I finally ran out of Pokeballs. I can no longer play this game for free.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:14 PM PST
When the game first came out, there were two stops and a gym right inside the nearby town. It's a small town, so I didn't expect many stops, let alone a gym. I would walk around collecting stuff at the stops a day or two a week and ended up with a hardy sum of PokeBalls and gaining a decent level (21).
Time passed, I didn't frequently check on the game as I did before, but I still opened it up out of boredom in town or at my house to catch a few Pidgeys and the occasional other Pokemon.... Until it happened...
On my way through town I decided to pick up some balls from the stops like I always do. But as I opened it I noticed the stops were missing. The gym was still there... But no stops to get PokeBalls... Huh, weird. Maybe it's a bug? I closed the app and came back next week after I noticed a patch on my phone.
Still gone. I had lost my only way to get free PokeBalls without having to drive and waste gas on a 30 minute trip to the next town. And I'm not going to do that, it's a silly reason to.
So there I was, with only less than 200 varying PokeBalls. I decided to play it out as I got bored. I got the occasional stop from going out of town for the holidays.
But, come today, I used my last one with failure to catch a Pidgey. I'm out of balls. It was a good run, Niantic. You brought me multiple dozens of hours of entertainment for only a few (but rather hastily made) transactions on my part.
Goodbye fellow trainers, and happy hunting.
submitted by /u/Yazkin_Yamakala Time passed, I didn't frequently check on the game as I did before, but I still opened it up out of boredom in town or at my house to catch a few Pidgeys and the occasional other Pokemon.... Until it happened...
On my way through town I decided to pick up some balls from the stops like I always do. But as I opened it I noticed the stops were missing. The gym was still there... But no stops to get PokeBalls... Huh, weird. Maybe it's a bug? I closed the app and came back next week after I noticed a patch on my phone.
Still gone. I had lost my only way to get free PokeBalls without having to drive and waste gas on a 30 minute trip to the next town. And I'm not going to do that, it's a silly reason to.
So there I was, with only less than 200 varying PokeBalls. I decided to play it out as I got bored. I got the occasional stop from going out of town for the holidays.
But, come today, I used my last one with failure to catch a Pidgey. I'm out of balls. It was a good run, Niantic. You brought me multiple dozens of hours of entertainment for only a few (but rather hastily made) transactions on my part.
Goodbye fellow trainers, and happy hunting.
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Santachu Hat Easter Egg
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:25 AM PST
This is a weird, completely insignificant little thing I saw posted on my local facebook group. I haven't seen it posted here yet but I could be wrong.Thank You FrankieTAE!
Turn battery saver on, select a Santachu from your inventory, turn your phone upside down, wait a few seconds, then turn the phone back around.
The hat will do a little twirl.
That is all. Carry on.
Source: TSR
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Niantic officially announces 88billion total Pokemon caught in Pokemon GO so far!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:04 AM PST
[Complaint] "Unpopular" Opinion - My Letter to the spoofers (Warning: Long post, Probable Butthurt for spoofers)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:04 AM PST
Dear Spoofers. This is to anyone who Spoofs in the Game pokemon Go. I know you wont read it all, but I truly hope you do, and if even one of you stops spoofing because of what Ive written, then I feel like Ive done my job.
Ive seen it a few times now. Someone mentions they were "Forced" to start spoofing because of what Niantic is doing and people jump on the band wagon with "Yeah I had to do the same thing." or "Its not that bad really." Every time I reply to those guys telling them to pull their head out of their ass, it attracts downvotes. So I'm going to do this in one big shot, even though its not an "Unpopular" opinion, or at least it shouldn't be but clearly y'all need reminding.
What the hell is wrong with you people?
IT IS CHEATING. Plain and simple. Call a spade a spade. You arent forced to spoof. No one is sitting behind you with a gun to your head saying "if you dont play pokemon go and spoof, I'm going to shoot you and your family" and if they are, they are clearly more bored then anyone has ever been, and mentally deranged. In that case, I hope they get help and you/your family are okay. That said:
IF you do not like the game as it is, DON'T PLAY IT. Quit. Uninstall the game and never worry about "Catching the same stuff over and over" or "Having to grind out levels" again. Go play Sun or Moon. Go Play Pokemon Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black, Black 2, Y or Omega Ruby or any other game in pokemons vast library.
The most common arguments i see are:
/2. "Everyone else already spoofs anyway, i dont want to fall behind."
No we dont. there are plenty of people who still play legit. It may not be week one anymore but I still see people parked near our local hotspots from time to time running lures in their lunch breaks or battling gyms. We have to walk our ass around to hatch eggs. Why are you too good to do that like the rest of us? why do you care so much about a few assholes who cheat getting in front of you that instead of reporting them, you start spoofing too. Do you really want to be an asshole that badly?
/3. "None of my friends play anymore so I just spoof now."
Why is what you do dependent on what your friends do? Sure playing in a group is fun. I miss the early days of the game too. But I'm playing the game for what it is, and you dont need to cheat to do that. If you are trying to find a reason to spoof, You should probably quit you clearly arent interested enough to want to play.
/4. "But players in Big cities get more then I do in my Rural town"
Yeah. This one is a big problem the gap between rural players and Urban players is enormous. However, Spoofing to that big town? That just makes you a dick. Why should you, A rural player get Urban level spawns while the others in your town are stuck on Rural spawns WITHOUT you physically going to a big city for a visit? You are just making life miserable for your fellow small city players.
If you drive to that city for a visit, You've earned the right to have those big city spawns. You've earned the right to get stuff that people who wont leave your town dont have. As long as you play legit when you get back, no one gives a shit. Hell we had a few guys doing twice weekly runs to the coast to get their Gyarados. They spent a few $100 on fuel and a few hours of their lives to do that. They earned it.
The worst part about spoofers is they dont just spoof to get better spawns, They spoof for everything once they start. This means within days they are in every gym in town, collecting 100 coins daily, or spoofing to smaller towns so they can guarantee 10 coins per gym in real small towns because there is nothing that spawns in that town effective enough to kick them out for weeks at a time.
Do you think we like seeing "Oh looks like Insert username here is spoofing around the gyms at the moment. I guess we will wait 30 min - 2 hours for them to log off before we go gym battling again." No, we dont. Its depressing to see people giving up on trying to take a gym because they are kicked out instantly by someone who isn't there, and then they stick pokemon in the gym that 90% of us in rural towns DON'T have optimal counters to.
/5. "I couldn't get a Insert rare pokemon here so I just spoofed to get one. Its no big deal"
Yeah. it is a big deal. Like the last point, You are doing so to give yourself an advantage over your team mates/foes A dragonite in my town is a surefire spot in any gym due to high CP. The only rivals we have that spawn here frequently is Rhydon (Rhyhorn) which has helped close that gap, but it still is a big problem.
As I said above. Ive no issue if people put the time and the effort to go down to the big city and get some rare pokemon. That's fair enough. They are dedicated to being a pokemon trainer, or maybe they just had a short holiday in the big smoke. Whatever the case, They earned their right to those rare pokemon they caught while there.
Sitting on your couch with a beer and spoofing to Central park in New York or San Fransisco Pier? that didn't take any effort. You arent getting off your ass because you are a lazy sod. Or maybe your "broke" and cant afford to drive to the nearest major city.
Save up. Make a family/Solo holiday of it. Get a room, see the sights, maybe catch a live show or something. Make it worth while to go to the big smoke, and while you are there, Get some pokemon.
Thats what I'm doing the instant my car is finally paid off. I'm starting saving towards a Sydney holiday and you can bet your ass I'm gonna have a hell of a time down there. Im gonna visit record stores that sell actual Vinyl, I'm gonna visit comic stores, and eat fancy big city food until I get food poisoning. Ill hopefully time it to catch some of Australia's Greatest hiphop acts on tour, or maybe a touring band in from over seas. Time will tell. But you can also bet your ass I'm gonna be catching a shitload of pokemon. Catch all the things.
/6. "But i cant afford to fly to (Insert country Here) to get the regionals"
Yeah. That does suck. I know exactly what that is like. This is why we are waiting for Trading. So I can trade some of my Kangaskhans for A Tauros, A Farfeched and a Mr Mime. Even so, its really not fair on everyone else who is in the EXACT same suit as you to spoof overseas just to be one step infront of them. Its a pretty douchey move in my opinion.
When are people going to learn its "Pokemon GO" not "Pokemon Stay" Yeah, the game has issues. The Tracker is pretty much useless in some areas, The devs still dont communicate as much as they could and we really need another round of balancing for some pokemon Not to mention the endless sea of 5k eggs gets old for everyone, I GET THAT.
Content wise: Its coming. Be patient. Don't over hype yourselves like its gonna be first week again. Its not going to be. If anything Gen 2 will see a bunch of people quit who dont know these new pokemon and dont care enough to learn them. Genwunners if you will.
Understand that this game doesn't have NPCs. Every other person in a gym is a living person. MOST of us put in the hard yards grinding stardust and levels and candies to get our strong pokemon for gyms. Why are you too good for that? What makes you so much better then us that you feel you've earned the right to do fuck all and get a bigger rewards for it, just because you are willing to break the rules.
If you are spoofing? Quit. Just stop playing. Clearly you arent enjoying the game and you are trying to find the enjoyment you had week one through the use of a 3rd party program/however the hell people spoof.
As to Niantic doing Quality of Life Improvements over Gen2/legendaries/ect - The game is far from perfect. But its 1000% better then it was 5 months ago. Servers WORK when you want them too, you can log in at any time of day and not get "Our Servers are humbled Blah blah blah" Its coming. Be patient. We also do need these quality of life improvements.
I like a good joke/meme at Niantics expense as much as the next guy ("r", "Minor text fixes") but this sub is constantly a cesspool of negativity about the game. Why dont you guys say something positive for a change? Why has it always gotta be negative waves man?
To a lesser extent I count Scanners in this too. early on when there was no tracker but a broken 3 step tracker I used them myself. Since then I learnt my towns spawn points, and do the rounds during the 2 weeks of a new rotation and learn what is spawning where. Ive not looked at a scanner sight in months. While I wont be angry at you for using them as we sill lack a GOOD tracker, its encouraging bots/cheating and I dont agree with that so I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who uses them to give it up.
I know most spoofers have stopped reading at this point and are probably working on some witty retort to reply to me as they downvote me into oblivion. I Know that because if they dont have the staying power to finally be a pokemon trainer in REAL LIFE after 20 years of waiting, then chances are they dont have the staying power to read this short letter which comes out at under 2000 words. I'm surprised they have enough staying power to get out of bed in the morning if they are just going to get back in it again tonight.
So as a final Hurrah lets do the TL;DR: IF you are a Spoofer, You are a Cheater. Don't pretend you are doing it for anything other then your own personal gain. Team Rocket has more spine then you do. At least they admitted they were criminals, Hell they had the staying power to chase the same Pikachu for 20 years. You cant even catch the same pokemon for 6 months.
Know i will call you out every time I see you, and you can downvote me all you like, but you are the one who has to live with the fact you are cheating at a game made for kids.
Never yours .SSF
PS. Please never pass down your cheating ways to your offspring, so dont reproduce.
SSEDIT: its 5 am. i need to sleep. Ill reply to as many later today as i can. Good night.
submitted by /u/ssfgrgawer Ive seen it a few times now. Someone mentions they were "Forced" to start spoofing because of what Niantic is doing and people jump on the band wagon with "Yeah I had to do the same thing." or "Its not that bad really." Every time I reply to those guys telling them to pull their head out of their ass, it attracts downvotes. So I'm going to do this in one big shot, even though its not an "Unpopular" opinion, or at least it shouldn't be but clearly y'all need reminding.
What the hell is wrong with you people?
IT IS CHEATING. Plain and simple. Call a spade a spade. You arent forced to spoof. No one is sitting behind you with a gun to your head saying "if you dont play pokemon go and spoof, I'm going to shoot you and your family" and if they are, they are clearly more bored then anyone has ever been, and mentally deranged. In that case, I hope they get help and you/your family are okay. That said:
IF you do not like the game as it is, DON'T PLAY IT. Quit. Uninstall the game and never worry about "Catching the same stuff over and over" or "Having to grind out levels" again. Go play Sun or Moon. Go Play Pokemon Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black, Black 2, Y or Omega Ruby or any other game in pokemons vast library.
The most common arguments i see are:
- "Niantic is forcing me to spoof because of ________"
/2. "Everyone else already spoofs anyway, i dont want to fall behind."
No we dont. there are plenty of people who still play legit. It may not be week one anymore but I still see people parked near our local hotspots from time to time running lures in their lunch breaks or battling gyms. We have to walk our ass around to hatch eggs. Why are you too good to do that like the rest of us? why do you care so much about a few assholes who cheat getting in front of you that instead of reporting them, you start spoofing too. Do you really want to be an asshole that badly?
/3. "None of my friends play anymore so I just spoof now."
Why is what you do dependent on what your friends do? Sure playing in a group is fun. I miss the early days of the game too. But I'm playing the game for what it is, and you dont need to cheat to do that. If you are trying to find a reason to spoof, You should probably quit you clearly arent interested enough to want to play.
/4. "But players in Big cities get more then I do in my Rural town"
Yeah. This one is a big problem the gap between rural players and Urban players is enormous. However, Spoofing to that big town? That just makes you a dick. Why should you, A rural player get Urban level spawns while the others in your town are stuck on Rural spawns WITHOUT you physically going to a big city for a visit? You are just making life miserable for your fellow small city players.
If you drive to that city for a visit, You've earned the right to have those big city spawns. You've earned the right to get stuff that people who wont leave your town dont have. As long as you play legit when you get back, no one gives a shit. Hell we had a few guys doing twice weekly runs to the coast to get their Gyarados. They spent a few $100 on fuel and a few hours of their lives to do that. They earned it.
The worst part about spoofers is they dont just spoof to get better spawns, They spoof for everything once they start. This means within days they are in every gym in town, collecting 100 coins daily, or spoofing to smaller towns so they can guarantee 10 coins per gym in real small towns because there is nothing that spawns in that town effective enough to kick them out for weeks at a time.
Do you think we like seeing "Oh looks like Insert username here is spoofing around the gyms at the moment. I guess we will wait 30 min - 2 hours for them to log off before we go gym battling again." No, we dont. Its depressing to see people giving up on trying to take a gym because they are kicked out instantly by someone who isn't there, and then they stick pokemon in the gym that 90% of us in rural towns DON'T have optimal counters to.
/5. "I couldn't get a Insert rare pokemon here so I just spoofed to get one. Its no big deal"
Yeah. it is a big deal. Like the last point, You are doing so to give yourself an advantage over your team mates/foes A dragonite in my town is a surefire spot in any gym due to high CP. The only rivals we have that spawn here frequently is Rhydon (Rhyhorn) which has helped close that gap, but it still is a big problem.
As I said above. Ive no issue if people put the time and the effort to go down to the big city and get some rare pokemon. That's fair enough. They are dedicated to being a pokemon trainer, or maybe they just had a short holiday in the big smoke. Whatever the case, They earned their right to those rare pokemon they caught while there.
Sitting on your couch with a beer and spoofing to Central park in New York or San Fransisco Pier? that didn't take any effort. You arent getting off your ass because you are a lazy sod. Or maybe your "broke" and cant afford to drive to the nearest major city.
Save up. Make a family/Solo holiday of it. Get a room, see the sights, maybe catch a live show or something. Make it worth while to go to the big smoke, and while you are there, Get some pokemon.
Thats what I'm doing the instant my car is finally paid off. I'm starting saving towards a Sydney holiday and you can bet your ass I'm gonna have a hell of a time down there. Im gonna visit record stores that sell actual Vinyl, I'm gonna visit comic stores, and eat fancy big city food until I get food poisoning. Ill hopefully time it to catch some of Australia's Greatest hiphop acts on tour, or maybe a touring band in from over seas. Time will tell. But you can also bet your ass I'm gonna be catching a shitload of pokemon. Catch all the things.
/6. "But i cant afford to fly to (Insert country Here) to get the regionals"
Yeah. That does suck. I know exactly what that is like. This is why we are waiting for Trading. So I can trade some of my Kangaskhans for A Tauros, A Farfeched and a Mr Mime. Even so, its really not fair on everyone else who is in the EXACT same suit as you to spoof overseas just to be one step infront of them. Its a pretty douchey move in my opinion.
When are people going to learn its "Pokemon GO" not "Pokemon Stay" Yeah, the game has issues. The Tracker is pretty much useless in some areas, The devs still dont communicate as much as they could and we really need another round of balancing for some pokemon Not to mention the endless sea of 5k eggs gets old for everyone, I GET THAT.
Content wise: Its coming. Be patient. Don't over hype yourselves like its gonna be first week again. Its not going to be. If anything Gen 2 will see a bunch of people quit who dont know these new pokemon and dont care enough to learn them. Genwunners if you will.
Understand that this game doesn't have NPCs. Every other person in a gym is a living person. MOST of us put in the hard yards grinding stardust and levels and candies to get our strong pokemon for gyms. Why are you too good for that? What makes you so much better then us that you feel you've earned the right to do fuck all and get a bigger rewards for it, just because you are willing to break the rules.
If you are spoofing? Quit. Just stop playing. Clearly you arent enjoying the game and you are trying to find the enjoyment you had week one through the use of a 3rd party program/however the hell people spoof.
As to Niantic doing Quality of Life Improvements over Gen2/legendaries/ect - The game is far from perfect. But its 1000% better then it was 5 months ago. Servers WORK when you want them too, you can log in at any time of day and not get "Our Servers are humbled Blah blah blah" Its coming. Be patient. We also do need these quality of life improvements.
I like a good joke/meme at Niantics expense as much as the next guy ("r", "Minor text fixes") but this sub is constantly a cesspool of negativity about the game. Why dont you guys say something positive for a change? Why has it always gotta be negative waves man?
To a lesser extent I count Scanners in this too. early on when there was no tracker but a broken 3 step tracker I used them myself. Since then I learnt my towns spawn points, and do the rounds during the 2 weeks of a new rotation and learn what is spawning where. Ive not looked at a scanner sight in months. While I wont be angry at you for using them as we sill lack a GOOD tracker, its encouraging bots/cheating and I dont agree with that so I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who uses them to give it up.
I know most spoofers have stopped reading at this point and are probably working on some witty retort to reply to me as they downvote me into oblivion. I Know that because if they dont have the staying power to finally be a pokemon trainer in REAL LIFE after 20 years of waiting, then chances are they dont have the staying power to read this short letter which comes out at under 2000 words. I'm surprised they have enough staying power to get out of bed in the morning if they are just going to get back in it again tonight.
So as a final Hurrah lets do the TL;DR: IF you are a Spoofer, You are a Cheater. Don't pretend you are doing it for anything other then your own personal gain. Team Rocket has more spine then you do. At least they admitted they were criminals, Hell they had the staying power to chase the same Pikachu for 20 years. You cant even catch the same pokemon for 6 months.
Know i will call you out every time I see you, and you can downvote me all you like, but you are the one who has to live with the fact you are cheating at a game made for kids.
Never yours .SSF
PS. Please never pass down your cheating ways to your offspring, so dont reproduce.
SSEDIT: its 5 am. i need to sleep. Ill reply to as many later today as i can. Good night.
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What a change........
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:42 PM PST
So, I'll just start. I started playing PGo along with the rest of the world back in July sometime. So I know all about the "Good Times" from the early version of the game. Pretty much played everyday trying to catch 'em all. But for some reason, around the end of September, I just stopped. Saw the app on my phone everyday on my phone and had no interest in opening it, but wouldn't delete it, just knowing I would one day start playing again. Even heard about all the updates {Fixed the 3-step glitch, wild Dittos, Gen 2 is coming, etc.}, and still nothing.
So sometime last week, I opened PGo by mistake. And I immediately saw two new loading screens. First the Halloween theme came up {totally missed out on that}, then it quickly switched to the new Christmas theme, and this was all it took to peak my interest again.
And all I have to say is WOW. PGo is so much better today, then when I stopped playing in September. Just the fact that I can transfer multiple Pokémon at once is mind blowing. Giving out rewards for playing multiple days in a row is GREAT. Got me a DITTO too. I was so excited when a cute little Ratatta turned into a Ditto.
I'm glad I didn't go and fully abandon PGo, and delete it. This is how I imagined this game back in July. Thank You, Niantic.
Cant wait for trading, and more Gen 2.
submitted by /u/WAHI1547 So sometime last week, I opened PGo by mistake. And I immediately saw two new loading screens. First the Halloween theme came up {totally missed out on that}, then it quickly switched to the new Christmas theme, and this was all it took to peak my interest again.
And all I have to say is WOW. PGo is so much better today, then when I stopped playing in September. Just the fact that I can transfer multiple Pokémon at once is mind blowing. Giving out rewards for playing multiple days in a row is GREAT. Got me a DITTO too. I was so excited when a cute little Ratatta turned into a Ditto.
I'm glad I didn't go and fully abandon PGo, and delete it. This is how I imagined this game back in July. Thank You, Niantic.
Cant wait for trading, and more Gen 2.
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[Discussion] If you mention temperature you should put a C or F at the end of it.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:58 PM PST
Not only does it cause a lot of confusion when you just say it's 30 degrees, but it might as well be a rule to actually enforce it.
submitted by /u/PokemonGO_____ [link] [comments]
[Idea] The Pokédex should show the biome the Pokémon spawns in.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:01 AM PST
Similar to location and habitat from the original games. It should say which biome the Pokémon belongs in. This will allow us to better locate Pokémon and understand the biome we are in. I think this will make the game more immersive without making it easy.
submitted by /u/Andrewrost [link] [comments]
[Humor] Tree ripened PG Backpacks
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/irotih [link] [comments] |
[Discussion] New tracker needs 'No Repeat' tweek
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:02 AM PST
Just like the old tracker and even the gold, nostalgia encrusted 3step tracker. They eventually had only one of each type shown.
I'm by spawns that give rares a couple times a week. But now all I see all day long is http://m.imgur.com/tQjdOU2
The rares are probably still there, but now I can't see that I should go find them.
submitted by /u/ladygreyultima I'm by spawns that give rares a couple times a week. But now all I see all day long is http://m.imgur.com/tQjdOU2
The rares are probably still there, but now I can't see that I should go find them.
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[complaint] update 0.51.0 breaks the app
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:37 AM PST
As mentioned, installed update on an lg g4 and it keeps freezing right after the christmas loading screen, any1 with same experience or got a quick workaround for it?
Phones PoGO app isnt working for;
Edit2: added affected phones
Edit3: no idea why this is getting downvoted...
submitted by /u/RedPoGoMaster Phones PoGO app isnt working for;
- lg g4
- some samsung note 5's
- nexus 6p
- samsung note 3
- some samsung s6's
- reboot. No succes
- removing app and reinstalling. Succes for 1 session
- emptying cache. No succes
- stopping all other running apps. No succes
- turning gps off and on during boot. No succes
- gps off untill fully booted. No succes, froze on boot
- wifi only boot. No succes for me, succes for s7
- data only boot. No succes
Edit2: added affected phones
Edit3: no idea why this is getting downvoted...
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First time this has happened to me, has something like this happened to you?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:38 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/clydesdale24 [link] [comments] |
Fun Fact: Incense still works while driving
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:22 AM PST
I tested this the other day and found that Incense will still spawn Pokemon for you at the regular 1 minute interval while driving, as it did before.
Apparently you can only play Pokemon Go while driving if you can pay for incense? Is that the message we should be getting from Niantic?
submitted by /u/Crossfiyah Apparently you can only play Pokemon Go while driving if you can pay for incense? Is that the message we should be getting from Niantic?
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Infinite. Use. Incubators.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:39 AM PST
Niantic. EVERYONE still playing is more than willing to invest in an incubator that wont expire after 3 measly uses.
I spent $5 on incubators & exhausted them all to turn up none of the new pokemon. I don't want a handout - the rarity isn't inherently a bad thing I just don't find this (something I've wanted long before Gen 2) unreasonable.
submitted by /u/Cyae1 I spent $5 on incubators & exhausted them all to turn up none of the new pokemon. I don't want a handout - the rarity isn't inherently a bad thing I just don't find this (something I've wanted long before Gen 2) unreasonable.
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Running low on revives? Here's what I've been doing.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:57 PM PST
This might be pretty obvious, but as I level up I leave my Pokemon a few power ups short of maxed out. By now you probably know that Powering up a Pokemon revives it with minimal HP (1-3) so you can save yourself a few revives here and there and still battle gyms if you're completely out.
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Is anyone else feeling burned out?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:32 PM PST
I've played this game very heavily since launch, and while it's been one of my most enjoyable gaming experiences in years, it's starting to wear really thin for me.
Even catching the same old things for weeks upon weeks, it was always fun... battling gyms, improving my pokedex, and gathering stardust - everything felt meaningful up until the last few days.
I feel less inclined to get out and walk around to hatch eggs and catch pokemon, and I've even stopped opening the app at home to check the nests around my apartment. Wherever I go, it's always the same lame pokemon and I haven't seen anything semi-rare in weeks that hasn't run within a couple ultra balls. It just feels like there's no more progress to be made, and there's nothing exciting anymore.
I loved the halloween and thanksgiving events, but the christmas update left me feeling incredibly underwhelmed. It seems that if Niantic couldn't add anything useful in this update (holidays are a huge time of the year to hype anything) then when can we expect any meaningful content to come out?
Trading, player battles, team rocket, legendary birds, mewtwo, gen2... there are so many things that could be added to this game, but for some reason, they haven't. It's been over 5 months since launch and I just cannot understand how with the amount of money that is being generated by this game, these things cannot be implemented. The game was bare-bones when it released, and the only additions to it have been quality of life improvements and band-aid fixes to keep players around for the short-term.
In summary, I feel like this game could be so much more, but I've just gotten burned out doing the same old things over and over. I REALLY want to keep playing because I love this game, but Niantic is giving me no reason to.
submitted by /u/Durgenheim Even catching the same old things for weeks upon weeks, it was always fun... battling gyms, improving my pokedex, and gathering stardust - everything felt meaningful up until the last few days.
I feel less inclined to get out and walk around to hatch eggs and catch pokemon, and I've even stopped opening the app at home to check the nests around my apartment. Wherever I go, it's always the same lame pokemon and I haven't seen anything semi-rare in weeks that hasn't run within a couple ultra balls. It just feels like there's no more progress to be made, and there's nothing exciting anymore.
I loved the halloween and thanksgiving events, but the christmas update left me feeling incredibly underwhelmed. It seems that if Niantic couldn't add anything useful in this update (holidays are a huge time of the year to hype anything) then when can we expect any meaningful content to come out?
Trading, player battles, team rocket, legendary birds, mewtwo, gen2... there are so many things that could be added to this game, but for some reason, they haven't. It's been over 5 months since launch and I just cannot understand how with the amount of money that is being generated by this game, these things cannot be implemented. The game was bare-bones when it released, and the only additions to it have been quality of life improvements and band-aid fixes to keep players around for the short-term.
In summary, I feel like this game could be so much more, but I've just gotten burned out doing the same old things over and over. I REALLY want to keep playing because I love this game, but Niantic is giving me no reason to.
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[Humor] Waiting for the Christmas event announcement is getting frustrating now.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:17 AM PST
New notification: Pokemon Go added a new post.Me: Wow finally!
Checks the first two lines on the post about walking.Me: Maybe this event is about walking shorter distances with egg!
Starts reading the post, mostly about walking records.Me: Okay... maybe at the end they will mention something.
Finished reading the whole post.Me: ...
Niantic: lol.
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Successful evolve. Moves to match. (wipes brow)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:45 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/thumper2011 [link] [comments] |
The Silph Road Needs Your Help!!!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:25 PM PST
so i applied a custom decal skin on my Go+
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:47 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/kentnek [link] [comments] |
It took me a while, but I finally caught all four Legendary Birds!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:58 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MustachioEquestrian [link] [comments] |
What if all the Pokemon we see in the wild are just other players' transfers being put back in the wild. Which is why we see so many Pidgeys and Rattatas. And that one Charizard you see, is because someone, somewhere, made a horrible mistake.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:19 AM PST
What i'm guessing this sponsorship stuff will turn into, in a few months.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:39 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/zynthesis1981 [link] [comments] |
I hatched 4 bellsprout today. Is anyone else sick of 5km eggs?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:42 PM PST
This is the strongest Pokemon I've seen so far. Caught it in one ultraball. What's the strongest you've seen?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:58 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Rookking [link] [comments] |
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