Leshrac with the rise of Razor and Void

Just some toughts about Leshrac against now common picks Faceless Void and Razor, keep in mind that this is more about Leshrac as a core (solo mid) and not as support, since support Leshrac dosent have the same damage output as core Leshrac and often lacks XP.

Solo mid, Leshrac vs. Razor

This matchup should favour Leshrac in my opinion atleast. thanks to his higher movement speed and slighty better base damage, with the higher MS Leshrac should be able to out run the static link, that often causes problems to many mids.

Also none of Leshrac's abilities proc Unstable Current, expect  Lightning Storm, but this can be avoided by not having Razor as the primary target. ( Lightning Storm bounces do not proc UC)  Lightning Storm has 4s cooldown making it very spammable and helping you dominate mid and it deals some nice damage too 80/140/200/260 and the slow helps a bit to land the Split Earth stun.

Razor is a hero that likes his fast MekansmMekansm and Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter for some early pushing which seems to be the meta of this patch and Leshrac's skill set is blocked by Black King BarBlack King Bar (with the expection of Diabolic Edict), meaning that Black King BarBlack King Bar is really good pickup against Leshrac to avoid Leshrac's huge damage output of the low cooldown nukes, but Black King BarBlack King Bar can stall Razor's Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter which seem's to be the ideal item for Razor and that can be seen as victory already. Diabolic Edict deals good damage through Black King BarBlack King Bar too (total damage: 400/800/1200/1600, type: composite, duration: 8).

Leshrac vs Faceless Void

If Leshrac gets off his Diabolic Edict and Pulse Nova before Faceless Void Chronosphere  him, Leshrac can deal huge ammount of damage to Faceless Void assuming that Faceless Void does not have Black King BarBlack King Bar, and this can cause Faceless Void to backoff from the Chronosphere. As Faceless Void is played more as offlaner he is more starved for farm, meaning that Black King BarBlack King Bar comes later, since offlane Faceless Void's rush Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter most of the time and Diabolic Edict deals damage once again through Black King BarBlack King Bar, so Black King BarBlack King Bardoes not make Faceless Void completely safe.

Leshrac as a pusher

Fast 5 man deathball push strats have gained popularity among teams and infamy for giving boring finals in The International, but Leshrac still remained unpopular (I think Vici was the only team to pick him up once, not sure), even tought Diabolic Edict deals really good damage to Towers and fighting into Leshrac's damage output isint really a good idea, making him good pickup for pushing strats.

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