Showing posts with label Sniper. Show all posts

Blink on Sniper solo mid lane - gank other lanes with efficiency! Dota 2 Build Guide

The thing about laning is Sniper can do well pretty much anywhere, although I wouldn't go with this build in a safelane position, you can though cause I really don't care. However if you are offlane you definitely want the Take Aim maxed out asap, mid you can go either way, and safelane is probably where Headshot will be most effective maxed first. This build focuses on Blink Dagger Blink Dagger so mid will probably be best so you can gank other lanes with efficiency, but then again, other lanes can gank which a lot of people seem to forget. Especially offlaners, see also, Bounty Hunter and Clockwerk . Just remember, you are a delicate midget man and need to play safe, and also flame you teammates until you have wards.

How to shut down a mildly fed sniper?

Sniper whole deal is that he is basically a glass cannon (obviously). Getting cheap items that that allow you to close the gap or surprise ganks are the way to go. Blink Dagger Blink is the obvious choice, but if you are having trouble saving up cashmoney to blow on it, Force Staff Force Staff is a decent alternative. Using Smoke of DeceitSmoke ganks to go behind him and he cant escape are good (dont forget your dust!).

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