Showing posts with label Learn Farm. Show all posts

Why such a restricted set of heroes are advised Hand of Midas? Alchemist midas him

Saving up for and buying a Hand of Midas Hand of Midas weakens your early game to allow you a more explosive late game. The time that you use saving up for a Hand of Midas Hand of Midas is time you are not spending buying other items; likewise it's not just the time spent saving up for and buying it, but you also need to (in a sense) use it a certain number of times equal to what you spent to buy it before you even start getting value out of it. It pushes you towards the late game.

Farming in Lane Dota 2 Creep Learn to Farm Guides

So I started to play today and after some bot games decided to go for a normal with limited mode, only good champions for begginers. I picked Tidehunter and since no one called roles, I tried to go mid, but other person went there so I ended up bot with a Witch Doctor. Since he was ranged and he could farm safely, I let him farm and tried to harass the enmies.

Should I have farmed? I come from LoL and usually as a support I don't try to take the farm, but he didn't seem like a carry either...

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