Showing posts with label Offlane. Show all posts

Offlaning: what is this sorcery? faceless void Offlaner

What exactly means offlaning?

Generally refers to the player in a side lane that's not in the trilane.
  • e.g. solo hard lane Batrider
  • e.g. solo safelane Clinkz

Some people also use it to refer to the "#3" role, which would expand it to primary farmer in the "hard lane" (i.e. Radiant Top, Dire Bottom)
  • e.g. something like Juggernaut in an aggressive trilane

NOTE: Suicide Lane is a special case of offlane, specifically referring to 1v3 matchups, usually in the hard lane

 What are some good pub off lane hero? Dota 2 Centaur Warrunner Offlane

Many heroes are viable in the offlane now. Particularly in pubs where people don't really pressure the offlaner as much as they should, most heroes can survive there as long as they don't get too cocky. I'd avoid laning someone in the offlane who needs significant farm, but if you're mainly in need of levels then it's a great place as long as you play conservatively.

That said, here are a few of the 'classic' offlaners that you might want to try. This isn't a complete list, but these are a few of the heroes who're most commonly associated with the solo offlane:

 Offlane vs Jungle Nature's Prophet?

Which one is better? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?

Offlane >>> Jungle

Jungle is done when you cannot lane him in the offlane / you'll get (and need) more farm from the jungle. (NOTE: he can be run as a "carry" or even mid in this patch, due to how lineups are structured -- carry is often more utility and more early aggression, which Nature's Prophet can build for).

Jungling him is very slow, compared to top tier junglers like Enigma, Chen and Enchantress. He's a decent jungler, but not great at early levels.

Also, he provides many of the same benefits as an offlane that you can get out of jungling him, making the jungle less useful. A lot of junglers will roam (e.g. Enchantress, Chen) or push. Nature's Prophet can always port into fights and help gank. In addition, his abilities fit a "core" role moreso than a 2nd support/jungler (in the event you run him as a jungler and pick up another offlane). He does not provide as much to ganks as a better jungler.

Basically, it is just very inefficient to jungle him, unless the laning situation is so bad that you need to.
Later on, he is fine to jungle. It's really the early levels that he's a bad jungler in.



  • More farm, in certain scenarios
  • A lot more XP, depending on scenario
  • Kill potential, in some 1v1 matchups
  • Ability to creep kite with Treants, which can really fuck up enemy supports or the carry
    • i.e. using the treants to pull the creep wave from the lane and to somewhere where you can farm it
  • Ability to rotate to ancients if needed (on Dire lane)
  • Ability to block neutral spawns (with treants) and force supports to roam instead of farm --> turn lane into 1v1 or gimp support


  • Consistent farm & XP
  • Low skill cap (i.e. basic micro and aggro juggling)
  • You're MIA all the time, so ganks may be less readable
  • Potential to rotate another hero to offlane to mooch XP (e.g. a support to just play super safe and hit lvl 6)
  • Ability to stack multiple camps while jungling, can be good for some carries to help them farm

 Is there a difference between Off-lane and Jungling?

Offlane is the long lane, jungling is killing neutral creeps

Offlaners are usually a 3 role meaning they're below a 1 and 2 position player in farm priority. junglers are almost always a support (4 position). however when it gets too rough in the offlane oftentimes they'll go into the jungle to catch up.

What is it that makes a hero good in the offlane? Nature Prophet Dota 2 ingame

The reason it's easier is based on the position of your friendly jungle, and where the creeps "meet". The creeps used to meet much closer to the safelane's tower, but like I said this was recently patched to be more balanced. Another reason the hard lane is hard is because if you are equal distance between the tier 1 towers of that lane, the river is behind you,meaning you are more easily ganked by rotating enemy heroes. Because the hard lane is the other teams safe lane, they will often put their core-farming carry hero there, and give him support to protect him. This means there will often be 2 or 3 heroes in that lane making it "harder" for you as the "offlaner". Also the "safelane" can pull the creeps to neutral camps, helping with the creep control, making it harder for the "hardlane".

Any Tips for Beastmaster Offlane

Beastmaster Skill build 

Get Wild Axes at level 1 and I usually max Wild Axes then animals after your Call of the Wild Hawk vision range gets larger so the greater Call of the Wild Hawk is worth it for that. in some situations I get Call of the Wild Boar at 3 instead. Your passive is not worth skipping obviously, but I am not personally supportive of early levels of your passive. Sometimes you might need to adapt to the situation though.

What should I remember when I'm offlaning? We're joining small lan tournaments 4fun and I'm really new to offlane, can anyone give me some advice?

Do not go for last hits (deny) when you are solo unless you are 100% beyond any doubt absolutely sure you'll survive it

If you don't know for SURE where the supports are, they'll be all over you the moment you get slightly closer. Literally the worst thing an offlaner can do is die, it's a disaster. Just leech XP at the periphery of the XP range and start roaming once you hit the desired level. If you aren't getting anything, (like if Bounty Hunter is forced out with sentries), go and do something useful elsewhere, like gank mid or stack woods.

Windranger is a ranged intelligence hero that uses powerful abilities in conjunction with her physical attack to take down enemies. Despite being an intelligence Hero, Windranger 's playstyle resembles that of an agility Hero, due in large part to her skillset. Windranger is most often played as an offlane solo due to her escape, long range harass, and farm capability; however, she is quite versatile and can be fielded as a midlaner, roamer, lane support, or even a carry, if the game calls for it. She is famous for her immense utility and versatility, and as such, she is one of the most common picks of experienced players

Sand King New Build Support/Offlane 6.81 Dota 2 Guides
"I will show you fear in a handful of sand..."

Crixalis the Sand King is a melee strength hero with one of the highest area of effect damage outputs in the entire game. All four of his abilities can affect multiple enemy units, and can combo quite well with each other. He is one of the most versatile Heroes in the game as he can push, initiate, support, gank, and even semi-carry if he does well. Late game his effectiveness diminishes as none of his abilities scale, but he can still function to support carries with Burrowstrike and Epicenter's slow. He is also versatile enough to be able to go to any lane with at least moderate success. He works well as a participant in a dual lane or trilane, but can also solo very effectively against melee enemies as Caustic Finale discourages enemies from approaching the creeps. His main role in the team is to deliver a devastating initiation, delivering both stuns and slows to the enemy team.
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