Street Fighter Ultimate humiliation

Ultimate humiliation

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:46 AM PST

Gangster Doodles SF II sketch

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:28 AM PST

Juri and Blanka-chan

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:40 AM PST

My first comeback ever from a near perfect match :'D

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:58 PM PST

Blanka in a nutshell...

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:05 AM PST

My friend is obsessed with Blanka. She drew him in different style a while back.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:07 PM PST

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition for PS4 - $29.99 at Amazon

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:56 AM PST

I just love these top quality art from the SF II comics

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:26 AM PST

This “Blanka Costume” is NOT what it seems...!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:40 PM PST

A new age of Blanka gimmicks

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:37 AM PST

Blanka takes over official Street Fighter Twitter account

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:28 AM PST

Third Strike art by @kanzukiryuu

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

SFV:A, can I unlock the S3 characters?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:47 AM PST

Hi, thinking about buying Arcade edition for Ps4 in the sale, is there a way to unlock S3 characters in the game or can I only get them by buying the S3 package?

submitted by /u/Lavio00
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Every possible punish for LP/EX Blanka Ball as every character in the game

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:40 PM PST

Blanka is here, and the relentless ball attacks have been a staple of his playstyle forever. The LP and EX versions push him very far back and can be hard to punish - Here's how to do it with every character. If it says "Inconsistent" under it that means you have to block the ball point blank or the punish will likely not reach. Blocking it while standing also makes these punishes more consistent. I'll be giving the input for specials after the name of them, in case you don't know the names of moves (as I don't, I had to look up the majority of them)


  • Forward Dash > Standing LK (Shoryuken will whiff here, to convert you must use LK/MK/EX Tatsu, EX Hadouken or CA)

  • VT1 Active - EX Hadouken(QCF+P)

  • MP/HP Shinku Hadouken(QCFQCF+P)


  • Forward Dash > Standing LK (Inconsistent)

  • EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku(QCB+K) (Inconsistent, but slightly more consistent in V-Trigger 1)

  • VT1 Active > EX Shoryuken(DP+P) (Inconsistent)

  • Critical Art (Inconsistent)


  • Spinning Back Knuckle(fwd+HP) (Inconsistent)

  • Sonic Move - Hide(neutral HP+HK with VT1) > Crouching HP

  • EX Tragedy Assault(DP+P) (Inconsistent)

  • Stealth Dash > Justice Shell (HP+HK > K in VT2) (Highly inconsistent, timing is awkward)

  • Critical Art


  • Crouching HK

  • MK/HK/EX Double Knee Press(charge back-forth+K) (HK is inconsistent, but more rewarding)

  • Psycho Crusher(HP+HK with VT2 active) (Inconsistent)

  • Psycho Judgement(HCB+K after landing VT2 command grab) (Cannot land Hell Attack afterwards)


  • Forward Dash > Crouching MK (Inconsistent)

  • Dash > LK/EX Hyakuretsukyaku(QCF/Mash+K)

  • Critical Art


  • MK/HK/EX/VT1 Spiral Arrow(QCF+K)

  • Critical Art


  • HK/EX Kanzuki-Ryu Hokojutsu Seppo > Tenko (QCF+K>P) (Tenko must be delayed, easier to time with EX)

  • HK/EX Kanzuki-Ryu Hokojutsu Seppo > Orochi (QCF+K>down+P) (Easier to time than Tenko, but less rewarding)

  • Hold V-Skill

  • Guren Ken(QCF+P in VT1) (inconsistent, only last hit+followup will connect)

  • Critical Art


  • MP/EX Bull Head(QCF+P) (LP Bull Head can connect while in VT1)

  • EX Bull Horn (hold+release P)

  • Critical Art


  • EX Shooting Peach(QCF+P) (Inconsistent, last hit will always whiff)


  • Buster Claw(forward HP with claw on)

  • Crouching HK

  • Forward Dash > Crouching LP

  • Vtrigger 1 Activation

  • Critical Art


  • Cannot punish on block, has to absorb ball with V-Skill and dash>st.LK


  • Standing MP

  • Standing MK

  • Standing HP

  • Standing HK

  • Jumping LP (lol)


  • EX/VT2 Eagle Spike (QCB+K)

  • V-Reversal > Standing MP/Standing HP (Must V-Reversal almost immediately after blocking)

  • Forward Dash > Crouching LK (Inconsistent)


  • MP The Disc's Guidance (charge back-forth+P)

  • VT active > Forward Dash > st.LP (can only connect EX Valiant Rebellion(QCF+K) afterwards)

  • VT active > Neutral/Forward V-Skill

  • Critical Art


  • MP/EX Bolt Charge(QCF+P)

  • VT1 Active > Critical Art (must be manually timed to hit as Blanka lands)


  • Crouching HK (inconsistent)

  • Nirenko(df.HP) (inconsistent)

  • EX Sotoja(charge back-forth+P)

  • V-Reversal > Any button (Must V-Reversal almost immediately after blocking)


  • MK Slash Elbow(charge back-forth+K)

  • VT1 Active > Sledgehammer(HP+HK)


  • EX Sonic Boom(charge back-forth+P) (Inconsistent)

  • Critical Art


  • HP/EX Kunai(QCF+P) (use MP+HP for EX Kunai, explosion afterwards is inconsistent)

  • EX Raida (Inconsistent)

  • Neutral Vtrigger 2 Activation

  • Critical Art


  • LP/MP/HP/EX Dash Straight(charge back-forth+P)

  • LK/MK/HK/EX Dash Grand Blow(charge back-forth+K)

  • LK/MK/EX Screw Smash(DP+K)

  • Critical Art


  • MK/HK/EX Chariot Tackle(charge back-forth+K) (MK is inconsistent, but can combo into cr.LP on hit due to spacing)

  • Neutral Vtrigger 1 Activation (only works with 1st mirror)


  • LK/MK Ryodansatsu(QCB+K) (LK is inconsistent)

  • Forward dash > Standing LP/LK (inconsistent)

  • Critical Art


  • Critical Art

  • VT1 active > Shun Goku Satsu(LP>LP>forward>LK>HP)


  • Forward Dash > Standing LP (Inconsistent, can only combo into EX Parabellum, becomes much more consistent and allows more combos with VT2 active)

  • EX Parabellum(QCF+P) (Last hits will whiff and you'll be punished - do not use this)

  • VT2 Active > Frost Edge(HP+HK) (works with dash version too)

  • V-Reversal > Standing HP (Must V-Reversal almost immediately after blocking)

  • Critical Art


  • Forward Dash > Standing LP (Inconsistent, no follow-ups reach)

  • V-Reversal > Standing MP

  • Critical Art


  • Crouching HK (Inconsistent)

  • Critical Art


  • Soul Sphere: Ankh(QCF+P with orb out) (Only works if the orb is positioned right behind Blanka)

  • Soul Spark (DP+P) (Only works if the orb is out and near Blanka, but has a wide radius)

  • Critical Art (Inconsistent)


  • Forward Dash > standing LP (Inconsistent, cannot combo after)

  • MK/EX Bushin Gram - Koku (QCF+K) (MK is inconsistent)

  • VT1 active > Idaten(HP+HK) > slight delay MP>MK>HP>HK>HPHK(could not find another string that worked)

  • VT2 Activation (HIGHLY inconsistent, only managed to land it 3 times in training)


  • Crouching HK (Inconsistent)

  • LK/MK/HK/EX Hayagake > Ashikari(QCF+K>MK)

  • EX Hozanto

  • VT1 active > Idaten(HP+HK) > slight delay MP>MK>HP>HK>HPHK(could not find another string that worked)

  • VT2 Activation (HIGHLY inconsistent, only managed to land it 3 times in training)


  • Forward dash > Standing LK


  • HP/EX/VT1 Rolling Attack(charge back-forth+P)

  • Amazon River Run(down-forward+HP) (inconsistent)

  • Critical Art

If there's any I haven't found, let me know in the comments!

submitted by /u/SHINX_FUCKER
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Countering V-Reversals with V-Trigger Activations - Abigail

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:21 AM PST

Anyone else is mildly disturbed by SF5 Blanka's behavior?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 12:53 AM PST

Not talking about him as a function, just his appearance and behavior.

I remember Blanka from SF2 and Alpha 3 as being moderately civilized monster-man with enough savagery to give him "cute" label.

Especially how he used to pop out of truck with watermelons, have comedic cameos in other characters' intros or endings.

In SF5 he acts and roars like green Abigail.

submitted by /u/VerminatorX1
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Gotta Go Fast

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:36 PM PST

Street Fighter Art by Gangster Doodles

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:18 AM PST

Blanka matchup (as Zangief) discussion

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:20 AM PST

After doing dozen of matches against Blanka, here's what I've found out about the matchup

  • Blanka is pretty quick on its feet: be careful of its step? or dash? that can close distances pretty quickly. f.HP and cr.MP seemed to work pretty well against it and to a certain extent, lariat too.

  • its rolling LP is actually pretty slow and you can punish it when it's coming with lariat. You have to be quick at the reaction though.

  • the character model is a bit misleading when it comes to its hurtbox: several times I was pretty sure my SPD LP or EX would catch him, only to whiff because he was too far. So be sure to be closer than you are used to when doing a 'long range' SPD

  • be careful of its -> electricity frame trap, I couldn't punish afterwards (even with cr.lp) - in the corner it is pretty efficient

Other Zangief players, please share what you've found that works and doesn't work, let's not get bullied by Blanka :)

submitted by /u/JLGW
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I used that new NSFW Mika SFVAE art on a Qanba Obsidian stick

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 03:40 PM PST

Just another day in Laura Land

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:43 PM PST

Fighting Games and Single Player

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:19 AM PST

Hello! Ive been a fan of fighting games and particularly street fighter since playing CvS2. I should note that I neither had access to online or a big fighting game scene at that point in time. I didnt really have access to a fighting game online until Super Street Fighter IV, and by that point I knew I was shit. I mention all of this to give some context for my outlook: I love playing fighting games in singleplayer. I find online still stresses me out, as I assume that Im facing someone much better than me (Im still learning to do some basic cancels, despite having played for years). All of this being said, I find people constantly hating on playing the arcade and singleplayer modes for fighting games. I'm just posting to show there are some of us who like that content! Im loving the arcade modes in SFV.

TL,DR: playing fighting games single player can be a really good time for some of us.

submitted by /u/Bigboss92
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[/r/psychology x-post]: "Merely Watching Others Perform Can Foster an Illusion of Skill Acquisition"

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:33 PM PST

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