How to shut down a mildly fed sniper?

Sniper whole deal is that he is basically a glass cannon (obviously). Getting cheap items that that allow you to close the gap or surprise ganks are the way to go. Blink Dagger Blink is the obvious choice, but if you are having trouble saving up cashmoney to blow on it, Force Staff Force Staff is a decent alternative. Using Smoke of DeceitSmoke ganks to go behind him and he cant escape are good (dont forget your dust!).

If you are a tanky hero

Pick up a Blade MailBlade Mail so that he effs himself up while he is auto attacking you. With most tanky str heroes, he will kill himself before he will kill you.

If you are a support type hero

It might be worth getting a Ghost Scepter Ghost Scepter so that he cant attack you while you  Force Staff Force Staff in and get within range to land a disable. Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse is obviously a good choice too, but its expensive.

Viper with maxed out corrosive and blade make would kill him very quickly. Might rush a MekansmMekansm to get some tankiness and allow you to use it right before his ulti lands to save a death or two.

Also, try and use the buddy system. He doesnt have any high damage burst AOE and he can only attack 1 target at a time. Rolling as 2/3 deep gives him problems if he is split-pushing alone.

Ghost Scepter Ghost Scepter/Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade works well for for stopping right cicks. You can disjoint his ult, which is great when escaping. As for actually killing him, Blade MailBlade Mail wrecks him, and all you need is one stun to have time to kill him, seeing as he has no health, low movespeed, and no escapes (and if he delays his big items for stuff like Shadow Blade Shadow Blade, he loses out on killing potential and all you need is Dust of AppearanceDust to solve the escape issue).

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