IEM Gyeonggi replays - 2016
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:46 AM PST
Sorry for the delay of getting these posted, I have just arrived back in the UK from Korea and haven't had access to a pc/laptop until now.
Enjoy and merry xmas.
submitted by /u/ApolloSC Enjoy and merry xmas.
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Dreamhacks Throwback Thursday with Demuslim and Bling
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:10 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheBestGingerGamer [link] [comments] |
My Tribute To Widow Mines
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:16 AM PST
Team Revolution adds Seed to their sc2 roster.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:44 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/EishirouSugata [link] [comments] |
Lowko Plays Terran in Real Scale
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:20 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/f0me [link] [comments] |
unkillable liberatorspot on habitation
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:47 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/DavidWiuDoThis [link] [comments] |
Congrats to the winner of USA vs Ukraine!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:29 AM PST
Ukraine taking it 4-0 with Bly going for the all-kill!
Really well played by Bly, going against what most people expected with some really solid games. That mass queen nydus in the last game brings back some fun memories of facing it in every tvz at the start of lotv...
Ukraine will play the winner of Australia vs Norway in the next round, that game starting in just a few minutes!
submitted by /u/jamie980 Really well played by Bly, going against what most people expected with some really solid games. That mass queen nydus in the last game brings back some fun memories of facing it in every tvz at the start of lotv...
Ukraine will play the winner of Australia vs Norway in the next round, that game starting in just a few minutes!
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I love starcraft 2 because _ _ _ _ _ _
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:36 AM PST
So im just interested (because I like collecting data and such) why you like starcraft 2, not why people like it, but you personally, why does the game appeal to you, what drew you to it? why do you continue to play it?
personally its because the factions and the lore surrounding them is awesome and deep, I like all 3 factions to the point where I dont know who to main, I love the campaigns and Co-op mostly (as im really bad at the game haha, the easy AI beats me all the time). but i dont care because i just like having an army of protoss or zerg or terrans with their awesome voice overs and armor. kinda dumb haha
submitted by /u/pinkkirbys personally its because the factions and the lore surrounding them is awesome and deep, I like all 3 factions to the point where I dont know who to main, I love the campaigns and Co-op mostly (as im really bad at the game haha, the easy AI beats me all the time). but i dont care because i just like having an army of protoss or zerg or terrans with their awesome voice overs and armor. kinda dumb haha
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Nationwars 4 Group Stage 1 starting right now (USA/Ukraine, Norway/Australia)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:27 AM PST
Not sure why it's called group USA, but fuck it GO AMERICA GO NATE. all those other streams in your foreign funny talkin languages.
submitted by /u/mcbunn Not sure why it's called group USA, but fuck it GO AMERICA GO NATE. all those other streams in your foreign funny talkin languages.
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Ryung mechin' it happen against Leenock
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:40 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/rif_king [link] [comments] |
BasetradeTV Mega Tournament and Team House plans
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:55 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/SetGuitars2Kill [link] [comments] |
DeepMind, why can't we watch it right now as it learns sc2?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:42 AM PST
DeepMind the AI that's learning sc2.
If we only get to see it once it's amazing, that's a missed opportunity. I for one want to watch it grow, and if I don't see it when it's relatively weak, there won't be any contrast when it's beating all human players.
I would pay to watch it play some of the more famous sc2 players. I want to watch it now. I might not be so keen after another month of no DeepMind Esports footage.
edit: so it's coming out soon? I can wait then.
submitted by /u/pmo_pmNO If we only get to see it once it's amazing, that's a missed opportunity. I for one want to watch it grow, and if I don't see it when it's relatively weak, there won't be any contrast when it's beating all human players.
I would pay to watch it play some of the more famous sc2 players. I want to watch it now. I might not be so keen after another month of no DeepMind Esports footage.
edit: so it's coming out soon? I can wait then.
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Starcraft 2 Fantasy toys - Wings of Liberty- serie 1 (all visuals)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:23 AM PST
Hello, I'm Nicolas Chaussois, Starcraft 2 freelance designer. This past weeks I designed a fake toy collection for fun, I thought you guys might like it : Starcraft 2 Fantasy toys - Wings of Liberty- serie 1
This is fake visuals, This is unofficial and obviously can't be produced in real life.
I will do several series for WOL, HOTS, LOTV and Nova's missions !
submitted by /u/nicopower5000 This is fake visuals, This is unofficial and obviously can't be produced in real life.
I will do several series for WOL, HOTS, LOTV and Nova's missions !
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Nathanias definitely wins the price for the funniest gig
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:23 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Granas [link] [comments] |
When you're in Gold and you beat a Diamond player who is doing an obvious DT all-in
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:28 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/kazyllis [link] [comments] |
(noob question) Should I learn SC:Broodwar or SC2?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:22 AM PST
Want to get into StarCraft but am unsure which one to begin playing as they both seem to be popular.
submitted by /u/ManWithTwoSpoons [link] [comments]
StarCraft 2 CO-OP: Returning To Commander Stukov
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:00 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MimmohTV [link] [comments] |
A scouting Guide for TvT
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:17 AM PST
Blizzard "delivers", two years after
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:53 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/IntoTheReddit [link] [comments] |
Ptak theme song :)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:42 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Z01dbrg [link] [comments] |
Request for Mercenary Supply Depot new unit card.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:48 AM PST
I have noticed that with the recent update that fixed the unit cards, Blizzard included some new unit cards for the skinned units (like Overlord, Thor, Marine,etc), except for the Mercenary supply depot. I would like Blizzard to add a new unit card for the Depot since its the only one that was left out. What do you think, guys?
submitted by /u/Darivlad [link] [comments]
New players needing some solid advice/tutorials
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:43 AM PST
Hola all, Myself and my best bud have gamed together since the early 2000's(almost entirely console). We decided to switch it up and started playing starcraft three weeks ago. We literally have a record of 1-32 because someone Anything you all can suggest to help us would be greatly appreciated. Mostly we have been playing archon and occasionally 2v2. Thanks!
submitted by /u/Ghost_of_Wendell [link] [comments]
Congrats to the winner of Norway vs Australia!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:47 PM PST
Norway takes it 4-3 with Snute being the Norweigan hero winning 4 games, 3 in a row after going down 0-2 as Probe took out SolO and Evire.
Snutes zvt style of mass queens early on working really well in all four games he played although he did lose one to Seither.
Norway are going onto play Ukraine next in the winners match of the group!
submitted by /u/jamie980 Snutes zvt style of mass queens early on working really well in all four games he played although he did lose one to Seither.
Norway are going onto play Ukraine next in the winners match of the group!
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Multitask challenge of the day: Watch NationWars and Play on the Go4SC2 636! The Go4 starts in 3 hours, with a lot of points on the line
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:01 AM PST
Title says it all, NationWars will be live, but at the same time we have the Go4SC2 happening. So, why not watch AND play? There are a lot of Go4 Points on the line and it is up to you to claim those! See y'all at 19:00 CET!
Currently Monthly Ranking (complete ranking)
If you have any problems you can always contact ESL through these:
submitted by /u/Sinistro_ SIGN UP
Currently Monthly Ranking (complete ranking)
If you have any problems you can always contact ESL through these:
- Support;
- In-game ESL Chat Channel ("/join ESL" on EU should get you there, sometimes your opponent may be in the "/join Go4" channel too);
- ESL SC2 Discord Server.
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