Clinkz: Looking for Tips

I have recently found Clinkz and would like some tips on his general play style, the most optimal lane, skill order, and build. Also I'm not sure how his ult works and I'm not sure of the best way to use it.

His typical play style is to roam constantly after getting an orchid.

At mid, you can harass and last hit really well with his attack modifer. Cast it manually by pressing the ability button and left clicking, and you won't draw creep agro. He's nice in the offlane because he has really high damage for last hitting, and supports can't really trade harass with him. Also you have an invis that also increases your MS, so early points can help you escape dust and observers even if you are visible. He can be the carry in a dual or tri lane, but he needs levels in all his skills to roam the most effectively.

If you can get a fast Hand of Midas Hand of Midas, do it because it helps you keep up in farm while never really stopping the roaming. A perfect Clinkz game for me is usually Hand of Midas Hand of Midas > Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence > Black King BarBlack King Bar. He has insane burst. Eat a creep, go invis, find target, use Orchid Malevolence Orchid, use Strafe, should kill anyone on their team. Nowhere on the map should be safe for the other team. Max  Searing Arrows and  Skeleton Walk with Strafe later, since Strafe scales best with farm.

You can guaranteed kill any support in 1 Strafe duration if CrystalysCrystalys procs, or significantly dent their carry.
Skill build for me is start with  Skeleton Walk and max  Searing Arrows, with 1 point in Strafe. I generally max  Skeleton Walk after  Searing Arrows but if the game is going well I get a second point in Strafe.

Black King Bar is situational

I will rush it after Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence if enemy have so many disable and dangerous spell. Playstyle is harras enemy early and lasthit with  Searing Arrows. If you are farm correctly , you will get Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence and thread before min 15. After get get Orchid Malevolence Orchid then roaming, Searing Arrows helphless squishy hero, Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence it and bombard it with Strafe and  Searing Arrows. Easy kill but dont over extend. During teamfight, you need put Clinkz in good position or enemy will targeted you. Dont over confident and initiate with Clinkz, its usually mistake I make. Let your teammate initiate, followup and finish the enemy

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