Showing posts with label Tinker. Show all posts

Tinker Dagon - Ethereal Blade vs. Scythe of Vyse - Shiva: When and Why?

Dagon and Ethereal Blade

DagonDagon and Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade are good on heroes who like burst damage and have magic damage to benefit from the Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade pickup. That said, an Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade by it self is good enough in most cases. DagonDagon is a very hero specific pickup despite it looking like a generic item.

How to counter Tinker Dota 2?

Initial thoughts

  • Pugna's ward - destroys Tinker if ignored, but getting in a situation to actually use it in a 5v5 teamfight is hard
  • Silences. But this won't matter if you don't have initiation/can't see him because he's in the trees
  • The only viable way I see to play against a hero with ridiculous turtle, amazing comeback potential, flash farming and damage... is to actually shut him down early
  • Vision heroes. Beastmaster, maybe even Night Stalker with Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter.
  • Quick blink initator
  • Avoid pubs for a month/play Captain's Draft

How do I play carry with a tinker on my team?
 How do I play carry with a tinker on my team?

When I'm playing a hard carry, I do great in my farm and last hits until Tinker finishes his Boots of TravelBoots of Travel's, and for the rest of the game I find myself starved for farm since Tinker is pushing out every lane, and when there are farmable creeps, the rest of the team jumps in with me trying to get some farm for themselves too. Is there anything I can say to theTinker , or do better to find farmable places?

Tinker Build Guide Ganker Dota 2 6.81b

Tinker is a ranged intelligence hero. He is a pusher,nuker,ganker. He can carry his team with right items too

Imagine a hero who can be everywhere on the map, can push non stop, can defend his towers anytime, can disable & nuke people to death, can help his allies to heal them & get their items by using his Boots of Travel. He can do everything in the game there are no limits
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