Team fight upon team fight upon team fight - is 7.00 a little one-dimensional or has the patch just not been explored sufficiently yet?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:12 AM PST

90% of my games right now can be reduced to both teams 5 manning until the game is over. It's certainly fun for people who enjoy fighting but I can't think of a patch that shoved one exact way of playing the game down my throat this conspicuously. It seems like if you don't battle consistently, you're probably doing it wrong. Kills and fights drop significantly more gold than creeps and neutrals (who spawn less often than before) which makes split-pushing and farming just so much less viable unless you are extremely far behind and have to avoid the enemy team.
This patch so far lacks balance in my opinion. It's catered toward incessant ability spamming, but often lacks the tense build up of teams avoiding each other and meeting for a big clash or two to decide the game after items have been acquired. It's a constant back and forth (or just back or just forth) that frankly devalues team fights a little, at least for me. 6.88 was pretty fight reliant and 7.00 even more so and I don't see why that change of pace had to happen.
Obviously, I can see how some perceived the farm heavier metas as a little slow and boring but I prefered Dota 2 when it offered multiple ways to approach the game (5 manning was always a possibilty, albeit not always the best one), and right now there seems only one.
submitted by /u/outrageously_smart
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Phantom Lancer Aghs before Diffusal

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:46 AM PST

I have been playing a lot of Phantom Lancer mid this patch at 4k mmr, and I have come to realize just how good the new Aghs is on Phantom Lancer. I believe that it is so good that you get it before your diffusal blade, and that you should just flat out SKIP getting a manta style.
Aghs on PL is great for defending towers and pushing out creep waves. It also lets you farm like a monster. I would also argue that Aghs is better in team fights than Diffusal, simply because it is a strong nuke with a slow on a short cooldown and the fact that diffusal blade got nerfed pretty hard. You can easily get an Aghs at the 22-24 minute mark, followed by a diffusal blade at around the 31 minute mark. It makes you just as strong in team fights, however you get to play it a lot safer, only rushing in when you know that there's no lockdown left (i.e. big AoE stuns or silences).
I also believe that Aghs makes Manta Style obsolete. The main things that Manta provides is: Two illusions for split pushing, and the ability to dispel silences. With Aghs, however, you get illusions that deal 20% more damage (up to 5) that are equally good at split pushing, and it allows you to not have to be in the middle of the fight as well, making it tougher for others to lock you down.
Thoughts, everyone?
submitted by /u/kashiman290
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In ranked all pick, is there a way to tell which team will pick first while bans are happening?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:59 AM PST

won't be home for a while to test so I figured I'd ask in case anyone knows off the top of their head
submitted by /u/Fortune_451
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DK Early Game and Core Items in 7.00

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:03 PM PST

have his early game and core items changed at all? thanks. im still doing treads --> armlet --> bkb. anyone tried MoM?
submitted by /u/Nerva2940
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New player here

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:58 AM PST

So I was looking for a decent competitive game to play and boy did I find one. Maybe just a little too much for a noob starting out.
While it has been a while since Warcraft 3, the hero play is all to familiar to me. So I at least understand that aspect of play.
I've played the tutorials and the bots numerous times but fear going back into the real thing. At this point there is really only so much I can glean from the bots. Yet it's a little discouraging when a few on your team begin jumping all over you. Quit the match, report this guy, ect.
My first 2 matches were ok, there were other new people in there and no serious harassment. But I learned a lot from those matches. Like don't play druid. This took me to watching and reading a bit up more. A lot of the new player guides detail a lot of basic concepts that I understood going in from my w3 days.
And in the end, the only way to get good is to actually play against people that know what they are doing. I can read about strategy and gameplay all day long but reading and actually doing are two separate actions.
So I've decided to go support until I learn the ropes a bit more. Practiced a bit with the lich and really enjoy the fact that it can nuke and support. So a few questions:
  • What are some suggested pure support hero's that are easy for beginners that you here would suggest and why?
  • How should I go about dealing with the harassment I'm likely to recieve? Deserved or not. And should I worry much about threats of reporting?
  • Wards. I was told in the last real match to at least spend my gold on that. Read some guides on warding and the concept I understand. Though it's going to take some serious real practice to do this right. As a new player to it, is this something I should try right at the start or leave it to the more experienced?
  • Suggested items? Scrolls seem important or other items that teleport you from place to place. Healing items of course. The suggested items are nice and all but they don't cover all the consumables available. As a support of course.
  • Any other tips for a noob starting out who understands the concepts and gameplay but needs practice executing all that's needed. I'm no stranger to games with extreme learning curves. Nor do I like losing or performing poorly. Generally my approach to games like this is to fail.
  • I've read a lot of suggestions to play against bots, but after observing bot behavior compared to decent player behavior, it's like night and day. I feel like I do understand the general play and goals and bots aren't going to show me a lot. Beyond them being generally easy to beat and predict. What do you folks think?
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed. Really I don't want to drag a team down (not trying to feed) but I feel like I need to see and experience the play and fail to succeed.
submitted by /u/TheJemiles
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Has anyone been using QE voker with success?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:26 PM PST

I've only played QW since 7.00. I used to play QE explicitly and now I'm kind of missing it.
Anyone been playing it with success?
submitted by /u/I_am_baked
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[PSA/Question] Why don't more people go 1-4-4 on Ogre Magi?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:10 AM PST
I find it puzzling that the majority of builds are simply a question of whether to max Fireblast or Ignite, leaving Bloodlust as the third in priority. However, leveling Fireblast any more than 1 level simply adds 55 damage (110/165/220 depending on whether Multicast happens, but is unreliable), at the price of 10 Mana, without adding to Stun Duration, cooldown and so on. Only Multicast can increase its duration. Since Fireblast doesn't scale well with levels, I always thought that Ignite>Bloodlust>Fireblast would be the best, since the former 2 scale better.
As you can see from the flair I'm noob, but I have a 70%+ winrate in 66 games and it is my best hero. Whenever I see my Ogre Magi teammates max Fireblast first I get triggered, so if my assumptions are right, this is a PSA for people to correct their builds. However, if I'm wrong and just making a noob mistake, please enlighten me.
EDIT: For context, this is referring to support Ogre, maybe carry Ogre wants more nuke damage, I don't know.
submitted by /u/CommunistMountain
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Weaver in 7.00

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:07 PM PST

I've somehow calibrated at 4.6k after playing weaver a fair bit. He honestly seems like one of the better heroes of this patch. My usual build is
Starting Items > Basi > -Armor Orb > aquilla > raindrop > linkens > deso then after that its either maelstrom, dragon lance, orchid, hurricane or daedulus depending on the situation.
I also find maxing E is so much better than maxing Q (after W) cause it just allows for much faster farming.
submitted by /u/3oo3y
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Vengeful Carry, your opinion

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:58 AM PST

Is she a thing now? I really like vengeful but i found her weak as Support in the last patch and in the current.
Yeah she can swap MK out of his ult but... otherwise: Her Stun has high manacosts for her. She has nothing to sustain. She provides no Heal, Slow or Silence and Stun needs lvl up to be very useful.
On the other side... She can make now huge amount of DMG. With shadowblade + Deso i destroy everything with low hp pool or armor. I can pick off easily and in TFS i provide -Armor on multiple enemies + DMG aura , Stun and a Swap.
I personally prefer her on Midlane , but also have sucess as an Duo offlane carrywith something like undying to pressure the enemies. In this roaming teamfight meta she can also do alot due - armor.
Whats ur thoughts?
submitted by /u/Blacksheepwonder
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Can't level up talents? (Rubick bug)

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:33 PM PST

Hi i played a game on rubick yesterday and i skipped my first talent at 10 because i wanted to max out my lift first. Subsequently, whenever i levelled up, i no longer got the option to upgrade my talents. The plus sign on the talent tree did not appear anymore and i could not select it. Tried reconnecting but the problem was still there. Even when i hit the next talent level 15 i still could not level the talents. Anyone knows the reason? Or is rubick really bugged out with spellsteal and talents interacting with each other?
submitted by /u/bwong97
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Why shadowblade on SF?/ 7.00 SF builds?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:18 AM PST

What is with the obsession with shadowblade on SF? I have never thought it fits the hero particularly well but people have insisted on buying it for years. I've always preferred to tank up with s&y etc, not buying into this walk into teamfight and Requiem gimmick. Am I missing out on something?
Also, what do you think is the best build on SF in 7.00 (including talents) ?
submitted by /u/hicksy994
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Morphling - Just discovered the beauty of this hero!

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:03 AM PST

Turns out Morphling is a great hero! Does anyone have any specific tips and tricks or are there certain items I should always be building?
Additionally, is Morphling a decent hero to spam from about 2.7k - 3k mmr? I've only played a couple of unranked games with Morphling so far but he seems like a hero with big outplay potential. However, as an example, there was a recent game where although I went safelane and was doing fairly well, a Clinkz showed up with a super early orchid due to some early feed in the mid lane and they dominated us from there.
Is it better to just stick to a mid hero I'm good at to break through that 3k barrier? Or is Morphling worth a shot?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot :)
submitted by /u/VinuJ
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0-7 with visage send help

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:35 AM PST
so i think my spellcasting and bird use in fights is acceptable/mediocre but my macro play of visage is completely off, also the way i play my early game safe lane control is really poor. Any suggestions? Would love some input from high mmr visage players. If anyone could see my recent replays that would be great.
recent games:
Also it feels like apart from the enormous buffs he received, visage feels really terrible in lane compared to before with the offlane buff which favors more 2v2 lanes, which imo visage is quite bad at fighting strong duo offlanes and relies quite abit on getting some early pulls off
im pretty bad at deciding when and where i should send my birds to split push, and whether to use my birds to follow the team with me farming lanes or vice versa
Anyway im going to be honest here if your a 3k with 500 games and 80% winrate with visage i probably wont read ur wall of text
submitted by /u/ch3rri_
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HoD on Treant

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:31 PM PST

According to dotabuff a treant with HoD wins 64% of games whereas treant with more expensive, more common vlads only wins 62.8%
Any ideas how HoD could be better? Is he using it to stack for his carry? Sneak an alfa wolf to fights?
submitted by /u/RedViperRecords
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