Pokemon GO is out for the Apple Watch!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:09 AM PST
EDIT: APP has been updated!
EDIT 2: THE AW has a complication for it's face that shows an egg tracker. This counts as an always on workout that goes for egg hatching. Thank you r/TheSilphRoad and r/AppleWatch for helping us confirm this.
Official word here
So you guys, keep the discussion of this newest update here. Please report any reposts of this topic. Thank you very much.
~Pokemon GO Modz
submitted by /u/PokemonGOmods EDIT 2: THE AW has a complication for it's face that shows an egg tracker. This counts as an always on workout that goes for egg hatching. Thank you r/TheSilphRoad and r/AppleWatch for helping us confirm this.
Official word here
- Log each play session as a workout, with gameplay counting toward personal Activity rings
- Receive notifications about nearby Pokémon
- Count distance toward hatching Pokémon Eggs and receiving Candy with your Buddy Pokémon
- Receive notifications about PokéStops nearby and collect items from them
- Receive notifications when Eggs hatch and medals are awarded
So you guys, keep the discussion of this newest update here. Please report any reposts of this topic. Thank you very much.
~Pokemon GO Modz
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[Idea] Surely this guy will show up on Xmas eve?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:02 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/thetimwit [link] [comments] |
[Art] When Pichu steals Santa's Hat (OC)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:38 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/bbcversus [link] [comments] |
[Story] Not all trainers with cp 3k+ mon are botters, some are ... is that Santa on his day off? (x-post from imgur)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:10 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/liehon [link] [comments] |
Niantic decided to announce an event tomorrow
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/PhiphyL [link] [comments] |
So...am I screwed?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:36 AM PST
Never really posted here before, more of an occasional lurker, but it's whatever.
To make a not so long story short, I basically used my college assigned email for various games and sites, and one of them of course being Pokemon Go. Well, over the past weekend, they implemented the rule that all alumni would no longer have access to their .edu emails and had to transfer everything over. See where this is going? I managed to transfer my emails and everything over but my Pokemon Go account was tied to that and I can no longer sign in using it. So there's goes all that progress and catching and whatever that I had amassed since release. If I lose it all that progress, there's no way I'm picking the game back up.
So, is there anyway I can remedy this or have Niantic transfer my progress to an alternative account? Or am I just flat out boned?
Update: Tried sending a message to a support email I found in another topic and was blessed with:
submitted by /u/Bloodedge_ To make a not so long story short, I basically used my college assigned email for various games and sites, and one of them of course being Pokemon Go. Well, over the past weekend, they implemented the rule that all alumni would no longer have access to their .edu emails and had to transfer everything over. See where this is going? I managed to transfer my emails and everything over but my Pokemon Go account was tied to that and I can no longer sign in using it. So there's goes all that progress and catching and whatever that I had amassed since release. If I lose it all that progress, there's no way I'm picking the game back up.
So, is there anyway I can remedy this or have Niantic transfer my progress to an alternative account? Or am I just flat out boned?
Update: Tried sending a message to a support email I found in another topic and was blessed with:
"Thanks for your interest in Pokémon GO. Your email (to pokemon-go-support@nianticlabs.com) has gone to an unmonitored inbox. To reach the Niantic operations team and get support for Pokémon GO, please visit our help center (https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/) "So, yeah, I'm basically boned because their "support" on their website is a joke.
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[Complaint] Anyone else getting pissed off when they exit trying to catch a Pokémon and instead miss and drop one of their Pokeballs?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:02 AM PST
This is one of the most annoying things in the game. Please make the exit button bigger. Fuck.
submitted by /u/Shadowing234 [link] [comments]
My brother and his wife made me this for Christmas! I thought it was really sweet, and I was touched especially since they are currently going through rough times together, and they made time for this!Nevertheless, I just wanted to share this awesome moment, and I hope you guys have a happy holiday!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:55 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Wormy013 [link] [comments] |
[Humor] Hatching 9 Eggs on Apple Watch be like
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:18 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TacoMANi [link] [comments] |
Current state of Spearow
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:48 AM PST
I dont know about the rest of you but I currently find spearow to be the most useless pokemon at the moment. Its too costly to mass evolve at 50 candies, you can hatch it from a 2km egg which is always disappointing, it cannot become ditto as far as we know and its highish cp often makes it hard to catch in the first place. Too often I find myself just ignoring them when I see them. Idk what do you guys think?
submitted by /u/jcheung540 [link] [comments]
Hour #1 with the Apple Watch app (features, functions, etc)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:44 PM PST
I thought I'd quickly summarize how the Apple Watch app works. I've used it for about an hour now. I'll clean up my spelling and add more as I find it.
First, the iPhone app needs to be updated through the app store, then you can install the app on your Watch through the Watch app. When you first open the app on the Watch, you'll be terrified to discover you are now a level 1 trainer again. Don't fret- just open the app on your phone, too, and it'll refresh.
The first time you open the new app on your iPhone, it'll ask for permissions to write Health data for active calories, steps, etc. 4 different datas, as I recall.
The Watch app has 4 screens you swipe through: END - SETTINGS - an overall POKE/BUDDY/EGG screen - EGGS.
You CAN spin pokestops with the watch and it does display what you received and the +50 exp you get. You CAN NOT catch Pokes with it. It gives you a notification that says "A wild ____ appeared," with an image and the dismiss button. If you have not caught it or seen it yet, it will say "A wild ??? appeared," and show the silhouette. I caught my first Wigglybuff this way. You have to pick up your phone and use the app to catch Pokes.
It seems to have the same speed lock as the app, so sorry, mass transit riders.
You can run the Watch app with your phone on sleep, but if you force close the app, the Watch app will show a level 1 blank trainer until you open the app again.
When you hit "end" to end the "workout," it summarizes your total distance, time, active calories, steps, and the items you got from pokestops.
submitted by /u/simplecocktails First, the iPhone app needs to be updated through the app store, then you can install the app on your Watch through the Watch app. When you first open the app on the Watch, you'll be terrified to discover you are now a level 1 trainer again. Don't fret- just open the app on your phone, too, and it'll refresh.
The first time you open the new app on your iPhone, it'll ask for permissions to write Health data for active calories, steps, etc. 4 different datas, as I recall.
The Watch app has 4 screens you swipe through: END - SETTINGS - an overall POKE/BUDDY/EGG screen - EGGS.
- Screen 1 has just a red X with "end" - it ends the "workout."
- The settings screen has 2 switches: tap notifications for pokestops and notifications for pokemon.
- The overall screen shows overall distance you've walked since you started the "workout," time of workout, active calories in the workout, egg progress, buddy progress, how many eggs are incubating, and which Pokes are nearby.
- The egg screen shows only the eggs that are incubating, with an image, and a total (i.e. 4.61/5km).
You CAN spin pokestops with the watch and it does display what you received and the +50 exp you get. You CAN NOT catch Pokes with it. It gives you a notification that says "A wild ____ appeared," with an image and the dismiss button. If you have not caught it or seen it yet, it will say "A wild ??? appeared," and show the silhouette. I caught my first Wigglybuff this way. You have to pick up your phone and use the app to catch Pokes.
It seems to have the same speed lock as the app, so sorry, mass transit riders.
You can run the Watch app with your phone on sleep, but if you force close the app, the Watch app will show a level 1 blank trainer until you open the app again.
When you hit "end" to end the "workout," it summarizes your total distance, time, active calories, steps, and the items you got from pokestops.
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Apple Watch Screenshot
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:27 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/spaceProbe [link] [comments] |
I just...just couldn't find it...Never going to complete the dex
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:25 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MolestedByElmo [link] [comments] |
[idea] What if finding evolved Pokemon in the wild gave more candies?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:12 AM PST
I can't be the only person who skips over the evolved Pokemon in the wild because they are harder to catch and give the same amount of candies. I am a level 28, so many of the evolved Pokemon in the wild will not benefit me with CP. So why shouldn't Niantic make these Pokemon give double candies? I would be much more willing to attempt to catch a Raticate if it was going to give me more candies.
submitted by /u/RedRaiderRx09 [link] [comments]
[Discussion] The new tracker isn't that bad after all. Which is the rarest pokemon you have caught using the Nearby tracker?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:11 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheAstralistVision [link] [comments] |
Pokemon Go is helping me through a hard time
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:29 AM PST
I'm having a hard time financianly and emotionaly. This year i've bought a house and the previous seller scammed me; leaving me with a big bill to fix problems with the house he hid on purpose.
Even though we have a strong case, it will take years, and the bank isn't to happy to give us an extra loan. So I'm very strict on budget, hoping to work as hard as I can to feed my family. It's hard, emotionally too. But there is this wonderfull game and community that, togheter with my lovely family, pulls me trough all the problems.
i'm happy my work gives me a phone and that the game is free to play. It allows me to stop worrying and gave me one of the best moments in my gaming history.
Thank you all players, Niantic and the /r/Pokemongo subreddit
submitted by /u/AleanderGG Even though we have a strong case, it will take years, and the bank isn't to happy to give us an extra loan. So I'm very strict on budget, hoping to work as hard as I can to feed my family. It's hard, emotionally too. But there is this wonderfull game and community that, togheter with my lovely family, pulls me trough all the problems.
i'm happy my work gives me a phone and that the game is free to play. It allows me to stop worrying and gave me one of the best moments in my gaming history.
Thank you all players, Niantic and the /r/Pokemongo subreddit
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When you get that gut feeling that there's something speciel nearby, and you decide to go for the "middle of the night, in underwear, in freezing tempatures" run, and then the game crushes your dreams. The walk home was the longest I've ever walked, and now I'm sad.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:26 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/pugzy77X [link] [comments] |
What's the point of the "I'm a passenger" button if I still can't collect from Pokéstops !?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:45 PM PST
Why are Pokeballs so fricken expensive? Does this seem a bit inflated to anyone else?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:54 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/beefrog [link] [comments] |
Pokemon GO has suddenly started crashing
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:52 PM PST
Out of the blue my game has started crashing the moment I try to open it. I haven't changed any settings on my phone and it was working absolutely fine earlier. Is this happening to anyone else at the moment? Is there any way to fix this?
submitted by /u/Samccx19 [link] [comments]
Apple Watch Screenshots.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:35 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/DBThreeTwo [link] [comments] |
Good job Nintendo!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:36 AM PST
Just accidentally left my go plus in my pocket and ran it trough a wash in the washer machine and it still works!
submitted by /u/ajd121 [link] [comments]
[Suggestion] Even more extra stuff: Merry holidays and a 2017 full of festivities
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:22 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/liehon [link] [comments] |
Pokémon Go stampede in Tokyo!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:07 PM PST
Looks like it's still alive and well! Witnessed this when I visited Tokyo, was amazing to see all ages playing it, and such a great atmosphere. Not sure what rare Pokémon had spawned nearby but it must have been a good one!
submitted by /u/gapmunky [link] [comments]
[Discussion] PSA: Lucky Egg evolving on two devices simultaneously is now a Perma Ban
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:34 PM PST
You might remember me...posted screencaps yesterday about reaching 151 in my dex (full NA dex including the Gen 2 babies + Togetic). Today I was evolving a batch of Pidgey's and received a perma ban while in the middle of it.
I know the community was torn on whether or not this was against the ToS. It appears we now know. Don't make the same mistake I did, especially after all that work!
submitted by /u/brogers00 I know the community was torn on whether or not this was against the ToS. It appears we now know. Don't make the same mistake I did, especially after all that work!
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[Discussion]The game still can't decide whether it wants to run at 30fps or 60fps
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:45 AM PST
Since long ago people including myself had noticed the game may suddenly decide to run at buttery smooth 60fps for a short while, and then switch back to the laggy 30fps state.
Until this day/version it's still doing that and what exactly triggers it is still unknown.
Because of this, we know that our device is capable of rendering the game at 60fps and the 30fps cap is implemented by Niantic for some reason(likely power saving/thermal considerations).
So Niantic can you at least give us an option to let us decide whether we want longer battery life or better game experience?
It's a whole new experience at 60 fps. When you're trying to catch far pokemons. At 30fps the pokeball lags behind your finger and it's very difficult to make a far throw, however at 60fps the ball is much more controllable.
Personally I would like to give up some battery life in exchange for this smooth experience. Especially after the frustration of wasting 30 ultra balls on a Dragonite.
submitted by /u/lch920619x Until this day/version it's still doing that and what exactly triggers it is still unknown.
Because of this, we know that our device is capable of rendering the game at 60fps and the 30fps cap is implemented by Niantic for some reason(likely power saving/thermal considerations).
So Niantic can you at least give us an option to let us decide whether we want longer battery life or better game experience?
It's a whole new experience at 60 fps. When you're trying to catch far pokemons. At 30fps the pokeball lags behind your finger and it's very difficult to make a far throw, however at 60fps the ball is much more controllable.
Personally I would like to give up some battery life in exchange for this smooth experience. Especially after the frustration of wasting 30 ultra balls on a Dragonite.
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