First Look - Season 9 Starts Jan 6th
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:08 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Davlok [link] [comments] |
Why is Leoric not considered a tragic character?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:15 AM PST
He resisted Diablo his whole life even though he was set up to be possessed by him. He was confused into believing those closest to him were betrayers.. in death, he STILL believes that he was betrayed and that he did what he could for his kingdom. Half of what he did wasn't his fault.
So why is his name darkened so?
submitted by /u/SacredReich So why is his name darkened so?
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Paragon Gold Find needs to be changed to Pickup Radius
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:51 PM PST
[BUG] Killed Malthael after I died, procc'd bounty completion but it still reset Malthael
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:53 AM PST
Hi All,
Wasn't sure where to post this but I was doing the last bounty for Act V and was having to kill Malthael (as title states), I wasn't paying much attention but he killed me and a split second later I killed him due to a DoT effect.
Whilst this triggered the completion of the Act V bounty, the Malthael fight itself was reset when I re-spawned and when I killed him and didn't get the diabolic chest which you usually get for killing a boss that's a bounty (unless thats changed?). Whilst this isn't a major issue for me, this is still a bug and not behaviour as intended (either the kill counts and thing proceeds as normal, or as soon as you die the boss instantly resets/immune to damage and resets upon re-spawn)
submitted by /u/Virdues Wasn't sure where to post this but I was doing the last bounty for Act V and was having to kill Malthael (as title states), I wasn't paying much attention but he killed me and a split second later I killed him due to a DoT effect.
Whilst this triggered the completion of the Act V bounty, the Malthael fight itself was reset when I re-spawned and when I killed him and didn't get the diabolic chest which you usually get for killing a boss that's a bounty (unless thats changed?). Whilst this isn't a major issue for me, this is still a bug and not behaviour as intended (either the kill counts and thing proceeds as normal, or as soon as you die the boss instantly resets/immune to damage and resets upon re-spawn)
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Is this game worth buying?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:33 PM PST
I just saw this game on the PS4 marketplace for 60$ and I just wanna know if this game is actually still worth the whole 60$ price tag. Does the game feel like a dead zone online? Or is it still well populated? Any key selling points? Please help.
submitted by /u/dabu300 [link] [comments]
Warrior stat distributing tips?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:14 PM PST
Im about level 4 and dumped all my stats into DEX. At what point should i start bringing everything else up?
submitted by /u/NstantGratifuckation [link] [comments]
Weekly Looking For Group Friday - 12/23/16
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:00 AM PST
Welcome to week 127 of Looking for Group Friday!
The weekend is coming up and everyone's looking to play their favorite monster slaying, loot-collecting game. As we all know, monster slaying is more fun with friends! However, what if you don't know anyone who plays Diablo, or your regular demon destroying buddy is out of town for the weekend? Public games can be scary and frustrating, so why not play with a fellow redditor! Just comment below with your Battletag and time, or join someone who's searching for a partner (or two).
If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.
submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak The weekend is coming up and everyone's looking to play their favorite monster slaying, loot-collecting game. As we all know, monster slaying is more fun with friends! However, what if you don't know anyone who plays Diablo, or your regular demon destroying buddy is out of town for the weekend? Public games can be scary and frustrating, so why not play with a fellow redditor! Just comment below with your Battletag and time, or join someone who's searching for a partner (or two).
- Battletag:
- Region:
- Hardcore?:
- Seasonal?:
- Day:
- Time (and timezone):
- Difficulty:
- Goals:
If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.
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Diablo winter event?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:10 AM PST
So I just got an email from Blizzard about winter events in WoW, Overwatch, HoTS and Heartstone.
Nothing about Diablo... Do they normally do anything for us?
submitted by /u/KX321 Nothing about Diablo... Do they normally do anything for us?
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Question about Necromancer
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:55 AM PST
Hello friends, I don't regularly keep up with news on this game but I saw necromancer announced a while ago and was wondering if any news about an ETA or release date has been given since then. Google hasn't turned up anything so I thought I'd try here.
submitted by /u/valkdoor [link] [comments]
How would you fix D3's endgame?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:37 PM PST
I know that a lot of people aren't happy with the status quo of paragon farming. I'm curious what alternatives you guys have come up with.
submitted by /u/Raknak [link] [comments]
D3 and RoS PC Battle.net Code for 9,99€ each @ amazon.de
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:13 PM PST
Is 'exquisiteness' bugged or something?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:59 PM PST
Hello, I'm still missing this one, been trying to do it over and over again, I know that if I click ont he '?' icon I can see if the item can possibly get the socket, I just used 4m and different items trying to do it. Is is bugged?
Thanks in advanced
submitted by /u/gwziggy Thanks in advanced
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VERY very Late start to Season 8
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:15 PM PST
I am taking a break from WOW, and just learned I need to complete Seasons for more stash tabs. I rolled a monk and plan on playing for the next 4 days straight, i know its the holidays, but, anyone willing to help me out, i would be truly grateful. I will send Btag to anyone who IMs for it.
Thank you all!
submitted by /u/Tsagris Thank you all!
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Why did Blizzard abandon Diablo?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:42 AM PST
Path of Diablo, Come Play Some Time
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:26 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/edgingblade [link] [comments] |
Came back to the game after a year and a half...
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:27 PM PST
...should I continue where I left off, or reroll a new character? Non-seasonal... Thanks for tips :)
submitted by /u/lchiRuki [link] [comments]
[Season] [Question] 1 Week to get season journey
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:10 AM PST
Which class can i blow through the seasons journey to get my tab? Keep in mind I havent leveled any toons this season. I dont have tons of time to play but would like to get my tab before the end of the season because I plan to play S9 pretty hard.
submitted by /u/clemson89 Thanks!
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Opinion: Leaderboards ruined the endgame
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:56 AM PST
Leaderboards led to severe min-maxing, limited build diversity, and an overall boring endgame. I'll try to keep this succinct but it will probably be a very ranty post.
Greater Rifts could have been so much more than just "bigger numbers" but for the sake of competition they weren't made that way. They could have had their own monster/loot/etc modifiers and quality levels but as is they are barely different than doing regular Rifts. Hell, if this type of system was in place you could have even been able to pay the Jeweler to modify your Grift keystone and hope for different modifiers! To balance it, most loot bonuses would have to be tied to monster difficulty modifiers (harder monsters = more loot) except in rare cases a Grift key with an actual loot bonus modifier could drop (maybe limited to Legendary quality Grift keys.)
Sets became the de-facto way to increase your character power because (I assume) they are much easier to design and tweak than individual Legendary items/powers and then its easier for a player to become powerful and start getting on the leadeboard. (Hey lets crank X skill up to 2000% damage and call it a day!)
Leaderboards sort of led to botting because who wants to grind hundreds of Grift keys just to end up wasting most of them fishing for "that one" rift with a sweet layout and tons of weak trash monsters?
Leaderboards kept us away from being able to trade items. Trading + leaderboards would have led to a huge black market of items being farmed by bots (or real life human, basically slaves) and then sold to the player with the deepest pockets so they can say "look mom I'm number one." I'll admit that this could sort of be fixed by allowing item trading for non-seasonal characters, but that's another topic.
Anyway, just my opinions. It seems that a small number of design decisions led to a very narrow direction for the game as a whole.
submitted by /u/Nazgren Greater Rifts could have been so much more than just "bigger numbers" but for the sake of competition they weren't made that way. They could have had their own monster/loot/etc modifiers and quality levels but as is they are barely different than doing regular Rifts. Hell, if this type of system was in place you could have even been able to pay the Jeweler to modify your Grift keystone and hope for different modifiers! To balance it, most loot bonuses would have to be tied to monster difficulty modifiers (harder monsters = more loot) except in rare cases a Grift key with an actual loot bonus modifier could drop (maybe limited to Legendary quality Grift keys.)
Sets became the de-facto way to increase your character power because (I assume) they are much easier to design and tweak than individual Legendary items/powers and then its easier for a player to become powerful and start getting on the leadeboard. (Hey lets crank X skill up to 2000% damage and call it a day!)
Leaderboards sort of led to botting because who wants to grind hundreds of Grift keys just to end up wasting most of them fishing for "that one" rift with a sweet layout and tons of weak trash monsters?
Leaderboards kept us away from being able to trade items. Trading + leaderboards would have led to a huge black market of items being farmed by bots (or real life human, basically slaves) and then sold to the player with the deepest pockets so they can say "look mom I'm number one." I'll admit that this could sort of be fixed by allowing item trading for non-seasonal characters, but that's another topic.
Anyway, just my opinions. It seems that a small number of design decisions led to a very narrow direction for the game as a whole.
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