Showing posts with label Zeus. Show all posts

How to countering Zeus?

Get a Magic Stick or wand and make sure your whole team. Zeus spams his abilities, so being nearby means you get charges. Always carries Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll. This is good advice, but it is great advice vs. Zeus. Often he'll use his Thundergod's Wrath as soon as it is off cooldown if there has been a fight and people on your team are low, so when low Town Portal Scroll Town Portal back to the fountain, heal up before he ults, and top off after and get back into the action right away.

Bloodstone on Zeus - why isn't this item core?

I do enjoy a bit of Zeus in a team fight line up, always play him mid and pretty active from levels 6 or 7 and usually go: 3 Tango Tangos > BottleBottle > Arcane Boots Arcane Boots > Force Staff Force Staff > disassemble Arcane Boots Arcane > Soul BoosterSoul Booster > BloodstoneBloodstone > Veil of DiscordVeil of Discord > Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter> Refresher Orb Refresher Orb.

I have generally had pretty good success at my level with this build, though if I'm having a bad game I might go Soul RingSoul Ring > Drum of Endurance Drum of Endurance > Boots of TravelBoots of Travel and try to hold the fort / lanes for as long as I can.

I've noticed that BloodstoneBloodstone often gets trashed on Reddit and is despised for its high gold cost, but I really think it's fantastic for Zeus as it makes him tankier (lasts longer in team fights dishing out AOE) and the mana regen is obviously extremely helpful on Zeus.

Zeus. Dota 2 by Espenartman

Zeus has one role: offensive spellcaster. His spell damage output is probably the highest of any hero in the game, due to the great damage and low cooldown periods of his spells.  Arc Lightning strikes a large number of enemies with a relatively low damage chain lightning, but due to its low cost and cooldown it can be cast a large number of times during a battle. Lightning Bolt is easy to understand: lots of damage! Compared to a lot of other offensive spells, Lightning Bolt's damage, cooldown, and mana cost are very good, and it is Zeus' primary means for dealing with enemy heroes. Although Zeus has a passive skill, it is in fact another way to blast his enemies with even more spell damage. Every time Zeus casts a spell,  Static Field shocks nearby enemy heroes for a small percentage of their life. This means Zeus will continue to deal good damage throughout the game as enemy heroes get higher and higher life. Perhaps  Zeus ' most feared ability is Thundergod's Wrath. When cast, this spell causes a Lightning Bolt to strike all enemy heroes on the battlefield. This spell is especially useful for finishing off nearly dead heroes who are fleeing from battle, but it is also useful to give Zeus and his allies an edge in team fights.

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