Techies Double Proximity Mining Spots

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 06:19 AM PST

One sacrifice that came with the Techies improvement is that Proximity Mines cannot be stacked directly on top of each other like Landmines could. However, individual Proximity Mines deal incredible damage, and although you cannot put a Proximity Mine within the AoE of another Proximity Mine, you can place two Proximity Mines close enough that their AoEs overlap in a Venn-Diagram-esque shape. A Stasis Trap can then be used to keep any foe in the overlap area long enough for both Proximity Mines to detonate.

Here is one example. The blue AoE indicator highlights the Stasis Trap AoE, while the red indicators show the AoE of each Proximity Mine. As you can see, the mines are placed such that foes walking into the Side shop from the top entrance would be stopped by the Stasis trap within the overlap AoE of both Proximity Mines. A level 1 Stasis Trap is sufficient to ensure the detonation of the Proximity Mines (2 second root vs 1.6 second detonation time), and the overall trap deals 450, 800, 1150, 1500 magical damage in total, depending on the level (1, 2, 3, 4 respectively) of the two Proximity Mines. 1500 magical damage at level 7 (4-1-1-1 skill build) kills most heroes. However, if that is somehow not sufficient, as many Remote Mines as you like can also be placed within the trap area.
Here is a less reliable example. Although this works in the same way as the above trap, the Proximity Mines are, in this case, visible while any potential victim is rooted by the Stasis Trap, allowing ranged heroes (or Monkey King) to destroy one or (if their attack speed is sufficient) both Proximity Mines if they have the presence of mind to do so rapidly enough.
Here is another unreliable example that is nonetheless surprisingly effective. The story is similar to the above staircase example in terms of being able to see these Proximity Mines, but this spot has the added limitation of needing the victim to approach the rune from a specific angle. However, it works often, strangely enough. Additionally, this is one of the harder rune spots to set up one of these traps on (easier on the others).
The key to all of these is to position the Stasis Trap such that the victim is held in place in the overlapping AoE. For example, this is a botched trap. The Stasis Trap AoE was placed too far forward, and thus anyone walking through the path is rooted just outside of the overlapping AoE of the two Proximity Mines. If it had been placed a little further back, it would have made an excellent trap.

Three-mine traps are also possible, although it is more difficult to reliably ensure that the victim is within the triple-overlap area.
Here is one example...
And, of course, you can set up the first example I gave for the Double-Proximity traps (Side Shop) with three mines instead of two in the same manner as above. Although this is less reliable than the 2-mine version (you need to have the two side Proximity Mines further apart and the Stasis Trap further back), it is pretty much a guaranteed kill on anyone caught by it, dealing 2250 magical damage as soon as level 7.

So, you can spread out Proximity Mines everywhere, being very effective area denial, chip damage, and pickoff potential. However, if you are smart with mine placement, two or even three Proximity Mines can be combined with a Stasis Trap for an extremely potent setup.
submitted by /u/TheGreatGimmick
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Anyone go a ''all aura'' strat on position 4/3?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:07 PM PST

I used to refer to it as the holy trinity of vlads, mek(greaves later) and pipe to literally just tank your team up for pushes as well as general healing/sustain/ damage mitigation purposes.
The new HoD means 20 aoe hp regen with the above items, so i've been adding it in as well and it works so well with its new auras.
Aso i've generally bought it on melee supports (and phoenix) to great success, especially ogre and omni.
edit: lategame add a AC
So am i crazy?
submitted by /u/saffagaymer
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QoP can no longer blink out of Rupture damage

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 05:10 PM PST

Unless I'm failing at this, something was changed so that QoP now takes damage at 1300 blink range.
submitted by /u/dihydrogen_monoxide
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With safe lane farm I can win games at 3.4k consistently but in any other roll I lose my games.

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 04:19 PM PST

So ive been spamming mid recently and ive lost a lot of games to the point where my mmr has fallen to around 3.2k, ive noticed that my games are a lot harder as a mid core versus pos 1 carry , now i dont deny the dunning kruger effect is at work here but the trend ive noticed is that I get extremely hard games because my safe lane pos1 player will either lose the lane, go a goofy item build, get kill horny and not go rosh when we have the tower advantage and the enemy team has no way of stopping a rosh attempt.
Now the reason ive been spamming Mid is because im terrible in every other role besides safe lane pos 1 and im aware that a good player is versatile in many roles, my losses are as much my fault as any other in fact im confident that Im the determining factor for losing games because im either too passive or too aggressive or too selfish etc.
Now its not like im new to the role, I know how to win my lanes im just struggling on how to effectively apply the methodology of ganking and im having a hard time with the power spiked of common mid heroes since im so use to playing carries like Terrorblade who just hit towers.
Any suggestions from experienced mids on how to effectively up my winrate? Hero suggestions are welcome here.
submitted by /u/TheCancerousDrake
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Monkey King - Eul's

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:35 AM PST

I've been trying out phase -> euls on monkey king and I have to say it's pretty good. Echo sabre may still be a better build, but I'm not so sure. You could even go both, sort of Attacker! Kunkka style, how he used to go drums + armlet. Or just do phase -> euls -> bkb -> basher -> butterfly -> abyssal. It has a lot of synergy that you wouldn't normally expect:
  1. As soon as you get eul's, you can roam and find a pick off. You need at least a couple points and Q and your ult. Eul's your target, then immediately ult directly in the center of the cyclone. As they land, hit them with your stun. 5 monkey will wake up. You can't blink out of it if you time it correctly, and will do 9 auto attacks of damage with +dmg from your ult- 5 monkeys, 2 auto attacks, and the Q crit. Note: This is even more powerful if you already have a Jingu stacks, definitely the highest solo dps you can achieve with 1 item. Even if they live through the initial burst, it's hard for them to get out without a blink, and teammates have to walk in to punish you.
  2. Since you're prone to ganks, eul is really effective for protecting yourself. Right now no one expects it, so counter ganks are great.
  3. You can use it to euls -> jump to a tree to escape.
  4. You basically have infinite mana and don't need a bottle.
  5. In large clashes, you can pop your ult and eul's while the chaos ensues.
  6. All the normal benefits of euls - stopping TPs, purging, move speed.
I could see this item being a major pickup soon.
submitted by /u/Dagenheim
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Tips against the Monkey.

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:54 PM PST

This was an idea that came to me while showering this morning.
Jingu Mastery puts a debuff on enemies he hits. If Monkey King hits an enemy with 3 stacks of the debuff on them, the debuff is removed and Monkey King gets a buff with 4 charges that give him increased damage and lifesteal. This buff is removable by any purge (diffusal, Satyr tormentor, Oracle's Fortune's End, Demonic Purge).
This is in part due to a change to what can and can't be dispelled by purges. The only things immune to purging outright are effects from ultimates. This means that you can manfight him at early levels with a Satyr tormentor or just drafting Oracle.
Anyone else have good tips on how to combat him? What are excellent matchups?
submitted by /u/KurtDunn
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MoM On Luna!

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 12:41 PM PST

im loving it. able to get so much more GPM, and if activated at the right time when fighting, it just owns. i get it right after Aquila and dragon lance, and i also grab the armor talent to offset the -armor on Berserk.
submitted by /u/Nerva2940
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How's Invoker this patch?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:25 PM PST

Been a big fan of the QE build before this patch but it feels not as strong now, QW seems okay but I never liked that style too much. Anyone have success with the hero?
submitted by /u/OST9
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Dagon on Chen?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:46 AM PST

Is it a good optional item on Chen? The idea is to get the 125 cast range talent and the 25% spell amp talent. Basically, use penitence on the hero then cast test of faith + dagon on the target. Lvl 4 Penitence + the spell amp causes lvl 1 dagon to deal 680 magic damage (before spell resistance reduction). That's a lot of burst when combined with test of faith. On average, Lvl 4 penitence + lvl 4 test of faith deals 510 pure damage. So the total combo is 680 magic damage (510 after standard 25% reduction) + 510 pure damage which is 1020 damage. That's a lot of burst and it doesn't include int in the calculations yet.
Edit: Im not thinking of mid Chen. I'm thinking of standard support pos 4 Chen that buys dagon instead of something like mek or aghs. After dagon, you buy standard support items especially those that benefit from the increased cast range (i.e. solar crest/ glimmer/ force etc). Basically it's still a support but does damage.
submitted by /u/Kalimere
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So what is the purpose of helm of the dominator now?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 12:36 PM PST

Is this a support item to make pseudo Chen's in the game? +6 stats +20 AS and 8 HP on a dead-end item is horrendous for traditional farming carry heroes like Sven. Who received life steal from an item that also lets him to make and farm stacks. It no longer gives armor which heroes like sf could buy to patch up low armor values and get lifedteal. Idk what to make of this item anymore.
submitted by /u/demon_eater
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Facing Dual Off-lane?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 04:08 PM PST

Basically I've been trying to improve as a safe lane carry (Am currently 3.7k), and I have 2 questions involving dual off-lanes.
The first is: What is the advantage in running solo off-lane? (i.e, what are the enemies missing out on when they commit to a dual off-lane) I know solo off-lane isn't always optimal, but down here in sub 4k trench I'm almost always up against a dual off-lane, and it is much harder to farm. When I watch replays of higher mmr players to try and improve, they are usually up against solo off-lane, making their job of getting cs much easier. If I know what the enemy team is missing out on, I would be able to think more positively about the game, because currently I just tilt after getting 25 cs in 10 minutes due to the aggressiveness of a dual off-lane.
This brings me to my second question: What can I do to avoid that horrible 25 cs in 10 minutes when facing a dual off-lane? I have seen a few guides but they mostly talk about using the jungle to your advantage and pulling camps to get more cs than is possible from the lane itself, but this is extremely difficult because off-laners in my bracket usually just focus on staying in my lane and annoying me for as long as they can, meaning if I try to pull a camp they will just come and bully me away from it and take the neutrals. tl;dr: What can is the weakness of running a dual off-lane? (and possibly how to punish it?) & What can I do as a farming carry to avoid becoming so under-farmed when up against one?
submitted by /u/RapsiSoup
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What skill tree noob-traps have you noticed thusfar

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:36 PM PST

If any.
submitted by /u/KanariaRose
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Is Qop too op in this patch?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:24 PM PST

With 15% spell reduction and 70% spell steal combined with octarine core, u can sperm dagger every 2s and blink every 3.5s which make her extremely difficult to kill.With almost 90% spell steal(lvl 25 talent tree and octarine core) u can heal almost full damage every time u use spells.Isnt it too op for qop in late game?I played qop in 1 public match and can even solo against 6 slotted Bloodseeker( i have blademail and mjollnir though). Is blademail extremely good item for qop in lategame with qop buff?
submitted by /u/FreezingDoto
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Basher, Maelstrom and Monkey King clones.

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:12 AM PST

When a clone or me triggers a bash or chain lightning during ulti, does the item go on cooldown for all clones globally or does each clone have its own cooldown?
submitted by /u/jinfanshaw
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For monkey king, is tree jumping faster or walking (along an unobstructed path)?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 04:04 AM PST

For monkey king, is tree jumping faster or walking (along an unobstructed path)?
submitted by /u/jinfanshaw
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Patch 7.00 average game length.

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:26 AM PST

I just looked on dotabuff at the 20 games I've played in patch 7.00 and the average game length is 45:56 (4.2k MMR)
Is this patch 7.00's nature, or is it just bad luck/everyone getting used to the new map? Anyone else experiencing much longer game lengths?
submitted by /u/-Reactionary_Vizier-
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So how's 7.00 treating Arc Warden?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:00 AM PST

Is he still strong like he was? From what I've deduced playing 7.00, Midas is becoming popular af, so wouldn't AW strive in this environment ?
submitted by /u/Invokationz
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