How to effectively jungle with Enigma in 7.0 ?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:42 AM PST

Hello, I love Enigma. However, since patch and jungle changes, I don´t know how to jungle with him anymore. I made a few tries and the best I could get was a 4:50 lvl 6 on Radiant by doing this :
  • Hard camp near mid, then medium, then hard again
  • Medium camp near bounty rune and also take rune
  • Then manage to take Ancients by using shrine so Eidolons dont die, then finish the little ones by denying a creep mid
At this point there are no near camps anymore, so i have to wait or to go to the other end of the map to get lvl 6. However im just a middle skilled trench player. Any advise on a better jungling pattern up to lvl 6 ? And maybe also on Dire ?
submitted by /u/Carottborn
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7.01 discussion - Magic damage build for Ember Spirit

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:40 AM PST

Ember Spirit is one of my favorite heroes, he's just so damn fun to play. Since most of the games of this patch have been constant fighting, his early power spike with flame guard and searing chains seems more relevant now than ever. The other benefit of early fighting with a magic build is that BKBs will typically not be built this early, and even late game when BKBs have worn down to 5 seconds, the build is still strong.
So what made this build viable? Talents. The 15% spell amp on level 10, CD reduction talent, and even increased root timing or flame guard damage absorption all synergize well with a magic damage build. Also, the root mechanic of chains has been buffed significantly, making Ember a viable counter to certain heroes now
I've seen various high level players and pros experimenting with builds, but just wanted to start a discussion on some possible item choices / situations. I will put my thoughts below on several items (not necessarily ALL in the same build, or in order, just item possibilities) I've seen.
  • BoTs: Still the boots of choice imo, the synergy with his remnants is still too good to pass up, and the whole point of this build is to constantly fight, which BoTs allow since you can keep up your GPM while fighting. Your fast movement speed allows you to have great positioning with your searing chains to kite and allow you to chase people down with flame guard burn
  • Bottle: Still very very good with his remnants. Since you are using spell damage primarily, you will need mana more than the typical Sleight of Fist build. Now there are a ton of runes on the map, so there is even more incentive for a bottle. Spam your spells, drink from your bottle, TP to base during a fight and remnant back with full mana to keep the pressure up.
  • Radiance: Not sure how I feel about this one yet. Buffed for hero (nerfed for illusion) burn damage in 7.00. I've seen several high MMR games where this worked, and a few where it just fell flat. Highly situational. Yes, the spell damage is fantastic, but the build up to relic is still huge. For a build that emphasizes on early fighting, that 3800 gold can be 1-2 early items that can win you fights. The split push potential and team fight damage is still nothing to be scoffed at, and it will provide you a great farming tool since you probably won't build Battlefury in this build. In conjunction with Octarine Core, your lifesteal will be absurd. One problem with this is that once you build a Radiance, you are still VERY's like a naked, Radiance rushed Spectre, but even more squishy. Yes, your movespeed is great and your remnants keep you survivable, but it's still risky. Building this probably depends on the pace of the game, how hard you are snowballing, if the game slows down, or the enemy heroes.
  • Octarine Core: I would say this item is probably the crux of any spell damage build for this hero. Previously a pretty bad option for ember, with his new talents, however, spell damage lifesteal can be absurd and CD reduction on Ember is EXTREMELY powerful. Every one of your abilities benefits from CDR, and most importantly, remnant CD...speaking of which, remnant damage has been buffed significantly as well. The item is still expensive, but Ember is a hero that can actually farm it. The raw HP helps for a squishy hero like Ember, too
  • Blademail: The hot item of discussion in the past few months. Ever since the re-work of this item, it has been an extremely powerful, especially given how cost effective it is. The active spell life steals, which combined with Octarine and several other spell damage instances provides a ton of sustain. It deters people from focusing Ember, which is typically the goal for a slippery hero like him. You can build this early, or late, and it scales well into the late game.
  • Veil of Discord: Watched Envy play with this last night to some good success. The spell damage amp is great with all your abilities, and gives you MUCH needed armor and some HP regen. The int helps you keep your mana high and spells in constant rotation. Synergizes well with your team if they have high magic damage. Situational, like all items...but this really fits the narrative of early fighting.
  • Maelstrom / Mjolnir: This used to be a poor man's BF for Ember. Very situational, but generally, the cleave + sleight combo was just too good to pass up. Now, with an early Veil of Discord, in combination with your talents, this might be a viable option since it is much cheaper than BF and the team fight potential is solid. Again, combining this with Octarine provides massive spell damage heal.
  • Shiva's Guard: While the armor is great for Ember, and the active is really good for AOE damage and spell lifesteal (also lowers CD from Octarine), I feel like the int is not that great on him. Situational as usual.
So what are people's thoughts on magic damage Ember build? Post your own builds, or just talk about item synergy and possible combos.
submitted by /u/noexitghetto
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Our team is having trouble picking and banning effectively

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:37 AM PST

We're having lots of trouble picking and banning as a team effectively. We're also having trouble communicating properly during fights. For example, last night we played a match and we picked: Magnus, Dark Seer, Tusk, Viper and Axe. What do you think of this lineup? Who should we have banned to protect the lineup? And do you have any other tips for a new team like us.
submitted by /u/SprocketPete
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Thoughts on core Skywrath Mage as of 7.01?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:22 AM PST

I've been playing Skywrath mid almost non-stop ever since 7.00 was released. The changes to Atos and his Scepter upgrade made him way better than he already was, giving him way more kill potential, team fight potential and most importantly late game potential.
I play around high 4k MMR (4.8-4.9) and have had a surprisingly high win rate with the hero. Thoughts?
submitted by /u/Lightbringer20
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Alchemist as a support in 7.00+

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:28 AM PST

I Have been thinking about running alch as a support with the goal of a quick Midas into an Aghs for your carry or Offlane. I have found that I can manage to snag both Bounty runes on that side of the map (dire off, Radiant safe and the other way around) most of the times I go for it by being at the opposing rune spawn on the 2min marks. This gold puts you in line for a midas after one of the 4min runes (4 bounty runes total, 100x2 at 0, 54x4 at 2:00 and 58x2 at 4:00), Assuming you have spent no gold or gotten any last hits (2061 Gold total), More realistically after the 6 min runes when you consider support items and regen.
Take this start and a 10 min aghs is a real possibility, Pick the most impactful upgrade and give it out.
submitted by /u/ElderKrios
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Techies in 7.00

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:04 PM PST

What do you guys think?
I've been doing surprisingly well with him recently. Of course it's only 2.1k, but I've been doing reliably better with him than before.
His proximity mines are insanely strong when planted among trees, and when coupled with stasis traps can guarantee you that huge magic nuke. If you get the cast range talent then it's super easy to plop them all around the map in tree clusters.
His remotes have a much better cast point and are less likely to be seen when being planted.
I don't know how to feel about stasis traps because I haven't memorized the new exceptions/what you can't do while rooted, but I've been liking them so far.
Blast off is interesting, although the cast point on it makes it insanely hard to deny yourself with it at times, getting stunned halfway through and such. I like it for jumping though trees onto unsuspecting enemies, but I feel it becomes less relevant later on, although the silence is pretty huge
All in all, I've been loving his new proximity mines the most and regularly kill people late game by creating a web of sorts with very few reliable exits.
What do you guys think? Has your play style changed much?
submitted by /u/velumer
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Invoker, the new way to play him?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:20 AM PST

So I am a 2.9k scrub who loves playing Invoker. I played QE all the time, until 7.00.
You can't build him the way you did back then (4141) but now I found great success in skilling Exort and Wex early on. With a 1 1 3 build you can easily harrass the enemy and even try to kill him. Alacricy in the earlygame is still really strong, especially against glass canons like SF, he is down to half hp in 2-3 hits.
I try to have at least 3 points in Quas anyway, because I (almost) always go for the second Forge once I hit 15 for the pushing power, farm efficiency and minus armor.
Invoker has bigger mana problems in the early - early midgame in 7.00 but I still feel like he is really strong. In 90% of my lost games I dealt the most damage.
What's your opinion on Invoker in 7.00? I also heard that QW is pretty decent right now, but it doesn't fit my playstyle to well.
submitted by /u/caclo
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How to play CK vs counters

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:39 AM PST

What's a good way to deal with some counters? Like with earthshaker I stun him while he hides in the shadows then I rift and kill someone while he's still disabled.
submitted by /u/DeathOnion
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Aghanim's Nature's Prophet is back?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:32 AM PST

Since the ultimate rework and the level 25 treant talent, is playing the Ag's, octarine, refresher, hex style back to being viable? I can't really tell if his ultimate was bugged or nerfed, but it seems if used correctly, it deals more damage after some bounces.
submitted by /u/-Dann-
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7.01 Meepo Math - Dominator > Lance?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:14 PM PST

I was doing some quick analysis and I think it might be interesting to try building an early-mid Dominator over the lance stacking that most people are used to these days. My math is as follows -
Assuming Level 10 Meepo, 2 clones


+12 Strength * 3 = 36 STR
+14 Agility * 3 = 42 AGI

1900 gold
240 health, 0.36 health regeneration, 2 armor, 14 attack speed and 14 damage.


+6 Strength * 3 = 18 STR
+6 Agility * 3 = 18 AGI
+6 Int * 3 = 18 INT
+10 Attack Speed * 4 = 40 AS
+8 HP regen * 3 = 24 HP/s
Adjustment = +100 Gold

1900 gold
120 health, 8.18 health regeneration, 0.86 armor, 26 attack speed (16 for clones), 72 mana, 0.24 mana regeneration, 0.375% spell damage and 6 damage.

I feel that the stats you gain from these 2 are comparable without even counting the Domi active. Not sure how to evaluate it, especially since it screws with your micro but having a Alpha wolf or a Wildwing buff seems pretty helpful even if it just follows your main around, even maybe on a Siege creep when trying to push down a tower.
You could also swap from Treads to BoTs + Domi if you are carrying 3075 if you disasemble them - 575 + 725 = 1300 - 225 = 1075 + 2000 = 3075g

Also, you can do this.
What do you guys think?
submitted by /u/LordOfTorture
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Thoughts on 7.00 Phoenix?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:30 PM PST

The change on Sunray may seem huge as now you really struggle against Huskar, Anti Mage, Pipe of Insight (basically anyone or anything that gives magic resistance). However this means that Sunray can heal for more(Correct me if I'm wrong). This also makes veil a mandatory pick up for Phoenix if your team doesn't have one already.
My build for Phoenix offlane is currently 1-4-1-1 at level 7 and then maxing Sunray, getting the -20 second respawn time since your presence in fights is huge.
Depending on the situation, I will get +10 armor if the enemy has strong physical burst (eg: PA, Juggernaut), and I feel that the spell amplification is a bit too greedy, but good if you're ahead.
The +90gold/min is critical for you to get your Shiva's at a decent time, while being able to follow up with your other core items. I have never chosen the +12 strength to this date, but it seems very situational to be useful(+12 base damage, +240 hp, a bit more Hp regen).
The last branch of talents is a big bonus. The extra stun duration is good if you already have a good set up in your team and a good follow up when the enemy are stunned. The extra attacks can be the difference between a successful egg or a dead birb, so I like to get it against people that really threaten the egg (Ursa, Clinkz, Troll) and when your team has little to protect your egg.
I get Tranquils, Urn if we don't have one already, Veil then a Eul's, finishing with a Shiva's. Everything else is luxury or situational.
With Urn you have insane sustain in fights or pushes when paired with Sunray, and veil makes you be able to deal respectable damage with Fire Spirits + Supernova. Euls is a great item to deal with silences, with the move speed and mana regeneration as a bonus. Shiva's is to further slow Attack speed while making it harder to run from egg.
I want to know how you guys play the fire birb and your thoughts about it(him, her, whatever). Kaka
Edit: formatting
submitted by /u/BacenLUL
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Carry necrolyte

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:56 PM PST

Seen this played a bit by high MMR individuals, could someone please explain the idea behind it and why/when it's good to play him as a core?
submitted by /u/Biowaster
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