How can I get myself winning some games?

Let me begin by admitting something. I suck at Dota 2. Usually I can win about half my games but lately I lose every single one and I'm so tired of it. I'm on tilt so much more than I usually am and even after taking a week long break I've found myself angry and sucking just as much. How can I get myself winning some games? How do I stop getting on tilt as well? I'm not flaming people but I'm so mad and I don't even want to play if I'm not having fun.

Let me begin by asking you a question.

Do you play All Pick?

The thing about pubgames is that players quickly- and incorrectly- figure out that in order to play with the Megakill Announcer constantly mentioning them, pubstomping carries are the best and easiest option. While this is somewhat solid, the fact is that everyone has the same mindset in pubgames, so you'd be lucky to get one support, let alone two. Nope, all carries, almost all the time.

That is why Pudge hooks everyone; nobody Observer WardWards. Nobody knows to buyTown Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll yet, so Viper, Bloodseeker, Drow Ranger and Sniper all kill everyone who tries to run. Riki dominates because by the time people buy Dust of AppearanceDust of Appearance (which by itself does not work), it is usually too late. These carries do so well because no heroes are picked with the goal of helping the hard carry survive. No Observer WardObserver Ward, no disables, no Dust of AppearanceDust, no nukes.
  • Carries require a significant gold and level advantage to do well, as tey need expensive items to patch their weak points and make their advantages greater. They tend to make up entire teams in pubgames.
  • Supports can get by on little farm and their levels alone, spending their gold on consumable items like wards and dust, a MekansmMekansm and Arcane Boots Arcane Boots an maybe a thing or two for themselves. They are nearly absent in pubgames.

My recommedation is to play some Random Draft or Single Draft

I would probably say that having fun, and not winning a game, is what matters, at all risk of sounding like a dork, but when the aforementioned pubstompers destroy you, it is hard to be happy. My recommedation is to play some Random Draft or Single Draft. Since every hero can be found and at least ten of those less-noted eroes MUST be picked, those pubstomping monsters will be around less to be picked; and if they are, they can be countered because people are more inclined to cooperate because they are not so sure of themselves.

Because tell me this; will a normal pubstomping Pudge player be used to playing, say, Crystal Maiden? Probably not. Will they still act like a Pudge? Maybe. Would that cost his team the game? Absolutely.

If your renewed efforts following my recommendation do not work, try to figure out why you keep losing. There is always something you could do better, blaming your team, however new they may be (by the way, nothing wrong with new players), is for cowards.

What role do you usually play? Do you tend to play more aggressively? Do you towerdive? Do you follow the recommended builds or make your own judgements?

How you win?

The blunt way of putting it is you just need to get better. yeah it sounds obvious, but being good is how you win. never assume it's your teams fault when you lose. criticize yourself first. how could you play better? figure out what your weakness is and start improving on it. use your losses as learning experiences, not something you get upset about. download your own replays and analyze all your mistakes and how you could play better.

It's impossible to not go on tilt. even pros go on tilt.

It's just important to know when you are tilting and to stop playing when you do. take a break, relax and get 'em the next time you play. don't dwell on your games. it's over, you can't change it, focus on the match you're playing now. the angrier you get at the game the more likely you are to make mistakes.

That's really all there is to it. there is no magic way to get better

It takes a real dedication to learning and building on your weaknesses to improve and you should start by trying to relax and not let the game get to you. once you can play without getting upset you will notice an improvement in your play.

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