Farming in Lane Dota 2 Creep Learn to Farm Guides

So I started to play today and after some bot games decided to go for a normal with limited mode, only good champions for begginers. I picked Tidehunter and since no one called roles, I tried to go mid, but other person went there so I ended up bot with a Witch Doctor. Since he was ranged and he could farm safely, I let him farm and tried to harass the enmies.

Should I have farmed? I come from LoL and usually as a support I don't try to take the farm, but he didn't seem like a carry either...

My advice to someone extremely new.

Step 1: Don't die

This means do whatever it takes survive the most extreme example of which is sitting in the fountain.

Step 2: Push the limit

Start "doing things" (to be listed later) and seeing how much you can do without dying. You may fail and end up dying, but as you get more comfortable and better, you'll learn the when you can get away with doing something and how much you can get away with. This will also teach you when/how to punish your opponents and recognizing them making mistakes.


Last hitting

If you have issues with this mechanically (meaning the timing of when to attack), just practice against bots with whatever hero. The key in a game with this is WHEN you should be last hitting. Every hero wants farm even supports, if there is a teammate in your lane and they are going for the last hits, just let them, who care what heroes you are, at a low level roles don't matter based on hero. If your teammate isn't last hitting (just auto attacking, or worrying about the enemy heroes) then you take them. Someone should get every last hit.


Go kill things in the jungle, watch videos online about how to play different junglers, and experiment with other heroes about how many levels and how many items you need to jungle without risking step 1. Also look into "stacking" and "pulling".

Killing enemy heroes

Experiment with harassing just by right clicks, and when you should/shouldn't use your spells. Go watch videos online for more clear examples of how/when to do this, or even just watch some of the TI4 1v1 tournaments, as a lot of that is about harassing. Start trying to work with teammates to get kills or even "team fight" but figure out when its not worth it to fight a just back. Remember step 1 is to not die, step 2 is to do things


This is how you win the game, killing the enemy base.

Play only those heroes (2-5 heroes total)

On top of the above, you should choose a handful of heroes, really doesn't matter who or why you choose them, and you can add/remove heroes as you see fit. Play only those heroes (2-5 heroes total). Doing this will not set you up to do well necessarily, as your teammates may not have heroes that work well with you, and your enemy may be strong against you, but sticking to a few heroes and learning their abilities and what items to get will simplify the game. Eventually you can focus on tactics and strategy, and not have to worry about "what does this ability do and when should I be casting it". Once you've masted the two steps above you'll be able to start playing ALL the heroes and get to know what they all do.

Do not worry about "roles"

Until you reach a certain skill level, team composition and "roles" will not effect the game as much as good play. You ability to play well, avoid dying while getting stuff done will have a much bigger impact on your/your teams success than making sure you have a 1 carry, 1 ganker, 1 initiator, 2 supports. Play YOUR game. You are the support and the carry every game. If no one is buying wards and you recognize that having wards would help you/your team, buy wards (even if you are a classic carry hero). If you are doing the best and realize your team needs more damage, go ahead and farm, and get damage items and carry (even if you are a classic support hero). Worry about making the right decisions for you and play selfishly. You can start working as a team once you are comfortable with all there is to dota, and once you find yourself unable to win a game off of one person skill alone. NOTE, if you play with a group of friends, that's a good time to experiment with focusing on "roles".

If you have any questions you want to ask, want suggestions on what heroes to play, and want guidance on where to find resources about how to play feel free to ask.

Before you dive into Dota anymore, try to find a few Heros and learn about their roles

A hero like Tidehunter  is usually played as a support, but as you found out, it's hard to harass or deny creeps as him because of his melee ability. If you want to try him again, I would recommend going to the offlane (bot lane on dire, top on radiant). You get a lot of solo exp to get your ultimate very early, and you also have the lane usually pushed towards you more so you can grasp some last hits. Hope this helped, and you can ask me more about Tidehunter   or anything else.

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