When should you get a Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger as your initiation item?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:39 AM PST
Axe for example favors the blink dagger while you see LC's take either one. I'd like to know the reasoning behind this.
submitted by /u/wellmade-mango [link] [comments]
Dealing with axe blade mail
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:58 PM PST
I play SF. A lot. And everytime I go up against an Axe that goes blademail, I'm very pressed to win the game.
The other night I had level 22 with 15-2 and 15k networth at 25 minutes and felt the game was locked up. I went with Aghs+BKB because I know how strong Axe+blademail is against SF going only for damage. Usually I rarely play Aghs.
Teamfight ensues and a 5/6 no-farm level 15 axe goes blink+call+blademail with his 7k networth and I evaporate. I go from 2075 life to 0 in 3 seconds. Axe loses 400 life.
It makes absolutely no sense that an axe can solokill a snowballed SF and that there's nothing I can do about it.
I rush Satanic afterwards, but it makes no difference unless I get it off before the call.
Is there anyway a SF can beat a good Axe player going blademail+blink?
A bit of a rant I know... but I really like playing SF and right now there's no way I'd pick him against a team with Axe. The way blade mail functions these days means that Axe takes 200 damage during a call, but I take a million. Makes no sense from a design perspective.
submitted by /u/blidblid The other night I had level 22 with 15-2 and 15k networth at 25 minutes and felt the game was locked up. I went with Aghs+BKB because I know how strong Axe+blademail is against SF going only for damage. Usually I rarely play Aghs.
Teamfight ensues and a 5/6 no-farm level 15 axe goes blink+call+blademail with his 7k networth and I evaporate. I go from 2075 life to 0 in 3 seconds. Axe loses 400 life.
It makes absolutely no sense that an axe can solokill a snowballed SF and that there's nothing I can do about it.
I rush Satanic afterwards, but it makes no difference unless I get it off before the call.
Is there anyway a SF can beat a good Axe player going blademail+blink?
A bit of a rant I know... but I really like playing SF and right now there's no way I'd pick him against a team with Axe. The way blade mail functions these days means that Axe takes 200 damage during a call, but I take a million. Makes no sense from a design perspective.
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Let's talk Undying 7.01
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:43 AM PST
He's not a popular hero but I've always like his concept. Erecting a giant phallic stone monolith in the middle of the battlefield. Growing really big as you spray decays and soul rips on people.
I think balance-wise he is okay, and there is plenty of room for innovation. So let's talk about this. In 7.00 he got some pretty good talents. In particular, level 10 talent is a free Midas that compensates for his poor farming ability. The other preferred talents compensate for his low base stats and armor.
I've been playing him as a roamer from level 1 with mixed success. With boots you can just spam decay and hit people, contest runes, punch the enemy roamers, etc. Once you get tomb you can gank mid or safelane.
Overall his skillbuild is fairly flexible. Decay is great at level 1, and tomb is probably the best to max early. I don't find leveling soul rip particularly useful early, since it is hard to get enough creeps to reach max damage early game.
Itemwise, I like to get wand and raindrops and then save for aghs. Level 10 talent means you can get it without farming at all. After that, I've been going for greaves, but I feel there may be better builds like blade mail lotus etc.
How do you guys play undying?
submitted by /u/True_Stock_Canadian I think balance-wise he is okay, and there is plenty of room for innovation. So let's talk about this. In 7.00 he got some pretty good talents. In particular, level 10 talent is a free Midas that compensates for his poor farming ability. The other preferred talents compensate for his low base stats and armor.
I've been playing him as a roamer from level 1 with mixed success. With boots you can just spam decay and hit people, contest runes, punch the enemy roamers, etc. Once you get tomb you can gank mid or safelane.
Overall his skillbuild is fairly flexible. Decay is great at level 1, and tomb is probably the best to max early. I don't find leveling soul rip particularly useful early, since it is hard to get enough creeps to reach max damage early game.
Itemwise, I like to get wand and raindrops and then save for aghs. Level 10 talent means you can get it without farming at all. After that, I've been going for greaves, but I feel there may be better builds like blade mail lotus etc.
How do you guys play undying?
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Dominator on safelane OD?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:01 AM PST
I love playing OD but he has huge hp sustain problems when playing from safelane. I often build veil first item and it's fine but isn't new dominator just better? You could get purge or armor creep to help you during teamfights and stats are also pretty good with AS aura and hp regen. It could also enable you with 4-0-4-1 build when you get +250 mana on lvl10. What do you think?
submitted by /u/resont [link] [comments]
Interested in a full, ground-up tutorial to playing Meepo at an acceptable level?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:47 PM PST
I'll be making this whether you guys care or not, so this is more advertising really, but I will soon be making an in depth guide to Meepo and his intricacies. It will be aimed at players who have never played him or maybe only attempted to once or twice. It won't have any real high level analysis but will focus on controlling clones, using skills effectively, hotkeys, options, micro strategies, item builds and tips/tricks that you can use.
This will all be uploaded onto my Youtube channel, but i'm not sure whether i'm allowed to link it so i'll refrain from it for now.
submitted by /u/LordOfTorture This will all be uploaded onto my Youtube channel, but i'm not sure whether i'm allowed to link it so i'll refrain from it for now.
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Dota2 Server Location List
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:42 PM PST
Is this still current? http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=63789
submitted by /u/toomuchdota [link] [comments]
If this patch is about non stop fighting why is gyro so bad?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:53 PM PST
He has really low cd on spells, comes online really fast and can fight from lvl1. I miss this old man :c
submitted by /u/resont [link] [comments]
I'm new to playing Invoker and I'd like to ask a few questions
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:01 AM PST
- When you're playing QW invo, why do you skill Quas instead of Wex at level 1? Wouldn't it make more sense to skill Wex to last hit easier because if you do get harassed, it wouldn't take much to get Quas at level 2 and regen up?
- Which style of invoker is most viable in this patch, and which is easier for a player just starting to play the hero?
- What is the skill build on QW invo?
- What items should you build on QW invo and in which order preferentially?
Also, I would appreciate any tips I could get on playing invoker.
Edit: Another question: How do you play QW invo after you get your first level in exort? Do you use spells differently or just keep doing tornado emp cold snap?
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Elder Titan in 7.01
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:22 AM PST
How do you feel about him now? His talents are quite interesting and useful IMO, what do you think? And more important how does his play style changes after big nerf with spliting auras between him and spirit? I used to put him in a support position against agi heroes mostly. Armor reduction provided by aura was great on spirit but now what? Need some opinions here, guys.
submitted by /u/Synkronoid [link] [comments]
Mid Lane Pro/High mmr players who stream regularly?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:54 PM PST
I'm 4.5k right now and looking to improve my mid lane. I find watching streams more engaging than vods and watching gives me a general idea of how to play certain hetoes.
Who are some mid players who stream a lot that I should follow?
submitted by /u/Turmoil4Fun Who are some mid players who stream a lot that I should follow?
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Need help to hit 2K
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:49 PM PST
Hey guys,
So it all started when i was a little kid with 1.3k party and worked my way to 2.5k. I played a while with 2k-3k players and improved a lot. A month ago i started with solo ranked matches and went from 1.2k to 1.8k. I spammed Ember spirit in all those games and was able to win just by split pushing and snowballing.
Now since i have hit 1.8k i have been losing and winning, leading my net to 0. Its been 2 days and i think my progressed has stalled here. Yesterday i lost a very good game where we got megas after a good cumback fight.
But after repeatedly yelling,typing and telling my team to get bb's before fighting high ground since we have megas and they have a Sven and Sniper to clear creep waves we'll end up throwing if we lose a single team fight and this is what happened. My morph said " i am super farmed" and guess what happened. add tears here We lost!!.
I had a very good early game with like 8-2 (k-d) and ended up dying a few times while split pushing. I think i failed mid game. Can someone tell me what i could have done better?.
EDIT: here are my last 30 days Ember Spirit Dotabuff stats: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/41659126/matches?date=month&hero=ember-spirit
submitted by /u/n4pst3rCOD So it all started when i was a little kid with 1.3k party and worked my way to 2.5k. I played a while with 2k-3k players and improved a lot. A month ago i started with solo ranked matches and went from 1.2k to 1.8k. I spammed Ember spirit in all those games and was able to win just by split pushing and snowballing.
Now since i have hit 1.8k i have been losing and winning, leading my net to 0. Its been 2 days and i think my progressed has stalled here. Yesterday i lost a very good game where we got megas after a good cumback fight.
But after repeatedly yelling,typing and telling my team to get bb's before fighting high ground since we have megas and they have a Sven and Sniper to clear creep waves we'll end up throwing if we lose a single team fight and this is what happened. My morph said " i am super farmed" and guess what happened. add tears here We lost!!.
I had a very good early game with like 8-2 (k-d) and ended up dying a few times while split pushing. I think i failed mid game. Can someone tell me what i could have done better?.
EDIT: here are my last 30 days Ember Spirit Dotabuff stats: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/41659126/matches?date=month&hero=ember-spirit
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