easy to land big damage having only an arcane boot and veil of discord. He can take towers / clear creep with his E too. My item progression : Arcane - Veil - Mek - Greaves - Scepter. Thinking of trying Atos too, just to keep someone in pyre for a bit longer. His talents are really good too. 8% spell amp, +150 cast range, +400 attack range (easy to land E), and respawn reduction.
submitted by /u/donsronald
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Bounty Hunter lvl20 Talent

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:22 PM PST

I was wondering which talent for BH is better at lvl 20. (100 Damage or 8% spell amp). Spell amp has a higher winrate but I'm not sure why, as that's ~30 extra damage per shuriken hit, which can only be used every 10 seconds. Am I missing something?
EDIT: 10 second shuriken cooldown
submitted by /u/hgjhjycjhjh
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