Good noob - friendly Offlane heroes?

I am getting use to Offlane now. Can you guys suggest some heroes that I can practice with, and which are currently top tier? If you dont mind, just put a brief description on why they are good at the role


Bristleback can farm from a safeish range where ranged heroes have to be pretty much on the creep wave to attack, or they have to flank. If a support flanks solo he can usually have a better damage trade because quills are ridiculous. He's rather hard to totally zone without a tri lane or a really aggressive set of heroes. He's also incredibly tanky and decent at clearing creepwaves. In team fights you kind of have to kill him or is quill damage and slow just stacks up, but at the same time he is really difficult to kill. Top tier hero.

Dark Seer

Dark Seer is a great offlaner because you can't stop him from being annoying. He puts a damaging shield on a creep or two and just tries to stay in exp range. In teamfights he is a very "wombo combo" hero. Potentially he can 1 v 5 with his ult, but usually it just controls how a teamfight plays out. Pretty great hero to learn initiation and counter initiation on. Shuts down every melee hero except maybe Doom in lane. Do not allow anyone on your team to go to lane with you though. It's dumb and a waste of time and exp.

Centaur Warrunner

If the other team has a solo safelane, Centaur Warrunner can wreck. He can go against dual lanes acceptably most times, but he really prefers being on even footing. A high level Centaur makes the game hell for the other team. Global escape or initiation for his team, two high damage nukes, lots of sustain, decent splitpusher, and natural Pipe of InsightPipe of Insight builder. Does okay with only a Blink Dagger Blink Dagger but scales pretty well with extra farm.

Centaur Warrunner is a good one. He is naturally tanky and only requires a Blink Dagger Blink Dagger and some levels to wreck. Can dominate in offlane dual lanes with heros such as Lich and Venomancer as well as solo. Relatively low skill cap but super effective in lower level pub games.

Faceless void

Faceless Void - hard to kill, great lategame, pretty easy kills once he has Power TreadsPower Treads/ Mask of Madness, it's like your team has "another carry" but there's no expectations on you cuz you're an offlaner. Be careful how you use chrono though because it can fuck over your team, obviously.


Tidehunter - Tanky as fuck, really simple, can farm ancients on dire side with kraken shell + anchor smash while literally not taking damage

Nyx assassin

Nyx Assassin - Really easy. Has a stun, can go invis at level 6, really good ganker, spiked carapace stun can save your life (so basically he has two stuns he can use to escape.)


Clockwerk is also a good one. He is naturally tanky similar to centaur and can use his cogs to protect him from incoming ganks. He is one of the offlane heros with the most solo kill potential against inexperienced supports. Really needs solo xp and an early level 6 to be effective. High skill cap but one of the funnest heroes.

Other popular heroes that go offlane in pro games include Nature's Prophet, Batrider and Doom. But the reasons that these heroes go into the offlane in these high level matches rarely apply to lower level pub games. Batrider is a special case though and can do really well in the offlane, but I would pick simpler heroes over him at first.

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