That moment you forget Skyrim is just a game.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:06 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/G_man252 [link] [comments] |
War. War never changes.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:56 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/tiff92 [link] [comments] |
After weeks of hard work, I present to you...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:06 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/hotcheesepizza [link] [comments] |
I got two Dawnbreakers
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:12 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/superkickpalooza [link] [comments] |
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:02 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Thanmarkou [link] [comments] |
Increasing Sneak
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:59 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MrTristano [link] [comments] |
Took some time...
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:40 AM PST
Skyrim V 42 post-quest things to do, the great list
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:17 AM PST
Sprinted through Elder Scrolls V and now you're bored? You've just started! Here is a list of 42 accomplishments to finish, (after all the main quests), collections to complete and odd, fun, strange things to do.
I honestly don't think there is a more comprehensive list of Skyrim V activities out there. And yes, there are dozens of the more silly things you can do, like fill rooms with bread or cabbages; roll dozens of cheese wheels down steep hills, fill baskets with gems you don't need anymore, shout NPCs off mountains, and blast giants and dragons into the sky. All fun, but all one-offs.
I will post one of my favourite self-assigned quests separately: visiting all the Unmarked Locations of all 90 dead characters and skeletons. Man, Skyrim V is a violent place.
Accomplishments to complete:
That's the list. Cheers! Seanster007
submitted by /u/seanster007 I honestly don't think there is a more comprehensive list of Skyrim V activities out there. And yes, there are dozens of the more silly things you can do, like fill rooms with bread or cabbages; roll dozens of cheese wheels down steep hills, fill baskets with gems you don't need anymore, shout NPCs off mountains, and blast giants and dragons into the sky. All fun, but all one-offs.
I will post one of my favourite self-assigned quests separately: visiting all the Unmarked Locations of all 90 dead characters and skeletons. Man, Skyrim V is a violent place.
Accomplishments to complete:
- Find all 48 word walls (I think that's the total, there's a bunch...)
- Get all the Dragon Shouts – 20 'standard' shouts, plus 4 in Dragonborn dlc, 4 in Dawnguard dlc
- Discover all 13 Standing Stones. Then craft the Aetherial Crown and use two Stones at once.
- If not yet, become the Arch Mage of The College of Winterhold
- Become Thane in all the 9 holds
- Purchase or be awarded all 6 homes, including Severin Manor in Raven Rock (dlc)
- Install Hearthfire, build and decorate all 3 Manor homes (Lakeview, Windstad, Heljarchen Hall)
- Get married
- Adopt two children and get a dog and a fox ( in Breezehome you will lose your crafting room)
- Get all 9 Dragon Priest masks, plus the 4 that come with the DLC expansion
- Acquire the 15 (or 16) Daedric Artifacts. The Oblivion Walker achievement / trophy for getting these is extremely buggy and the individual quests very specific, so research each first!
- Complete the five Ritual Spell quests and receive or purchase the five Master Spells
- Perfect the resto-alchemy-enchanting loop and craft insanely powerful armour and weapons
- Make a Skill Legendary to get perks and grind away. Speech with Ahkari in Dawnstar is a great one, using the hidden chest. Smithing iron daggers at Warmadens is the easiest.
- Level all the skills and fill completely all the perks.
- Walk or ride completely around the perimeter of the Skyrim Map
- Visit all the 225 Unmarked locations (and 44 in the DLC) (you will need the list from the Wiki)
- Swim the lengths of all the rivers
- Visit every location until the Locations Discovered log reaches 370 (Vanilla game, no DLC). Note: this number is debatable and there is no firm consensus.
- Climb all the mountains including the four peaks in Solsthiem .
- Sneak up on a briarheart Forsworn and pickpocket their briarheart.
- Find and follow the Headless Horseman to Hamvir's Rest.
- Find the friendly Hagraven. Yes, there is one.
- Find the friendly witch, Illia. Get the Staff of the Hag's Wrath.
- Find the Poltry Reanimator
- Find all 90 (!) dead bodies or skeletons (+2 DLC) found within the Unmarked Locations
- Find all the hidden chests of the Khajiit Caravans (There are 3)
- Do the execrable No Stone Unturned quest to gather the 24 gems and the Crown of Barenzia
- Get 30 Crimson Ninroots in Blackreach for A Return to your Roots, the worst quest in Skyrim.
- Steal all five bug jars. Display on your dining room table.
- Find the fourteen Treasure Chests. Ten from the numbered treasure maps, plus the Fort Neugrad Treasure map, Velehk Sain's Treasure Map, Deathbrand Treasure Map (Dawnguard), and the Small Island-with-big-tree-stump Treasure, after finding a note randomly either near the Rift Imperial Camp or in an unmarked camp east of Geirmund's Hall.
- Craft the Shrine to the Divines in one of your Hearthfire homes and equip with all 9 respective Shrines (trickier than it sounds, and glitchy. No stolen items on your person, for starters.)
- Make one each of all 34 items available at the Atronach Forge (more detailed than it sounds)
- Find all 16 Thieves Caches, empty each and store the loot in one place (they will respawn)
- Find the three chests protected by the lava lake behind the Aetherial Forge ("Lost to the Ages")
- Get the ten Dragon Key claws and put in one display case, including the Golden Claw (usually in the Riverwood Trader and without killing Lucan or Camilla)
- Craft the Shellbug Helmet. (dlc) Find the two giant and beautifuly macabre Shellbugs, probably the creepiest and most cleverly hidden things in all of Skyrim, harvest their chitin without killing them, and craft the Helmet.
- Put as many mannequins as possible in your homes and outfit them with the various named, unique amours and garb you acquire. (Tullius, Linwe, Nightingale, Theives Guild, Arch Mage, The Savior's Hide, Guild Master, Miraak et cetera...)
- Acquire all 85 (or more?) uniquely named weapons. You'll have most, but there are a few more.
- Collect all the common books. There are 860 at least, so good luck. Skyrim is literate!
- Find and read all the skill books. There are 18 skills and 5 books per, so 90 total.
- Become a multimillionaire 'overnight'. Use the duplication exploit with your Companion until you have a thousand East Empire Pendants. (It's grinding and takes a couple hours, with one pile inside Breezehome and one pile outside in the street). Take them to Fethis Alor in Raven Rock (dlc) who will give you 500 gold coins for each, EACH, pendant! And he will do so indefinitely...it is an open quest. Boom! Three iterations later and you've got two million coins. Suddenly money means nothing.
That's the list. Cheers! Seanster007
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A very "wounded" soldier...
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:58 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Krippaify [link] [comments] |
Riverwood+Climates of Tamriel = Creepy af
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:33 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Th3D3m0n [link] [comments] |
Does anyone still own this from the 2013 launch?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:23 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Vibranceee [link] [comments] |
Oh. Hello there.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:28 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/JimiFan1970 [link] [comments] |
I know she teaches Destruction, but she is getting really good with Illusion too!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:29 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MrMuckleBones [link] [comments] |
Sam Guevenne had a great line line when I was starting shit in the Bannered Mane
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:50 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Fishooked [link] [comments] |
Except here. But the sentiment is the same.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:24 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/KaitieLoo [link] [comments] |
Getting from A to B in Skyrim
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:10 PM PST
- Start of a gaming session. Last time you saved, you met Enthir in Winterhold (Hard Answers quest, from the Thieves' Guild questline). He told you to bring Gallus's encrypted journal to Calcelmo, in Markarth (where you've never been before), to have it deciphered.
- Despite the ability to fast-travel most of the way to Markarth, you decide to travel logically, i.e. by stopping at any place on your way where you have another quest or thing to do, because you have this strange compulsion to save in-game time even if it takes you more playing time. Sorry, you can't explain it. Maybe you just hate wasting daylight hours.
- As it happens, you have an Imperial Legion quest in Korvanjund to retrieve the Jagged Crown. Korvanjund is on your way! So go there and do that quest.
- Yay, you now have a nifty crown! You have to take it back to Solitude, but Solitude is more or less on your way to Markarth, so it's no trouble.
- Your home in Whiterun isn't far from Korvanjund... Might as well drop by, leave some of the stuff weighing you down, and say hi to your adopted kid while you're at it. You've now gone much further south of your way than you first intended...
- Time to head northwest to Solitude, and on to Markarth -- no wait! Riverwood is right at your doorstep. Delphine, the secretly badass innkeeper, told you to meet her there (main quest) to plot the infiltration of the Thalmor embassy in Solitude. And since you'll be going to Solitude anyway (to drop the Jagged Crown), might as well hit two birds in one stone once you get there. Meet Delphine and hear her plan.
- Is that the only thing you had to do in these parts? Let's see all those old unfinished quests... Hmmm, remember that crazy old man in an isolated shack who once challenged you to kill a spirit wolf, a spirit crab and a spirit skeever? Well, the spirit wolf lives not far from here. You're not too enthusiastic about this quest, but killing a wolf is quick and easy.
- Find the stupid wolf. Kill it.
- Falkreath is close, and you haven't been there yet. Go there, just to put it on your map for future fast travel. Also say hi to the jarl, who once sent you a message to meet him for a quest. How in Oblivion did you go from the northernmost to the southernmost city in Skyrim while trying to head west?
- Ask the jarl of Falkreath what his quest is about. He wants you to clean out a nearby bandit den. You'd gladly postpone it, but... the den is so close... Be a shame to leave that quest unfinished when it's right there...
- Kill bandits. Get reward. There's a dialogue option with the jarl for more work, but don't even click it! You are DONE here. You're going to Solitude, and then to Markarth, dammit!
- On your way out of Falkreath, do some trade with the blacksmith, Lod. Accidentally activate the quest where he wants you to find some dog for him. (Seriously! You're saving Skyrim from dragons and fighting a civil war, and this guy drafts you to find a dog! Not even his dog, just a stray dog he'd like to have!) He gives you some meat to attract the dog. Yay, dead weight to carry around... so you might as well get rid of it by finding the stupid dog. You'll have that dog back in Falkreath in no time, and then you can be on your way.
- But what's that? The dog talks! And he wants you to follow him! And he keeps running and running and running eastwards, the opposite way you want to go... Is he taking you all the way to Morrowind, or what???? Wait, now he's entering a cave filled with vampires...
- End up with a new quest from Clavicus Vile to find a magical axe for him. How did looking for a stray dog get you involved in a Daedra Prince's schemes?
- It's late. You've played enough for one night. You are no closer to Markarth than when you began.
I love this game. :D
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Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:01 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Mr_Papayahead [link] [comments] |
One of these days my skills in this game will become so great that I take the proper route out of the ragged flaggon.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:45 AM PST
I may take that secret exit into the cistern like 1/5 times without first taking the left door that keeps me in the sewers.
submitted by /u/NannyVarmint [link] [comments]
Skyrim of Thrones Intro
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:26 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Habbadacter [link] [comments] |
The Skyrim inspired table I made for my apartment. Complete with homebrew mead.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:44 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Teichan [link] [comments] |
I really wish staffs worked differently...
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:58 PM PST
Only having your "hands" and your magic as your weapon always seemed like a missed opportunity when staffs are in the game.
I've never liked how staffs were designed for mages. Staffs shouldn't be like they currently are; a staff with a random spell assigned to it with "charges" to it.
I'd much rather have staffs without charges, just a plain staff for the visual effect of having a staff with spells being cast from them instead of the hand.
Imagine if staffs just had added bonuses like "10% damage to destruction" - and if you had it equipped you'd rotate through spells like you usually do, just not in the palm of your hand but in the staff. Even without the 10% damage buff, it would be amazing! Just the visual effect of throwing magic from your staff rather than your fingertips would make mages seem so much cooler (imo).
I'm surprised there's no existing mods for that! Am I the only one who feels remotely this way?
submitted by /u/enZinaty I've never liked how staffs were designed for mages. Staffs shouldn't be like they currently are; a staff with a random spell assigned to it with "charges" to it.
I'd much rather have staffs without charges, just a plain staff for the visual effect of having a staff with spells being cast from them instead of the hand.
Imagine if staffs just had added bonuses like "10% damage to destruction" - and if you had it equipped you'd rotate through spells like you usually do, just not in the palm of your hand but in the staff. Even without the 10% damage buff, it would be amazing! Just the visual effect of throwing magic from your staff rather than your fingertips would make mages seem so much cooler (imo).
I'm surprised there's no existing mods for that! Am I the only one who feels remotely this way?
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Bloodshrine of Volkihar
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:48 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheAkkarin-32 [link] [comments] |
I've never actually seen a Horker swim in Skyrim
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:31 AM PST
Seriously enjoying the hell out of Skyrim SE
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:18 AM PST
I never got to play skyrim on the console generation that had the original game but I absolutely love the game on my ps4. I also got FFXV around the same time and it just pales in comparison. The side quests alone (especially thieves guild) are so much more compelling and playing as a khajit thief and robbing everyone just never gets old. This is my first elder scrolls game but the story just feels so much more compelling than the FF story and I've been a final fantasy fan for years. I havent even used mods yet! Next play through I will :)
TL;DR: Im obsessed with skyrim
submitted by /u/Brompton_Cocktail TL;DR: Im obsessed with skyrim
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