Blink on Sniper solo mid lane - gank other lanes with efficiency! Dota 2 Build Guide

The thing about laning is Sniper can do well pretty much anywhere, although I wouldn't go with this build in a safelane position, you can though cause I really don't care. However if you are offlane you definitely want the Take Aim maxed out asap, mid you can go either way, and safelane is probably where Headshot will be most effective maxed first. This build focuses on Blink Dagger Blink Dagger so mid will probably be best so you can gank other lanes with efficiency, but then again, other lanes can gank which a lot of people seem to forget. Especially offlaners, see also, Bounty Hunter and Clockwerk . Just remember, you are a delicate midget man and need to play safe, and also flame you teammates until you have wards.

Sniper Skills Build

Skill Build Dota 2 Sniper on Blink Dagger solo mid lane gank style

Now, a lot of people might disagree with my picking up of Shrapnel, I think it is a good skill for pushing and the like but you can ignore it if you wish, also a lot of people think Headshot is more important than Take Aim, and while i feel like this is true in a lot of cases, I think that in this blinking build of wonder the range trumps it.



This poor skill, not loved by almost anyone it is one of the most ignored skills in the game, if not the most. It is obviously Sniper's worst skill but I still feel it doesn't deserve the abuse. The point of this is skill is to slow enemies, but most importantly to destroy many a tower like terrorist. as I said early if you want to ignore this skill then feel free, I still feel it is a worthy pick-up over stats in many situations



Incase anyone was wondering, no, that is not the name of the skill, it is actually Headshot. This skill is one of the most infamous of all, funny how this hero has three skills that are known for making the enemies life a living hell, and one that is known for being terrible. this skill gives a "40%" chance off mini-stunning the opponent, this can even cancel Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scrolls and other channeled spells, how lovely.

Take Aim

Take Aim

Another infamous skill, this one allows Sniper to be a pain at a distance, this skill is how Sniper makes up for his squishiness which is why I max it out first. It really doesn't get any more simple than that.



The most infamous of all, unless the enemy have a way of disjointing it, if they have low enough health, they will have 5 seconds of thoughtful contemplation before they are annihilated.

Sniper Items Build

Starting Items

Tango - Delicious trees, eat 'em, and heal yourself.

Slippers of Agility  
Slippers of Agility -  Every man needs a good pair of slippers, this can be skipped if you aren't going for the Ring of AquilaRing of Aquila.

Iron Branch - GG

Healing Salve - If you are a big wimp and think you need more regen

Core items

Bottle -  If you really want the regen, are mid, and think you can have free reign over runes then feel free, not a big fan of the item but putting in for completeness.

Ring of Aquila 
Ring of Aquila -  If you get BottleBottle I wouldn't also get this, But I think this is a good item to get before you go into your more core items, also i would advise getting brown boots first.

Power Treads 
Power Treads -  boots of choice for most right clickers, especially those with a Blink Dagger Blink Dagger.

  Mask of MadnessAn item known best for being picked up far too often, it has serious offensive advantages but has defensive drawback, because when it is active you take more damage. Thanks to your blink positioning yourself safely isn't as hard.

Blink Dagger  
Blink DaggerOH YES, THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED FOR ME TO EXPLAIN! So Blink Dagger Blink Dagger is funnily enough my favorite item in the game, so much fun to use, and as a Tinker player I use it quite a lot. Sniper is the last hero you would think to buy a Blink Dagger Blink Dagger on since it gives no stats, but it makes sense. It can get you in the perfect position in fights to take down enemies before they can reach you, or while they are focusing your team. Also notable, you can blink into the trees and tp for an easy escape while split pushing or just in general.

Late game items

MjollnirDon't worry my dear friends, mjollnir might be an orb effect, but it only affects the little lightning spurts it gives off on the occasion, meaning it can work with Mask of Madness. gives attack speed allowing for devastation, and best of all, looks awesome.

Daedalus -  Best DPS item in the game, if you are six slotted and don't have this, you are insane.

Monkey King Bar -  Good damage item with more mini-stun, and let's you never miss against pesky evasion heroes, such as but also allows you to hit even when affected by the likes of and

Assault Cuirass 
Assault Cuirass -  Gives you and your team more attack speed, gives your enemies less armor, quite simple. Also don't buy this if your teammate already has, it doesn't stack.

Manta Style -  Solid stats, more dps, and the ability to disjoint spells, so incase rubick steals your ult, this will allow you a clean get away.

Boots of Travel 
Boots of Travel -  You fast now. Also, allows for split pushing if you happen to have a team with a natures who wouldn't dare join a team fight.

Divine Rapier 
Divine Rapier -  Losing the game horribly? This might bring you back up. Winning the game and still feel like buying it? Throw the game and watch the report suggestions begin.

Butterfly -  You hurt less often, you do more stuff when you hit a man, that simple. I put this at the bottom, since this item isn't the best for dps, cause it also has much evasion, and while that is good, if you are getting blink survivability is not your prime concern.

Situationals items

Armlet of Mordiggian  
Armlet of Mordiggian -  No, I am not high... okay maybe just a bit, but that is not my reasoning behind this. I actually saw some use this item on a video and it is kind of smart actually, this item gives a good bit of burst damage and health, allowing you to armlet toggle to saftey then fire away.

Guide by Nawafir

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