Offlaning: what is this sorcery? faceless void Offlaner

What exactly means offlaning?

Generally refers to the player in a side lane that's not in the trilane.
  • e.g. solo hard lane Batrider
  • e.g. solo safelane Clinkz

Some people also use it to refer to the "#3" role, which would expand it to primary farmer in the "hard lane" (i.e. Radiant Top, Dire Bottom)
  • e.g. something like Juggernaut in an aggressive trilane

NOTE: Suicide Lane is a special case of offlane, specifically referring to 1v3 matchups, usually in the hard lane

Which heroes are good for offlaning?

Depends on the situation.

Suicide Laners

Right now it's popular to have a hero that can either Jungle or Lane. Sometimes the lane is too rough and you need them to get farm.
  • Dark Seer
  • Batrider
  • Nature's Prophet
  • Lone Druid

You might also pick up heroes that have some alternative way of farming or controlling the lane.
  • Clockwerk - he can use cogs to trap creeps in the trees, pushing the lane back to his tower and allowing him to get farm and XP
  • Beastmaster - can stack ancients with Wild Axes or his Boar (NOTE: this isn't done much anymore because it's very easy to just push the tower and steal his stack)
  • Nature's Prophet/Lone Druid - can use their summons to kite the creep wave from between their T1 & T2 towers to his own and farm safely there
  • Windranger/Mirana - can use  Quelling Blade Quelling Blade to cut a path and farm ancients (see: Funn1k); however this can easily be countered by Warding the ancients
  • Tinker - can stack ancients like Beastmaster, but it's rarely done and is easily countered
  • Bounty Hunter - can just mooch XP while invis. He's often pooled regen so he can buy an early Poor Man's ShieldPoor Man's Shield to survive (their supports would be retarded not to get Sentries against a Bounty Hunter)

1v1 Offlaners

When trilanes clash, then you'll get 1v1 matchups. Sometimes a team's carry will play in this position, but other times it's the #3 role player.

Often, you'll see heroes like:
  • Weaver
  • Viper
  • Clinkz (in safelane usually)
  • Nature's Prophet
  • Clockwerk
  • Lone Druid
  • Lifestealer
  • Windranger
  • Mirana
  • Elder Titan
  • Gyrocopter (in solo safe)
  • Alchemist (in solo safe)
  • Doom Bringer
  • Dark Seer
  • Batrider

Aggro Trilane Farmers

Sometimes an offlane player will take up the farmer role in aggressive trilanes. Usually they'll be on a fairly aggressive carry or semi-carry.

  • Juggernaut
  • Gyrocopter
  • Lifestealer
  • Weaver
  • Windranger(very rarely)
  • Chaos Knight  (usually when paired with Io, or in dual/tri core lineups)
  • Etc.

What's your goal when offlaning?

  • Suicide Lane
    • Get some farm
    • Maximize XP
    • Don't die
    • Then depending on the hero...
      • Rotate/Gank with your XP advantage (e.g. Bounty Hunter, Nature's Prophet)
      • Push down towers when the supports rotate (e.g. Lone Druid)
      • Fuck with supports/pulling (e.g. Bounty Hunter)
  • 1v1 Lanes
    • Basically same as a mid lane hero
    • Can also be to get farm or shut down their farm
  • Aggro Trilanes
    • Get Kills
    • Deny Farm

What to NOT do when offlaning?

Basically get caught out of position. You don't want to die there.

If you can jungle, you don't want to stay in lane if you're not getting anything out of it (e.g. you're level 1 at 3 mins in).

Always have an escape plane (e.g. cutting down certain trees), have an idea of where the supports are (i.e. map awareness), and you absolutely need to know your heroes limits.

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