Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | December 17 - December 23
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST
Are you a new streamer looking to get your name out there? Maybe you just need someone to watch after a long tiring week? Ask for recommendations on what streams to watch or promote your own stream in the comments.
Please be as detailed as possible on your streaming schedule, what kind of stream you have (teaching/pro play/fun/climbing ladder etc.) and any specific style or hero you might have.
Previous Streaming Threads
submitted by /u/AutoModerator Please be as detailed as possible on your streaming schedule, what kind of stream you have (teaching/pro play/fun/climbing ladder etc.) and any specific style or hero you might have.
Previous Streaming Threads
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For real, why is Falstad's Hinterland Blast tied for the longest CD in the game?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 08:48 AM PST
Honestly, does anyone have a reasoned explanation for this? I occasionally debate taking it, and sometimes do when our team needs the damage or can potentially combo, but the CD is just ridiculous, and I don't understand why Blizzard thinks it commands such a long CD.
I know the argument used to be that Hinterland was the single highest damage spell in the game, but it no longer holds that title. Furnace Blast does more, and the center of Sulfuras Smash does much more. Heck, Disintegrate does almost the same amount of damage but over 2.5s rather than at once, and even an untalented Dragon's Breath, a basic ability, does more. I get that the area of Hinterland is larger than either of those, but you can use two Furnace Blasts or Sulfurace Smashes in the CD of Hinterland, and four Disintegrations.
And then there's the comparison to some of the most potentially game-changing ults in the game, like Mosh, VP, and Maw, which have lower CDs than a line of burst damage.
submitted by /u/jetsetrez I know the argument used to be that Hinterland was the single highest damage spell in the game, but it no longer holds that title. Furnace Blast does more, and the center of Sulfuras Smash does much more. Heck, Disintegrate does almost the same amount of damage but over 2.5s rather than at once, and even an untalented Dragon's Breath, a basic ability, does more. I get that the area of Hinterland is larger than either of those, but you can use two Furnace Blasts or Sulfurace Smashes in the CD of Hinterland, and four Disintegrations.
And then there's the comparison to some of the most potentially game-changing ults in the game, like Mosh, VP, and Maw, which have lower CDs than a line of burst damage.
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"Cya Zoff" HORSEPANTS' Artanis play
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:10 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Dinhaaq [link] [comments] |
The only difference at MVP screen since the change, is that you wait 2 seconds more before noone upvotes and all leaves.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 04:23 AM PST
Nothing changed. People still don't vote. I even skip my own MVP cos i don't care. All that differs is that you wait 2 more seconds. Can we just have one screen alltogether without that "MVP" screen before it? It's just unnecessary.
submitted by /u/vanbetulla Nothing changed. People still don't vote. I even skip my own MVP cos i don't care. All that differs is that you wait 2 more seconds. Can we just have one screen alltogether without that "MVP" screen before it? It's just unnecessary.
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QoL: Would love to see time stamps on chat log!
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 06:27 AM PST
As an aspiring time lord, I personally enjoy time logs and seeing when things have been said - a la WoW
Would LOVE to get some time stamps on the chat log.
Sometimes I step away from the game and see I received a message and wonder what time it was received. Or just to see chats like general or reddit and see when things were posted and if they might still be relevant.
A small QoL addition request :D
submitted by /u/followATEVA Would LOVE to get some time stamps on the chat log.
Sometimes I step away from the game and see I received a message and wonder what time it was received. Or just to see chats like general or reddit and see when things were posted and if they might still be relevant.
A small QoL addition request :D
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Thrall's EQ is a candidate for a cd nerf, don't you think?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 02:46 AM PST
Dunno if it's only my impression, but Earthquake seems to be available in every engagement. I honestly think that the ability isn't truly OP (maybe the slow percetage is on the strong side, but it's not realistically its main strength right now) but after all the changes, it's no longer a greedy engagement tool since it also heals up thrall in the process. In the past, Sundering was also nerfed since it was fairly spammeable for an ult.
Do you have the same feeling?
Since this post is gaining popularity: Please add a better visual to EQ blizzard! It's hard to tell the limits of the range!
submitted by /u/Drygin7_JCoto Do you have the same feeling?
Since this post is gaining popularity: Please add a better visual to EQ blizzard! It's hard to tell the limits of the range!
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My largest complaint about Heroes of the Storm
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:30 AM PST
I've done two placements so far this season, in both someone on my team left in the first 5 minutes. Obviously this isn't the fault of the game devs or anything that can be fixed by them. My complaint is that 3 teammates and I have to sit through a 25-30 minute game with virtually no hope of winning because a bot is on our team.
Why can't we leave after a bot joins our team? I'd still expect to get a loss, I'm just asking to save some time. It hurts the enjoyment of the game significantly when you know there's a chance you're going to have to sit through a boring 25 minute 4v5 slaughter.
If things stay the way they are at the very least the penalty for leaving even if its a disconnect should be more substantial. 2-3 disconnects or leaves during a season should result in a ban from heroes league for the remainder of the season.
submitted by /u/rangerjonny Why can't we leave after a bot joins our team? I'd still expect to get a loss, I'm just asking to save some time. It hurts the enjoyment of the game significantly when you know there's a chance you're going to have to sit through a boring 25 minute 4v5 slaughter.
If things stay the way they are at the very least the penalty for leaving even if its a disconnect should be more substantial. 2-3 disconnects or leaves during a season should result in a ban from heroes league for the remainder of the season.
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Bugs me when pros have to guess for "base trade" at the start matches (Please give buildings invulnerability until first minion wave)
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 05:27 AM PST
After a year of watching, this still happens in competitive matches, especially in Asia. Example match:
Depending on compositions, you can be put in disadvantageous start to games just because you didn't pick the correct lane to defend against some cheesy strat to snipe some towers.
Maybe there is a proper method of buffering against this but I dont really buy the argument that there's any strategy to the guessing game.
submitted by /u/kamicom Depending on compositions, you can be put in disadvantageous start to games just because you didn't pick the correct lane to defend against some cheesy strat to snipe some towers.
Maybe there is a proper method of buffering against this but I dont really buy the argument that there's any strategy to the guessing game.
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Ragnaros' Meteor stacking quest laughs at Gul'dan's old Corruption stacking quest.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 01:24 AM PST
I've gotten 15 stacks in one cast because of Samuro and his team being in the same spot during a fight. The way it's currently set up, you can complete the quest in a handful of casts.
Now you've suddenly got a duration increase and the ability to redirect the meteor. Blizzard nerfed Gul'dan's Corruption stacking quest because he could finish it too quickly and influence teamfights. This is way easier to complete, as it not only has a shorter cooldown, but the stacking happens fast enough that some heroes can't avoid it.
When I first read the talent, I expected the stacks to be gained upon impact. Perhaps they could change it so this is how stacking happens, and lower the required number to 35 or 40. It's pretty insane as it stands.
submitted by /u/yoloswagrofl Now you've suddenly got a duration increase and the ability to redirect the meteor. Blizzard nerfed Gul'dan's Corruption stacking quest because he could finish it too quickly and influence teamfights. This is way easier to complete, as it not only has a shorter cooldown, but the stacking happens fast enough that some heroes can't avoid it.
When I first read the talent, I expected the stacks to be gained upon impact. Perhaps they could change it so this is how stacking happens, and lower the required number to 35 or 40. It's pretty insane as it stands.
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If your team doesn't understand how Rag's lava works, this DnD book explains it in detail.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:11 AM PST
5 man Gazlowe bait, escape, and team wipe!
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:30 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Slurm11 [link] [comments] |
Season 3 Ranked League Distribution Adjustments - What will actually change?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:07 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Moonprayer [link] [comments] |
Why my Brawl experience this week was horrible...
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:44 AM PST
As a person who was very excited about the return of the Haunted Mines map to the Nexus, I couldn't wait to try out the new Heroes Brawl. Unfortunately, my experience was somewhat ruined by my teammates, who, in all 5 of the games I have played thus far, have either sat AFK in base or intentionally fed in order to lose the game faster just in order to get the stupid portrait. Now, I can't so much as look at Haunted Mines without having P.T.S.D of all these idiots who intentionally ruined these brawls. I hope Blizzard learn from this and either; never have a ''full scale'' map in Brawl ever again (as people will just lose on purpose to get the stupid rewards), set the rewards so that you need to win the brawl, or just ban these assholes. Rant over.
submitted by /u/BrutalBasha [link] [comments]
Can't play team league with friends
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 06:23 AM PST
My friends I play with are all ranked in team league. I haven't had time to play this season yet.
I just realized that even if I rank in hero league solo, I can't play with my friends in team league.
So I can't duo with anyone I know until I duo and get ranked with random people? Is this right?
submitted by /u/Cardello I just realized that even if I rank in hero league solo, I can't play with my friends in team league.
So I can't duo with anyone I know until I duo and get ranked with random people? Is this right?
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This week's brawl is terrible (?)
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:09 AM PST
Maybe i'm missing something, but so far this week brawl seem to be an exact copy of the mines ? I'd understand if they added this brawl a week before the patch to accommodate players with the new map and objective, but there's absolutely nothing different from the regular map/objective.
I had finally managed to make my friend do the weekly brawls with me because i told them it was fun and different from the regular maps, but i can't reasonably make them sit through three entire games of this week's brawl ...
submitted by /u/Ruuubick I had finally managed to make my friend do the weekly brawls with me because i told them it was fun and different from the regular maps, but i can't reasonably make them sit through three entire games of this week's brawl ...
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Thuranduil Team Who? HGC team support player new group for supports! Tips and builds!
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 10:53 AM PST
Hello fellow support players! My name is Thuranduil; competitive Heroes of the Storm player in North America, thought it would be a good idea to bridge the gap of competitive to casual play, and have more of a direct role/interaction within the community. My role is support so that is what this group is for! If you have any questions, builds, or anything related to the greatest role in the game, just ask here!
submitted by /u/Thuranduil [link] [comments]
Alternate Hero Design: Uther
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 09:41 AM PST
Alternate Hero Design: Uther (Melee Support)
Design: This alternate design uses the design philosophy on Kharazim; different focus on level 1 but overall remains a support. On Kharazim, this would be Damage, Healing, and Mana/Cooldown. On this design, it would be Self Sustain, Burst Heal, and Cooldown, however selecting a trait also enhances his basic abilities as well as certain talents in different ways.
Trait: {insert trait}
See level 1 talents.
Q: Holy Light (Mana: 90, Cooldown: 12 seconds)
Heals an Ally Hero for 444 Health.
Knight: Holy Light can now be used on enemy Heroes, dealing 40% of healing amount as damage. When used this way, reduce the cooldown of Holy Light by 4 seconds, refund 40 Mana, and Uther heals for 100% of damage dealt.
Priest: Increase the healing amount of Holy Light by 25% when used on another Ally Hero.
Paladin: Reduces the cooldown of Holy Light by 2 seconds.
W: Holy Radiance (Mana: 65, Cooldown: 12 seconds)
Heal all allies in a line for 227 Health, dealing 166 damage to enemies.
Knight: Uther gains a stack of Block for each enemy Hero hit by Holy Radiance, reduces damage taken by the next Hero Basic Attack by 50%. Maximum 3 charges.
Priest: Each Ally Hero hit by Holy Radiance increases the healing amount of the next Holy Radiance by 8%, up to 40%.
Paladin: Each Hero (Ally or Enemy) hit by Holy Radiance reduces the cooldown of Holy Radiance by 0.5 second, up to 5 seconds.
E: Hammer of Justice (Mana: 40, Cooldown: 8 seconds)
Deal 118 damage and stuns the target enemy Hero for 0.75 seconds.
Knight: Using Hammer of Justice grants a charge of Spell Block, reducing the damage from the next enemy Ability against you by 50%. Maximum one charge.
Priest: Using Hammer of Justice increases the heal amount of the next Holy Light by 25%.
Paladin: After using Hammer of Justice, your next basic attack against an enemy Hero reduces the cooldown of your basic Abilities by an additional second.
R1: Divine Shield (Mana: 80, Cooldown: 90 seconds)
Make an allied Hero Invulnerable and increase their Movement Speed by 20% for 3 seconds.
R2: Divine Storm (Mana: 80, Cooldown: 80 seconds)
Deal 194 damage and stun nearby enemies for 1.75 seconds.
Specialization: Priest: Quest: Basic Attack against enemy Heroes permanently increases the healing amount of Holy Light by 0.25%.
Specialization: Paladin: Basic attack against enemy Heroes reduces the cooldown of your Basic Abilities by one second.
Beacon of Light [Passive]: Uther heals for 30% of all healing done to allied Heroes.
Wave of Light [W]: Each Hero (Ally or Enemy) hit by Holy Radiance restores 8 Mana, up to 64 Mana.
Benediction [Active]: Activate to immediately reduces the cooldown of all your basic abilities by 4 seconds, as well as removing the mana cost of your next basic ability. 60 seconds cooldown.
Holy Fire [Passive]: Deal 18 damage per second to nearby enemies. Knight: Uther heals for 100% of damage dealt by Holy Fire to enemy Heroes. Priest: Holy Fire also heals nearby allied Heroes for 9 health per second. Paladin: Basic attack against enemy Heroes increases the damage of Holy Fire by 25% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.
Holy Reach [Q]: Increases the range of Holy Light by 60%.
Silver Knight's Shield [Active]: Activate to shield an Ally Hero for 15% of their max Health for 5 seconds. 60 seconds cooldown. Knight: If cast on Uther, reduces the cooldown by 30 seconds. Priest: Also grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 25% while shield is active. Paladin: Reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds. If shield lasts the whole duration, reduces the cooldown by another 15 seconds.
Blessed Champion [Q]: After using Holy Light, increase Uther's attack speed by 25% for 5 seconds. Knight: Attack speed increase from 25% to 50%. Priest: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes heal you and nearby allied Heroes for 25% of healed amount for the duration. Paladin: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduces the cooldown of your Heroic Ability for 1.5 seconds for the duration.
Holy Shock [Q]: Holy Light also deals 200 damage to nearby enemies.
Mighty Cleanse [Active]: Activate to make Uther and nearby allied Heroes Unstoppable for 1 second. 60 seconds cooldown.
Righteous Defense [Q]: Knight: Casting Holy Light on Uther grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 50% for 4 seconds. Priest: Holy Light grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 50% for 2 seconds. Paladin: Holy Light grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 25% for 4 seconds.
Fist of Justice [E]: After using Hammer of Justice, increases the damage of your next basic attack by 150%.
Redemption [Active]: Activate to restore 80% of an Ally Hero's max health and remove all disabling effects, but reduces Uther's health to 1. 60 seconds cooldown.
Divine Hurricane
Divine Justice [E]: Increases Hammer of Justice's range by 100%, and the stun duration by 0.25 second. Casting the ability causes Uther to gain 25% movement speed for 2 seconds.
Holy Flash of Light [Active]: Activate to cast Holy Light on all nearby allies Heroes. 90 seconds cooldown.
submitted by /u/Misfiring Design: This alternate design uses the design philosophy on Kharazim; different focus on level 1 but overall remains a support. On Kharazim, this would be Damage, Healing, and Mana/Cooldown. On this design, it would be Self Sustain, Burst Heal, and Cooldown, however selecting a trait also enhances his basic abilities as well as certain talents in different ways.
Trait: {insert trait}
See level 1 talents.
Q: Holy Light (Mana: 90, Cooldown: 12 seconds)
Heals an Ally Hero for 444 Health.
Knight: Holy Light can now be used on enemy Heroes, dealing 40% of healing amount as damage. When used this way, reduce the cooldown of Holy Light by 4 seconds, refund 40 Mana, and Uther heals for 100% of damage dealt.
Priest: Increase the healing amount of Holy Light by 25% when used on another Ally Hero.
Paladin: Reduces the cooldown of Holy Light by 2 seconds.
W: Holy Radiance (Mana: 65, Cooldown: 12 seconds)
Heal all allies in a line for 227 Health, dealing 166 damage to enemies.
Knight: Uther gains a stack of Block for each enemy Hero hit by Holy Radiance, reduces damage taken by the next Hero Basic Attack by 50%. Maximum 3 charges.
Priest: Each Ally Hero hit by Holy Radiance increases the healing amount of the next Holy Radiance by 8%, up to 40%.
Paladin: Each Hero (Ally or Enemy) hit by Holy Radiance reduces the cooldown of Holy Radiance by 0.5 second, up to 5 seconds.
E: Hammer of Justice (Mana: 40, Cooldown: 8 seconds)
Deal 118 damage and stuns the target enemy Hero for 0.75 seconds.
Knight: Using Hammer of Justice grants a charge of Spell Block, reducing the damage from the next enemy Ability against you by 50%. Maximum one charge.
Priest: Using Hammer of Justice increases the heal amount of the next Holy Light by 25%.
Paladin: After using Hammer of Justice, your next basic attack against an enemy Hero reduces the cooldown of your basic Abilities by an additional second.
R1: Divine Shield (Mana: 80, Cooldown: 90 seconds)
Make an allied Hero Invulnerable and increase their Movement Speed by 20% for 3 seconds.
R2: Divine Storm (Mana: 80, Cooldown: 80 seconds)
Deal 194 damage and stun nearby enemies for 1.75 seconds.
- Level 1
Specialization: Priest: Quest: Basic Attack against enemy Heroes permanently increases the healing amount of Holy Light by 0.25%.
Specialization: Paladin: Basic attack against enemy Heroes reduces the cooldown of your Basic Abilities by one second.
- Level 4
Beacon of Light [Passive]: Uther heals for 30% of all healing done to allied Heroes.
Wave of Light [W]: Each Hero (Ally or Enemy) hit by Holy Radiance restores 8 Mana, up to 64 Mana.
Benediction [Active]: Activate to immediately reduces the cooldown of all your basic abilities by 4 seconds, as well as removing the mana cost of your next basic ability. 60 seconds cooldown.
- Level 7
Holy Fire [Passive]: Deal 18 damage per second to nearby enemies. Knight: Uther heals for 100% of damage dealt by Holy Fire to enemy Heroes. Priest: Holy Fire also heals nearby allied Heroes for 9 health per second. Paladin: Basic attack against enemy Heroes increases the damage of Holy Fire by 25% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.
Holy Reach [Q]: Increases the range of Holy Light by 60%.
Silver Knight's Shield [Active]: Activate to shield an Ally Hero for 15% of their max Health for 5 seconds. 60 seconds cooldown. Knight: If cast on Uther, reduces the cooldown by 30 seconds. Priest: Also grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 25% while shield is active. Paladin: Reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds. If shield lasts the whole duration, reduces the cooldown by another 15 seconds.
- Level 13
Blessed Champion [Q]: After using Holy Light, increase Uther's attack speed by 25% for 5 seconds. Knight: Attack speed increase from 25% to 50%. Priest: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes heal you and nearby allied Heroes for 25% of healed amount for the duration. Paladin: Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduces the cooldown of your Heroic Ability for 1.5 seconds for the duration.
Holy Shock [Q]: Holy Light also deals 200 damage to nearby enemies.
Mighty Cleanse [Active]: Activate to make Uther and nearby allied Heroes Unstoppable for 1 second. 60 seconds cooldown.
- Level 16
Righteous Defense [Q]: Knight: Casting Holy Light on Uther grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 50% for 4 seconds. Priest: Holy Light grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 50% for 2 seconds. Paladin: Holy Light grants Resistant, reducing all incoming damage by 25% for 4 seconds.
Fist of Justice [E]: After using Hammer of Justice, increases the damage of your next basic attack by 150%.
Redemption [Active]: Activate to restore 80% of an Ally Hero's max health and remove all disabling effects, but reduces Uther's health to 1. 60 seconds cooldown.
- Level 20
Divine Hurricane
Divine Justice [E]: Increases Hammer of Justice's range by 100%, and the stun duration by 0.25 second. Casting the ability causes Uther to gain 25% movement speed for 2 seconds.
Holy Flash of Light [Active]: Activate to cast Holy Light on all nearby allies Heroes. 90 seconds cooldown.
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Is there a good reason single-hero brawls don't give XP for that hero?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 11:22 AM PST
Seriously, is there any good reason for this? While the maps and rules might be somewhat different than the normal game mode, nothing so far has been so wild that you couldn't say you're not playing whatever you played, you're still learning about the hero as you play, or becoming more experienced.
For multi-hero brawls, brawls with various rounds, I get it.
I just feel I'd be much more compelled to play the brawls if I got hero XP, especially if I'm playing a full length match with a single hero the whole time.
submitted by /u/crimsonBZD For multi-hero brawls, brawls with various rounds, I get it.
I just feel I'd be much more compelled to play the brawls if I got hero XP, especially if I'm playing a full length match with a single hero the whole time.
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