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True Dota 2 - Binding primal spirit Agh keys?

Binding primal spirit Agh keys?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:16 AM PST


So I've been playing a bit of Brewmaster and noticed that the primal spirits don't get a binded key to brew's normal abilities when you have aghs. Instead of being able to assign a key to those abilities like thunder clap and drunken haze you have to manually click them with the mouse. I checked the keybindings under the settings and it doesn't appear to have an option.

Anyone have a good way of binding them? Was thinking D might be a decent keybind.

submitted by /u/Inous
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Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:34 AM PST

How do i play offlane with shadowshaman??? When i get close for the exp he just shackles me and im dead What can i do to outplay him. Really need advice from u guys.

submitted by /u/kinchongpro
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Need advice for my support game

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:27 AM PST This one and i won but i don't think i played support properly. So i want to get any advice. I was silencer.

submitted by /u/eeve5
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Sand King's resurgence into the meta + SK lategame build

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:29 PM PST

Lately, we've been seeing a lot of Sandking being played in pro matches. Why is that? What made sand king so good in 7.07? Also, what do you build on him late game. I'm shit tier, so I normally end up getting a lot of farm in my pubs because people spent all their time whacking at creeps in the jungle instead of pushing waves, so I end up clearing them. I generally go boots + tango -> OoV -> Tranquils -> Urn -> Blink -> Wand -> Forcestaff -> Eul's -> Spirit vessel. I'm not sure where to go from there. I usually end up replacing Tranquil's with BoTs, but I still have one slot left (I keep Blink, Force, Eul's and Spirit Vessel). Some games I go a gem, but in other games its not needed. What should I build as my sixth item? Aghs? Shiva's? Heart?

submitted by /u/Kurry_King
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Tips on improving farming with Morphling

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:03 AM PST

As the title says, I cannot find the way to get ~100 last hits in the first 15 mins of the game. Sure after some items I can farm with waveform and maybe Manta illu if I build it, but I can't find a way to have a strong early. Do you guys use waveform for stacks? Do you right click camps? Because I have seen Miracle (who else) having around 120 Cs in the first 15 mins and I don't understand how he can farm with that hero that fast. Any tips?

submitted by /u/The_7oker
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Anybody else discouraged by the new ranking system?

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:46 PM PST

The title says it all. I was a fan of the MMR system, because it was your ranking with no bullshit attached. This system is discouraging to me for some reason, and I was wondering if anyone else was the same.

submitted by /u/Wave_Sunray
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No Courier Needed Inhouse League

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:35 AM PST

No Courier Needed IH is an In-house league for players to play non-competitive Dota 2 matches with friends! Queue up among 9 other players and draft your ultimate team. Win the game to rise up on the leaderboard to win the ultimate prize! Join today! We are looking for staff.

Make sure to join both FaceIt hub and Discord.

submitted by /u/thepogchampion
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Why getting pwned in lane can be good

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:10 AM PST

Last night I was playing in a five stack and no one wanted to play mid and I was the highest MMR in our stack (4.2k, legend 5), so I got put mid. I'm a pos 3/4/5 player. My hero pool for mid is alch, zues, and puck. But puck usually takes me a game or two to warm up. So I grabbed zues, bad, BAD idea. Enemy takes TA, and he is ancient 5 and my god did he destroy me in lane. Things started off ok, I got first blood when grabbing a rune on their support. But then it happened. He started getting every single deny and started out leveling me and snowballing worse and worse.

Now early rotations would have helped, but what I really learned was how important picking the right or wrong mid is. Now I'm sure this guy would of wrecked me no matter what, but I saw how god awful a zues is mid if he doesn't get a favorable match up. To add insult to injury his splash was hitting me sometimes when he would deny.

All this made me think, is it worth getting better at mid? Is it even possible if 90% of the time it's claimed almost instantly?

Moral of the story is, a loss can teach you so much more than a win.

submitted by /u/RikiRude
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Sf 10 min last hit challenge

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:50 PM PST

Hi so recently my team was asked to improve on our mechanics before we were accepted by an organisation. So the org recommended us to do sf last hit challenge to build up our mechanics. The goal they gave us was 95% accuracy for lh.

I wanted to ask if u guys think this goal is possible and whether some pros have tried the challenge before and what were their lh and denies ty.

To clarify the challenge is SF only

no items

no skills

submitted by /u/DotaFeg69
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[GUIDE] Varrianda's NP Guide

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:53 AM PST

Hi guys, my name is Varrianda and I play NP in the Very High Skill Bracket (I am too nervous to play ranked).

Here is my guide on how to playing Nature's Prophet, a hero I think is often misunderstood and thrown to the sidelines as a meme.

Max treants, tp, then sprout.

lvl 10 - dmg, lvl 15 - treants summoned lvl 20 - attack speed lvl 25 - 2x treant dmg


Start with a glove of haste and two clarities and head to the jungle. Wait for creeps to spawn and start hitting them. I usually don't care about aggro and you don't need to try so hard here. You can even take a break and eat some stuff while your trees kill everything :)

Do this until you get a midas. Don't bother TPing or anything, you don't really need to and it will probably slow down your midas.


Skip boots of speed. You have TP, so this spell is not totally necessary. Instead, let's get a desolator. While your team fights and gets the enemy's attention, you can hit towers and hit them early. With the gold you have from skipping boots, this is going to catch the enemies off guard and really own towers, and most of the time, win the game.

Maelstrom is your next buy. This ensures creeps die quickly, therefore acting like a mid-game midas. You're going to be leveling really fast now, so make sure to not die.


Now you have two options.

First option: Wanna fight? Go Daedalus and Vlads. The lifesteal is awesome and so is the percentage damage increase (you should be doing a lot of damage now). Crits are going to STING the enemies. You should be owning them with this build.


go aghs refersher. This chokes them out and makes it so they literally cannot push. My god, you'll see how the enemies hate this. I get flamed so much because they literally don't know what to do at this point. They are drowning in creeps. Throw these at buildings and watch them crumble.

You should win the game after this.

Seriously have been unstoppable with this build. Ask me any questions.

submitted by /u/Varrianda
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i am the only one that runs in the 90s bitch

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:12 AM PST

i am the only one that runs in the 90s bitch

submitted by /u/NADEEM_SYED
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2 team members feeding (0-25), one of them advertising MMR boost site in all chat, got abandon for not playing through it... valve please address

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:30 PM PST

Dealing with axe blade mail | True Dota 2

When should you get a Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger as your initiation item?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:39 AM PST

Axe for example favors the blink dagger while you see LC's take either one. I'd like to know the reasoning behind this.
submitted by /u/wellmade-mango
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Dealing with axe blade mail

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:58 PM PST

I play SF. A lot. And everytime I go up against an Axe that goes blademail, I'm very pressed to win the game.
The other night I had level 22 with 15-2 and 15k networth at 25 minutes and felt the game was locked up. I went with Aghs+BKB because I know how strong Axe+blademail is against SF going only for damage. Usually I rarely play Aghs.

How to effectively jungle with Enigma in 7.0 ?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:42 AM PST

Hello, I love Enigma. However, since patch and jungle changes, I don´t know how to jungle with him anymore. I made a few tries and the best I could get was a 4:50 lvl 6 on Radiant by doing this :
  • Hard camp near mid, then medium, then hard again
  • Medium camp near bounty rune and also take rune
  • Then manage to take Ancients by using shrine so Eidolons dont die, then finish the little ones by denying a creep mid
At this point there are no near camps anymore, so i have to wait or to go to the other end of the map to get lvl 6. However im just a middle skilled trench player. Any advise on a better jungling pattern up to lvl 6 ? And maybe also on Dire ?
submitted by /u/Carottborn
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Greater Greater Treant?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:07 AM PST

If you have Aghinam's on furion, kill a hero and have the level 25 talent, what's the interaction? God treant?
EDIT: Tested it in game, 3300 hp and 192 attack damage. That's insane.
submitted by /u/-Dann-
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What has your experience been with Broodmother in 7.00?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:45 PM PST

I've played about 30+ games this patch and haven't seen the broodmomma once. Does the new map help her pathing at all?
submitted by /u/SmileyFacesx
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What Fallout 4's base building system needed was a system from the old PS2 game Dark Cloud 2

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:16 AM PST

I realized today while playing Fallout 4 that a relatively small amount of work could have made a huge difference if they had based it off a system from a very old favorite of mine Dark Cloud 2.
See, what Dark Cloud 2's base building system had was a list of different rewards/criteria to enable certain changes (you set the criteria up in the past and then use an in-game mechanic to travel to the future and access the town that evolved from your small village).

Team fight upon team fight upon team fight - is 7.00 a little one-dimensional or has the patch just not been explored sufficiently yet?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:12 AM PST

90% of my games right now can be reduced to both teams 5 manning until the game is over. It's certainly fun for people who enjoy fighting but I can't think of a patch that shoved one exact way of playing the game down my throat this conspicuously. It seems like if you don't battle consistently, you're probably doing it wrong. Kills and fights drop significantly more gold than creeps and neutrals (who spawn less often than before) which makes split-pushing and farming just so much less viable unless you are extremely far behind and have to avoid the enemy team.
This patch so far lacks balance in my opinion. It's catered toward incessant ability spamming, but often lacks the tense build up of teams avoiding each other and meeting for a big clash or two to decide the game after items have been acquired. It's a constant back and forth (or just back or just forth) that frankly devalues team fights a little, at least for me. 6.88 was pretty fight reliant and 7.00 even more so and I don't see why that change of pace had to happen.
Obviously, I can see how some perceived the farm heavier metas as a little slow and boring but I prefered Dota 2 when it offered multiple ways to approach the game (5 manning was always a possibilty, albeit not always the best one), and right now there seems only one.
submitted by /u/outrageously_smart
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PSA: Urn is no longer broken when being attacked under Oracle's False Promise buff.

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:56 AM PST

Previously if you were under the False Promise buff, salves, urns, clarities, etc. were interrupted when you were hit by enemy even though you haven't technically taken the damage yet. With the 7.00 change to consumables, that is no longer the case meaning Oracle can ult someone and urn them (even drop a purifying flames or two) and the target will x2 the heal from the urn (as well as other healing of course).
I'm a little hesitant to spread the knowledge because it's kind of OP imo, and as an Oracle player I want to take advantage of it before it gets nerfed. Anyway urn was a great item on Oracle before, but now it's absolutely core. I'll even buy one if someone else already has an urn on my team because it's that strong.
submitted by /u/Godot_12
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Anti-Mage: Mjolnir might be the new build.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:18 PM PST

So I was watching two videos on youtube on Anti-Mage in 7.00 (I think it was clips of Waga and Dendi), at first I was thinking 'Mjolnir, really? That's gotta be a joke right?'
Then, watching further, I realize, oh shit, Attack Speed now scales on Illusions!!! Making it scale much better for illusions than Battlefury does currently. Not only that, but the Active on Anti-Mage is a legit defensive mechanism, something he needs since the stat removal. Not to mention Maelstrom is a cheap farming item on heroes that can attack fast, something anti mage does well, also enables him to fight earlier with say the new Helm of the Dominator or Vlads.
What do you guys think, is it about time Anti-Mage needed to spice up his item builds more or is Battlefury still the better choice by far?
submitted by /u/markthemad
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Techies Double Proximity Mining Spots

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 06:19 AM PST

One sacrifice that came with the Techies improvement is that Proximity Mines cannot be stacked directly on top of each other like Landmines could. However, individual Proximity Mines deal incredible damage, and although you cannot put a Proximity Mine within the AoE of another Proximity Mine, you can place two Proximity Mines close enough that their AoEs overlap in a Venn-Diagram-esque shape. A Stasis Trap can then be used to keep any foe in the overlap area long enough for both Proximity Mines to detonate.
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