Greater Greater Treant?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:07 AM PST

If you have Aghinam's on furion, kill a hero and have the level 25 talent, what's the interaction? God treant?
EDIT: Tested it in game, 3300 hp and 192 attack damage. That's insane.
submitted by /u/-Dann-
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What has your experience been with Broodmother in 7.00?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:45 PM PST

I've played about 30+ games this patch and haven't seen the broodmomma once. Does the new map help her pathing at all?
submitted by /u/SmileyFacesx
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Supports Mindset: Defining Jobs and Placing Wards, by Jan G.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:02 AM PST

I've posted 2 guides on here earlier, both pretty succesfull. Since im now writing for liquid, i will have to link it, instead of selfposting
submitted by /u/ChilloManiac
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Dota 7.01

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:54 PM PST

  • Added Necrophos to CM
  • XP Requirement to go from level 6 to 12 increased by 140 (615/630/645/660/675/775 to 640/660/680/700/720/740)
  • XP Requirement to go from level 12 to 20 increased by 140 (1175/1200/1225/1250/1275/1375/1400/1425 to 1200/1225/1250/1275/1300/1325/1400/1490)
  • XP Requirement to go from level 24 to 25 reduced by 280 (same overall XP required to reach level 25)
  • Fixed Jingu Mastery ignoring armor for its lifesteal calculation
  • Jingu Mastery counter duration reduced from 15 to 10 seconds
  • Boundless Strike critical strike rescaled from 200% to 140/160/180/200%
  • Howl cooldown increased from 50/45/40/35 to 55/50/45/40
  • Howl manacost increased from 15/20/25/30 to 30
  • Lycan Level 10 Talent reduced from +20 Damage to +15 Damage
  • Lycan agility gain reduced from 1.9 to 1.5
  • Familiars HP reduced from 500/750/1000 to 300/500/700
  • Visage base damage reduced by 3
  • Windranger Level 15 Talent increased from +13 Intelligence to +16 Intelligence
  • Windranger Level 15 Talent increased from +150 Health to +200 Health
  • Windrun cooldown from 14 to 13
  • Slark strength reduced from 21 + 1.8 to 20 + 1.6
  • Purification manacost rescaled from 70/90/110/130 to 85/100/115/130
  • Guardian Angel cooldown increased from 150 to 160
  • Invoker Level 15 Talent increased from 20% XP to 25% XP
  • Quas HP regen rescaled from 1.5/3/4.5/6/.. to 1/3/5/7/..
  • Invoker strength gain increased from 1.7 to 1.9
  • Centaur agility gain reduced from 2.0 to 1.6
  • Pit of Malice interval increased from 3.5 to 3.6 seconds
  • Pit of Malice cooldown increased from 30/26/22/18 to 32/28/24/20
  • Nature's Guise bash rescaled from 1/1.4/1.8/2.2 to 0.7/1.2/1.7/2.2
  • Treant Level 25 Talent changed from +20% 2s Bash to -50s Respawn Time
  • Treant Protector movement speed reduced from 300 to 295
  • Stifling Dagger base damage reduced from 70 to 65
  • Luna base armor reduced by 1
  • Reality Rift armor debuff rescaled from -3/4/5/6 to -1/3/5/7
  • Fixed Chaos Strike lifesteal ignoring armor reductions
  • Chaos Strike lifesteal increased from 50% to 65%
  • Nature's Prophet Level 15 Talent increased from +10 Intelligence to +15
  • Nature's Prophet Level 15 Talent increased from +15 Movement Speed to +20
  • Nature's Prophet Level 25 Talent increased from -35s Respawn Time to -40
  • Nature's Prophet Level 25 Talent changed from +6 Treants to 2x Treants HP/Damage
  • Meepo Clones are now allowed to pickup runes
  • Witch Doctor Level 25 Talent increased from +150 Death Ward Attack Range to +175
  • Sven Level 15 Talent increased from +6 all stats to +8
  • Sven Level 15 Talent increased from +15 MS to +20
  • Incapacitating Bite slow increased from 10/20/30/40 to 14/24/34/44%
  • Zeus Level 20 Talent increased from -35s Respawn Time to -40
  • Zeus Level 20 Talent increased from +30 Movement Speed to +35
  • Tusk turn rate improved from 0.5 to 0.7
  • Enchantress base intelligence increased by 3
  • Enchantress Level 10 Talent increased from +15 Movement Speed to +20
  • Enchantress Level 20 Talent increased from -25s Respawn Time to -30s
  • Geminate Attack cooldown from 6/5/4/3 to 7/6/5/3
  • Dream Coil cooldown reduced from 75 to 70/65/60
  • Lina Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Cast Range to +125
  • Lina Level 15 Talent increased from -25s Respawn to -30s
  • Lina Level 20 Talent increased from +5% Spell Amp to 6%
  • Death Prophet level 10 Talent increased from +6 Strength to 7
  • Doom Level 20 Talent increased from +50 Damage to +65
  • Doom Level 20 Talent increased from +20 Health Regen to +25
  • Smokescreen slow from 13/17/21/25% to 10/15/20/25%
  • Ogre Magi movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
submitted by /u/Thetwinmasters
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Decreased respawn time talents and what to make of them.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:55 AM PST

The respawn timer is a mechanic that we are used to in dota. With the exception of bloodstone, which is only absolutely core in specific heroes such as Storm or Timber, we have become attuned to how quickly we expect someone to return into the game. In fact, in the late game, one of the ways games are ended is to find kills and make the enemy be dead for a length of time, so that if they don't have buyback you can take a game-ending fight with a numbers advantage to win the game.
However, the ability to reduce your respawn timers with the introduction of talents now, is one contributing factor to why the in game sense or game feel is thrown off for many players. Though you can still see when a certain enemy will respawn, the fact that you expect to be able to leverage that death towards getting an objective, and to be wrong and unable to translate that death into an objective, closes timing and opportunity windows. Individual movement and team movement needs to react more closely to what the actual respawn times are. You may not be able to translate a kill into taking a tower + finding straggler kills + aggressive movement to ward their jungle + using a smoke to find further kills.
On its face, a shorter respawn time on any hero, adds to a teams' defensive ability. The shorter your respawn, the less time your team is playing one man down. I don't actually know how to feel about a shorter respawn time in terms of aggressive ability. If you are playing a roamer/support and you take the shorter respawn skill, you have shorter downtime but it can also mean you just end up feeding more gold the the enemy, faster.
Since talents are achieved at levels 10, 15, 20 and 25, the corresponding death timers are as follows, according to this formula:
The respawn time increases by 2 seconds per level, then jumps by 10 after ult levels. Starting at level 18 it increments by 4 seconds per level. A hero's respawn time may be affected by Buyback, Talents, Bloodstone, and Reaper's Scythe​.
  • At level 10, your default respawn time is 34s.
  • At level 15, your default respawn time is 52s.
  • At level 20, your default respawn time is 74s.(1min 14s)
  • At level 25, your default respawn time is 100s(1min40s)
I took a quick look at the respawn talents that Iceman gave. 4 heroes jumped out at me as they receive their respawn reduction talents at level 10:
  • Undying -30s
  • Elder Titan -20s
  • Oracle -20s
  • Phoenix -20s
When Undying dies at level 10, he respawns in 4 seconds. Pretty insane. But aside from that, we can't really draw any conclusions, themes or trends. These 4 are largely played as supports.
The following heroes get their reduced respawn timers at level 15:
  • Beastmaster -25s
  • Disruptor -30s
  • Kotl -25s
  • Lina -25s
  • Lion -30s
  • Lycan -20s
  • Pugna -25s
  • Witch Doctor -30s
We start to notice there are some cores, mixed in with supports. Generally with shorter downtime while being dead, you get to play the map more and get more gold, objectives, make more plays. But when you apply this reasoning to cores who revolve around a certain pushing playstyle and need their team around them to function,
EG lycan beastmaster pugna, you realize that there probably is some strategy and team composition you can create that pressures objectives early, doesn't give your enemy much breathing room, or not much downtime if your cores die.
But since we realized that this meta is more about heroes that can fight early, probably a more comprehensive list of heroes that stand to gain most out of a shorter respawn timer would expand to include:
  • Lina
  • Lion
Of course, with more forced fighting you would need saving heroes that would allow you to come out on top despite your constant fighting. Omniknight, dazzle, abbaddon, treant protector come to mind.
The remaining heroes that receive reduced respawn timer talents are another mix of supports and semi cores (BS, brew, bristle, clock, lc, ld, mag, np, ta, zeus). No hard cores are included. In my opinion at level 20, reduced timers become more valuable on cores than on supports. LC,TA bb, bs look to me as the ones who stand the most to gain.
I do realize that without factoring the alternate talent that is offered in tandem with the shortened respawn time, the discussion may be detracted. What do you guys think? How else can shorter respawn times serve to create new strategies, or are the alternate talents usually better to help you better survive in the first place? Has anyone noticed new ways to abuse this unique talent?
submitted by /u/chowies
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[Discussion] Naga Siren in 7.00+

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:52 AM PST

(I originally posted this in /r/dota2 but it didn't get much traction, hopefully I can get some better discussion here)
Naga received a good number of small nerfs in 7.00, here is what I think they are:
nerfs on both mana drain and damage on diffusal, especially for illusions
nerf to illusion radiance damage (but buff to hero radiance damage, however I don't think the buff part helps too much for naga)
(I could be wrong about this) harder to deny farm to the enemy by taking over their jungle. There are now more jungle camps spread over a wider area, not to mention more bounty runes.) An important part of the way I used to play naga was to infest the enemy safelane and jungle, deny them jungle farm while slowly ratting safe lane and not allowing them to pressure other lanes with pushes. less bonus stats (can't keep net at level 1 and get stats instead) Yes this is offset by talents and the fact that it's true for all other carries in the game as well, so I'm not sure how much it matters.
Ilusions now give small gold and xp when they are killed. I think this can be mitigated somewhat with micro: don't let your enemies last hit your illusions, but it's another subtle nerf that hurts naga a bit.
To be fair, besides the hero radiance damage buff, there is one other buff naga received: The overall buffs to rooting and the fact that you don't skip levels in net anymore means you have a stronger disable, especially good against melee heroes like lifestealer.
Overall, I think Naga is significantly weaker now, but can still be a good carry, just a bit more situational now (last picked to counter a support heavy or melee heavy draft?). I expect Naga to essentially disappear from pro games. This should make some people happy, but it makes me sad, because I really enjoy watching the technical execution of a naga game.
What do you guys thinks? I'm just a trash 2.9K mmr. I'd love to hear the opinions of better players.
submitted by /u/obfuscate
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Why do Alchemists in Pro Games buy a Shiva's?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:28 AM PST

In one of EG's games, RTZ went alch and build a shivas, and why would you ever build Shivas, over other items with more benefits like AC?
submitted by /u/justdoityo
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Aggro trilanes
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:46 PM PST

What are some good aggro trilane combinations
submitted by /u/ClassicSchmosby-
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Just hit 2K MMR

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:40 PM PST

I hit 1999 MMR about 3 months ago, and had a really bad period where I fell back to about 1.5k. I took a step back and had a look at what I was doing wrong, and I made a conscious decision to avoid those problems.
Here's some of the big things that I've worked on since then.
  • not playing on saturday afternoon (what the hell?) it's when the Pinoy are out in full force. Why does this matter? Communication is KEY for me. I'm a natural leader, and I win a lot of games simply by providing good leadership, if I can't communicate or the person I'm trying to communicate with won't listen, there's a good chance we'll be operating 4v5 or worse, obviously resulting in a bigger chance for loss.
  • during the laning stage, be self sufficient (buy my own wards, always have enough regen, take the hint-if I'm getting zoned/killed, BTFO and do something else)
  • Always fill the gap. That means play to my strengths if possible, if my team picks 5 carries, I say no worries, I'll play support juggernaut. NO BIGGIE.
  • Don't overextend - don't dive towers, don't go for kills unless it's a good chance, don't play like an idiot with an ego.
  • Neutral-Positive Communication.
  • Mute all Fuckwits.
  • Play heroes who have specific utility (Axe, CM, dark seer), but also play heroes who can use unorthodox builds to help fill specific roles/weaknesses e.g. necro, omniknight, dark seer, beastmaster, earthshaker, etc.
  • If I lose game and I've tilted, OK. If I lose two games and I'm tilted, turn off Dota.
With these principles, I've recovered all my lost MMR, and I've made strong progress in gameplay.
Shoutout to Paradox on the Aus server for a bit of coaching here and there (you still owe me one session still); Also to all you muppets in this /r for all the advice and answering my dumb questions. I'm getting there, but it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
Next goal? hit 2.5k MMR, improve KDA on all heroes.
620 commends and counting!
submitted by /u/The_other_lurker
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Impressions of talent tree?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:44 PM PST

Now that we've had time to play with the talent tree and without attribute gains points, what are your thought?
Personally I'm disappointed in the talents, some are completely one sided, some game changing at lvl 25, while some are not that noticeable for others. You have one that are just passives that other heroes have, but for free, or that previously you could only get from items.
I wish they were more hero skill/ability dependent, gaining 150 health is nice but boring and it's worse than gaining straight stats, isn't specific to the hero in any way. Things like "extra dual damage" or "cool down reduction on X spell" are more interesting, more "dota like", and don't just blanket benefit everything like "20% cool down reduction".
submitted by /u/parad0xchild
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cue times and ranked value in post 7.00 era

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:09 PM PST

I am 1.8k mmr, so I am not used to this. BUT, I cannot get a ranked captains mode match to actually cue up. I waited 25 minutes before I gave up -- not just one either. I know that 8k players have to wait that long sometimes, but sub 2k?
This was not the case prior to the 7.00 update. I would wait 4 minutes max, and prefer to play captains mode. I have also noticed that (anecdotally at least) there is a greater chance of getting a team that is less interested in having a coherent team and more interested in randoming / mking / techies / whatever. Hence my desire to captains mode.
But I can't. I guess I'm not sure what I'm asking. Have other people experienced this? Have people stopped playing at my mmr because of all the changes? Don't get me wrong, I can very easily find a match for all pick, but NOBODY playing captains mode all of the sudden?
submitted by /u/shawnsterp
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When should i go for maelstorm/mjollnir on yurneo over battlefury?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:19 PM PST

Title says it all
submitted by /u/qazplmqazpl
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BoT for Tinker
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:10 AM PST

Tinker player here! How many minutes on average do you need to farm up BoT? Same for Blink Dagger (So i can improve)
submitted by /u/DemKnightTDK
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Woah wha? Bloodthorn crit works on WD ultimate(first target only)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:51 AM PST

I was looking at bloodthorn with regards to some other hero, and there's a note about how it only works on Death Ward's primary targets, not secondary.
But still, everyone has felt the sheer terror of getting hit square in the face by a WD ultimate, now imagine the pain of that same damage, silenced, multiplied by 1.45.
Not sure if it makes sense to run WD as a core mid and get the item himself, or just hope that someone on your team gets bloodthorn, but yeah that seems super good.
There's also maledict interactions, not sure if there's positive synergy or lost conflicting bonuses though...
After 5 seconds they take an additional 30% of damage taken, which then feeds into maledict damage. So you likely lose most of the damage from the first tick.
Except if you maledict 1s after bloodthorn. So the rotation is
Bloodthorn -> coconut(.35) -> walk(.3) -> maledict(.35), ultimate(.35). You deal 1.45x ultimate damage, then the health loss they take gets multiplied by 1.3. Then by another 1.4x.
Max level ultimate, if they eat 3.6 seconds of ultimate(at the 4second mark after maledict, if everything cast was que'd up from the rotation listed), 681 * 3.6 * 1.45 * 1.3 * 1.4 = 6500 damage(before armor) from the first 4 second period. You still have a ticking maledict to contend with, but that'll kill most heroes as is.
You still lose all of your multipliers if they bkb, so there's that, but they're still eating a wd ult.
Edit: Thank you for replies, of course it's good, i think i was still thinking about combo'd wd with a bloodthorn natural hero and such. Just got carried away with theory crafting
submitted by /u/punriffer5
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Is ancient stacking still possible as templar assassin?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:09 PM PST

Obviously as TA you want to be stacking ancients every minute in the mid lane, but with the new ancient prowler creeps, this seems impossible. It is impossible to stack them without being rooted. Should I still be stacking ancients as TA or just ignore them? If it is, then this is a MASSIVE nerf to TA. This delays her blink/desolator by so much, it almost seems like too big of a nerf in my opinion.
submitted by /u/FlazzleDazzle
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Daedalus on Monkey King.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:42 AM PST

Daedalus' 2.3x crit, if it happens, will override boundless strike's 2x crit instead of amplifying it. And at lvl 25 its 3x crit will always override daedalus. Is the item still worth getting since the hero's based around physical damage and the clones can crit too?
submitted by /u/jinfanshaw
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How's my boy Meepo in 7.00?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:31 PM PST

Strength gain lowered but he has aghs passive now except for the extra clown.
Also, i heard something about meepos winrate spiralling down because of some type of bug>??
submitted by /u/Invokationz
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