I've been trying to figure out
Leshrac lately, and results have not been good. I've tried him in a number of different positions; support, mid, offlane, even safelane. I still lose every time.
My usual build is either
Arcane Boots ->
Bloodstone, or
Mekansm ->
Eul's Scepter of Divinity.
- I buy Arcane because they give me cheap mana regen and build into Bloodstone.
- Bloodstone in theory solves both my mana issues and my tankiness
issues, although it is very expensive and doesn't really help my team.
- If I'm not going Bloodstone, Mekansm gives me a lot of tankiness -
more EHP than Bloodstone if you figure in the armor - but really doesn't
help my mana issues.
- Euls gives me some mana, an active I can use to setup my stun, and it's really cheap.
Any thoughts or suggestions?