Dying Less /Positioning Disruptor Phantom Assassin and Tinker Dota 2

I've been playing Dota for some time now but initially I played support and having transitioned into playing more carry heroes in an effort to increase the number of heroes I can use. However, I've started to notice that even in games I'm doing pretty well in, I still tend to die a lot and part of me feels it comes down to position.

One thing that I found really useful for positioning was the idea of a hero's 'zone', or the area around them in which they can exert influence

Take Sven for example - his zone is the range of his stun. If you're inside stun range, he can stun you and then he and his allies can attempt a kill. If you're outside of his stun range, he can't do anything to you without first getting into that range.

While you're in lane, try to visualise the zone of each enemy hero and keep yourself outside of it

If you need to go into another hero's zone for example to last hit, make sure you weigh up the situation before you do so - if  Sven stuns me the moment I go in for the last hit, can he and his support Lion burst me down? If the answer is yes, don't go in for that last hit!

Once people start to roam around, map awareness becomes key

Which enemy heroes are accounted for, and who is missing? For the missing heroes, where could the potentially be? Be wary of anywhere where you don't have vision, and ask yourself whether you'd be safe if those missing heroes suddenly appeared out of the fog there. In the side lanes, you can help this by positioning yourself further back and towards the outside of the lane, away from the jungle (which is where and gank is going to come from). If your lane is pushed out and heroes are missing, maybe back off entirely. In mid, make use of the high ground for vision - don't stand down in the river if there are heroes unaccounted for!

Playing Sniper, especially hard lane, teaches you a lot about positioning

This is a carry who can easily farm at range BUT is so weak that at any time two people can kill him no problem. Even one person can do it before he gets farm. You will learn very quickly that keeping an eye on the minimap and hanging back behind the river or where there is vision is necessary to stay alive. You have no escape but to pop Shrapnel and waddle away as fast as you can. You will also learn when you're basically dead and have to manfight. In fact any hard carry will teach you this

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