Anti-Mage: Mjolnir might be the new build.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:18 PM PST

So I was watching two videos on youtube on Anti-Mage in 7.00 (I think it was clips of Waga and Dendi), at first I was thinking 'Mjolnir, really? That's gotta be a joke right?'
Then, watching further, I realize, oh shit, Attack Speed now scales on Illusions!!! Making it scale much better for illusions than Battlefury does currently. Not only that, but the Active on Anti-Mage is a legit defensive mechanism, something he needs since the stat removal. Not to mention Maelstrom is a cheap farming item on heroes that can attack fast, something anti mage does well, also enables him to fight earlier with say the new Helm of the Dominator or Vlads.
What do you guys think, is it about time Anti-Mage needed to spice up his item builds more or is Battlefury still the better choice by far?
submitted by /u/markthemad
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PSA: Night Stalker (with Aghs) is really damn good against Monkey King

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:26 PM PST

There have been so many discussions about MK lately that i can't even tell if it is common klowledge or not, but Stalker is a really good counter to MK
In the laning phase, you can gank MK easily (ministun/nuke/slow + silence = dead monkey) and GabeN only knows how good his agha is to spot the pesky little ape.
submitted by /u/BetamaN_memesAddict
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Am I just being very lucky in my games or is this new patch a support and roamer's paradise?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:30 PM PST

On nearly all of my games so far I have tried practising to be a good roaming support, and nearly all of my wins have been complete stomps.
I've played 14 games so far and only lost 3. The changes to the bounty runes have been glorious and I make sure to grab one every time they spawn so it's really easy to keep caught up on levels, which is something I struggle at as a roamer since I often fall behind. I've mainly been roaming as Crystal Maiden, Venomancer and Bounty Hunter and tried to be as aggressive as I can early. I made a post some of you may have seen the other day about Helm of the Dominator and its new position as a support item, and it has definitely helped me in my roaming.
I'm really loving this patch. Even if this is not the case I feel it's given such a nice breath of fresh air into the game.
How have you guys felt your preferred roles have changed since 7.00?
submitted by /u/VerySharpCup
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what is bm octarine build based on qop?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:04 PM PST

seen it a few times, didnt understand shit
submitted by /u/bflooooP
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So....Techies is back ??

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:43 AM PST

i really really like his rework, not only adressed so many of his old issues but also feels a bit more fair to play agaisnt in general
submitted by /u/Manaoscola
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There is honestly no good reason for MK to have a skill that allows him to avoid tower aggro for literally no cost or skill investment

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:01 AM PST

I can't wrap my head around it. It would be like if Puck had phase shift at level 1, but better. Why does he need this? It's so unnecessary.
submitted by /u/noodlesfordaddy
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What are your thoughts on the ability to port onto the new shrines

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:19 AM PST

After playing ~20 games I got the feeling that the ability to port onto the shrines somehow reduces the incentive to go for (smoke) ganks into the enemy jungle since the enemy always is able to react superfast.
Personally, I think you shouldn't be able to port onto those buildings. What did you guys experience so far?
submitted by /u/cap_jeb
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Help on how to Sven (7.00)?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:00 PM PST

Hi guys, I lost 2 out of my 3 sven games this patch. HoD has changed so I had removed it from my usual build. The problem is that I can't farm neutrals that well anymore if I lost my lane since neutrals spawn every 2 minutes now. Any tips guys? Thank you. :)
submitted by /u/john3van
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Can someone explain Lich hard carry please?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:59 AM PST

On youtube i see a LOT of videos about Lich hard carry, at first i thought it was singsing just being singsing but with so many people doing it i'm wondering if it is a legit strategy and if it is then can someone explain to me how it is, i dont understand how lich is a hard carry so hopefully someone can explain it to a n00b like me. Thank you
submitted by /u/Excalibur533
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Which lvl 25 OD talent is superior?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 07:07 PM PST

+8% spell damage (orb, astral, and sanity's) or +60 second int steal duration on Arcane orb?
submitted by /u/trollwarlordpicker69
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Sniper this patch

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:10 AM PST

Played two games with him this patch. Noting two distinct trends.
  • 1) Sniper is easy as hell to kill this patch. More mobility on heroes, better ganking conditions with sanctuary, etc.
  • 2) Sniper actually is disgustingly good now if you get him to late. +20 shrapnel damage, 7 charges, new aghanims, etc. I have yet to play a game where I don't top my team's damage charts. Maybe even the whole game if my team is losing.
Still though, I cannot emphasize enough how hard it is to play sniper now that gankers get free hp and mana recharge every 3 minutes. I have gone through periods where I get ganked constantly and die 7 times before I get 1 return kill.
How do you play this hero this patch?
EDIT: Forgot a negative
submitted by /u/NA_Scrubbed
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What pos. 4/5 supports help shut down MK?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:31 AM PST

I've heard good things about Veno and Bat against MK (though bat's more of a 3/4 IIRC) but I'm curious what other picks would do well against MK.
submitted by /u/Shaleblade
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MoM on Dragon Knight?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:17 AM PST

I think it sounds pretty good, not tried it yet. Good for jungling, which he is pretty bad at (except big stacks with dragon form).
He has the armour with his passive. Possibly even go MoM -> Armlet. Very strong mid game, and you're not aiming to go late with DK anyway.
Berserk silence will wear off before your next Stun and/or Breathe Fire.
submitted by /u/taby69
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[2k scrub] How do you deal with slark? He has won every single match he is in and he is picked every single time unless banned.

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:37 AM PST

I'll be honest, this is ruining the game for me. I'm not going to stick around to get better if I have to lose every match to same thing over and over. If I spend my time trying to stop him, eventually he will leave and start hunting my teammates and I just can't stop him from killing them. Then he just hits this point where he's un-fucking-killable.
Before anyone says "your team needs to X" let me remind you that there is 0 teamwork in the game at my rank no matter how much you try to encourage/beg your teammates.
submitted by /u/maxman14
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So... How do I lane against Monkey King?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:36 PM PST

It is just disgusting in the hands of a player who knows what he is doing. That 300 range on auto attack he can bully melee heroes easily and ranged heroes are too squishy against his skillset.
Maybe I'm just not used to laning against him, but what can I do?
submitted by /u/SealingLight
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Chaos Knight support?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:23 AM PST

HeyGuys, I was thinking about to play this hero as roamer, but how about the item build?
In my mind:
Starting items: tango, mango, wind lace and smoke/wards/courier or what's missing.
Core items: arcane boots, drums/vladimir, aghanim.
But then?
Edit: formatting
submitted by /u/Atz34
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Is there a place for Night Stalker in the current meta?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 05:28 AM PST

Nightstalker: Loves ganking and silencing and slowing and miss chances.
Monkey: Hates silences and being kited. Likes to snowball, needs to auto attack to get off damage.
Lycan: Loves night time and teams that can play 4v5
Nightstalker: Shuts down heroes in the midgame, makes it night time a lot, ganks relentlessly, provides vision for team, has an attack speed boost (can make use of the +damage)
Just a few examples, but Balanar seems really strong right now, any reason why he's not picked right now? Any suggestion on build? Phase, Echo, Armlet seems good to me.
submitted by /u/degrapher
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Phantom Assassin Items and talents in 7.00.

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:29 PM PST

How is Satanic on PA now that it gives 50 dmg (30 dmg from mask and talent at 10) and stacks with +10% ls talent. In a game that you know will go late or you are against high armor heroes that want to manfight (assuming that deso's armor reduction works better against low armor heroes), it could give the combined effects of deso for damage, vlads for ls and vanguard for hp/regen, especially now that vanguard was nerfed vs nc. Mom seems bad though as she's a spell spammer.
Also the double dagger talent seems bad if it hits random stuff and doesn't prioritize heroes.
submitted by /u/jinfanshaw
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Questions before downloading the game

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:09 PM PST

I heard that the game is harder than LoL and i suck at Lol, i played a crap ton of Hots and i am pretty good at it. My question is how hard will it be for me to get into a game i have never played, like i see my friends play and the enemy sometimes dont even hit back. I am really confused about the game.
submitted by /u/MrTammy
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If you're tired of losing to monkey king, then start counter-picking him with lich

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:11 AM PST

New hero has been out for about a week, and he has some hard counters. If you don't want to lose against him, pick the hard counters, namely lich.
Monkey relies upon phsyical damage and right clicks. Lich provides two sources of slows, both movement and attack speed.
This lets you run away from monkey king because he doesn't move that fast, you slow down his attack speed so he can't get right click clicks as fast (and he will not be in range for as long), and you give armor which reduces physical damage.
Also, monkey king tends to dive. What's great against diving? Oh, would you look at that, it's LICH'S FUCKING ULTIMATE.
This isn't even mentioning how frost armor really helps against Monkey king's ult, because chances are your entire team is going to be taking right click damage.
Please look for solutions and try them before you declare what is OP
submitted by /u/Trulyvanillanames
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