What is exactly the Dota 2 meta here? Mirana Queen of Pain Dual Lane

I know mid usually has a ganker, but what about other lanes? What are the most common sets for them?

General this is the meta

Solo lane

Hero that needs level 6 fast. This is usually a good ganker. The solo lane can be mid or the hard lane (the one without jungle creeps next to it). The hard laner will hardly make any gold though. Mid is played by a hero that needs both a lot of gold and levels. A strong mid can contest runes.

Dual lane

Either safe lane or hard lane. A support takes care of the hero that needs farm.

Defensive Trilane

A really farm dependent hero that needs 2 supports just to function. These heroes have fallen out of favor in the meta and are hardly played anymore. (but still picked sometimes for how well they can secure the late game)

Aggressive Trilane

An early aggression hero that can capitalize on the presence of 2 allies. This is usually done in response to shut down a defensive trilane.

Usually in the bracket you start at your team will naturally organize into a 2-1-2 setup

Your mid will be solo, and should be a hero that can make good use of gold and experience, but comes online soon enough to create space on the map through ganks. Ideally you'll also be able to control runes. Both side lanes will have two heroes, who will usually organize into a farmer and a support. One of your two side lane farmers should definitely be your carry, and the second could be another carry, but any item-dependent hero will be able to farm.

2-1-2 is common

Because it's easy for new players to run, and doesn't sacrifice anyone. You'll occasionally see a 2-1-1-jungler setup, but people don't usually do so because they don't like sacrificing their offlaner and most heroes capable of jungling from level 1 don't have as strong of an early impact as LoL junglers.

At higher levels and among more coordinated players you'll see trilaning be more common. I'm not experienced with trilanes myself, but as I understand it most offlaning heroes are able to get by without the gold and soak xp without dying, or otherwise make up for their being outnumbered. Meanwhile supports learn to roam effectively and avoid forcing the carry to be underleveled, while having a major impact in spite of a relative disadvantage. But I'm talking about strats I've never played, so I'll not risk giving bad advice.

Mid doesn't always necessarily have a ganker

The mid lane can and often does have a farming carry who is given the position because it is comparitively more difficult to gank the midlane hero than a side lane. In higher tier games where they run trilanes you'll rarely see a mid rotate to gank a side lane (although they will tp in to save a team mate if necessary).

Common farming heroes who go mid are heroes such as sniper, drow ranger, shadow fiend, ember spirit, invoker, outworld devourer, and tinker (and you'll often see brewmaster mid in pro games as they need him to farm up a quick blink dagger before he can go roaming).

Another type is the tower destroying carry

If you leave the midlane to go gank a side lane than that hero will quickly start destroying your mid tower. Heroes such as dragon knight, windranger, death prophet, shadow shaman and jakiro are the heroes that do this.

For side lanes, usually a 2-1-2 in low-mid level games and upper level games use trilanes

Your side lanes are meant to have one support and one farming carry each, but sometimes you'll get 3 cores so the two on the offlane will be fighting each other for farm.

For trilanes they usually keep the carry in the lane farming

While the two other supports try to zone out the offlaner through auto attacks and stack and farm the jungle and pull the creep wave to deny he exp to the offlaner. If it is a trilanes with good solo killing potential (eg a combination of stuns on all heroes) then it may be run aggressively (ie on the offlane/the enemies safelane). They will attempt to kill the enemy supports if they get out of position and stop the enemy from pulling the creep wave or leech exp from the jungle creeps if the wave is pulled successfully. In both cases the supports will attempt to rotate mid to gank the enemy mid hero.

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