Tiny Dota 2 How to play safely from behind?

It depends on the situation.

The main thing that you almost always want to do when the enemy team has the lead is avoid giving up any more easy kills

Be very conscious of where you have vision and where the enemy team are (or could be, if you can't see them on the map) and don't put yourself in vulnerable situations. If you're pushing a lane or farming a jungle camp without vision of the routes that the enemy could approach from and you don't see them on the map, that would be a good time to back off!

  • If you feel like you can win teamfights with the right execution, then your best strategy is probably to be defensive and try to get the best teamfights possible - let outer towers fall if you don't think you can defend them, and try to fight at your t3 where you have the high ground advantage. Stick together, and make sure nobody gets picked off before the fight happens - if one hero dies, the 4v5 teamfight that follows could cost the game.
  • If you don't think you can win a teamfight, then your best option is probably to split push - try to pressure multiple lanes at once, and then back off as soon as enemy heroes move to defend. Not only can this get you towers, but it also makes it harder for the enemy team to push out without leaving someone to defend. Obviously, this relies on you having heroes capable of split pushing.

Look for any opportunity to get a pick-off

If you see a lone enemy support going to ward or the enemy carry farming the jungle alone, get two or three heroes together and kill them. Especially if the target is a core hero, that one pick-off can give you a window where your team actually has the advantage and can take objectives yourselves. However, keep an eye on that respawn timer and know when to back off.

Your lineup might change how you play too

If you have a Spectre for example, your priority should probably be finding as much farm for her as you can so you can turn the late game around. Keep wards up in your jungle and try to slow down the enemy pushes for as long as possible. If you're got more of a ganking or pushing team on the other hand, you're probably going to need to take a different approach.

Ideally, the enemy team will be pressuring you as hard as they think they can when they develop a clear advantage

There are two strategies to stop this:

1) Put the fear in them

If you're close enough behind to maybe win a teamfight with an advantage, create that advantage and win a fight. When you're ahead and the other team wins a fight, it's a huge blow. Most of the comeback games I've won were based on winning multiple fights at the to because the enemy doesn't realize they can't pressure it.

2) If you can't win a fight, period, then splitpush

It's a riskier play, but it's about all you have. If you can force tower trades, you can keep gold coming in for the team and make it harder for the enemy team to pressure you. Let's say you're radiant. The enemy team is pushing your bottom tier 2 and the score is like 2-25. Send one mid, one top, and the rest to the bot t3 to throw safe harass and look tough. If you can push out top and mid, the enemy team might pull back to save their towers after they get the bot t2, then you push bottom back out. Now the enemy team has the longest possible lane to push down, and this buys your team time to farm bot and jungle.

Splitpushing is typically riskier in a winning the game sense

If you're far behind then they might just let you take a t1 tower and take your t3, at which point it's extremely hard to get back in. To keep yourself out of this hell in the first place, make sure your cores get farm and don't just focus on ganking.

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