Some Tips to play Tinker Dota 2 

Tinker who relies heavily on his assortment of nukes for ganking and pushing. While he does have rather low stat gain, he is able to reset the cd on his abilities, which in conjunction with Boots of TravelBoots of Travel gives Tinker global mobility rivaled only by Nature's Prophet, which combined with his two high damage nukes

You should max out Laser first

Laser is an extremely powerful nuke that ignores magic resistance. Use it as primary source of damage.
If there is only one opponent on your lane, you should max out Laser first, as it deals high damage per mana cost compared to heat seeking missle. The blind effect should never be underestimated as it gives 100% miss chance for a short while.

Spam a barrage of heat seeking missiles as to harass

Heat-Seeking Missile has a really long range. With  Rearm, you can spam a barrage of heat seeking missiles as to harass enemy heroes.

March of the Machines is a perfect farming tool

March of the Machines is a perfect farming tool. It's a bit tricky to aim though. You can overlap several March of the Machines using  Rearm to deal massive area of effect damage.

Bottle is a great item to Tinker

BottleBottle is a great item to have on Tinker, even if you're not laning in middle lane. It decreases the time you're in the fountain and increases the time you can stay out of base.

Stack commands by holding shift

You can stack commands by holding shift to prevent unintentional Rearm interruptions. The Tinker will perform stacked commands right after finishing Rearm.

Core Item : Boots of Travel

Boots of TravelBoots of Travel is a key item on Tinker. Used in conjunction with  Rearm, it allows you to teleport around the map quickly.

Tinker Farm everything on the map

Once the Tinker gets Boots of TravelBoots of Travel and Soul RingSoul Ring, start teleporting back and forth between lanes and fountain to farm everything on the map. Try not to steal farm from other heroes on your team that may need it.

Stacking the ancient camp

Then taking it out with March of the Machines can provide significant gold income for Tinker. Teleport near the camp a few seconds before xx:53 so you can stack it in time.

Blinking immediately after teleporting

Getting either a Blink Dagger Blink Dagger or Force Staff Force Staff, or both is a wise decision after getting BoTs, Soul RingSoul Ring, and BottleBottle. Blinking immediately after teleporting should prevent any attempted ganks, and March has enough range to farm a wave even if you blink into trees. Force Staff Force Staff provides 10 intelligence, but not quite as strong of a repositioning tool.

Not always best to level up Rearm at levels 6

It's not always best to level up Rearm at levels 6, 11, and 16. At level 6, if you don't have Boots of TravelBoots of Travel or a Soul RingSoul Ring, you won't have the mana to sustain  Rearm. It's usually best to pick up your ult once you've gotten Boots of TravelBoots of Travel or can clear out stacked ancients with March of the Machines + Soul RingSoul Ring Rearm.

Good way to get the last 1000 gold to get Boots of Travel

This is usually a good way to get the last 1000 gold to get Boots of TravelBoots of Travel and get a level or two. For levels 2 and 3 of  Rearm, consider how large your mana pool is before adding the point.

Tinker Combo

Participate in ganks whenever you get a chance. "Heat-Seeking Missile, Laser, Rearm combo" should be enough to finish off any fleeing enemy early-mid game.

Always kill enemy silencers and disablers first

Always kill enemy silencers and disablers first because they can ruin your spell combos.

Tinker can permanently disable and kill enemy carries in the late game phase

The Tinker can permanently disable and kill enemy carries in the late game phase. Simply repeat "Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse, Heat-Seeking Missile , Laser Rearm" cycle till your target is dead. Make sure you have sufficient mana pool and you're performing everything quick enough.

Tinker Combo with Ethereal

Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade is also a very useful pick-up on Tinker. Although it counts more as a luxury than anything else, it will amplify the effects of DagonDagon and Rockets (but not Laser, since it's pure damage) by 40%, making them do 1120 and 455 damage (when fully upgraded). Few heroes in the game can withstand a combo of Missile, Ethereal BladeEthereal, Laser, DagonDagon, Rearm and repeat. Timed properly, the combo (fully upgraded with 125 int, after 25% magic reduction) does 1842.5 damage.

Tinker is extremely mana-hungry

Be careful when you use your spell combos as the Tinker is extremely mana-hungry. A few Laser and you will quickly find yourself without mana if you're saving up for Boots of TravelBoots of Travel or Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse

Disable auto attackers

When facing auto attack-heavy heroes such as Lone Druid and Ursa, it may be wise to build Heaven's Halberd. In conjunction with Laser, you effectively can disable auto attackers up to 6 seconds for melee heroes and 7 seconds for ranged heroes. Adding Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse up on this brings a disable of 9.5-10.5 seconds. Using  Rearm properly allows you to completely shut down certain heroes.


When the Tinker acquires Boots of TravelBoots of Travel and has enough mana to Rearm and withdraw, he is able to confuse opponents because his pushing ability forces the opponent to defend their towers and he's just able to "Lane-Fountain-Lane", again and again.

March is an extremely powerful counterpush tool

March of the Machines is an extremely powerful counterpush tool and can be used to stop a push by yourself by casting it with  Rearm.

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